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News Item6/21/2020 2:33 PM
Humble One | Humble, OK  Find all comments by Humble One
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Just keep in mind what VP Biden said in an interview, "If you are black and not voting for Democrats, then you ain't black"
which means...Democrats have 99 percent of the black vote, no doubt about it, nothing wrong with Biden pointing out the facts of the matter.
Now, after voting for Democrats for so many years, what have they gotten blacks in return, but govt jobs in DC and in the Postal Service, Obama-phones, pocket money for black pastors when Early Voting Day comes around, etc, but not any progress in improving their schools, educational levels, housing, etc.

News Item6/20/2020 11:46 AM
Humble One | Humble, OK  Go to homepageFind all comments by Humble One
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But, if they can show that they voted Democrat in the past 50 years, they will be forgiven all, just like the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, who did the exact same thing.
Meanwhile, I wonder what the collector's value of pancake mix will be, now that one brand is seen as bad. By the way, what is happening in Brazil? Didn't they have a much larger proportion of their population imported as slaves from AFrica, which is very very close to them.
And then, what about the blacks in this country that owned slaves?

News Item6/19/2020 3:25 PM
Humble One | Humble, OK  Go to homepageFind all comments by Humble One
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I've read that most Americans do not have enough cash on hand (before this big Govt Shutdown) to pay a $500 sudden repair needed on their HVAC, car, etc. So naturally, they are not able to pay when Govt shuts down their jobs.
By the way, have you been to a bank lately?
I walked 'scot-free' into one bank today without anyone checking my temp, giving me hand sanitizer, etc, and then at another, I had to knock at the door to get in, and I think the staff recognized me, too. Any ordinary Jose might have had a problem.

News Item6/19/2020 3:20 PM
Humble One | Humble, OK  Go to homepageFind all comments by Humble One
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ONe reason why we were told that it was important to vote Republican was for the Supreme Court--we could install 'our' judges that would uphold the US Constitution.
Seeing this happen makes you wonder, why bother at all?

News Item6/19/2020 12:14 PM
Humble One | Humble, OK  Go to homepageFind all comments by Humble One
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Can we rate SC decisions? Abortion-the very worst, has cost how many lives? This one--2nd worst--will affect everything that calls itself Christian--colleges, mission agencies, churches, etc.
ONce your pastor is up there in a dress, though he has a full beard, you know the end has come.

News Item6/19/2020 12:05 PM
Humble One | Humble, OK  Go to homepageFind all comments by Humble One
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Didn't the governor of Virginia do the same thing when he was in college? Does that mean he should resign?
I heard Moody was having serious financial problems, with less people interested in going the Old Fashioned Missionary Route. Older people who used to give $$ to Moody are dying off, younger people have less $$ to give (I've read that most Americans cannot even pay a sudden $500 expense from savings; they have to use a credit card).

News Item6/18/2020 4:57 PM
Humble One | Humble, OK  Go to homepageFind all comments by Humble One
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No, I think you guys are going down the wrong alley. The area you refer to is too big and involves too much money to be controlled. I even read once that it was considered (maybe by liberals only) to be the Motor of Change, that for example, VCR and VHS tapes were created not by Hollywood which soon lost much $$ from their movie-theater going public who were able to stay home to watch movies (anyone remember the Blockbuster stores?), but by the industry you refer to, so that they could get their product out of the 'bad' sections of town.
Next step was the DVD to make the quality better and easier to make, and then online improvements, especially in download speed.
Just keep it in the back of your mind...every single technological advance has been pushed by these bad guys, not Hollywood or bankers or investors like Warren Buffet.
But I do think they will crack down on a website like this one where anyone can post comments.

News Item6/18/2020 4:46 PM
Humble One | Humble, OK  Find all comments by Humble One
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Our friend from England understands these Jewish folks better than many people living in the US. Another story involving them was when a fire burnt down a house and about 8 to 10 children died in it. Turned out that it was from some candle or other heating element that they were not allowed to put out because that would violate the Sabbath Law. In Israel, their exemption from military service was questioned recently and that raised a big stink there. Many of their youth spend their days--without the military service--studying/memorizing the Torah and then going home to make more babies, which then the govt supports (like a welfare state, but on religious terms). Many secular Jews in Israel did not like supporting these folk who do not work at all, and think their religious dedication substitutes for any 'secular' duty like ordinary work.
But it must be a good life, unless you don't like the pitter patter of a dozen or so kids runnning around your feet.
You can sleep late, eat whatever you want, all paid by the govt, and then go to the religious school to study the Torah, and there is no grading, so you could be an Old Lazy Bones and never memorize one sentence and still keep going.

