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News Item1/5/13 11:57 AM
Randy | Scottsdale  Find all comments by Randy
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But slowly and quietly a revolution is taking place. A growing number of prominent evangelical theologians and pastors are beginning to speak in favour not just of tolerating gay men and woman, but preaching that they should be welcomed and recognised as good moral Christians
That's an oxymoron ,you can't be a good moral Christian and be an openly practicing homosexual.
Jesus didn't condemn the prostitute,he just said go sin no more.
We are all sinners and fall far short of the glory of God. Until we as Christians start calling sin for what sin is we are increasingly being the salt that is good for nothing but to be trampled apon.

News Item12/17/12 3:06 AM
Randy | Scottsdale,Az  Find all comments by Randy
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My sympathies for all the people that lost loved ones in Newtown.
However I have trouble with the double standard in this country. Innocent killing is sanctioned in Washington through endless wars on innocent people. Our society sanctions the murder of innocent unborn babies by the millions. We live with killing 24 hours a day by our media through cartoons and through shows that glorify killing.
Further more we kick God out of our institutions from Gov to schools and wonder why he's not protecting us.
The hypo racy of our culture is appalling and quit frankly disturbing. Any sane person can see the seeds have been sown and the crop is ripe for harvest. One final thought! Who cries for the innocent people Americans have killed around the world...Who!

News Item12/17/12 3:01 AM
Randy | Scottsdale,Az  Find all comments by Randy
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My sympathies for all the people that lost loved ones in Newtown.
However I have trouble with the double standard in this country. Innocent killing is sanctioned in Washington through endless wars on innocent people. Our society sanctions the murder of innocent unborn babies by the millions. We live with killing 24 hours a day by our media through cartoons and through shows that glorify killing.
Further more we kick God out of our institutions from Gov to schools and wonder why he's not protecting us.
The hypo racy of our culture is appalling and quit frankly disturbing. Any sane person can see the seeds have been sown and the crop is ripe for harvest.

News Item10/31/12 11:15 AM
Randy | Chicago Area  Find all comments by Randy
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David Green and his family continue to set a great example that we all should follow. Praise God for generous hearts.

Giving is an incredible double blessing (more blessed to give than to receive) and he is wise to not hoard the riches that God has entrusted to him. It's great to be challenged with how he does his giving while he's living and equally good to know that even after his death many others will be impacted for the kingdom with plans for unprecedented gifts once he's in heaven.

Isn't it great to see #79 of the Forbes 400 provide such a God honoring public testimony? If men and women like Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Larry Ellison, Charles and David Koch, the Walton's, Michael Bloomberg, Jeff Bezos, Sheldon Adelson, Sergey Brin and Larry Page, and the atheist George Soros would repent, turn of their ways and follow the one and only true Saviour; imagine the worldwide impact the testimonies and resources of these and others could do. Maybe they will read David's story and God will use that to soften their hearts.

As I write these comments it is a reminder for me to pray for salvation of men, do the best I can to be a good steward of the resources to which I am entrusted and to be a great Ambassador for Jesus Christ.

I hope they do the same for you.

News Item10/22/12 12:58 AM
Randy | Alberta, Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Randy
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When right becomes wrong and wrong becomes right than society spirals down into the gutter.

Sermon8/14/12 1:07 AM
Randy | Alberta, Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Randy
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Love your insights on Paul Ryan. Unfortunately I think Ameeican is solidly down the socialist mentality road of give me give me and sense of entitlements thinking. I personally think your going over the ecomic abyss, how ever I hope and pray I'm wrong.

News Item8/5/12 2:56 PM
Randy | Chicago  Find all comments by Randy
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The church gets its funding from generosity, like many charities. To whom much is given much will be required.

Sermon1/16/12 7:48 PM
Randy | Maryland  Contact via emailFind all comments by Randy
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(This sermon is no longer available)
“ Great Sermon! ”
what a wonderful message. I understand what you are teaching and it makes perfect seance.

News Item1/16/12 2:05 PM
Randy | Phoenix  Find all comments by Randy
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If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion is vain. Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. James 1:26-27

The problem isn't religion, but with the man who practices it. If it is pure and undefiled before God it will reflect the purity of God's word as it reflects the exhortation, in spirit and truth, found in Romans 12:1-2. It will be found to be abiding in Christ as the Lord himself teaches us in John 15.

The issue comes down to what religion are you following: Is it that religion which is according to the flesh, after the traditions of men? Or is it that religion which is through the Spirit, according to the word of God? Is it that religion which causes you to grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?

News Item1/14/12 8:56 AM
Randy  Find all comments by Randy
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Why I Left wrote:
Sorry: I didn't realize this was a Catholic Non Catholic debate thread. I thought it was about Rob Bell.
But then again, no matter what the News Topic is, it imediatly turnes into a denomination debate, or a bible version debate.
Have fun guys. Nothing has changed here in ten years.
I don't blame you for giving it up. I tried to adrees it myself. But you will find that most of the usual posters are either unwilling, or incapable of staying with the topic. They will defend their disorders, and demonize your determination. Pretending that they are far above your small mindedness, they will insult you. Having some freedom to travel, it's amazing how someone's tone changes when you show up at their doorstep wanting to discuss the matter on a Mt. 18 basis

News Item10/20/11 8:27 AM
Randy | Chicago  Find all comments by Randy
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My son led our neighbours boy to the Lord several weeks ago. Was his conversion genuine? Only God knows the heart.

