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News Item12/4/19 12:49 PM
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This is what happens when you try to integrate Christianity into that which is pagan.
The Word of God is sufficient on its own without having to decorate it with worldly elements to make it more palatable.
It's time to quit taking God's name in vain and imposing Christ on that which is heathen.
Yes, Christians, the disciples and Apostles never needed pagan holy days for evangelical tools.

News Item11/25/19 7:16 AM
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Disney primed us for thus a long time ago.
This is what happens when we wink at witchcraft.

News Item11/24/19 3:22 PM
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I would hesitate to donate to any charity associated with a Roman Catholic crony.
Of course, this is the time of the year when many Christians will use Christ as an excuse to follow in the footsteps of the RC church.
The reason for the season is the pagans and witches and RC church which duped others into following suit.
There is a distinction between celebration and worship and devising a day to worship runs counter to the Bible.
1 Kings 12:32-33

32 And Jeroboam ordained a feast in the eighth month, on the fifteenth day of the month, like unto the feast that is in Judah, and he offered upon the altar. So did he in Bethel, sacrificing unto the calves that he had made: and he placed in Bethel the priests of the high places which he had made.

33 So he offered upon the altar which he had made in Bethel the fifteenth day of the eighth month, even in the month which he had devised of his own heart; and ordained a feast unto the children of Israel: and he offered upon the altar, and burnt incense.

Further,aAll of this political upheaval is staged.
Christians have more important issues with which to deal.

News Item11/21/19 3:27 AM
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No surprise...maybe this will be a lesson as to why one ought not to straddle the fence. The sodomites are truer to their ways than Christians some times.

News Item11/19/19 11:00 AM
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He is very young in the faith. He will probably broaden his fan base with his music but America is pretty far gone now morally.
Faith only comes by the hearing of the Word and to only those who are drawn by the Spirit.
..praying that he will come out of the secular ways. Many may try to monopolize on him and the pride of life, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes thrive in the world of entertainment and music.
It's very easy for those with an entertainment background to think that they can straddle both sides of the fence.

News Item10/31/19 6:07 AM
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Alcohol is a common denominator in most crimes...think that someone would figure that out when racking their brains while searching for solutions.
Beer and wine of today are considered strong drink in the Bible.
Culture relativism is a moot point in delineating between that which is good or bad.

News Item10/31/19 6:02 AM
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"Yeezy" hmmm.. odd name
No one twists anyone's arm.Responsibility is on those who so choose.
And...Big Boy! another sideline. seemingly.
Maybe someone is using his name too...probably still just sticking with Frisch's though. The real "big boy", that is.

News Item10/26/19 6:42 AM
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If they were making petitions to and were one of our Father's, they would have a much more efficient and productive system. They could pray for or about anyone.

Psalms 34:17
“The righteous cry, and the LORD heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles.”

The prayer of a righteous man availeth much and God never slumbers...He hears 24/7 not just once a year

News Item10/10/19 6:12 AM
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Maybe she needs to come out from among pagan entertainers.
and...since her identity is with the "British African community",perhaps she needs to consider with whom and that which she prides herself.

News Item9/26/19 6:09 AM
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Thank you very much James Thomas, Christopher and Carol.
...appreciate your prayers also your practical input, Christopher, as well.
I have 4 units which all have to be in good, working condition..using 2 at a time on 2 separate circuits, having to alternate them day and night..1 back-up..cannot have more than 1 unit fail..and then when 1 does, have to replace with back-up and then try to replace the back-up immediately..the units are being discontinued as a result of China trade is, moment by moment every day that it is above 45F outside. God has worked many miracles.
Of course, doesn't make sense to continue to live in such a dire situation..need options. Yes,humidity is a factor..needing wisdom in management
Carol, there is someone else out there in a similar situation! I will definitely keep you in prayer. Perhaps we could maintain communication/support.
We would never have opted for our circumstances but we have probably experienced God's faithfulness and provision many times over had we not.
Praying for comfort and strength in yours.

