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News Item8/5/19 11:41 AM
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Our nation has failed, Wayfarer.
And there were both light and dark skinned people shot in the Dayton mass murder and so many more who would have been indiscriminately if not for the very prompt response of a few police officers.

News Item8/3/19 11:32 AM
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I truly appreciate your input, Christopher and Dr. Tim.
I asked an sda how they knew they were saved and they responded correctly by stating that it was faith alone in Christ alone...yet, they also are caught up in the sda cult and a big fan of Ellen G White, of course...which,of course, runs counter to Scripture.
Again, thank you...
His Word never goes out void and we can never go wrong if we stick to it.

News Item8/3/19 6:14 AM
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It would be an improvement compared to where we are presently.
I am all for families and life...totally against abortion but I know many Christians who are, and rightfully so, concerned about their children in this country and I understand how many Christians would hesitate to have any more.
I can't perceive of this country being around for a couple of hundred years from now. Anyone who is living in reality, knows that these are very sobering times and that we are under judgment.

News Item8/3/19 6:06 AM
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The seventh day adventists can not be pleased...They insist that the mark of the beast is worship on the first day of the week...worshiping the faux pa...adamantly, stating that the RC church is responsible for designating the day of the week most Christians worship.
I know a few of these (7th days) and I pray for them and care for them. If anyone would like, please give me the best Scripture to pass along which refutes the "sunday worship" controversy. I know is very valuable to this end but sdas have no desire to check it out.
While many are works driven, I know many who have professed to be saved while committing fornication repeatedly...not repenting but justifying their poor choices by blaming others...we have probably justified and passed blame but, as Christians, should be out of a pattern of sin by the grace of God.

News Item7/31/19 11:56 AM
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"junky tv" is a redundant term.
...always been junky and now God has allowed us to be ruled by it.
This is why we have the kind of people we hsve ruling over us now.
Spoiled,rich brats who blaspheme the name of God.

News Item7/24/19 1:08 PM
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John 20:7

“And the napkin, that was about his head, not lying with the linen clothes, but wrapped together in a place by itself.”

No shroud in the Word of God.

News Item7/12/19 11:47 AM
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Thorns and thistles and other not so good things appeared after the fall.
Trying to defend pot is like trying to defend tobacco. Just because it exists, doesn't mean that we need to ingest or smoke it.
People who have behavioral problems already have the cure like the rest of us with our sin problems- Jesus.

News Item7/5/19 5:35 AM
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To Just-
Possums aren't a real threat. I think that gun happy killers should take up another hobby. don't have grocery stores or farms? Killing for sport is creepy. I understand self defense.I don't hear much about possum attacks. I do hear a lot of human attacks.
We are to be good stewards over that to which God has entrusted.
Killing animals desensitizes people.

News Item6/23/19 11:18 AM
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Welcome to Freedom of Religion, instead of the Crown Rights of Christ.

We live in an atheistic nation that tolerates any kind of blasphemy. This should not be shocking to anyone.

News Item6/22/19 12:08 PM
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Probably because fewer people get married.

News Item6/22/19 12:07 PM
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Heartbreaking,Christopher. Such accounts are very frequent. However,sometimes there are encouraging outcomes. Keep praying! One such account involved a little girl who was being abused at a restaurant where her dad was cramming food down her throat. But in God's providence there was a lady who, discreetly, aimed her phone at the scene and videotaped it and called 911 after the people had left the restaurant. The police soon caught up with them at their house.
Another incident involved a little boy who was put out in the cold garage and was being shot at with a bb gun by his mom's boyfriend. The cries were heard by someone passing by after the boy was left in the garage.
These rescues are always so good to hear...answered prayer.
Pray that God will prevent and expose those who do such and pray for healing and comfort for those who have been victims.
This country of ours has changed radically and any Christian who has their heads in the clouds needs to wake up.
These are sobering times and much is at stake.
A reality check helps to put things into perspective.

News Item6/22/19 5:15 AM
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Sadly, there are many Christians or professing Christians who watch this type of garbage.

News Item6/22/19 5:13 AM
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So, that must be their chant. I had left a tract in the laundry room and someone had written that on it along with their pointy emblem.
...just kinda wondering why they just don't say "hell" instead of "hail".
Don't they believe in hell?

News Item6/21/19 12:29 PM
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If only Evangelicals and Trump loved God more than they love the country.
Trump will have the evangelical vote because he and others are the lesser of the evils of those who support the murder of babies.

News Item6/18/19 1:49 PM
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News Item6/18/19 1:47 PM
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Well stated, Quiet Christian.
It is a no brainer. Alcohol eats the brain cells and drugs mess up the brain.
Maybe that has something to do with the extremely poor judgment in advocating or encouraging the use of either. We see what alcohol has done to the society.
...same deal with the proliferation, almost weekly here, of sexual assaults and offenses committed against our children and youth. Selling sex or encouraging it publicly, should be criminalized...that includes all of the media, music and entertainment forms.
If something is illegal then it should not be given accolades or praise by which money grubbing predators take advantage.

News Item6/11/19 11:27 AM
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Did anyone else see the 80 mile wide blob of ladybugs in California detected by the national weather service radar?
It's interesting that "ladybugs" would massively swarm there. From what I have read there are male and female ladybugs.
Some poetic justice here where many men are encouraged to be "ladies".

News Item6/2/19 2:53 PM
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...very sad to see. Many places looked like they were hit with s bomb. Many were drying out to God. Pray for healing.
It was a miracle that only 1 died.
The e f 4 tornado was over a half mile wide and traveled 19 miles.
They had just set up the first medicinal pot place before this hit and it did wipe out a strip club.
There were a total of 15 tornadoes that night.
The weather is strange indeed for whatever reason. These are very sobering times.
If your heart does not break for the lost, examine to see if you're in the faith.

News Item5/21/19 10:19 AM
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Yes, Unprofirable. Abortion is always murder.
I often hear people say that it should be allowed for in the cases of rape but I would disagree. Two violations are not better than one. Murdering the baby does not negate the act of rape.

News Item5/21/19 10:15 AM
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Hate speech really is irrelevant to Christians because hate is tantamount to murder.
The issue is with those who can't discern between hate and love which are the same who cannot tell the difference between male and female. If people are "gender-plexed", they will be quite challenged with anything else beyond basics.
"Higher" education is more correctly associated with the drug-induced concept of "high" rather than that which it originally meant as far as intelligence.
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