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News Item12/20/11 9:00 AM
TT | TN  Find all comments by TT
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Not your pope wrote:
"Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God."
-[URL=]]]Hebrews 12:1-2[/URL]
Well done Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha. You've finished the race.
Thank you SA for these important articles about the Roman Catholic Church. Well all need a hero, especially since the days are evil.
Saint Kateri, pray for us.
For the sake of argument, let's assume Kateri is in heaven with the Father through her trust in Jesus Christ. Even so...she is not omnipresent (everywhere at all times) able to hear prayers prayed to her, and she especially is not omnipotent (all powerful), able to perform or affect answers to prayers. Only God alone has the power to hear ALL prayers, see all things, work out our circumstances, bless us, heal us, and answer our prayers. I have Catholic family and this just saddens me. "...looking unto Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith..."

News Item12/16/11 11:58 AM
TT | TN  Find all comments by TT
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Klan Parenthood is more like it. Actually, there's a site called klanparenthood. Check it out.

Susan G. Komen giving to Planned Parenthood is like if MADD gave money to Jack Daniel's to research better methods of distilling whiskey. Aside from the fact that it is murder, abortions are related to increased risk of breast cancer. This just shows that the motives are political and not altruistic "women's health" concerns.

News Item12/16/11 11:50 AM
TT | TN  Find all comments by TT
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I agree with Jim Lincoln, Priscilla, and TB. I wish I could say "What's Facebook?" with Don!

News Item12/8/11 3:58 PM
TT | TN  Find all comments by TT
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I'm not defending Johnny Depp or this band. As a matter of fact, I cringed and was saddened when I heard the lyrics. But we cannot be surprised when lost people behave like lost people. So-called Christians excluding people from their church because of the color of their skin...that's who we should be holding accountable, those claim to be believers. But when the lost, fallen, unredeemed sinner acts lost, fallen, and unredeemed it should drive us to our knees to plead for them to be saved by Jesus.

"The Christian Coalition said Depp and his band mates 'will burn in hell for this filth.'" So will we all burn in hell for the simple fact that we were born fallen sinners in need of saving, in need of redemption. We have all fallen short of the glory of God. It always amazes me when Christians are so quick to judge those on the outside who are still enemies of God but will not hold each other, and ourselves, accountable for actions which are directly disobedient to God and His Word.

I pray that Johnny Depp and his bandmates will come to a place of realizing their sin and grieving over it. I pray they will repent and turn to Jesus Christ who is in the business of redeeming lost sinners.

There but for the grace of God and the blood of Jesus Christ go I.

News Item12/5/11 5:41 PM
TT | TN  Find all comments by TT
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Michael Hranek wrote:
TT, Tennessee
Being one of several commentators here on SermonAudio, I have refreined from posting until I read yours.
I cannot speak for others but for me I desired not to post and bring KJV Onlyism into this discussion and make it appear anyone who holds to the KJV might somehow be like these reprehensible twisted Baptists in Kentucky.
God's very best to your whole family
Point well taken, Michael. I did not to mean that all that hold to KJV-onlyism were like these people. I've just experienced this kind of attitude from this kind of people. You're right. I was just pretty enraged at the attitude.

Thanks for checking me! God bless to you too!

News Item12/5/11 9:27 AM
TT | TN  Find all comments by TT
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True KJV Christian wrote:
God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Lacrecia.
What?! Why has no one else responded to this comment? Are you serious? One of my daughters is black, and this makes me extremely angry and also worried that she will encounter other so-called "Christians" like yourself in this world. So much more urgency to teach her who God really is. How utterly ignorant and devoid of the knowledge of God and His Word! Do you seriously think Adam and Eve were Aryan? The entire human race came from them, from "one blood" as it says in Acts. And they didn't read the Scripture in King James, Shakespearean English. You really need to get whatever God you're worshipping out of the little tiny box you keep him in and read the Word of the One true God.

jpw wrote:
there's only one race......the human race. we all share common heritage---there are distinctions, but we are all human beings. we did not evolve racially as Darwin believed.
It's good to hear from someone who knows God's Word. One race...either you believe that from God's Word, "True KJV Christian," or you believe in evolution.

News Item12/2/11 8:51 AM
TT | TN  Find all comments by TT
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Those evil bell-ringers, standing out in the cold for no other reason than to collect money for the dare they pick on the poor LGBT's, who are only trying to self-actualize and insisting on everyone else joining the party. Those evil bell-ringers should be helping them recruit the poor, not feed them. Oh, the injustice! The evil bell-ringers must be stopped.

Sorry for the sarcasm. Christian or not, why does anybody listen to these people (LGBT and other such groups) anymore? Don't they see the hypocrisy of blasting the Salvation Army for collecting for the poor for no other reason than that it interferes with their own personal path to self-fulfillment?! Wow, it's pretty unbelievable!

News Item12/2/11 8:42 AM
TT | TN  Find all comments by TT
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I wonder what this church would say about my adopted daughter who is of a different "race." Wow, what ignorance. How about telling young people to only marry other believers instead of making distinctions where they are none.

Sometimes you just want to tell people like this not to broadcast their supposed Christianity. This is not the heart of Jesus. Shhhh, don't tell anyone you are (supposedly) a follower of Jesus. It makes people think that the rest of us are uneducated, undiscerning, unloving, unscriptural bigots, too.