News Item9/25/19 11:22 AM
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Thank you Dr. Tim and Christopher
. I have a disability that came upon me almost 7 years ago for which I am needing to accommodate.Because it is a rare and severe one, it has pretty much been up to me to experiment and navigate it, without fail, with total dependence on Christ in the process. He has been Faithful, merciful and gracious. Presently, I am using window a/c s with a coolbot device on them for life support. I have to live in temperatures not above 54F. ( I am able to get out in cooler weather,of course, and I use cool packs to play piano in warmer temperatures.It can be navigated for an hour or 2 but,even at that,it is a step of faith and not without risk. I have done much research I am trying to find a dwelling that would,more naturally, stay below 54F..maybe like a cool, dry basement? Basement apartments are very difficult to find and, often times, the ones which are available seem to be owned by sodomites or men who want to share a bathroom.
That’s out...
Though I am on Medicaid, I am responsible for my equipment as it is not deemed to be medical equipment if it cannot be acquired at a place which sells medical supplies. Of course, it is life support for me.
There are very few with my condition and even fewer resources or support.

News Item9/25/19 6:12 AM
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The seventh day adventists are suggesting the same,pointing to the green movement as an excuse for the faux pa to impose a "sunday law". And for the sdas...a good resource- they are truly wanting to hear Scripture and see or challenge it Word to word.

News Item9/25/19 6:06 AM
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Thanks Adriel...but, having a disability and having to have monitored the weather here,where I live over the last seven years, would definitely make a case for much warmer least, here.
I do know that I have searched and researched cooler and drier cities in this nation and, to my dismay, even the actual summer temperatures are often well above what is "average" (Alaska, Northern Michigan,Washington state,etc.)
I do know that the sun rays are much stronger than in times past.
Since my disability is a life and death issue daily in warmer temperatures..perhaps someone out there could direct me to a place or dwelling set-up that stays cool and dry within a 20F to 60F degree one to date has been able to meet the challenge and it is a life threatening situation.

News Item9/24/19 12:26 PM
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I know that's about all that we have heard Hannity say any way...
I think that the motive is distraction on both sides.

News Item9/24/19 12:24 PM
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I do know that that we have had much hotter temperatures in Ohio,consistently, over the last few years. Almost every day during summer and late spring hit 90F and we had 70F degree days in winter as well.
I know that,occasionally,that there have been days, here and there, with higher or lower temperatures but nothing as consistently as the present...maybe all of the greenhouse gases?..storms are much more common and much more intense as well...I'm not supporting the liberal agenda but there is something that has changed on the weather scene..maybe birth pains and judgment

News Item9/12/19 6:40 AM
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I find it sad that our nation cares about those and those things which we are so directed by those with an agenda. Philanthropy and generous contributions are often with wrong and devious motivation.
It's interesting that a girl is on trial for murdering, burning and burying her baby while there are so many who are encouraged to "legally" kill theirs.
There are so many people falling through the cracks that we need only be sensitive to the Lord's leading in reaching out rather than be distracted and go through the endless, ritualistic memorials of others.
Undoubtedly,911 was a tragedy and many innocent people lost their lives but it shouldn't be held over our heads for political gain.
Living in the Dayton, OH area, I see how the oregon district incident has been exploited to that end. The people who were in the bar district, who were killed, are being heralded as heroes and millions of dollars have been raised to give to the survivors and family members.
The killer had been in the bar just minutes before drinking. But for the grace of God, there go I but perspective is grossly warped. Politically, it's just
about gun restrictions and hugging everyone.

News Item8/21/19 5:45 AM
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While they are amiss,at least,they will have more accuracy in the dates for observing God tabernacling with us and our Passover. Better than being totally off and appearing RC.

News Item8/13/19 11:27 AM
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Dolores, you made me laugh...with "I do wish his songs would disappear as well."

News Item8/9/19 11:23 AM
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Thank you Christopher.
... so sad to witness

News Item8/9/19 6:03 AM
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There is much awry in all of this and much irony as well.
Those who are all about love in Dayton hating political opponents.
A bartender who actually did something heroic, not realizing his contribution as a bartender as contributing to those who are in sin.
The victims,who we,of course, mourn for and to which we extend our sympathies...
but who are being heralded as heroes.
A half million dollars is being raised for the survivors and the bar district where this took place.
What took place is tragic but what is also tragic is the take away in all of this.
People are going to Hell and living in their own reality...blinded.
Instead of being impressed by political figures to chime in or to offer support, they need to know Jesus.
People say that they want a solution but totally reject the One who is.
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