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News Item2/17/12 3:51 PM
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Neil wrote:
Non sequitur: John Y was asking me about false lyrics, not lyrics devised by men (including rhyming English paraphrases of the Hebrew Psalms). Not all words of human composition are necessarily false, or we must discard all the Reformed Confessions. Neither are all paraphrases necessarily true (as critics of the Living Bible tell us).
Non Sequitur; We are talking about worship which God ordains and records - AND His communication of said works of praise. Confessions etc are about teaching sinners that is allowed.


Mike wrote:
And we all know there is to be no emotion displayed in matters of praise. This a is serious business. Ever see a painting of a smiling Jesus? Well there you go.
Thats not what I said Mike. But see above response to Neil.

News Item2/17/12 3:05 PM
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John Yurich USA wrote:
What hymns do you consider to have false doctrines in the lyrics?
Those which are not ordained and authorised by God himself for His praise and worship.

Those ordained and authorised By God Himself are of course the Psalms recorded by God in Scripture, for His worship.

The modern practice of music and lyrics used to replace the Praise Book of God, are aimed at human entertainment and emotional reaction.

News Item11/22/11 10:37 AM
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This is more of the entertainments business trying to get into church. And this musical response to human emotions has been the flavour of the month of Sundays in many beguiled churches.

Music does not praise God. Nor has it ever praised and worshipped God. After all what is music really for? Is it to get God foot tapping?

The OT ceremonial type of worship has long gone as far as the NT church is concerned.

"Musical instruments in celebrating the praises of God would be no more suitable than the burning of incense, the lighting of lamps, and the restoration of the other shadows of the law. The Papists therefore, have foolishly borrowed, this, as well as many other things, from the Jews. Men who are fond of outward pomp may delight in that noise; but the simplicity which God recommends to us by the apostles is far more pleasing to him. Paul allows us to bless God in the public assembly of the saints, only in a known tongue (I Cor. 14:16) What shall we then say of chanting, which fills the ears with nothing but an empty sound?" (John Calvin, Commentary on Psalms 33)

News Item11/17/11 2:44 PM
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"Singing of Psalms honours God with our glory, ie our tongue, Ps 108:1, Ps 57:7,8. To the objection that “these gracious effects and fruits of singing Psalms do plead as much for singing and playing with instruments as for singing with voyces,” Cotton gives several answers, the third of which is of particular interest as providing a main ground for the Puritans’ rejection of instrumental music in worship: “Singing with Instruments, was typical!, and so a ceremoniall worship, and therefore is ceased. But singing with heart and voyce is morall worship, such as is written inthe hearts of all men by nature: As to pray in distress, so when we are merry, and have cause of solemn thanksgiving unto God, then to sing Psalms, which the Holy Ghost by the Apostle James approveth and sanctifieth, James 5:13 Or suppose singing with instruments were not typicall, but only an external solemnitie of worship, fitten to the solace of the outward senses of children under age, (such as the Israelites were under the Old Testament Gal 4:1-3). Yet now in the growne age of the heires of the New Testament, such externall pompous solemnities are ceased, and so external! worship reserved, but such as holdeth forth simplicitie, and gravitie; nor is any voyce now to be heard in the Church" (

News Item11/17/11 2:07 PM
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Michael Hranek wrote:
But what is the tune/melody arrangement, what key was it written in?
Music is not required to worship God in fact it never has been used to quote; "WORSHIP" unquote God! God does not require it. Music is more an appeal to the emotions of the sinners.

Rufus wrote:
Do you mean to say psalms + hymns + spiritual songs or are you really saying psalms only?
The Book of Psalms contains psalms, hymns and spiritual songs.

God in His providence provides all our needs to worship Him.

"Since the 18th century, however, a major deviation from the regulative principle in the direction of unbridled subjectivism concerns the musical aspect of the service of worship. The flood of uninspired lyrics commonly miscalled hymns or gospel songs which has inundated a declining Protestant Church has been matched by other musical accompaniments that have transformed Churches into theatres and concert halls featuring preludes, postludes, interludes and who knows what else of the same species?" (

News Item11/17/11 1:41 PM
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Psalms Only!
Praise as recorded by God!

The history of the church has gone from Psalms only to the puerile junk we get from the Liberals today.

But then thats the same history of preaching and doctrine too.