News Item6/18/2020 11:39 AM
Humble One | Humble, OK  Find all comments by Humble One
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I read somewhere that 80 percent of all churches in the US have less than 100 attending. That means, they could do 2 services on Sunday and take care of the 50-person limit. And, with a few more people being out sick, and maybe a few out because of fear of the disease (boy, think of that---I was too afraid to go to church!), they should keep well under 50

News Item6/16/2020 3:02 PM
Humble One | Humble, OK  Go to homepageFind all comments by Humble One
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Maybe the police will have to resort to 'civil asset forfeiture' more often to make their budgets. So next time you are driving down the street and do not come to a full stop at a stop sign, they will seize your car. Today they can do that if you were going home from your laundromat with a day's receipts of say, a couple thousand dollars in coins. Or if you were on your way to buy a used car for $12,500 cash.

News Item6/15/2020 1:55 PM
Humble One | Humble, OK  Go to homepageFind all comments by Humble One
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Too bad the BLM movement does not pay attention to all the black babies being aborted. Just like they don't care about all the blacks killing blacks in Chicago.

News Item6/13/2020 5:08 PM
Humble One | Humble, OK  Go to homepageFind all comments by Humble One
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I have heard that Palestinians are involved in all this, with funding from Iran, Venezuela, and even Cuba. If you notice their methods and equipment, they are very similar to what they do in Israel.
Frank is right on about protecting his home. Check out last week's News and Comments from Cross Talk here at SA with Jim Schneider; he has audio from the Polk County, Florida sheriff where he says if these people come here, they better watch out if they want to go mess with our residents, who I encourage to own guns.
Even in Overtown, the black neighborhood a block from the City of Miami Police HQ, they could not protest because the black residents told them to stay away, and they had their guns ready to show them. And they know they would never make it the 2 or 3 miles down 'Calle Ocho' the historically Cuban Main Street. In fact, a protest against the BLM group is planned for Sunday Flag Day in Miami Lakes, an upscale neighborhood created by the original Washington Post/Newsweek owners, the Graham family.

News Item6/13/2020 4:58 PM
Humble One  Go to homepageFind all comments by Humble One
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I too was surprised at SBC being called mainline and that it was heading towards splitting. With Baptists, I've heard they will split over the color of the carpet in a remodeling job of the sanctuary. I've seen people leave church over a change in scheduling their favorite traditional service.
The whole history of the church in the USA is full of splits.
I have been wondering about the impact of churches being closed...people are getting used to not needing to dress up in their Sunday best clothes, not needing to drive to the church, nor even pick a restaurant to go to afterwards. You might call these folk, 'not real Christians' but churches do not test their members every year to make sure they toe the line of doctrine or behavior, so these folk fill the pews alongside those who genuinely want to worship the Lord.
In a way, I even think maybe someone in China thought the virus was a good weapon to keep Americans from attending church. They already persecute Christians in their own country, so why not do something to mess with American Christians? Maybe that's why Italy was hit so hard by the virus; the Chinese Communists thought these Italians are 90 percent Catholic, so let's hit them hard. (they don't know that most Italians are not showing up in church every Sunday)

News Item6/12/2020 4:34 PM
Humble One  Go to homepageFind all comments by Humble One
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Can anyone here share the link to the video of former President Obama pronouncing a eulogy at the funeral of the former KKK leader Robert Byrd, former US Senator from West Virginia?
Should all the roads, buildings, parks, and monuments to Byrd in West Virginia be taken down? And should Obama himself be shunned for doing this eulogy and for having a white mother, which in effect 'dilutes the race' and some might say 'betrays his race'

News Item6/12/2020 4:28 PM
Humble One  Go to homepageFind all comments by Humble One
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Can anyone tell me if next week is the week for the Japanese Americans to go on demonstrations, deface monuments (esp. the big one in DC) to FDR who put them in concentration camps without them committing a crime?
Or is next week the time for Chinese Americans to go on demonstrations, deface railroads, laundries, etc where they were forced to work (and die)?
Or is next week the time for "Native Americans" to go on the warpath like in the old westerns?
Or is next week the time for Irish Americans to go on demonstrations, deface bars, police 'paddy wagons' and so forth?
What about the Polish Americans who had been the butt of many jokes?

