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News Item2/23/10 2:30 PM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
but I even suspect they might be based on the AV!
but surely Jim the chinese will have a translation from the original english bible !

News Item2/23/10 1:43 PM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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jpw wrote:
Many so-called Christians would forego the Christian mandate to compassion and loving your neighbor and instead blame the victims of ill health and say the person deserved it or didn't have enough faith---because, Benny Hinn said that if you have enough faith, God is going to give you that easy road!!
yeah i was talking about this to a pentecostal recently, they said faith came from you i said that is wrong it comes from God and what they had was a poisonous works religeon, anyway they wouldnt change their mind or submit to the scripture i gave them

News Item2/23/10 1:08 PM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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Frank Dombrosky wrote:
Well said, Moderator Alpha. I'm sure our brothers and sisters in the Lord in China would agree with you.
how do you know that ?

News Item2/23/10 6:18 AM
princecharles | anglesey uk  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by princecharles
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Roger wrote:
It is very discouraging that the same couple of people monopolize these forums. My self, as well as others are in all liklihood hindred from posting here. It could be a great forum!
This is a great forum and the only one i go on !

I dont think you are correct to say a couple of people dominate here , there are a number who post more than others from time to time and people come and go but there is nothing stopping anyone else doing likewise.

I would say generally people on this forum are quite knowlegable and will have carefully considered positions so its a good teaching resource but it can be a cruel place for the careless ! (I know !) and most of the people and sermons are reformed so if one is not of that persuasion it could be off putting

News Item2/23/10 5:22 AM
princecharles | anglesey uk  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by princecharles
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John UK wrote:
There is more to this than meets the eye, Charles.
oh yes totally john, i was googling the (1593 ?) act of settlement today and came across the blog of archbishop cranmer quite interesting vis our discusions on anglicanism

i didnt find the act of settlement btw, the one where the queen promises to furthur the gospel ? If you find it can you give me the link ? Id like to print it on my special color printer and put it up in the house also the shorter WCF

News Item2/23/10 3:35 AM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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Guinness wrote:
If you compare it to a person taking on a mortgage at a salary multiple of 3 over a 25 year term, the following is an exhaustive list of countries that we can reasonably expect to pay their debts as they come due:-
ha ha thanks !

News Item2/22/10 4:58 PM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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Neil wrote:
SJ John, that's great, but remember that we still have plenty of [URL=]]]Undeveloped Domestic Oil Resources (DoE)[/URL] of around 400 billion bbls, if only they[it?] could be extracted & refined competitively & w/ less hindrance from Earth worshippers.
those scientists and their inventions whatever next - how does one become a media 'scientist' or doyou just have to work in some kind of lab ? maybe just posessing a white coat is sufficient - perhaps with the odd bunsen burner mark on it and one of those 'safety glasses'

do people in america think that america is going to go bankrupt ? or do they think other countries will ?

id be interested to know what people thought no one i talk to here in UK really seems to have an opinion

News Item2/22/10 4:49 PM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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John UK wrote:
Far be it from me to confuse any eternal soul with arguments produced by filthy lucreists, whose only desire is to sell more books and make more profit. $$$$$££££££££££
steady on john dear boy

still and all it is heartbreaking to experience the universal acceptance of the NIV its inescapable.......or is it ?..............have i missed the obvious ? have i missed the wood for the trees ?......I know this may seem bizarre but what about the anglicans ? surely they might be expected to use the KJ ?

News Item2/22/10 4:43 PM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
J.C. Ryle, and some others may very have well been Christians, but as,
you are right in so far as calvinism was removed from the anglican church and Ryle was in the anglican church but his outlook was soundly calvinist

for instance his view on evangelism was that the church was not called to convert the world but to bring in the elect and be a home to them

you might say that with regard to the anglican churches present apostasy that the difference between ryle and his companions and the rest of the AC could be seen today in the difference between conservatives and liberals only of course to a greater degree of downgrading

that being said i meet the occasional conservative AC man the church still contains some sound believers even young ones

News Item2/22/10 4:38 PM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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Whale In The Desert wrote:
Charles you have not left much room for the Stamp.
sorry but its all ive got left !

