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News Item8/23/16 12:01 AM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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This is a tragic story ––– NO, IT IS BEYOND TRAGIC...

I pray God will heal her life, surround her with goodness and love!!! In Jesus Name, A-men.

News Item8/22/16 4:43 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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News Item8/20/16 12:14 AM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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If Republicans just go along to get along between now and the time Obama leaves office we are going to witness some unbelievable wild and crazy things taking place in a short amount of time ––– Obama wants to make his contribution to America's demise by a 1000 cuts...

Republicans best be on their Guard!!!


IT'S A ""BIG"" MISTAKE to handover control of the Internet to the international authorities ––– ––– I don't recognize the international authorities as having any authority here🚫

News Item8/19/16 11:00 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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KK to the Pinhead Princeton University HR Department –––
"MAN" have you people lost your cotton pickin minds??? –––
Every one of you need to resign from your position at the University and let some individuals with more than "mush" for brains replace you

This is just stupidity gone to seed... ––––

If I had the money I would prayerfully seek God's guidance to buy all of the colleges that were historically Christian colleges and I would fire all the liberals working there, which is just about all of them, and I would replace them with Christian Educators... There would be no way they would graduate from any of the colleges WITHOUT KNOWING THE TRUE GOD/CHRIST CENTERED HISTORY OF AMERICA!!! –––– Then I would buy ABC, NBC, CBS and others ... fire all those liberal blabber heads and replace them with true reporters (reporters that report the news, giving the facts of each story –– not their personal opinions) ––– It would be about informing the public –– allowing them to think on their own once again –– It's all about giving people the tools to make informed decisions...

People have been so dumbed down through the years...

News Item8/19/16 9:15 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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Jim Lincoln/Nebraska

Let's not forget idiot boy Al Gore said: "I created the Internet"

Remember that??? ––– Kinda makes you think of Hillary Clinton and her recollection of being under fire when she got off the plane ––– She said: I remember landing under sniper fire –– we had no greeting ceremony –– and we were basically told to run toward our cars –– Now, that is what happened. ––– THAT IS WHAT HAPPENED??? ––– That was one big fat fabricated lie –––– I just think crazy/lying/idiocy runs rampant in the Democratic Party...



People must apply "clear critical thinking" to this situation –– IF Americans will do this, Trump will be elected –– because the alternative is unthinkable...

There are a large number of people that are so emotionally tied to the Democratic Party –– these people are incapable of critical thinking ––– these people have mentally sold out to the Democratic Machine and they do not realize that their Democratic "Comrades" have been incrementally feeding them the rope they perceive as an aid to climb up –– but that rope is really a noose meant to hang them and posterity with...


News Item8/19/16 7:40 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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How about the Democrats fighting to overturn voter ID laws

If you drive a car you have to have a drivers license –– if you go to the post office to pick up your mail from a postal worker behind the counter you have to produce picture ID –– "if" you go and buy alcohol they will request to see a picture ID (I have witnessed this just standing in line at the grocery store) ––– BUT THE DEMOCRATS DON'T WANT "PEOPLE" TO SHOW IDENTIFICATION WHEN THEY GO TO VOTE ––– ––– NOW WHY DO YOU THINK THAT IS⁉️⁉️⁉️ –––– It couldn't be so they could commit fraud the way they did when they got Obama elected could it???

I honestly believe they have conducted investigations into VOTER FRAUD and have not released their findings because they're afraid of what Americans might do –––

I remember some time back there was a report concerning VOTER FRAUD that took place –– it was something to do with convicted felons going to the polls and voting illegally for "Osama Obama" –– and you better believe his disbanded "Acorn" Community Disorganizers were hard at work shuffling people around to vote multiple times at different locations without having to produce any ID whatsoever ––– I honestly believe fraud is what got him reelected

News Item8/18/16 2:30 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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We already know Obama is the type to throw the baby out with the bathwater ––– Republicans need to put a stop to this immediately!!!

News Item8/17/16 8:24 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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There are quite a few confused and deluded people throughout this country who find it all too easy to blindly follow after a reprobate like Hillary Clinton ––– Just look at her marriage ––– LAUGHABLE – TRAGIC – PITIFUL – A SHAM – A CRYING SHAME –––– They value power above all else ––– TRUTH AND FIDELITY ARE A FOREIGN CONCEPT TO THEM – JUST AS GOD IS ––– I truly feel sorry for their granddaughter… –––

Hillary and Bill Clinton really are despicable people ––– neither one of these individuals ever had a moral compass that was intact...

Anyone voting for someone with the character that Hillary Clinton possesses should ask themselves this question: "What does it say about me that I would vote for a DIRTY LOWDOWN NO GOOD LYING, CHEATING, MORALLY BANKRUPT, COMMUNIST AT HEART like Hillary Clinton who would go through life dragging around a despicable degenerate ball-and-chain like Bill Clinton???"

