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News Item8/24/19 8:45 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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John UK Wrote:
"Again, I'm not sure who you are referring to, Christopher, but here is my answer anyway."

Hi John,

You don't need to keep repeating that, because oftentimes, comments are to anyone/whoever, in general. Like I said though, whenever I'm addressing you, specifically, or have a question for you, alone, I'll be sure to make that clear, moving forward.

Thanks for your post. I'm busy working today, but I'll look it over more closely when I get a chance. Keep in mind that when I comment, I'll usually make it known that it's how I happen to see things at the moment, as in, my current view/opinion. Snarky side-swipes from anyone will shut me down pretty quick, but until then, I'm always willing to listen, and consider openly and honestly.

News Item8/24/19 6:43 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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John UK Wrote:
2. Who is it you are trying to convince? Me? Then say me, instead of flapping about beating the air.

John, the post wasn't directly to you, and was in response to a post shortly before. Don't worry, I'll be sure to address you by name when I have a statement or question for you. I'll be sure of it, because I know how important that is to you.

News Item8/24/19 6:38 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Miss Kitty Litter??? The underlying connotation of that name, being associated with a sodomite, is disgusting. Wasn't it Michelle OBama who pressed for these story hours? Maybe her goal was innocent enough, but who ever thought that morphing them into drag queen story hours was a great idea? Foolish people.

How many of these disturbed men have been outed as s*x offenders now? Many, and here's another:

"OneNewsNow reported in a March 31 story that “Tatiana Mala-Nina,” Albert Garza, was convicted of aggravated sexual assault on an 8-year-old in 2009. Weeks later, MassResistance uncovered the criminal history of William Travis Dees, who was convicted of sex crimes against children ages 4, 5, 6 and 8.

Dees, OneNewsNow pointed out, was allowed to greet children as they entered for “story hour” in Houston."

While I find the whole deal, disturbing, and the drag queen scene, disgusting, I look at these men and feel a sadness for their delusion. I also wonder what happened to them as children, and how they, themselves were harmed. I'm guilty of not praying for them like I should, so, shame on me.

I'm often so busy railing on the darker things, that I forget those who commit these dark crimes, could be me, or any of us, save for God's unmerited grace, and need prayer.

News Item8/23/19 5:05 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Talk about grasping at straws to try and prove a point that's nothing but opinion, at best.

We have a clear and present danger over here in the US, and banning firearms at this point, isn't an option. I would never sit here and pontificate what anyone else abroad should or shouldn't do, with a shaking of the head, and a waving of the finger, while going, "tsk, tsk, tsk, listen to me, you poor fools", when I don't even live there, and have no clue what's really up, save for the random newsbytes I hear on the nightly world news".

Preservation of human life, is tantamount to being faithless, and trying to thwart God's will? I've never heard such utter nonsense. A madman revs his car up, the tires smoke, and he's making a bee-line to murder himself a Christian. The Christian steps out of the way to save his life, instead of dropping to his knees in prayer, and the Christian is in sin for being faithless?

A Christian is street preaching when a madman says, "I'm gonna kill me a Christian", and begins stabbing the preacher. The preacher trys to run, but the madman is much faster. The preacher strikes the madman with a pipe he sees laying nearby to stop from being murdered. The preacher was a faithless chump who sinned by defending himself? Hmmm.

Good comments, Herbal

News Item8/23/19 6:49 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Ok John, I'll think on it for a few. I didn't include any scriptures, for the sole reason that I feel they've all been exhausted, from both sides, and there was nothing new that I could think of to add to all that have already been posted up. My approach was to keep them all in mind, and give my take on things from a common sense, biblical perspective, as I see things, anyway, keeping the whole of scripture in mind.

Scripture doesn't necessarily condone or forbid in a way where we can post up a clear, all-encompassing verse or passage, that lays out the answer clearly enough to put the topic to bed, so I went at it from a different angle.

News Item8/23/19 5:46 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Hey John,

I didn't forget about you yesterday, and poked away at my answer throughout the day. Well, I think most here already know I have some issues, and the response ended up being 5-pages long. I hadn't planned on that, but I really can't shorten it, either, and still have it all make sense.

So, the question is, do I post it anyway? I don't want to upset anyone, because I know my long rants can get tiring and old.

News Item8/22/19 11:30 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Sorry John, the day got hectic pretty quick, but I saw your response, and haven't forgotten...

