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News Item9/9/19 6:11 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Pyongyang's most-wanted list for 13yrs, for doing charitable work, and presenting the gospel to North Koreans...that's some kind of hatred for The God of The Bible.

Now, I would think that if all of these other false religions, and cults, truly believed that their gods and goddesses reigned supreme, they wouldn't be so fearful over a little competition. I would think they'd just sit back, and let their powerful gods take any others to the cleaners, for daring to make such claims of existence and superiority. Are their gods and goddesses so weak that they couldn't even stop this Pastor on their own, after 13yrs, until one of their puny humans finally murdered him?

So interesting how they will protect their gods, by any means necessary, even murdering for them...gods and goddesses who don't, and never even existed. Inventions of the mind, and false prophets of old. Tragic, to say the very least.

News Item9/8/19 8:49 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Drew Brees: "...Being a Christian is love, it's forgiveness, it’s respecting all, it’s accepting all.â€

I'm glad you quoted this, J4J, because this is what happens when anyone who claims to have been born again, remains within the public eye. Their career remains front and center, and their main priority, above all else. I don't see how any born again Christian can stay in the public eye, and remain in good standing, without compromising scripture. Tell it like it is, and you're all done, but be vague and compromise, and it's their out, to continue on in financial security, and public acceptance.

Really amazing how, in just a few short years, the plague of homosexuality has sickened an entire nation to the degree that to even disagree with the lifestyle, and disgusting deeds, has become a crime of hate, bigotry, intolerance, divisiveness, and to merely speak out against it now, invites protest, violence, and threats of death. Not to mention that the courts are even in their corner now. The legal system, Hollywood, mainstream media, social media, and liberal America stand behind them in solidarity...that's quite the voice they've been given. Who cares what God says? Who cares if they transmit a deadly disease?

News Item9/8/19 6:17 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Buttigieg claims that unhatched eagles eggs can be stomped on, cute, little puppies can be thrown over a cliff, and baby kittens can be strangled if they're not wanted.

Breaking News: {dramatic background music} Mayor Pete Buttigieg has just stepped down from the 2020 Presidential race, due to the heavy backlash received over his recent, inhumane comments. Mayor Pete labelled an animal killer, and receiving death threats. Mayor Pete has been shot.

Buttigieg claims that babys can be murdered up until their first breath, says Bible.

Breaking News: Buttigieg's recent comments have catapulted him past Biden and Warren, as the 2020 favorite in the Presidential race.

??? Disturbing times.

News Item9/7/19 4:27 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Dr Tim Wrote:
"JAG and Pilgrim, y’all just don’t know how lucky you are. You could have been born like Christopher, with prehensile feet. Of course this comes in handy for him when he wants to raid Farmer O’Neal’s orchards to make applejack."

Trying to be funny is one thing, and you do try real hard, but poking fun at mutations that people don't have any control over, isn't harmless fun. Let's see you throw a fastball, or lasso a wild stallion, with your feet, or write poems while swinging from tree to tree through a forest. You can't. The one thing you can do is to rail on anyone you can, to try and bring them down, as you blame the whole of mankind for the lousy hand you were dealt on your physical appearance.

My sage advice is to hobble into your cave, curl up into your favorite goat pelt, and cry it out. Stop looking at your reflection, and tomorrow might be a brighter day...

News Item9/7/19 1:10 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Frank Wrote:

"Hey Chris,
I am so ignorant when it comes to drugs, including marijuana. But, I do understand your point and I couldn't agree more. FOLLOW THE MONEY."

Hi Frank...thanks. I didn't really know anything, either, until I began asking questions recently. I'm sure that Rhode Island will be approving recreational use before too long, but in the meantime, there's a dispensary right over the border that opened up recently, so people buy it there, and bring it back home.

Everywhere I look now, I see people smoking the marijuana oils. The vaporizer pens used are the exact same kinds that people use with nicotine cartridges, so it's impossible to police, and I dont think there's any odor to them (I don't think).

A few weeks ago, I had to drop off a chainsaw to my brother-in-law, and he handed me a bag to give to my wife. Come to find out that not only do my brother-in-laws, and sister-in-law use pot, but my own wife had him pick her up a canister of marijuana gummies, like gummy bears that you eat to get high. I couldn't believe it, and never, ever, would have thought she would get involved in that. I was in shock. Medical use is one thing, but recreational...very dissappointing where she's concerned, and out of charactor.

News Item9/7/19 8:41 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Interesting. I'm left-handed as well, as far as writing only, though. Everything else, eating, and throwing a ball, etc., I do right-handed. Strange, I guess. The difficulty for left-handed writers is how we had to learn to keep our hands over the top as we write, to keep the outside of our palms from smearing the ink/graphite. Due to that, unless we write slowly, and controlled, our writing isn't typically all that neat, and it's usually slanted.

News Item9/6/19 6:31 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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College students aside, and by the way, why restrict, and focus on the rise in use to college students? Just like they are with the casinos, each state is slowly moving towards recreational use marijuana for purely revenue reasons. The war on drugs always included MJ and hash, etc. In fact, how many are sitting in prisons right now for carrying/using/dealing, these illegal, mind-altering drugs?

