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News Item12/4/15 9:05 PM
Dylan | Paraguay  Find all comments by Dylan
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These are what your new brother's in arms will look like Americans. You are going to have to trust them with your lives on the battlefield or the Obamanation will have you court-martialed.

News Item12/4/15 8:50 PM
Dylan | Paraguay  Find all comments by Dylan
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Muslims doing what they have always been doing on a regular basis, worldwide for over 1400 years. A dark infection upon the globe that will bring about the Antichrist who is an atheist who will use the Islamic "threat" justification to bring global oppression upon Christians.

News Item12/4/15 8:44 PM
Dylan | Paraguay  Find all comments by Dylan
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The absolute and total dark oppression in North American media and schools and the entire public culture is more atheist and Antichrist then has ever existed in the history of the world anywhere else that has ever existed in time. Even the Romans and Pagans in Jesus' time could be reasoned with to a certain degree, but not the European and North American culture, they are absolute and total zombies and so far removed from the Holy it is beyond comprehension itself. Everything related to God/Jesus/The Bible is an absolute and utter joke, so if you know that is the case there is zero questioning of the now long propagandized lies of evolution and the "big bang" and all similar atheist concoctions. There is no hope for this culture whatsoever, it is accursed, and if you don't want to become a victim of it along with your family and everyone else you love, you need to get out of it and start your life over in a more favorable country like Paraguay. Don't think God is going to intervene to save the cursed west, it is not going to happen just like He didn't intervene to save Sodom and Gomorrah or multiple other places in human history that turned against God.

News Item12/4/15 8:35 PM
Dylan | Paraguay  Find all comments by Dylan
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They are not, just like they were not in the middle ages under Roman catholic abusers. When the "new world" was discovered our forefathers got out of European evil rulers to start over in North America, but now history is repeating itself only under atheist marxists, now is the time to get out while you still can before you are imprisoned, have your children taken from you or have your assets confiscated like they were taken from the Jews as they were trying to leave Nazi areas.

You can come immigrate very easily to the countryside of Paraguay and enjoy a good and safe life and build up a country which not only has a president who stands against the abortion genocide upon preborn babies, but also live in a country that has a cultural respect for Biblical morality more than most other countries. No country is perfect, but many are vastly better, and also if you read prophecy clearly there will be certain countries in the time of the Antichrist who will fight against him, so there will be outposts that exist to live more safely even under the antichrist than certain others.

News Item11/21/15 12:43 PM
Dylan | Paraguay  Find all comments by Dylan
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The wicked can burn in hell, let their dead bury their own dead. Go live your life outside of the control of these scum. Get out of Babylon while you still can.

News Item11/3/15 11:07 PM
Dylan | Paraguay  Find all comments by Dylan
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Calvinism in its essence can be summed up in picturing God making a numbered list with only a certain amount of entries available, then watching God throw dice to decide who He adds to the list (those to be saved). Because after all no one is saved by anything they do according to Calvinists, RIGHT!!!! No one is more righteous then anyone else according to Calvinists, RIGHT!!!! So since some are going to eternal damnation and supposedly are NO DIFFERENT then any of us (of ourselves), we can thank our lucky dice for coming up with our number, since neither those saved, or those lost have ANY DIFFERENCE WHATSOEVER, RIGHT!!!!

So YUP according to Calvinism, God really doesn't love anything, let alone anyone, He just saves totally randomly since He supposedly didn't act upon any obedience shown from any being He created with the ability of self determination since according to Calvinists no being ever created has self determination at all.

Pffff the idiocy of Calvinism.

2Sa 22:21 KJV - The LORD rewarded me according to my righteousness: according to the cleanness of my hands hath he recompensed me.
2Sa 22:22 KJV - For I have kept the ways of the LORD, and have not wickedly departed from my God.

Nope, there is the perfect righteousness of Christ, but there IS also our rig

News Item11/3/15 10:36 PM
Dylan | Paraguay  Find all comments by Dylan
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Thanks for posting that stat calthrope, I never believed the "millions upon millions were murdered" stuff, but I did think it was around 300,000 over 300 years or something like that. It appears you are right, it was WAY WAY less then that. I don't believe it is historically possible that the RC church is the woman mystery of Babylon prophecy, it is either Islam or the USA (perhaps of the near future). Babylon the great in revelation though is absolutely the USA as far as I see it though.

calthrope wrote:
ISIS kills more in a month than the Inquisition did ..The official Inquisition killed about 2,200 during four hundred plus years..The details are codified in records..A lot more were killed in mob action, kangaroo courts..Some were political and others were for basic, none Roman Catholic beliefs.. Constantinople was sacked during a mob action of crusaders

News Item11/3/15 10:11 PM
Dylan | Paraguay  Find all comments by Dylan
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pennnelope wrote:
Dylan, are expats finding work there?
Hi Pennelope sorry didn't see your question before I only come here once a month maybe. You don't come here to get a job, you come here to escape funding baby killing, free yourself and children from being indoctrinated or forced to take part in homosex agenda, have your possessions confiscated for any number of Antichrist laws, etc. etc. etc.

You get a cheap house here out in the country with 10+ hectares and do your own farming and self sufficiency type of lifestyle ($50k usd possible for entry level place in country, almost zero property tax too). But if you want you can go in the nasty big city here Asuncion and teach english and live in an apt, yea, that is about it for jobs. Other than that expats start their own companies for international services or run restaurants, auto shops or whatever skill they have.