News Item10/19/11 11:29 PM
Randy | Kansas  Find all comments by Randy
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Paul didn't organize a march on Rome.

News Item9/15/11 3:17 PM
Randy | Phoenix  Find all comments by Randy
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"When you read the Bible (especially Genesis), do you read it as if it's a news article or as rich instructive literature?"
When I read any part of the Bible, including Genesis, I read it with the mind that it is God's word. That if I hope to comprehend it, it must be by the same Spirit that inspired it to give me a heart to understand it. Thus to trust in, and in trusting seek the Lord for his wisdom in it, and not to lean on my (i.e., man's flawed imaginations of what is logic and reason) own understanding is the course best set for those who would know and comprehend the word of God.
It would be kind of odd to take a genealogical record of someone and say that they are all historical characters, except one. Which one of those listed in Genesis 5 is to be taken as a literal person? Which person then taken as literal is said to be born of non-literal person? Just Adam?
What is actually amazing is all the scholars who don't appear to see the obvious: what should we call all those who born from the first man, who God named Adam? Perhaps we might call them after their first father-Adam. Maybe its something to obvious for scholars to comprend, but that only children would understand.

News Item9/7/11 7:48 AM
Randy  Find all comments by Randy
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StrainAtA GnatAndSwallowAcamel wrote:
What? you didn't know Psalms vs. Hymns relate to the Death Penalty?
Bible versions, Denominations, and where you shop also have a direct bearing on the subject.
Unless; people have gotten caught up in defending their hobbyhorses. Na! S/A posters are too smart for that.
Obviously they are not listening to either of you. They remind me of two dogs in the middle of a busy road, fighting over a bone.

News Item8/11/11 11:08 PM
Randy  Find all comments by Randy
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Bibliophile wrote:
I (and all Catholics I know) concur with this quoted verse. I'm saved by the grace of Christ alone. The only good thing I have or do is by the grace of Christ alone. How can I conjure up any goodness at all unless Christ, Himself, is either in my heart or has put that good in me?
In fact, this is a prayer that Catholics have prayed for centuries:
"""So. Baptist Leader Commends Obama's Ramadan Dinner as Lesson in Pluralism"""

You know you have something in common with Jim Lincoln. Both of you are obssesed with turning Every thread into you hobby horse. Jim with his turning every thread into version debates, and you with turning every thread into pro catholic anti protestant debates.

What is even worse, is that you have gotten a lot of commenters that usualy stay on track,as off topic as you.
These good people should frankly just ignore you when you take these threads and make them your hobby horse. An heritic after the first and second admonition reject.

Back to the Topic:Land's approach is wrong.

News Item7/17/11 8:37 AM
Randy  Find all comments by Randy
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What's next? Stealing is not sin. Those who arrest thieves are Cletptaphobic.

Or Adultry is not sin, and those who leave the one commiting adultry are Adultraphobic?

News Item7/11/11 11:12 PM
Randy | Indiana  Find all comments by Randy
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highflyer wrote:
I do believe that the bible teaches homosexuality is sin but I guess none of you fellows ever have been tempted and failed with with sex sin of any kind. Yeah right. The Christian church seems to be hung up on sex sin more than anything else. Funny how all I ever hear at church is about porn or homosexuals and adultry. I am well aware these are sins but so are unjust wars were peoples bodies are blown apart, so is covetousness but I never hear the preacher talk about the CEOs and their outrageous salaries while they offshore American jobs for cheap labor abroad. Hey how about some corrupt politicians you know republicans instead of just Obama and the democrats. This is personal with me, I have a teenage boy who has battled with same sex attraction since he was about twelve years old. I don't know if he will ever see things different, I hope he does. [QUOTE]Hey; if you can point to another sin, it cancells the first one out right.
Thou shalt not commit adultry; unless you can find someone commiting murder.

Also; it's sin, unless somonme in my family does it.

Well guess what? I used to commit a lot of fornication, sell drugs and break all kinds of laws. I WAS WORNG, and sinning. But God forgives sin. He doesn't excuse it.

News Item7/10/11 11:55 AM
Randy | Phoenix  Find all comments by Randy
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Anyone who lived before 1516 were saved the same way that anyone has been saved; even those who lived before Christ was crucified: The just have always lived by faith. From Abel, to Enoch, to Abraham, to Moses & Aaron, to David, to the prophets, to the apostles, to the early 1st century church, and on to the last of God's saints.
The just do live by Christ Jesus who is the Author and Finisher of faith, who has always been the Rock of salvation for all of God's people. From Alpha to Omega, the Beginning to the End.

News Item7/8/11 8:42 AM
Randy | Indiana  Find all comments by Randy
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Another example of Dumbing Down. They better put every written document on digital, or if the entire system crashes, no one will be able to read things such as The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, or letters from relatives, ect.

And to think we used to be one of the states with a fine education system.

News Item6/14/11 2:02 PM
Randy  Find all comments by Randy
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Bob the Baptist wrote:
Guess I need to read the article again. Seems like I missed all the Quaran/ Islamic refernces in the article.
Here I thought it was about Southern Baptist, Baptisms and Decline.
That's because you are not as smart as many of these posters.

They can go from Baptist to Christianity in general. Then from Christianity to Islam. From Islam to Mecca. Then from Mecca to the Middle3 East. From the Moddle East to the Far East, where Buddhism is prevalant. And after all, Buddhism and Baptism start with the same letter. So now, the artice becomes the comparison and contrast between Buddism and Baptist. See how smart I are.

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