News Item3/30/11 11:22 AM
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"Simply the Regulative Principle States this: True worship is only commanded by God; false worship is anything not commanded." (puritanmind)

"Charnock [Works, Vol.1, p.298] says that “worship is an act of the understanding, applying itself to the knowledge of the excellency of God, and actual thoughts of His majesty.... It is also an act of the will, whereby the soul adores and reverenceth His majesty, is ravished with His amiableness, embraceth His goodness, enters itself into an intimate communion with this most lovely object, and pitcheth all his affections on Him”. Acceptable worship must be Spiritual worship, “authorised by the Holy Spirit, constrained by the Holy Spirit, offered in the Holy Spirit” [J. Murray, Collected Writings, Vol. 1, ‘Worship’, p. 167]. James Begg [in The use of Organs] claims that “the worship of God is the most sacred thing with which His creatures have to do. It is more sacred than the government of the Church, more sacred even than Christian doctrine, for these are, in a sense, merely instrumental in bringing us into proper relations to God; and if it is true in anything whatsoever that God’s will must be the only rule, it is especially true of His own worship”." (Rev H.M.Cartwright)

"Emotional" worship = NO!

"Spiritual" worship = Yes!

News Item3/30/11 9:37 AM
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Neil wrote:
Psalmodists insist on a radical change in the singing mode of worship for the NT church.
We are not the ones who "insist on a radical change" modern lyrics and modern musical accompaniment is the radical change from what God has recorded as the Book of Praise, Psalms, and indeed in the history of the Church.

But carry on Neil with your support of 'rap' and continue to justify before men these Liberal, all singing, all dancing, all rapping churches if you will. And let the responsibility be of your ilk, that their praise be unBiblical, misguided and focus upon the theatrical entertainment of sinners - rather than the worship of God.

Sufficient understanding of the Regulative Principle illustrates the reason for keeping the Word of God in praise and worship.

News Item3/21/11 1:19 PM
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Neil wrote:
"psalm singer" misses the point, as have other Psalmody advocates here
'Who' is missing the point Neil?

The Reformation removed music and instruments in the same way as they removed icons etc.

"EUSEBIUS "Of old at the time those of the circumcision were worshipping with symbols and types it was not inappropriate to send up hymns to God with the psalterion and cithara and to do this on Sabbath days... We render our hymn with a living psalterion and a living cithara with spiritual songs. The unison voices of Christians would be more acceptable to God than any musical instrument. Accordingly in all the churches of God, united in soul and attitude, with one mind and in agreement of faith and piety we send up a unison melody in the words of the Psalms." (commentary on Psalms 91:2-3)"

"AUGUSTINE "musical instruments were not used. The pipe, tabret, and harp here associate so intimately with the sensual heathen cults, as well as with the wild revelries and shameless performances of the degenerate theater and circus, it is easy to understand the prejudices against their use in the worship." (Augustine 354 A.D., describing the singing at Alexandria under Athanasius)"

News Item3/13/11 4:38 PM
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John UK wrote:
C) And he said, Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac,.... Genesis 22:2 KJV
(which breaks the law, thou shalt not kill.)

B) who mentioned lyrics and music?

A) I will sing with the spirit, and I will sing with the understanding also.
1 Corinthians 14:12-15 KJV

Notice that Paul endorses praying and singing "with/in the spirit" meaning that language which is given by God and not necessarily understood by the pray-er/singer.

Your confused John.

A) Praise is for God not just mortals. Also your suggestion implies that the Bible is written in a language which congregations cannot understand or comprehend. That is not so! And as John 16:13 states the Holy Spirit's task is to guide His people into all truth. Don't cut the Spirit out of God's work, it is HE who will teach the Word.

B) "Lyrics/music" You are the one who appears to have diverted this debate to new dimensions.

C) NO! God does NOT TEACH THE BREAKING OF HIS LAW with this verse. He demonstrated Abraham's faith in God and his obedience as a truly faithful believer. (Exegesis)

PS: This has nothing to do with the fact that God has recorded His Praise method in the Bible under the Book of Psalms. PSALMS PRAISE GOD, as HE has ordained and written.

News Item3/13/11 2:57 PM
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John UK wrote:
A) Suppose that God in his word commanded his people, or some of his people, to sing in a language they did not understand, and which required an interpreter to make it edifying for the others?
I can assure you that they were NOT singing psalms when they were doing this.

B) Jesus taught his people not to prepare their speeches when brought before rulers, for their Father would give them the words at just the right time, this becoming known as extempore

C) the Lord has sometimes commanded his people to break even his own law found in scripture. Sola scriptura - not always!

A) Why in the name of heaven would anyone suppose this?