Zero worldwide income tax
no capital gains tax from international investments
no inheritance tax
no gift tax
10% income tax from local sources only

Move your money to singapore, gibraltar, cook islands, etc. first. If you want to escape the usa then you need to renounce your citizenship after you gain residency here to get all those tax advantages.

News Item11/3/15 10:02 PM
Dylan | Paraguay  Find all comments by Dylan
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Brother Elmer, you need 5k, a generally clean criminal history, no serious transmittable diseases, and about 5 months of your time in person, after which you and your whole family can have lifetime permanent residency, and you can even be out of the country for up to 3 years at a time if needed. I got my residency last year and am now in the process of moving everything there and living. Come to the villarrica mountains area, cheap land, grow all year around, no abortion, no forced fecalism, no antichrist laws, pack and carry your own guns, plentiful water sources, nice locals who are not genocidal.

Brother Saint Elmer I wrote:
Hey Brother Saint Dylan, how does a freeborn man and woman and their freeborn children who are citizens of the kingdom of heaven get into these particular lands without

News Item11/3/15 9:52 PM
Dylan | Paraguay  Find all comments by Dylan
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News Item11/3/15 9:36 PM
Dylan | Paraguay  Find all comments by Dylan
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Dave, save your mind from the madness man, get legal advice too. From the short phrase you said it sounds like utter chaos. And phrases like mr UK said are baseless, God has given this world into the chaos of sin until the day Jesus returns and has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with any of this kind of stuff despite the delusions that come out of Calvinists mouths claiming such things do. Do whatever you can to take your kids/get your kids into a different physical environment where they are not reminded or in a place their lives can be put at risk like this again. The madness will only grow like a psychotic cancer if you live in a psychotic place around psychotic people. Let the dead bury the dead, don't lay down your life for some murderous psycho. If possible take them to live somewhere for a couple weeks in another location to start or if you can afford it, a vacation.

News Item11/3/15 9:26 PM
Dylan | Paraguay  Find all comments by Dylan
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"The Islamic invasion is by invitation."

You got that right, perfect cliche that encompasses all.

It is one of the reasons I encourage all Christians to leave their cursed Marxist forced tax funded baby murdering, Antichrist fecalist countries, and come to Paraguay's countryside and join more similar minded people and use violence to protect our refuge country until death (like all our forefathers have done going back all the way to how the Jews did in the OT from genocidal enemy invaders) from all these reprobate murderers, rapists and venomous perverted Antichrists.

News Item10/31/15 9:31 PM
Dylan | Paraguay  Find all comments by Dylan
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Oh I see now these people are spokespersons for religious beliefs and Biblical teachings. I thought these double talking idiots wanted SEPARATION from the state being able to make decrees upon religious beliefs, so why are they doing exactly that in this case? Because they are manipulators that is why.

News Item10/30/15 11:49 PM
Dylan | Paraguay  Find all comments by Dylan
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Hi Chris, I will be ok, thanks. Best wishes.

News Item10/27/15 10:43 PM
Dylan | Paraguay  Find all comments by Dylan
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I passed through there for like 1 day in 1992, I had never felt an evil feeling in a place before I went to New Orleans, it just felt like an evil place, and it didn't help them that I got approached by hard core professional con men like 3 times within an hour and was stupid and young enough to get taken by one of them.

This vampire stuff is becoming the next homosexuality, where I came from near where I lived was a bar/club where they did things I am told are too devious and satanic to even post in a public forum. Now they have this zombie walk thing in most every city in north america now, people are willfully turning their lives into fantasied delusions and it makes them do sinful things similar to how people do sinful things on biological drugs.

News Item10/21/15 12:02 AM
Dylan | Paraguay  Contact via emailFind all comments by Dylan
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There is only one prayer for such, may these Muslims be absolutely slaughtered and may their names never be heard again for all eternity. If God lets these Muslims get their hands on me, MARK MY WORD and bet your entire life savings that if they are going to kill me I will take down 1000 of them like Samson and we will all die together. These pigs of damnation will not be allowed to live and kill others if I have anything to do with it. For all you _______es who think these kinds of demonic acts are the will of God, you better get out of my way useless human beings, enemies of all living, evangelists of Satan.

News Item10/17/15 1:59 PM
Dylan | Paraguay  Find all comments by Dylan
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"The TRUE church which is the Reformed Church"

FOOL, you are exactly and entirely as shamelessly and willfully deluded as Roman Catholics, you are one sick vile human being which proves the mind of a heretic knows no limits and no rationality whatsoever and is entirely engulfed by fear of dealing with reality, let alone common sense.

News Item10/9/15 8:06 PM
Dylan | Paraguay  Find all comments by Dylan
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News Item10/5/15 11:09 PM
Dylan | Paraguay  Find all comments by Dylan
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News Item10/5/15 11:05 PM
Dylan | Paraguay  Find all comments by Dylan
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Pathetic hypocrite pacifist.

Rev 18:20 REJOICE over her, thou heaven, and ye holy apostles and prophets; for God hath AVENGED you on her!

Psa 58:10 The righteous shall REJOICE when he seeth the VENGEANCE: he shall WASH HIS FEET IN THE BLOOD of the wicked!

Mat 21:40 KJV - When the lord therefore of the vineyard cometh, what will he do unto those husbandmen? They say unto him, He will MISERABLY DESTROY those wicked men

Psa 68:21 KJV - But God shall wound the head of his enemies, and the hairy scalp of such an one as goeth on still in his trespasses....That thy foot may be dipped in the BLOOD OF THINE ENEMIES, and the TONGUE OF THY DOGS IN THE SAME!

Pathetic pacifistic hypocrite.

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