News Item8/22/19 6:09 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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John UK Wrote:
"...where is the NT examples of the saints being armed and fighting while they were doing the work of God in building the church? Hmmmm?"

Good morning John, I have a simple take on this if you'd be willing to hear it.

I know I said I'd stay off the topic, but you've brought that up a few times now, and I've had the same thoughts each time.

News Item8/21/19 2:32 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Dr Tim Wrote:
"Christopher, you stay up in Roadkill Island, or whatever that place is called. Don’t want no sourpuss Yanks down here spoilin’ all the fun."

There was a cable TV series a while back called, My Crazy Obsession, or something like that. I had to stop watching it pretty quick, because there are some real disturbing people out there. I thought it would be on the lighter, more humorous side.

There was a guy in his 30's, or so, who spent all of his free-time, scraping up roadkill. He would put them in the bed of his pickup, drive to his little roadkill cemetary out in a field, give them all a little funeral, and bury them. When he wasn't at his day job, this was all he did, driving around searching for roadkill.

Anyway, stop pestering me, hick.

News Item8/21/19 10:29 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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By the way, no responses needed. Just my opinions, and I've been going overboard with it all anyway. I'm getting sick of my own self...ha-ha, so I'm not gonna be commenting on this anymore.

Interesting thoughts from both sides though.

News Item8/21/19 7:29 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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...and we have a serious recipe for disaster.

The liberals have caused such hatred, division, bleakness, and confusion, from the public school systems, right on up to Washington, that I think it's just been too much for some of the already mentally unhealthy to handle. Their brains become overloaded and overwhelmed, and since they've been taught that there's no God, they choose murder to relieve the pressure.

Bottomline though is that without firearms, there would be far fewer deaths. The conundrum though, is this: America is inundated with firearms at this point. Take them away from every citizen who is properly licensed, and every thug is left fully armed, and emboldened. Take every gun away, and I see the current violent crime rates, skyrocketing. So, what to do?

This is my take, anyway...

News Item8/21/19 7:28 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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So, why are mass-shootings, by definition, so concentrated in the US? I was looking at the mass-murders stats on Mother Jones, and National Affairs, to try and see if my take would jive, and it seems to. We've always had pockets of mass-shootings, but they skyrocketed during OBamas reign, which is when this counry began to implode, on the morality and hate scale. Then, Trump takes over, and it's been a country divided, as what OBama started, goes into overdrive with the liberals, relentlessly, splitting this country wide open, and fueling the hatred, division, and bigotry, in order to take down a duly elected President, by any means necessary, and no matter the collateral damage. They have whipped this country into a frenzy; sending some of the mentally unstable, over the edge, and driven to murder.

Couple all of that with erasing God from the minds of the next generation, teaching evolution as scientific fact, which breeds hopelessness, and a lack of purpose, not allowing kids to be kids, but rather, throwing them into the middle of adult affairs, causing them undue stress for their futures, shoving behavorial drug cocktails down their throats, and also, confusing them to the point where they have no idea if they're a male, a female, or neither,

News Item8/21/19 7:26 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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B McCausland Wrote:
".. But what do you think about the random shuttings that stir the American masses whipping up 'the right to bear arms' sentiment so heavenly in the population?"

Thanks for asking, and for looking to have a conversation, because situations aren't always as black and white as the media hypnotizes the general public, and the world at large, into believing.

For starters, I don't really go the conspiracy route, where certain people are being used as pawns (the shooters) by shadowy figures in these shootings in order to push firearm agendas, both for, and against gun control. The main reason I don't go that way is because, once caught, people just love to talk, or they simply succumb to experienced interrogators. Dead men can't speak, but those taken alive, never claim they were some pawn used to mass-murder for their country to further an agenda for or against gun control. They are always either angry about something, or just plain bigots who hate. Their crimes are simply convenient, and used to argue both for and against firearms, after the fact, but I don't believe they are pre-planned conspiracies by powerful people or organizations. They're just crimes of convenience, used to argue agendas, after the carnage.

Out of space...

News Item8/20/19 5:27 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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BM and John,

I'll try and get back to you later or in the morning.

Two words for now though: Situational wisdom, and BM, I don't have the answers, but I'll give my take on the overall scene that we have going on over here; the cause and effect, as I see it, with the mass shootings, etc.