News Item2/22/10 1:36 PM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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Neil wrote:
Pardon me, but who here made the self-contradictory claim that "all Bible versions are the same?" I could not find that anywhere in this thread.
check the post :::

''anyone got any more out of context 'profound'quotes they have heard lately from people who are painfully evidently NOT in the habit of reading their bible every day (or listening to SA )here are a few''

News Item2/22/10 1:12 PM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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Trumpton wrote:
The most tiresome is that 'all Bible versions are the same'.
yeah good one, when people say things like that you can instantly know three things for sure.

1. They dont read the KJV
2. They dont care
3. They dont spend much time talking to the unconverted

cos atheists know somethinng that lots of christians dont know

All Bible versions cannot be the same !

Creation matters !! If creation is wrong then atheists are right !

If evoloution is right then christians are wrong !!

If the bible is wrong on any significant point such as 6 day creation or the genesis flood then christians can forget about the authority of scripture Jesus and the ressurection

Atheists know that evolution is a central doctrine of atheism all the while christians are uninterested or antagonistic toward creation which is a central doctrine of christianity

How naive and foolish can you be !!!!

God is about to vomit the UK church forth, he is using the gays and atheists to do it, this kind of church richly deserves judgement

He will do it for His names sake and his glory because the UK church mocks God

News Item2/22/10 12:38 PM
prince charles | wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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Trumpton wrote:
If he is so perceptive , ask him about the Pope and Benny Hinn too. And what time my tea will be ready
Ha Ha, yes my friend is willing to believe almost any profesion its all very encouraging if you like that sort of thing

The queer thing is that amongst our reformed brethren you are likely to be the recipient of raised eyebrows and caution warnings for quite minor appearances from the norm - for instance liking fred phelps is a worry for my reformed friends and will earn you the 'many shall come to me ' admonition yet the likes of BH just dont get a mention which person i think the pasage is more apt, not to say (in case there are any more arminists out there) that i sit in a sermon and think the sermon applies to everyone else but me ! another tired churchianity cliche - anyone got any more out of context 'profound'quotes they have heard lately from people who are painfully evidently NOT in the habit of reading their bible every day (or listening to SA )here are a few

'judge not lest you be judged'

'Jesus forgave the woman at the well you know'

Jesus couldnt perform miracles in nazareth because there wasnt enough faith :

News Item2/22/10 11:36 AM
princecharles | anglesey uk  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by princecharles
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the shame of it, i have a retired pastor friend who insists obama is a christian !! ill have to ask him about tony blair.

this is the judgement of God on the UK church which has failed in the last 50 years in its historical duty

out of this will come a new church - those of us that still have faith must be ready in the uk

News Item2/22/10 10:47 AM
princecharles | anglesey uk  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by princecharles
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Steve Middleton wrote:
Woe to you!!!!! You will be judged the same way you have Judged Benny Hinn. In Christ, Steve
ughh an arminist infiltrator !

This brethren is their favourite subject the 'judgementalism ' of others whilst they themselves LEAP to judgement and no matter how many times i have witnessed this phenomena the novelty never wears of the slipstream effect of determinate hypocrisy allied with tranparent shortage og basic bible discipline is a wonder

in this case

1. The indignant judgement call that B H is a saved regenerate christian (snicker chortle !)

2. impudently judging others for simply excersing something called.....discernment - something the average arminist is incapable of excercising due to their sloppy doctrine

then carries by ignoring biblical teaching regarding our future work of judgement, that we are to judge teaching, that to Jesus has all judgement been given

Ha Ha benny Hin is gonna judge the angels !! i think not

BH is making his election and calling sure !!! Ha Ha

BH is working out his salvation with fear and trembling...oh no i cant carry on my sides are starting to hurt and i cant see the kebroard for the teiaars

News Item2/22/10 3:39 AM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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Mike wrote:
I don't know about that, prince. Don't we get plenty of practice being ridiculed right here on SA, by our brethren? We should be battle ready! Unbelievers are mere amateurs!
you are not joking !! in my own very limited experience i have found almost all atheist/ infidel quite willing to accept my insane young earth, genesis flood, no evolution paradigm even when i can see they find it quite astonishing they are polite not even smirking and quite happy to discuss it.

ditto, my reformed doctrine, sovreignty and election often makes sense to them within the creationist paradigm

almost all mockery and impudence and hardheartedness on these issues has come from christians !