So, individual states begin to see how much cash they can bankroll if they were to take over the action, legalize the drug, and become the exclusive suppliers/dealers. They see money signs, reverse the laws that held them as class-1 drugs, legalizing the drugs for recreational use, and sold only by dispensaries, that the state controls, places a heavy product tax on for their slice of the action, and by a stroke of the pen, they become instant drug dealers, with no competition. The very same dealers that they've been imprisoning for decades. Interesting.

News Item9/6/19 4:51 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Will Witt, from PragersU, was in LA's, Echo Park, asking people to sign a petition to save the eagle egg; the unborn eagles. One of the eager women who gladly signed it said, "Eagles are humans, too", while another said, "I hope you save the eagles", as she began to walk away. After they signed the first petition, Will Witt asked them to sign one more, and that one was to save human babys; to stop abortion.

Both women responded, "Oh no, I'm not signing that, I'm fully pro-abortion" When asked their reasoning, they simply said, "it's the woman's choice", and talked about rape, even though abortions resulting from rape is in the single digits.

Hardly surprising, but the mindset/logic is beyond disturbing.

News Item9/6/19 8:14 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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John UK Wrote:
"I quite expect the Lord will have a special place in hell for religious charlatans and deceivers."

Good morning John,

I believe you're quite right. Scripture makes it clear that there are different levels of eternal punishment, and how harsh that punishment must be for those who wilfully lead others to their destruction. We're all, in the end, responsible for our own selves, because God made His Word available to all, so claims of ignorance, or being duped, won't fly, but woe to those who do the duping.

How many use God Almighty in their get rich quick schemes? They've reaped their temporary, earthly reward, but they'll be finding out one day, very unfortunately, how their passion for riches through deception, exacts a heavy, eternal toll. Tragic.

Seriously, to use God as a tool for wealth, and personal, material gain, while deceiving multitudes to get it done? Mind blowing.

News Item9/3/19 3:34 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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John UK Wrote:
"...which is what worship is all about - words. Don't worry about the references to the mass, it is an uninspired hymn after all, and most hymns have some false doctrine within them."

Ok, so I referenced a hymn in error. My bad, but the words in the one, spoils the many?

I need to nail something down at this point, and that's your position on Psalms only. Psalms only is: 1) A command by God that limits the elect to singing from the Psalms, only, and without musical instruments, of any sort, whenever and wherever we should break out in song, or, 2) Same as number one, but restricted to corporate praise and worship, only, or, 3) Any singing, along with the use of musical instruments, or without, whether alone at home, or gathered within a church building for praise and worship, is tantamout to disobediance, hence, sin, or, 4) Psalms only is just plain safe, free from any errors, personal preference, and why take chances, or argue over who prefers what songs, but there's still no biblical warrant for musical instruments at a church gathering.

I get that you might need to mix and match some of the numbers contents.

News Item9/3/19 3:29 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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John UK Wrote:
"Your point of interest concerning the lack of breadth of theology within the Psalms, I would answer like this: theology is not ever to be taken from one portion of scripture, but the whole book (which is a collection of books - biblia)."

Hey John, while I agree, we're talking about singing itself, and it seems to me that when it does come to praise and worship through song, Psalms only wouldn't be all-encompassing; lacking the entire revelation.

"The way you word this, it's almost as if you are saying it is a manmade device called "exclusive psalmody", therefore it is to be discounted as incorrect. However, if you were to say, "God forbids the church to sing uninspired hymns", you are saying, "This is not found in scripture."

I don't think I'd say, incorrect, but like I've said, to me, exclusivity makes Psalms only, incomplete, when it comes to praise and worship through song, by excluding the incarnation, death, resurrection, and more.

Ephesians 5:19
speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord.

Paul seems to be speaking with broad instructions here, and without limitation, such as corporate worship.

News Item9/2/19 3:58 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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I have more typed up as a followup from your previous post, but won't be able to finish it until tomorrow.

News Item9/2/19 11:09 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Hi John,

Understood, but one thing at a time for me. I'm still sorting out the exclusionary Psalms singing, and looking at it scripturally, and historically.

One point of interest for me (that I read), is that the Psalms don't explicitly reflect the full range of trinitarian revelation: the incarnation, life, ministry, death and resurrection, ascension, or the gift of The Spirit to the church. Strange that a principle requiring explicit biblical support for worship practices should require those practices to refer to the central truths of biblical revelation only implicitly. Seems that the Psalms shouldn't be the sole way of the church, because if they were, it would cause an imbalance (the full range of the revelation) in its theology.

Also, an exclusive psalmody forbids the church to sing “Jesus, thou joy of loving hearts,†“How sweet the name of Jesus sounds,†and “Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty", but it's explicitly commanded to sing “O daughter of Babylon, doomed to be destroyed, blessed shall he be who repays you with what you have done to us! Blessed shall he be who takes your little ones and dashes them against the rock!†and Psalm 109:6-20 with its outpouring of curses, etc., etc.

