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News Item6/15/13 12:39 PM
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Michael Hranek wrote:
......uch as with CHS despite his missing it in some things (musical instruments in church).....
As you've mentioned this a few times now, what precisely do you object to in CHS's stance to musical instruments?

News Item6/14/13 4:03 AM
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Mike wrote:
Not at all. Romans 1:30 refers to those who hold the truth in unrighteousness, (v18) who have been shown that which may be known of God,(v19) who are without excuse,(v20) who when they knew God, glorified him not,nor were thankful(v21) who did not like to retain God in their knowledge. (v28) Yes these surely do hate God.
Not that you have a theory to serve Mike, but you might like to consider who these people are. Look at Romans 1.18 and 19.

I recall you explaining verse 19 a while back. Seems that you now wish to jettison that explanation!

News Item6/13/13 4:08 PM
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Mike wrote:
Hostility. The Lord hold all that are not subject to him as hostile. The issue is not whether he holds them hostile, but whether they hate him whom they cannot relate to being it requires spiritual discernment to discern spirit. One must be able to discern God, who is a Spirit, in order that he may care enough to hate him. From God's perspective he is at enmity already, but the man may not even believe there is a God. That makes him at enmity, but doesn't require him to hate that which he does not believe in. He may not believe in the devil either, but we wouldn't then conclude he must hate the devil...
The verse says the carnal mind is enmity not that this is how God views it whether it is or not!!

And if we follow your ridiculous logic Romans 1.30 must be utter nonsense when it says that sinners are 'haters of God"!!

News Item6/13/13 2:29 PM
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Mike wrote:
Hatred of God is well beyond holding the preaching of the cross to be foolishness. The natural man cannot even know the things of the Spirit of God. How then can he hate God, with whom there is no relationship at all?
Romans 8.7

What does 'enmity' mean?

News Item6/13/13 1:50 PM
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Mike wrote:
How can one who is totally unable to discern matters of the Spirit hate God, who is Spirit?
Because they account the things of the Spirit foolishness 1Cor 1.18 & 2.14.

News Item6/13/13 1:15 PM
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John for JESUS wrote:
.....They love the pleasure of sin more than God.....
A slave to sin at enmity with God is to find love to God in his heart sufficient to believe and trust a God he hates?!

What Bible do you read?

News Item6/13/13 12:25 PM
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John for JESUS wrote:
.... It is up to us ourselves by calling on His name, obey, and repent and believe in order to be saved......
Precisely what others are accusing you of, that you believe ultimately that man saves himself!!

News Item6/11/13 8:46 AM
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Mike wrote:
What will a man do who offers the gift of an engagement ring to the one he desires, but his beloved refuses the gift? She can receive the gift, for it certainly is true she cannot receive it unless it is given her. But must she? Is it irresistible? Will he make her willing to put forth her hand, that she may receive it, or will he say so be it, you will not be my bride?
What difference, if any, does GRACE make in the matter of salvation?

It would appear reading your posts that Grace determines nothing. If that is the case then you clearly don't believe in salvation by Grace.

News Item6/4/13 8:44 AM
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Michael Hranek wrote:
(The saved being His workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works which He has prepared beforehand that we should walk in them)
Genuine experiantial faith if you will for the saints of God who abides in His word (ref Isaiah 55, John 8:31,32)
btw I don't identify myself as a 'free willer' whatever that is - God (not Calvinists) is indeed sovereign in election and salvation.
Now I am totally confused! I am not sure with your last statement what precisely it is about the doctrines of Grace that you object to.

Can you please clarify?

BTW I don't think any 'calvinists' say they are sovereign in the matter of election or salvation. Not sure where you get that idea.

News Item6/4/13 8:14 AM
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Michael Hranek wrote:
John UK
A bit of a headshake here:
The way some hyper-guys seem to put it is that they are indeed incapable of trusting in Jesus Christ at all, let alone only BUT they are more than able to trust in traditional 5 point Tulip Calvinism, Dort, and the WCF and pretty much demand others do to, just not in Christ. Go figure....