What in the name of all the demons of Hell is going on… ––– We all know the old saying ––– BIRDS OF A FEATHER WILL FLOCK TOGETHER


Wake Up Folks!!!

I hope everyone has noticed Hillary has had nothing to say about our almost $20 trillion of debt … Because she's just going to add to it

News Item8/17/16 6:18 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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Monday afternoon, House of Representatives Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) and Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) sent a letter to U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia Channing Phillips.

Exerpts from The letter from Congress to U.S. Attorney Channing D Phillips ––


(1) Contrary to her sworn testimony, Secretary Clinton sent and received emails that were marked classified at the time.


(2) Contrary to her sworn testimony, Secretary Clinton's lawyers did not read each email in her personal account to identify all the work-related messages.


(3) Contrary to her sworn testimony, secretary Clinton used several different servers and numerous devices to send and receive work-related emails.


(4) Contrary to her sworn testimony, Secretary Clinton did not provide all of her work-related emails to the Department of Justice.



Now we have to see what comes of this –– I really don't have much confidence in our judicial system anymore

News Item8/17/16 4:12 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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GSMontana wrote:
......................................Cognitive Dissonance
_________________________ I reckon so –––

News Item8/17/16 2:54 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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GSMontana wrote:
KK wrote:
I just don't understand how people blindly follow people like Obama and Hillary Clinton ––– it's just plain stupid and ignorant – – – you can listen to Hillary's talking points and it's just a repeat of all the stupidity Obama was spewing…
Their decision is grounded in emotion rather than reason. Party loyalty, free stuff, etc...
Thanks GSMontana

Yes, I understand it's party loyalty, free stuff, etc... –– it's all about the exploitation of a large swath of the American citizenry ––

I just really can't reckon it in my heart how (or why) people could/can be so "Dim" as to allow themselves to be so taken advantage of –– just going along to get along, allowing themselves to be dictated to by a bunch of bureaucrats who couldn't care less about them… –– Bureaucrats who see them as nothing more than a secure voting block, whom they (the bureaucrats) have entrapped with all the "Helpful" social programs that have reduce their lives to nonproductive dependency upon Government and the handouts those bureaucrats are willing to implement for their "Well being" –– WHAT A CROCK

That's my point –– how can they settle for that – – how can they let people continue to use them like that

News Item8/17/16 1:27 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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B. Warely wrote:
Jim there are two reasons for voting for Trump = (1) Obama and (2) Hillary.

A-men –– Out with the same old lame, nauseating, destructive Communistic/Socialistic liberal left wing policies and IN WITH THE "NEW" (PROVEN CONSERVATIVE POLICIES THAT WORK) ––– PUTTING AMERICA AND THE AMERICAN PEOPLE FIRST!!!!!!!

Hillary Clinton

Donald Trump

We desperately need this Long awaited change ––– we will assess Donald's performance over the course of the next four years and reassess the situation in the next election cycle ––– If his performance is acceptable then he stays in for another four years – if not…

I just don't understand how people blindly follow people like Obama and Hillary Clinton ––– it's just plain stupid and ignorant ––– you can listen to Hillary's talking points and it's just a repeat of all the stupidity Obama was spewing…

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!!!!! ––– AND WE HAVE MOST DEFINITELY HAD ENOUGH!!!!!!! ––– Sick and tired of being sick and tired

God Bless America!!!!!!!!!!!!

News Item8/16/16 4:45 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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Christian wrote:
You're right KK. I'm thankful to have a sheriff like David Clarke here in Milwaukee. He's not perfect, but he seems to be doing a good job. I really appreciate that he doesn't condone or fuel the violent racist mentality that some in office do.

Gay Allen wrote:
said by someone who has no concept of milwaukee police corruption ... lol
do you even live here?
Wow –– did your day start out badly? ––– I sincerely hope your day turned out much better

Have you got something against Sheriff David Clarke

There are many people praying about the situation in Milwaukee!!!!!!!

We are all fallible imperfect people and those who come to this realization are generally well aware of their need for God's Grace and The Infallible Guiding Light of His Word ––– I most definitely fall into this category...

God is in control and His Son Jesus (The Christ) is the answer to the troubles in Milwaukee, Chicago, Ferguson, ... All of these troubled areas are plagued with the liberal policies of the Democratic Party ––– your beef isn't with me, it's with the liberals that created the environment that has fostered the behavior we are witnessing...