News Item6/12/2020 4:23 PM
Humble One | Humble, OK  Go to homepageFind all comments by Humble One
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Interesting to note that Japan has less than 1,000 dead and will be reopening a lot of their clubs and bars, even karaoke bars where people sing (without masks I assume). They never closed down everything, so I wonder how their unemployment numbers were.
Remember at the start when they told us that masks were not needed? Everyone knew that--under their breath--they were just making sure nurses, doctors, etc were able to have their masks. Latest thing I heard was that masks do not work well when a beard is involved.
The good thing is that PCUSA is a small part of all churches out there, with Catholics being first, Baptists second. I've heard that in many areas Catholic churches are holding their masses, while the Protestant church down the street remains closed. How can that be?

News Item6/12/2020 4:16 PM
Humble One | Humble, OK  Go to homepageFind all comments by Humble One
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I wonder if France and England can demand reparations for all the white slaves that were taken from their countries and sent to Africa Muslim domains. A good book on the subject is called "White Gold" by Giles Milton. Your public library might have a copy, and you better check it out before it disappears from the shelves.

News Item6/12/2020 11:11 AM
Humble One | Humble, OK  Go to homepageFind all comments by Humble One
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I think CT has few readers, so it is like their other 'scare' stories that have been featured here. Just go back and read one of them and try to think...what difference did that make? did anything change as a result?

In this Chinese Cultural Revolution, every black person is a saint that needs to be paid by every white person just for inhabiting the same country. It doesn't matter that the white person might be a recent immigrant--he is standing on roads built by slaves, using goods transported by railways made by slaves, etc. REmember "you didn't build that"?
The corollary is...whatever problem you have, addiction, wife beating, having 7 children with 7 different women, etc. can all be blamed on your skin color.
The solution is...all whites must pay reparations, and whites are not allowed to debate the issue because they would only show themselves as racists.
all this shows you that this is not an American-led movement but communist, because that is the way they move.
Any Jews remember the NIght of Broken Glass? It's the same way today with this movement.

News Item6/11/2020 12:23 PM
Humble One | Humble, OK  Find all comments by Humble One
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We are watching something like a Chinese Cultural Revolution. There is no discussion, no reasoning, no voting, no democracy here. ONly one voice is allowed, and that can change from 1 day to another.
Flag Day is Sunday---let's see if there are any demonstrations to support the flag!
I think Dems are shooting themselves in the foot by not 'calling in' their radical members, but then I think these are not even DEms, just anarchists and communists, supported by many overseas sources like George Soros, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, Russia, and Communist China.
The fact is that 'Black Lives Matter' does not apply to blacks killed in Chicago on a regular weekly basis (see other article here about last weekend with 18 killed), nor does it deal with why blacks don't help police catch the murderers.
ANd what about Libya, where slaves are still being sold? Anyone mentioning that?
And Thomas Sowell, black writer, says that there were more white slaves sent to Africa (mostly from Muslims raiding England, France, etc) than were sent from Africa to the US. And Brazil had many more slaves sent there than those here.
I guess we will not be able to sing Amazing Grace because that was written by a slave trader! ANd the Virginia Governor will resign because he put on black face as a youth.

News Item6/10/2020 4:54 PM
Humble One | Humble, OK  Find all comments by Humble One
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I wonder if more kids have made more progress in these days of homeschooling than before.
And some parents may have learned that it is better for them to be at home, concentrate on their studies rather than the school bus trip, the free school lunches, the physical education classes, etc.
I wonder if anyone is complaining about the lack of socializing that is usually mentioned when home schooling is discussed.
I guess when the Govt Experts at CDC say no groups greater than 10, that has to carry more weight.
I wish we had more news reporting on what percentage of virus cases are in prisons, nursing homes, and by age. Maybe they don't report it because we would see that youth are not affected as much.
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