B) "Extempore lyrics and music"????

C) Where in Scripture do you find the command of God to quote, "break His laws"

News Item3/13/11 1:34 PM
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Eph 5:19 Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;

"But can any man in the possession of sober reason believe that the apostle commanded all the Colossians or all the Ephesians to make or compose songs of praise? How few, if any, of them could have complied with such a requisition! Even in the present age, when the advantages of education are more general than in apostolic times, this would be a task not one in a thousand among Christians could perform. How preposterous to suppose that the Apostle exhorts the disciples of Christ in general to perform a duty so far beyond the capacity of the great majority! It is unreasonable to suppose that a duty is commanded of such a nature that so few could possibly perform it. Clearly the Apostle is exhorting to the diligent use of such matter as they already had in their possession as a means of mutual edification. If his command to "Sing psalms and hymns," etc., can be construed as meaning "Make ye psalms and hymns and songs," then it can be claimed with equal show of reason that Christ’s command to "Search the Scriptures" meant "make, write or compose Scriptures." (Rev J.T.Chalmers)

Thus the original command was to use the Book of Psalms.

News Item3/13/11 12:11 PM
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The reason for sticking to the Word of God in praise.

"Consider the case of Nadab and Abihu. These young men were stricken down for offering "strange fire" which the Lord "had not commanded." It has been suggested that these young men might have been numbered among the advanced thinkers of their day, the patrons of progress and apostles of liberty, who imagined that a dash of liberalism would greatly improve and enrich the somewhat bald ritual of Jehovah. They failed to see why one kind of fire was not as good as another. The Divine appointment of one kind was a distinction without a difference. But God saw a difference; one was commanded, the other was not, and the penalty of their presumption was instant death. Thus was kindled upon the very threshold of Jehovah’s temple a beacon "to send its lurid light athwart the centuries as a warning to all succeeding worshippers of the danger of tampering with divine ordinances by subtracting, supplementing or supplanting them by human authority." (Rev J.T.Chalmers)

If you use the invented lyrics and music introduced by man - then you remove from worship that which was ordained and recorded by GOD Himself in Scripture for the express purpose of His praise.
There can only be one way - Biblical OR mortal.

News Item3/12/11 4:09 PM
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Neil wrote:
1) I'm not talking about the invisible church

2) Evasion; you were claiming that Common Sense is a "normal function." I want proof, which ..
3) ..does not do. I know that sin exists, thank you.
One would think that Common Sense could authenticate itself.

1) You asked for the REAL Church. The invisible Church is the only REAL Church.

2) It has been an accepted normal function in conversation between humans for centuries...
1525–35; translation of Latin sēnsus commūnis, itself translation of Greek koinḕ aĂ­sthēsis" (Dictionary)

Word Origin & History

common sense
"14c., originally the power of uniting mentally the impressions conveyed by the five physical senses, thus "ordinary understanding, without which one is foolish or insane" (L. sensus communis , Gk. koine aisthesis ); meaning "good sense" is from 1726. Also, as an adj., commonsense"

"(1776) A pamphlet written by Thomas Paine that called for the United States to declare independence from Britain immediately. Written in a brisk and pungent style, Common Sense had a tremendous impact and helped to persuade many Americans that they could successfully wage a war for their independence."

News Item3/12/11 2:45 PM
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Neil wrote:
1) Give a historical example of a REAL church (as you call it)

2) all sorts of people, made in God's image, have believed manifestly false things, starting w/ Adam & Eve.

3) If you concede that humans can ever err via their senses...
...then Common Sense cannot be trusted, or else does not exist.

1) The Elect!

2) Yes. Sin exists.

3) Yes. Sin exists - and so does common sense.

News Item3/9/11 4:27 PM
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Neil wrote:
1) As I said before, churches erred very badly during the Apostles' lifetimes (as for example with circumcision & Communion), so their being even closer in time didn't help

2) Second, "common sense" is a casual form of the Bandwagon Fallacy

3) rationalize the rap style in worship

1) Yes but I was referring to the REAL church Neil not the false witness.
The reason why the REAL church is still here today is that God guided them through history to witness, worship and praise. Try not to omit God from church history!

2) Common sense is a normal function of human beings who were made in God's image. I have often noticed how great "worldly" minds do not possess it.