News Item8/20/19 6:47 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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...For the record, I don't own any guns, and I don't plan on ever buying one. Here's our current problem: America is inundated with firearms, yes, but take them away from the citizens who went through the proper channels to license themselves, and what gets accomplished? Every single street thug, criminal, gang-banger, and otherwise, lawless, is left fully armed, and not only armed, but emboldened to do as they will, with a new confidence in their penchant for crime, and the taking of human life. States that have license to carry laws have lower crime statistics, while all others that outlaw the right to carry, have disproportionately higher rates of crime and death. The statistics aren't even close.

Some seem to think America is like the wild, wild West. To these, I'd say, balance your news sources, or come on over for a visit to digest what's real, and what's been painted by mainstream media sources who have agendas.

News Item8/19/19 11:19 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Rhode Islanders got the privilege of red light cams, just last year. I'm all for safety, but they're a glitchy nuisance as well. We have a fairly well known court TV show up here, called, Caught in Providence, with Judge Caprio. The show is basically just live cameras in traffic court each day, watching as people plead their cases. Well, last year, when the red light cams went to work, his court was inundated, as in, bursting at the seams for weeks. The city finally lowered the ridiculous fines, and raised the speed buffers.

I kept getting nailed by two cameras around the city, no matter how careful I thought I was driving. For three tickets, I got seven court date summons in the mail, and all on the same day, to appear on all different dates, so they're a mess all-around. Fortunately, my wife knows the court administrator, who took care of all of them for me, so I didn't have to pay or appear, because the glitchyfiasco was going to end up with me having my license suspended.

Safety is fine, but they cause a lot of their own problems.

News Item8/19/19 7:25 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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comments the way, those are my own common sense thoughts from a perspective of biblical common sense, as I see things.

I am NOT saying that I'm perfectly right, and am perfectly open to alternate opinions/views. I'll always go the way of scripture, no matter what...

News Item8/19/19 7:08 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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...No mentally healthy person would remain standing up straight, amidst some madman spraying bullets, and no mentally healthy person would just stand there, smiling, as some thug swung a pipe at their head, over and over, while saying, "Should my skull cave in, it was God's will.

Self defense comes in many forms, which includes ducking, and taking cover. Self-protection is tantamount to a lack of faith, and denying God's sovereignty? Give me a break.

News Item8/19/19 7:07 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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...The argument seems to boil down to this: God is sovereign in all things. Yes, yes, and yes, but it's the foolish man or woman who bypasses our God-given common sense, saying, "Hey, whatever happens was God's will". Hmmm...really? Go and park your body in the middle of a busy highway. When you get flattened out by a semi, will your Christian brothers and sisters say, "God's will was done", or, "What was that foolish person thinking?"

Depending on the potential for threat, is being prepared to take on the devils schemes really a lack of faith? Unprophetable Servant said, earlier on, that God is a God of means, and He provides the means for our survival, something to that effect.

Anyone who claims they wouldn't take cover, duck, or step out of the way in an attempt to spare their own life, or push someone to try and spare anothers life, is either lying, or deceiving themselves. How, exactly, is trying to preserve life in this manner, different than any other? The arguments are nonsense, because nobody would just stand there, allowing themself to be killed, and that's the entire point. Nobody would refrain from trying to preserve a life, because God gave us that common sense.

News Item8/19/19 7:02 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Bottomline is that there is no all-encompassing topic that covers self defense in the scriptures, but there's nothing in the scriptures that forbids it either, and if anything, there are many examples of self defense that are nowhere condemned.

I think each situation calls for situational wisdom, and biblical common sense. Also, since personal self defense is nowhere condemned or forbidden, but instead, example after example is given, it seems to me that one would have to work real hard to prove it unbiblical, or label preservation of life as being a lack of faith.

The thing is that opining from afar, while living in relative safety and comfort, it's always so easy to say, I'd do this, I wouldn't do that, or, I'd handle a situation in this or that way, when the truth is that not one person has any clue how they'd feel or how they'd react when meeting extreme danger, face to face.
We all do it...we "know' what we'd do. Nope.

Anyone who takes cover to avoid a bullet, ducks when some thug swings a steel pipe at their head, or moves out of the way to avoid being hit by a speeding car, is guilty of defending themselves, and trying to preserve life, so the argument is nonsense.

God blessed most with common sense, and that calls for the protecting of life.

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