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News Item7/26/14 4:59 PM
Nat | Australia  Find all comments by Nat
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Sounds abit like Eastern mysticism to me. Yes he probably took them in a trance to a higher plane and they met a bunch of demons posing to be Angels. Very common are these out of body experiences to those who practice satanic practices. That would be my best guess of their so called heavenly experiences. None can see God and live

News Item7/22/14 7:33 AM
Nat | Australia  Find all comments by Nat
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The amazing thing is that God was still glorified in my friends death. When the media covered the story they looked up his Facebook page which was full of Christian quotes and Bible verses. They referred to him as a devout Christian man and even friends that were interviewed were able to say on the news how he had everlasting life because of his Christian faith.
That makes me happy because he truly was a God fearing young man!

News Item7/20/14 10:02 PM
Nat | Australia  Find all comments by Nat
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One of our good friends was on that flight. It is devastating! a kick in the guts. I saw him Only a month again and he was so excited about this trip of his! But he was a Christian and the amazing thingis that we have a hope. A hope in eternal life and seeing our dear loved ones again.

News Item7/16/14 12:42 AM
Nat | Australia  Find all comments by Nat
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I'm not saying we should pat them on the head and tell them it's Ok.
We have to be more compassionate in our approach knowing what had happened was a big cause for it in the firstplace. They are deceived souls who need to be shown the light of truth with love. Truth without love is as useless as love with no truth.
We need to CARE about the lost. And tell them of their destructive lifestyle.

News Item7/15/14 11:17 AM
Nat | Australia  Find all comments by Nat
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Make sense? That is why they get so mad when you tell them that Gay is wrong. Coz they have believed the lie that they are born Gay and since it becomes the essence of who they are you are attacking them on a very very personal level. It is so vitally important to have living heterosexual parents. I think half the time we don't realise how blessed we are. This issue in society is actually just a direct result of broken down society and it will continue to break until people stand up and stay fighting for their marriages and families.
Satan is on a war path and it's rocked society to its core. .. literally

News Item7/15/14 11:11 AM
Nat | Australia  Find all comments by Nat
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Hi Chris! I recently listened to a sermon regarding homosexual marriage. . And chip ingram made some crucial points regarding homosexuality being a sign of broken society which is a sign of broken families and marriages. There is a high percentage of homosexuals who have been abused either physically, sexually or emotionally. Yes not all have been abused but if you look at society and how much is degraded plus with the rise of broken families and increased number of abuse going on is no surprise. I work as a nurse and Icome across all sorts of people. You see they aren't born Gay. There have been studies that have proved that and even Gay scientists agree with that statement. But they truly believe that is who they are that is how Satan has deceived them. They are told that's is the essence of who they are as a human being and they believe it with all their heart because it's easier than to face the reason for their sexual deviation which is generally abuse. An absent father, or a disengaged father or overbearing mother can also cause massive disruptions is the psychological development of a child. And it is not always abuse but just a dad who doesn't care or is absent. Some kids turn to drugs and alcohol in response and some kids experience attraction to the same sex. Does that

News Item7/13/14 4:23 AM
Nat | Australia  Find all comments by Nat
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These so called homosexual Christians are people who are hurting inside. They are broken. And only God can fix them. But they need to allow God to heal and change them to truly find peace. Not to push their political agenda of discrimination. Oh how Satan had deceived them. They truly believe they're right. We should be praying for all these broken and hurting people

News Item6/23/14 8:32 PM
Nat | Australia  Find all comments by Nat
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I'm not sure what I think of a pastor who does Bible studies in his speedoes and in locker room full of naked men! Everyone should have a sense of humor but it seems abit too. ... cringe worthy

News Item6/13/14 3:03 AM
Nat | Australia  Find all comments by Nat
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I love reading chick tracts :-)

News Item6/10/14 8:12 AM
Nat | Australia  Find all comments by Nat
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I agrees. I have seen kids grow up in church learning how to talk the talk and walk the walk but never being regenerate and never understanding the true meaning of sin and grace. And I think it comes down to how parents teach them about the gospel.