"Common sense ::
sound practical judgment that is independent of specialized knowledge, training, or the like; normal native intelligence.
1525–35; translation of Latin sēnsus commūnis, itself translation of Greek koinḕ aĂ­sthēsis"

3) Praise comes by the melody of the heart. Eph 5:19.
Rap originally from Africa was used to tell stories to a musical background. It arrived in America during the 60's. As a theatrical modern music form it does not bring piety with it, and God did not use it in history!

News Item3/9/11 12:42 PM
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Neil wrote:
Irrelevant because of Special Pleading. No Protestant can consistently appeal to the practices of the post-Apostolic church
No not irrelevant since the "post apostolic" churches were closer to the original Biblical Church and therefore were aware of worship proceedings more than we are today. Thats common sense.

Mike wrote:
God dumped the use of accompaniment such as David used when he wrote/sang them, because God didn't like them anymore, because Jesus came to Earth
Hardly Mike???
It remains a salient realistic historic fact that the modern music, melody and use of instruments was initiated as a means of praise to God only in recent times. Some of the most respected and strongest preachers and teachers in church history reject this modern theatrical method.
The hymn singer must "assume" God accepts this recent addition to worship. Whereas Psalms Only by voice only is firmly and Biblically established since New Testament times.

"'Praise the Lord with harp.' Israel was at school, and used childish things to help her to learn; but in these days when Jesus gives us spiritual food, one can make melody without strings and pipes... We do not need them." (C.H.Spurgeon)

News Item3/8/11 5:12 PM
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"Most people who argue for the use of musical instruments in public worship today do not use the passages from the Chronicles for justification of their practice, but instead quote the references to musical instruments from the book of Psalms. The problem with this approach is that the Psalms often speak of the worship of Jehovah using ceremonial types. The Psalms speak of offering sacrifice (Ps.20:3; 54:6; 107:22; 118:27), burnt offerings (Ps.20:3; 50:8; 51:19; 66:13, 15), the altar (Ps.26:6; 43:4; 51:19; 118:27), God’s house—the temple (Ps.101:2; 122:1). The Psalms speak of walking within God’s house (Ps.101:2), of going into the house of Jehovah (Ps. 122:1), of worshiping toward God’s holy temple (Ps.5:7; 138:8), and of inquiring in God’s temple (Ps.27:4). Orthodox Christians do not use the passages in the psalms that speak of sacrifices and burnt offerings as proof texts for offering sacrifices in church because they know from other portions of Scripture that these duties belonged to the Levitical priesthood and were part of the ceremonial temple system that has been fulfilled and superseded by Christ. Likewise, the clear historical passages of Scripture that discuss the use of musical instruments in public worship teach that their use was ceremonial." (B.Schwertley)

News Item3/8/11 5:04 PM
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"These instances are the only scriptural hope for those who seek a scriptural warrant for musical instruments from the Old Testament. Can one find a non-ceremonial, non-Levitical use of musical instruments in these instances? No. There are a number of reasons why the use of musical instruments in these instances must be considered ceremonial. First, note that in each instance only the Levites were permitted to play the instruments (1 Chron. 15:16-24; 2 Chron. 5:12-13; Ezra 3:10; Neh. 12:35-36). Second, the priests and Levites only played instruments that were authorized by God: the silver trumpets of Moses and the instruments of David (1 Chron. 15:16, 28; 2 Chron. 5:12; 20:28; Ezra 3:10; Neh. 12:27, 36). Third, each instance was either connected with the ark, the temple, or the wall protecting the central sanctuary. The victory procession recorded in 2 Chronicles 20 ended at the temple (v.28). The dedication ceremonies with the Levitical use of instruments never occurred outside of Jerusalem, the site of the temple—the central place of sacrifice. Fourth, the dedication services involved sacrifices and burnt offerings (1 Chron. 16:1-2; 2 Chron. 7:1, 5-6; Neh. 12:43). In fact, the burnt offerings and peace offerings were the climaxes of these services." (B.Schwertley)

News Item3/8/11 2:51 PM
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John UK wrote:
Now what is meant by "all Israel"?
And should we use intruments in worship?
Want to return to the old Ceremonial type worship John??

"The Puritans worship God using the Psalms, and the Psalms alone. They did not allow musical instruments to pervade their worship, but instead, kept to the simplicity that is found in the New Testament as what is known as "congregational singing" instead of the Old Testament ceremonial worship which was primarily done by the Levitical priests instituted by David under God's direct command. They used the Psalms as the divinely inspired songbook for the church. The following articles reflect the view that the Psalms are "the" Manuel of God's ordained Praise of Himself, which is to be accomplished by the Church." [URL=]]]Puritan Worship[/URL]

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