What do you understand by the following verse?:

Philippians 2:13
For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.

Surely Free willers would say 'to will' was already present even in the unconverted, so why the need for God to work in us (the saved) to will?!

Just curious.

Also since repentance and faith go hand in hand, what do you make of:

2 Timothy 2:25
In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth

Now I can understand God enlightening someone and the truth convicting. But God giving repentance? What's that about?

And finally

John 1:13
Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

What do you understand by will of the flesh and will of man?

News Item5/19/13 6:29 PM
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Dorcas wrote:
Yes we do not know what spirit is behind some of the screen names.There seems to be an animosity on these threads that was not here when I first began to read them and occasionly post ,about a year ago.
Wouldn't happen to coincide with the appearance of SteveR on here would it?

News Item5/16/13 7:50 AM
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Bro. James wrote:
Yes John, we must remember ol' Jimmy boy is a liberal!!!
Politically, theologically or both?

News Item5/15/13 4:04 AM
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Neil wrote:
The Emperor has no clothes: What few Christians (lay or professional) seem to realize, along with their atheistic opponents, is that *all* empirical truth claims for various origin views, including those of Young-Earthers who do not want to appear odious by appealing to Scripture, are fatally flawed. One doesn't even have to be a Christian to see the logical problems, e.g. Bertrand Russell in “Is Science Superstitious?” If one of the most notorious atheists of the 20th century admitted fatal weaknesses in Science, then Christians better take note – and point this out to Darwinists!
The mistake many Creationists make usually consists of Special Pleading: spinning the evidential speculation towards Genesis instead of Descent With Modification. But in any case, it's still a fallacy to Affirm the Consequent.
I know the Flood occurred because the Bible Tells Me So, not because of fossils in sediment, which prove nothing.

What does the Bible tell you about the age of the earth?

News Item5/11/13 4:48 PM
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Sorry meant to say with references or no.

News Item5/11/13 4:12 PM
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Have a question? Is it better to read a bible with text or no text?

News Item2/27/13 11:56 AM
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Inhofe wrote:
"What good"???
Again why do you ask this?
Is it fulfilment of a prophecy?
Certainly not!

News Item2/27/13 11:29 AM
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Inhofe wrote:
Do you think the Jewish europeans would have left their comfortable life as the local rich folks, to go to a mideast desert, if God had not allowed the persecutions of 1930/40's WWII Germany?
Excuse me chiming in, but this is a strange piece of logic to justify the persecution.

I could equally ask, what good has it done them? I mean both the persecution and/or the move to a mideast desert!

News Item2/18/13 5:30 AM
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John UK wrote:
...and led out of organisations which teach gross error.
...and led out of organisations which teach soul damning heresy!!

News Item2/17/13 3:18 PM
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SteveR wrote:
What a blessing
47 million Christians agree with me and John for Jesus, there are Christians in the Roman Catholic Church despite some theological differences
Some theological differences?!!!!!

A union of churches that are supposed to be polls apart?!!

A union of what is supposed to be godly, with the devil's handiwork?!!

Only an enemy of God's people could rejoice over such a tragic state of affairs or think it to be a blessing!!!

News Item2/17/13 7:06 AM
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John for JESUS wrote:
1. ..The JW use a different gospel then the one Christians received from the Holy Spirit.
2. There obviously are evangelical churches that do....
3. .....However, I like to get other people's perspectives and don't feel like I'm above learning from others.
1. Really? Care to explain?
2. As far as I am concerned if they call themselves Evangelical but believe at the same time that someone can be saved by the teachings of the RCC then there is something dreadfully wrong with the teachings of that church.

I recommend that you study the subject of justification by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone. Then compare this to the so called gospel of the RCC and tell me if you think that RCC teaching can save anything, let alone anyone from hell! Until you get a handle on justification you will keep stumbling in the dark.

If you want recommendations for reading, then Loraine Boettner's book on Roman Catholicism is a must and on Justification try either James Buchanan or James White.

3. I did take the trouble of looking at some of your past posts. I see no signs of progress in doctrinal matters. So precisely what have you learned?

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