News Item9/2/19 9:24 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Sorry, one last comment...I should mention that, to be fair, I've been researching the regulative principle, as opposed to just winging the topic, based upon nothing but personal opinion. I'll always go where scripture takes me, no matter what, and no matter how personally painful it might be.

I've been researching the regulative principle itself, as well as its historical context, Westminsters view of it, the practice and views of the reformed churches, prior to 1643, the biblical arguments against exclusive Psalmody, the scope of the revelation that the Psalms includes, and excludes, what exclusive Psalmody forbids and requires, and so on, so I'm doing my due diligence, and it's an interesting topic.

News Item9/2/19 6:45 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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...but, I also understand the dangers of today's music, as well as many manmade hymns that are not inline with scripture. I get that Pslams only is the safe way, but to add to that, the forbidding of any musical accompaniments, is an over-the-top stretch, and unbiblical limitation, that ventures from erring on the side of caution, to the unreasonable.

The topic boils down to nothing but a matter of opinion; being subjective, and unique to each saints own personal preference. Fine, but we have no biblical warrant to claim that one is holier than the other, based upon whichever view one holds to, based upon their own understanding of scripture.

So again, is singing anything but the Psalms, and listening to, or playing a musical instrument a sin; disobediance? No? Then leave to each their own. Yes? Prove it, and I will become, forevermore, Psamlms only, and an opponent of musical int1ruments. I'll always go the way of scripture...

News Item9/2/19 6:32 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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God gave us the ability to make melody with our voice, and the knowledge to craft instruments that make beautiful sounds. Singing and making music with instruments, during praise and worship isn't anti-thetical to singing and making music with instruments outside of praise and worship, although, all should be done unto The Lord.

Singing while in the shower, a forbidden sin? Nope. Strumming on a guitar, while singing a few lines that I created, a sin? Nope. Singing a manmade hymn that falls inline with scripture, a sin? Nope. Singing in praise and worship, within a church setting, and accompanied by the soft sound of the piano, a sin? Nope. Singing anything but Psalms, while also using musical accompaniments, an aggregious sin? Nope. One of the signs of a true, blue conversion; one's salvation, is only singing the Psalms, and forbidding musical instruments? Nope. The sign of an obedient church is one that sings Psalms only, and considers any instruments, taboo? Nope.

Sing, and dance, and make music unto The Lord. Praise His holy name with happiness, and a joyful heart. Sing Psalms only, and be ye holy, or be in disobediance, and be damned. Hmmm.

Bottomline question: Is appropriate singing and musical instruments during praise and worship, of the devil?

News Item9/2/19 6:08 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Oh, that poor, poor baby. I'm so glad that God saw fit to spare her life, and the lives of her parents. Praying that she snaps out of the amnesia, and that there won't be any lasting damage. Poor little girl.

QC, that was a really great point you made about potential consequences from their false gods if any deviants; any enemies of their own gods, weren't eradicated, etc.

Thank you, Lord, for choosing to spare that family...

News Item9/1/19 7:56 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Such a shame, this, but especially the Odessa/Midland shootings that had casualties, with one of the victims, a mere 2yr old child. Senseless, selfish acts. I can't imagine the parents grief right at this moment. So sad.

Then, there's 17yr old, Deangelo Parnell, being charged with nine counts of attempted murder at the Alabama football game. He had his entire life ahead of him, but has chosen to spend the rest of it, most likely, in a prison jumpsuit.

Remove God from the equation; teaching the kids that life has no purpose, makes no logical sense, that we all evolved from grunting primates, and that death is nothing more than oblivion, and it's a recipe for disaster. Human life has lost its value, to many, who have become so callous, thanks to a public education/indoctrination, absent parents, an increasingly Godless society, and among other catalysts, liberals and agendas gone mad, who have split a nation, and caused great harm to so many impressionable, maleable young minds.

News Item9/1/19 7:10 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Dr Tim Wrote:
"Christopher wants to be buried in his shopping cart. He’d prefer to die first, but with the odor he puts off it’s hard to say whether he’s dead or not. If he’s snoring, let him be."

Now, why is it that I always seem to be the focus of your rage? I've never been anything but supportive, honest, and kind. I've even tried to council you, concerning your appearance; trying to convince you that it's not your fault, and that it's okay that you're not counted amongst the normal people. I've never teased you about your forest clearing, wildlife killing, odor, or your left eye that's always looking towards the sky. Yet, my thanks is incessant insults. I don't get it. I'm the one person who has tried to understand, and empathize with your kind.

News Item8/31/19 9:31 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Dr Tim Wrote:
"Are you kidding, Lurker? I went to the only elementary school in Georgia that had regular visits by NFL scouts and Marine Corps recruiters."

Makes sense when the elementary school was all obese, 18-50yr olds, and probably all named, Jethro. Marine Corps recruiting you all to be used as human sandbags, and the NFL, to fill sinkholes in the fields.

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