News Item6/10/14 8:05 AM
Nat | Australia  Find all comments by Nat
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I understand why you would say that Chris. It is difficult to hear of torture of children and women and men and not to get very angry. It is Satan's doing and they have become his vessels to find pleasure in the hurting of the innocent. It takes God's merciful grace to open upthe eyes of sinful men. .. Even such as I to bring them to salvation. Apostle Paul used to be just as bad in his zealousness. He even called himself the chief of all sinners and it took God's grace for him to see that. We must pray God opens their eyes for they think they are serving God with such deeds. May God grant even the evilest of them repentance and salvation.

News Item6/10/14 12:02 AM
Nat | Australia  Find all comments by Nat
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I think we have no right to call any human an animal as we are made in the image of God. No matter their religious disposition. You have to understand that we are all evil in nature and it is the grace of God that opens our eyes to our sin.

News Item5/29/14 2:29 AM
Nat | Australia  Find all comments by Nat
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Good on him. And now that he's gone public. .. There will be more pressure that he fails. May God give him strength to stand strong

News Item5/22/14 9:12 AM
Nat | Australia  Find all comments by Nat
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Thumbs up to Jules and stever

News Item5/21/14 5:02 PM
Nat | Australia  Find all comments by Nat
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That's where you will get self righteousness. Because they will say well I'm not as bad as him coz I don't lie with a man. Jesus had to spill His blood and suffer and die on the cross for all sin. The small and the great. In effect all sin has the same value.

News Item5/20/14 8:15 PM
Nat | Australia  Find all comments by Nat
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Though the activist homosexual movement in politics is birthed by Satan and needs to be stopped at all costs if Christians are to maintain their liberty.

News Item5/20/14 8:13 PM
Nat | Australia  Find all comments by Nat
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I'm not saying to water down the gospel and not talk about sin. It is important to talk about sin otherwise there can't be real rebirth. I'm saying to talk the truth in love. If you care about sinners you can't not tell them about the immediate effects of homosexuality or the eternal effects. But I know of Christians who bark the 'you are going to hell'at them without telling them the grace and love of God of how to escape eternal damnation! But at the same time entertain other sinners which they find aren't as repulsive to them. We need to speak the truth in love and without partiality. Love With no truth is as dangerous as truth with no love.

News Item5/19/14 7:06 PM
Nat | Australia  Find all comments by Nat
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I think we do need to be compassionate with homosexuals. It is true. .. alot of the time they become the way they are from an absent father, a distant father, an abusive father or relative. And Satan deceives them so much they truly believe they are born that way. That's why they get angry when we say they aren't. Homosexuality is a result of broken families. When the family unit doesn't do what a family unit should do as is said in scripture. .. Then this is a direct result. Some suffer from drugs, some from alcohol, some with promiscuity and the latter with homosexuality. We need to understand the issue and talk to them as to a human. Treating them like dogs is wrong. Otherwise you'd have to do the same with all the other people who live with each other before marriage. You can't condemn one sin and tolerate another. Listen to chip ingrams message on homosexuality on living on the edge. Org. Very insightful

News Item5/7/14 8:11 PM
Nat | Australia  Find all comments by Nat
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Yep Anne. Our church still practices head coverings. There had been lengthy searches done to determine whether it is a spiritual passage or a cultural one and we believe that it is spiritual. The Corinthians were gentiles just as we are. Paul even writes that it is a sign for the Angels. He doesn't really go into detail as why but apparently the book of Elijah. Which I haven't read, one of the books not put in the Canon explains this verse abit. I haven't looked into it as I think there is enough evidence to back up the need for head coverings for women. Although I don't think one is going to hell just because they aren't wearing them. It's a question of obedience to scripture and to God.

News Item4/8/14 5:01 PM
Nat | Australia  Find all comments by Nat
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Has anyone read'the kneeling Christian' by unknown author who is supposed to be praying Hyde?
He has some good points on prayer and their power.
God indeed is sovereign but He actually cares what we think! :-)
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