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News Item1/29/13 4:54 PM
Kyle | Tucson  Find all comments by Kyle
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Well said, Mr. B. At least the Philistines were honest about why they would not allow Israel to have blacksmiths. They didn't try to say that it was to curb sword violence.

News Item1/29/13 7:07 AM
Kyle | Tucson  Find all comments by Kyle
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I have never dropped my gun and shot anything, but somehow I'm being disadvantaged because someone else did? Look, if you don't like guns, don't buy one. It is impossible to vote to take away rights. That's like voting to change skin color. What you're taking about is "infringing" on the right.

It bothers me that you'd be voting by feeling, not fact.

News Item1/28/13 5:19 PM
Kyle | Tucson  Find all comments by Kyle
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AJP Taylor wrote:
If your quotation is correct they could not possibly have already had the right. Their former colonial government ("almost every other nation") having previously taken that right away. It would need to be expressly restored.
I suspect Madison was prone to hyperbole.
I don't think you understand what a "right" is. By your logic, universal gravitation didn't exist until Newton.

News Item1/28/13 5:12 PM
Kyle | Tucson  Find all comments by Kyle
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You have the right to protect yourself with a gun at home, but you lose that right when you walk outside? What kind of logic is that?

There will always be careless people. The world is not perfect. I fail to see how some woman's carelessness constitutes due process against anyone else.

News Item1/23/13 10:20 AM
Kyle | Tucson  Find all comments by Kyle
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Will McDonalds pay me if they get the calorie count wrong? Isn't that just as much false advertising?

News Item1/23/13 10:16 AM
Kyle | Tucson  Find all comments by Kyle
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Heart's deceitful wrote:
The U.S. has 300 million lethal weapons. One for each man, woman and child. No doubt, people will surely die.
Gun Ownership + Total Depravity.
We're idiots if we think this is a good idea.
What you're advocating is a prisoner's dilemma with 300 million players. We're idiots if we think THAT will work out.

News Item1/23/13 7:06 AM
Kyle | Tucson  Find all comments by Kyle
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protect them wrote:
The proof of the premise is to be seen at Sandy Hook.
Prevent these massacres of children by removing the guns from the shopping centres, or continue to allow these slaughters by your current moral standards. One or the other!!
False dichotomy and an error of fact! My moral standard does not allow for cold blooded murder.

Sandy Hook proves that humanity is fallen. I also have the right to keep and bear, but I haven't killed anyone. You must consider me a ticking time bomb, eh?

News Item1/21/13 10:27 PM
Kyle | Tucson  Find all comments by Kyle
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protect them wrote:
The Right to bear arms of necessity includes the right of some to annihilate 20 six year old kids.
To remove the one necessarily requires the removal of the other. Both originate in the same initial human conviction.
Your non-sequitors never cease to amaze me. And it's gun owners who are said to have an irrational fear.

Martin, that argument will fall on deaf ears. To the gun grabbers on this forum, you are now an anarchist.

News Item1/21/13 6:42 AM
Kyle | Tucson  Find all comments by Kyle
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It wasn't required for me, so it is at least no longer required reading.

News Item1/21/13 12:17 AM
Kyle | Tucson  Find all comments by Kyle
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Thanks for validating my thesis.

News Item1/20/13 11:40 PM
Kyle | Tucson  Find all comments by Kyle
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I would just look it up. I don't have the definition memorized.

When gun grabbers talk about a "civilized" world not needing guns, they usually mean some utopian view in which 6,000 years of human history is somehow recently overturned. It's basically modernistic hubris. If you're saying we don't need guns because humanity has organized itself into functional groups, that's really a non-sequitor.

Yes, I, as a Christian, believe God ordains government. You're getting dangerously close to another straw man.

News Item1/20/13 9:35 PM
Kyle | Connecticut  Find all comments by Kyle
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False - the normal state of affairs is clearly seen when restraint is removed. The world is not civilized, because the individual is not civil without restraint.

If civility were the norm, government would not be necessary. Progressives always seem to be befuddled when the laws they advocate based on their model of "normal" produce contrary results, and their solution is usually to enhance the bad policies and make the problem worse. It's like a pilot who flies into a cloud, can't see the ground, and continues to apply the wrong command inputs.