News Item8/16/16 2:48 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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Chicago Tribune


Chicago shooting victims
Last updated Aug. 15, 2016

I counted the Shootings in Chicagoland from August 1, 2016 throu August 15, 2016 and it totaled "214 Shootings" as of their last update on August 15, 2016 ––

Obama, the mainstream media and all these crazed activists are a bunch of hypocrites –– –– black on black crime doesn't fit the narrative they're all pushing does it???

That young thug in Milwaukee was carrying a stolen semi automatic pistol with an extended clip –– and the black officer that shot him knew him, or knew of him, from their high school years ––– They have reported that the young thug had quite a rap sheet of prior arrests ––– Just another wasted life –– –– sad isn't it??? ––– IF ONLY HE WOULD HAVE KNOWN CHRIST!!! –– he would've never been involved in the things he was mixed up in...

News Item8/16/16 2:05 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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I believe tonight FOX News Channel will be airing a Trump program on Hannity's show –– Live coverage of Donald Trump's rally –– He will be outlining some of his policies –– maybe we should all watch

Tell a Friend and maybe even a political foe

News Item8/16/16 11:53 AM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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WOW it's hard to make heads or tails of Hillary Clinton ––– this poor soul is all over the map –– and the sad thing is I think she actually believes whatever it is she is saying at any given time I actually believe she is schizophrenic ... her husband is a pedophile sex addict and they are both the biggest liars on the planet ––– and let us not forget their greedy twisted hearts have never met a dollar they didn't like regardless of how they decide to get it

The Clintons are truly reprobates –– they are pitiful people

I actually feel sorry for Hillary and Bill –– they are such empty/barren individuals

News Item8/16/16 12:49 AM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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The Color of a man's skin is a non-issue –– men are judged based upon their character and Sheriff David Clarke is a wise, intelligent, insightful man ––– And he is a no nonsense kind of guy ––– WE NEED MANY MORE LIKE HIM!!!!!!!

God Bless Sheriff David Clarke

News Item8/15/16 10:39 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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Has everyone just lost their cotton picking minds –– ––

This just blows me away

Sorry but I just can't wrap my head around this one

News Item8/15/16 10:27 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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There are computer genius out there everywhere and they can hack into anything…

I say the heck with all that hacking –––– how about they open up an investigation into Nancy Peloci and her husband and find out what she's been up to for over 29 years of being in Washington, DC leeching off the American taxpayers ––– I know one of the things she has done is to unlawfully use military flights for her family's personal use at taxpayers expense –––

Maybe what this Gussifer 2.0 is trying to do is to draw attention to all these clowns in Washington...

The only way we're ever going to get this Nation straightened out is to expose all these educated gangsters in DC ––– They are nothing more than a bunch of upper crust guttersnipes who have made a life of pickpocketing the taxpayers in this country and have buried posterity under mountains of debt...

The citizenry there in California need to vote Nancy Peloci out of office!

Just look at California –– that state is bankrupt –– I believe those on welfare in California make up over 35% of the nations total recipients ... it's a friggin nightmare ––– and I bet a lot of them are illegal aliens collecting benefits, just sponging off the American taxpayer


News Item8/15/16 8:34 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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How about Obama's hometown???

Chicago Tribune


Chicago shooting victims
Last updated Aug. 15, 2016

Aug. 15: Male, 20, in Lower West Side
Aug. 15: Male, 33, in West Garfield Park
Aug. 15: Male, 16, in Austin
Aug. 15: Male, 18, in Austin
Aug. 15: Male, 29, in West Pullman
Aug. 15: Male, 38, in West Englewood
Aug. 14: Male, 39, in North Lawndale
Aug. 14: Male, 18, in Washington Park
Aug. 14: Male, 19, in Austin
Aug. 14: Female, 6, in West Pullman
Aug. 14: Female, 21, in Near West Side
Aug. 14: Male, 22, in Roseland
Aug. 14: Male, 22, in Washington Heights
Aug. 14: Male, 36, in Pullman
Aug. 14: Male, Age unknown, in Greater Grand Crossing
Aug. 14: Female, 35, in North Lawndale
Aug. 14: Male, Age unknown, in North Lawndale
Aug. 14: Male, Age unknown, in Austin
Aug. 14: Female, 25, in South Lawndale
Aug. 14: Male, 27, in South Lawndale
Aug. 14: Male, 19, in South Lawndale
Aug. 14: Male, 31, in Near West Side
Aug. 14: Male, 31, in Austin
Aug. 14: Male, 29, in New City
Aug. 14: Male, 20, in Grand Boulevard
Aug. 14: Male, 25, in North Lawndale
Aug. 14: Male, 19, in Ashburn
Aug. 14: Male, 20, in Ashburn


JAN. 1, 2016 - AUG. 15, 2016
2,6071 shooting victims

JAN. 1, 2015 - DEC. 31, 2015
2,988 shooting victims

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