News Item2/21/10 5:21 PM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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Trumpton wrote:
Maybe we have much to learn from past generations of believers
Yes but thankfully Gods elect have been present throughout even from the first century in this country and through all the error of the centuries it hasnt made any difference to His sheep.

We have sunday with no television or computer games but we can do Gospel related things on the computer, this has had interesting results ! Its beneficial as we have to change our focus for the day and have new better habits. Its just a start but we cant carry on being worldly

We have a weekly Bible group which meets mostly at our house and we even have our own minister but more needs to be done.

Some time ago i went to a talk by a liberian pastor and as he talked about his work i realised that we in the west were spiritually destitute compared to them, the things he related were astonishing even tho they experienced tremendous poverty and difficulty. It made me fear my present comfort and my eternal destitution.

In the the UK the church is asleep, complacent, lazy, wells without water, clouds without rain dumb dogs which cant bark, confined to barracks and afraid to confront the world with its sin, afraid even of a little ridicule and i count myself among them !

News Item2/21/10 2:21 PM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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Trumpton wrote:
It is a good work, but what about the ordinary man in every town and village in the UK. Obviously there is a calvinism which is evangelistic.
But sending missionaries to other countries without sending them to our own streets first?
oh yes totaly, to me 'calvinism' and the doctrines of election and grace are the best kind of evangelism but of course it needs to be properly understood and is in any case little more than an exposition of Pauls Gospel

Churches should be making disciples of believers and fitting them for work - this just does NOT happen

typically believers are left to themselves to become equipped with knowlege, a once weekly sermon of sometimes dubious value and a once weekly bible study does little to systematically equip a new believer

there is no systematic approach or interest in the task.

Its not possible to evangelise competently from such a low knowlege base

But the main problem you mention is that the majority regular man in the street is ignored, he is unaware of the true gospel and only haers the occasional apostate on the media

we have to approach this within the 'greek ' culture by reclaiming the creation and the authority of scripture, Gods revelation to mankind

News Item2/21/10 12:11 PM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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Trumpton wrote:
Rather tis a return to 'the old paths'
i was confusing afffirmation 2010 with the CW SOF
yes i think i see where you are going, a living calvinism, rejoicing as i do in the doctrines of sovreignty and election rather than giving a kind of assent ? I have noticed this a kind of reluctance a nod, which i find disapointing.

I misunderstood the statement mistakingly perceiving it as a criticism when in fact if anything its a criticism of a lukewarm approach to the doctrines ?

I have read J C ryles the old paths and i liked it a lot and i would model my ideas on his statement.

as you say a return to calvinism and the AV just for the sake of it as a response to the present situation would not be fruitful.
It should be because the individual(s) love the wisdom of God as revealed in the teachings

im reading ezekiel at the moment which is making me think about true and false teaching which saddens the elect and does not warn the lost

Ezek. 13:22 Because with lies ye have made the heart of the righteous sad, whom I have not made sad; and strengthened the hands of the wicked, that he should not return from his wicked way, by promising him life:

News Item2/21/10 8:22 AM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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Trumpton wrote:
Time to make a vocal defence of the OLD PATHS and that includes the old faithful Protestant Ecumenical Bible text
Have you siggned that Affirmation 2010 yet
mmm thanks trumpton, i like their adherence to the AV thats very important the way i feel at the moment i cant commit to a church which uses anything else this has become the main issue and using satans masterpiece the NIV is universal

theres nothing about election in their statement of faith and the 2010 whilst i agree with most of it, follows the fashion of taking an obligitary poke at 'calvinism' (just to keep everyone happy ?)

Its hardly a fresh start

CW does not seem to have the presence of CV but CW do appear to be concerned with their bible version more than CV so that could be important long term

Ill listen to some of the audio files on the CW site and phone them during the week

A satellite version of the met tab in london would be good but they wouldnt have anyone that hadnt been to their bible school i suspect.

its hardly knee jerk john myself and others i know have had years of being misled by mainstream NIV churchianity if there was any chance of being content within existing churches wed take it but they are finished

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