"For 'the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you,' as it is written." Romans 2:24

News Item11/21/11 3:55 PM
TT | TN  Find all comments by TT
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Jim Lincoln is right (yes I really said that). Mike, the gospel of Jesus Christ is what they need to hear...of course! But they need to hear in their own "language" if you will. You wouldn't go to a slum in Mexico and preach to them in King James English, would you. Because if you do, they won't understand it or be saved by it!

What style/kind/era of music is "holy" I'd like to know. To say that a certain style or certain hymns or songs is the "holy music" is, I think, offensive to God and shows an ignorance of the mission of Jesus...seeking and saving the lost. It is an extremely worldly thought that certain songs are "holy" and others are not.

Let's examine the message of the song, not the instrumentation or the style of the music behind it.

Upwordz, you keep on preaching the gospel to those who desperately need to hear it. You are trying to please God and not men...

News Item11/4/11 3:32 PM
TT | TN  Find all comments by TT
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Rich or poor, it's all very sad that he died without Jesus...

News Item10/27/11 12:49 PM
TT | TN  Find all comments by TT
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Wow, the depths of his willing ignorance is staggering!

News Item10/5/11 11:41 AM
TT | TN  Find all comments by TT
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I'm totally NOT surprised this is coming from Pat Robertson. His shaky theology continues to influence the undiscerning... and unfortunately captures media attention.

News Item3/4/11 12:50 AM
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“I’m insulted that people equate not just a sinful behavior but a behavior that’s a special category of sin called abomination with the level of melanin in my skin,” he said.

Thank you, Voddie! I've been waiting to hear this from someone for years!

News Item2/3/11 5:09 PM
TT | Tennessee  Find all comments by TT
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Wow, apparently none of you have read C.S. Lewis's works, or couldn't understand them. He was an incredible apologist. Are you judging him because he was Anglican? His doctrine was VERY solid. And, yeah, Mike is right; Lewis didn't "invent" the NRSV. Don't listen to what other people say about his work; it was probably over their heads. Check out his work, and understand it, before criticizing. And, wow, I wasn't aware that we were now judging the hearts of men, in place of God. Now that sounds Catholic!

News Item12/5/10 10:58 AM
TT | Tennessee  Find all comments by TT
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"But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." (Mark 13:32)
"Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming. But know this, that if the master of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched and not allowed his house to be broken into. Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect." (Matthew 24:42-44)

What part of this do these people not understand?! The second coming is compared to a thief coming in the night. If you know a thief is going to come, you will wait up and watch for the thief; you will be well prepared so the thief will not catch you unprepared. If you knew the when the thief would come, you would be prepared then. But you will not know WHEN the thief is coming, only that he IS COMING! The message is that we should live in a state of preparedness, watching, in such a way that the Lord may come back AT ANY MOMENT!!!
It's a shame that they are using all of that money to spread their own agenda and false teaching than using it to spread the news that Jesus was crucified for our sins, rose again, and is coming again. For that we should be prepared through repentance and reconciliation with God.

News Item11/1/10 11:06 AM
TT | Tennessee  Find all comments by TT
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"We actually don't pray to Mary MacKillop. We pray to God through Mary MacKillop's intercession,"

"There is one mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus." This is idolatry and necromancy, Sister Arnold. Dead people, saved or not, cannot hear prayers of people all over the world; they are not omnipresent.

News Item10/16/10 9:20 AM
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This is yet another reason Christians should be adopting...

News Item9/8/10 12:43 AM
TT | Tennessee  Find all comments by TT
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Scott, you are absolutely right. Barry is right, too. Paul says everything for us is lawful, but everything is not beneficial.

"Walk in wisdom toward those who are outside, redeeming the time. Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one." (Colossians 4:5-6)

Jesus' harsh words were for the Pharisees who should have known better, who should have known Him. Paul, also, on Mars Hill spoke with grace and reason to those worshipping false gods; to Peter, who should have known better, he spoke harshly, rebuking him.

"Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ's behalf, be reconciled to God." (2 Corinthians 5:20)

No one on this forum, I don't think, is disputing whether or not Islam is of the devil: of course it is. But do we just want revenge or to express our hatred, or do we want the lost reconciled to Christ? May the name of the Lord Jesus Christ not be blasphemed because of us and our witness.

News Item9/3/10 12:55 PM
TT | Tennessee  Find all comments by TT
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“Rights is a grossly overused and fundamentally incoherent concept … Neither philosophers nor political activists can agree on the nature of human rights or on their extent.”

This is exactly right; he has hit the nail on the head. If you believe in a Creator God, you believe that your rights are given by God and cannot be affected by man. If you don't believe in an intelligent personal God, rights and laws are at the mercy of whoever is in power. This is the fundamental underlying debate here in the USA. We are a nation of laws--given to us by God, who created us and has standards that we are to live by. Those not believing that will take away our freedom and rights at the whims of the current political flavor. And this Professor is being logically consistent with his monstrous beliefs. The world in which God is not honored is a scary one indeed. May God have mercy on us.

News Item9/3/10 12:41 PM
TT | Tennessee  Find all comments by TT
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"Because there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing."

What?! Not only is this very bad science, it is downright untidy sloppy logic. Oh the lengths man will go to in order to deny God.

I am very grieved for this man. I pray he finds the God he has spent his entire life trying to disprove.

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