It's evil to force a man to be defenseless, whether you do it yourself or if you do it through your government. Casting a ballot in support of taking away another man's rights is just as evil is clubbing him over the head yourself. You're a perpetrator in either case, but doing it through government saves you the difficulty of feeling guilty since the man in the dark colored costume with the pointy hat does it for you.

For the record, a straw man argument is a made-up version of an opponent's argument that can easily be defeated. In your case, you refuted an argument for anarchism. Since I was not advocating anarchism, it was a straw man argument. To make an error of fact (I'm not conceding that I did) is not a straw man.

News Item1/20/13 9:12 PM
Kyle | Connecticut  Find all comments by Kyle
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This story is just more proof that suppression of the right to bear arms is cultural, not Biblical. If the headquarters of Mormonism and Catholicism were swapped, the Vatican would vehemently oppose any such usurpation of it's member's rights.

News Item1/20/13 9:08 PM
Kyle | Connecticut  Find all comments by Kyle
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Nobody is leaving religion. They're all CHANGING their religion from theism to atheism.

News Item1/20/13 5:11 PM
Kyle | Tucson  Find all comments by Kyle
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Kenny, the principle you cite is just as valid at Dairy Queen or at Applebees at noon as it is inside my big wooden box at 2:00 in the morning. That is why I DO go about carrying a gun. Even if I had no such obligation, i would still have the right to do so if I choose.

Does my obligation to provide for and protect my family stop at my front door? Then why should my right to possess the means to provide equivalent protection do so? Are the police going to provide the same level of protection? If not, then all forbidding me to be armed in public accomplishes is victimizes me without making the perpetrator suffer a bruised conscience.

Gun control is just the contemporary expression of the evil human nature that seeks to control other people's lives.

News Item1/20/13 4:56 PM
Kyle | Tucson  Find all comments by Kyle
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Lawyer, you're doing the same thing others have done here. Because the modern day expression of the principle is different than what the expression was when it was last written down, the principle is said to be inapplicable today. Others have used that argument to say that the second amendment applies to only flint locks. Hogwash.

Salesman, your rebuttal leads me to believe that you don't know what a straw man argument is. Get a dictionary. The world is not civilized. If post-Katrina New Orleans or post-earthquake Haiti is not proof of that, then you're blind.

Your fear of armed neighbors is culturally driven not Biblically driven. Don't mix the two.

News Item1/20/13 2:17 PM
Kyle | Tucson  Find all comments by Kyle
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Salesman, please drop the anarchist straw man. I'm not against having laws.

Yes, it's legal where I live to own and carry guns. It's even legal to do so without asking the government for permission. Owning weapons is not evil. Killing, except in very limited circumstances, is evil.

Yes, possessing weapons is a human right Whether or not the government in a particular place suppresses it is not relevant. Would I do it if it were not legal? That's a tough question. I am not ready to answer that. Was it legal when Jesus told his followers to buy a sword?

News Item1/20/13 12:12 AM
Kyle | Tucson  Find all comments by Kyle
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Protect them, the world is not "civilized", and it will never be. Anyone who says differently is selling something. The implicit arrogance pouring out off that statement is annoying.

I will continue to own and carry my gun, which is my right as a human (not just an American). Please, by all means continue to turn your nose up at me all you like. When the man wearing the orange wig enters through the emergency exit, I'll respect your objection to my being armed.

News Item1/19/13 4:24 PM
Kyle | Tucson  Find all comments by Kyle
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Mike, point taken. The Federal government has no legal right to have anything to do with public school, except by a laughable stretching of the commerce clause. It's a state government issue.

Yes, the first amendment is a restriction on government, but the public schools are government institutions, albeit illegally so.

If we're gonna fight government encroachment, let's be fair about it.

News Item1/19/13 10:45 AM
Kyle | Tucson  Find all comments by Kyle
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The public school is funded directly by tax dollars. I think the school has a point. The signs are an endorsement of religion.

That said, I don't think they are really interested in purging religion. I'm sure they will continue to enforce atheism without batting an eye

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