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Sermon12/31/11 12:16 PM
Arthur and Kathleen Vick | Columbus, Ohio  Protected NameFind all comments by Arthur and Kathleen Vick
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Life, Death, and Eternity
Don Fortner
“ Religion everywhere! No truth to be found... ”
Dear Brother Don, The message you expound in this sermon is so vital! Thank you so much for your succinct delivery of The Gospel of Sovereign Grace. When a prominent Columbus businessman died recently (he had become very wealthy selling his fast food restaurant franchises worldwide), his church buddies wrote their condolences in an online obituary guestbook. One man wrote, "We'll miss you, pal. Good to know you're up there teaching God how to make hamburgers." This is sickening to anyone who truly knows that hell awaits the sinner! As you said, this sentiment is prevalent everywhere in our society. Everybody who dies is "in heaven", no matter how they blasphemed the LORD in their life, no matter how they hated Him, His people and the truth of His Word. They all are in heaven now. "RIP, better off now." On and on! We pray that the LORD will prosper the preaching of His Truth in this hour. God bless you and all His preachers and teachers. He promises that our labors will bear fruit unto eternal life! We love the video. The last time we saw you preach in person was in 1995, when you met us and some other folks at a hotel here in Columbus.

Sermon11/13/11 8:30 PM
Arthur and Kathleen Vick | Columbus, Ohio  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Arthur and Kathleen Vick
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“ Oh, what a glorious Saviour ”
Thank you, Pastor Byrd, for telling us again the sweet, sweet story of our Saviour, the LORD Jesus Christ. Truly, He has fully accomplished all that the Father hath given Him to do. Now, we can fully rest in Him. There is safety for our souls, resting in Him. This is good news, blessed news, for every weary soul.

Sermon10/30/11 7:11 PM
Arthur and Kathleen Vick | Columbus, Ohio  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Arthur and Kathleen Vick
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Disputing The Body of Moses
Don Fortner
“ Wow! ”
Brother Don, This verse, Jude 9, has always been something of a Scriptural Rubik's cube for us. We've heard lots of strange interpretations from lots of preachers, but frankly, we have never believed that Michael was some special created being, nor that the physical body of Moses was the object of the contention spoken of here. It never made sense to us, until tonight, when we heard your sermon. How wonderful to finally be convinced that, indeed, Michael the Archangel is our LORD Jesus Christ and the body of Moses is...the law! The proof text in Zechariah 3 is so helpful. Thank you so much. We have been so enriched by your message.

Sermon8/31/11 8:07 AM
Arthur and Kathleen Vick | Columbus, Ohio  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Arthur and Kathleen Vick
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“ Amazing Grace! How Sweet The Sound! ”
Pastor Criss, We are so priveleged to hear your first Sylacauga sermon and will ask our LORD to enable us to pray for you as we should. Oh, how great and glorious is our blessed God! How great and glorious is His Gospel! Let all lesser things fade from view. Lift up, lift up our glorious God and Father, the LORD JESUS Christ. At the cross, your sin laid upon Him; in His death, your soul is set free.

Sermon8/8/11 4:14 PM
Arthur and Kathleen Vick | Columbus, Ohio  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Arthur and Kathleen Vick
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The Master of The Sea
Larry Criss
“ Oh, what a Word! ”
Thank you so much, Brother Criss, for this Word from our LORD, delivered with such joy, enthusiasm and love. Thank you for reminding us again of the glorious attributes of our LORD Jesus Christ.

Sermon8/7/11 9:10 AM
Arthur and Kathleen Vick | Columbus, Ohio  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Arthur and Kathleen Vick
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Does God Love Everyone
Bill McDaniel
“ Does God Love Everyone? ”
Dear Pastor McDaniel, We commend you for preaching the truth of God's Word, for truly, the revelation of the entire Bible is the Gospel of Grace to ALL those FOR WHOM CHRIST DIED. The key to understanding the nature of salvation is to be found at the cross, in the substitutionary atonement of our LORD Jesus Christ. Christ died for HIS people (Matthew 1:18-21). We pray that your soul will continue to be enlightened by the Spirit of Christ to preach the love of God to His Own people every time you preach and from every verse in Scripture. Then, your opening apology to the congregation will not be necessary. Your congregation must hear and will come to expect this message every time you speak! You must answer the question, before God and man, "Does God Love Everyone?" Yes! Everyone for whom Christ died! The ones who will not hear are none of HIS. Fear not! Quit ye like men! Please go to [] for encouragement and be sure to see our music at [].

Sermon7/17/11 7:43 PM
Arthur and Kathleen Vick | Columbus, Ohio  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Arthur and Kathleen Vick
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It Is Finished
Don Fortner
“ A sweltering Sunday evening... ”
...85 degrees at 7:30 pm in a house with no air-conditioning. We dragged ourselves to the computer, hoping to see your newest sermon. After hearing this blessed Word to our souls, we are quite refreshed and cool enough to leap for joy! Oh, the wongrous remembrance of the fact that He finished the work completely! This is the cool breeze, the refreshment of the Gospel of His Grace to believing souls. Thank you, Brother Don. Maybe we'll stay up late and celebrate with a marshmallow roast! Goodnight, dear friend, and may God bless the preaching of His glorious Word by each one who knows Him and has been sent to tell the story, "It Is Finished!"

Sermon6/19/11 5:57 PM
Arthur and Kathleen Vick | Columbus, Ohio  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Arthur and Kathleen Vick
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Behold The Man!
Don Fortner
“ Great Sermon! ”
Brother Don, I have NEVER heard anyone say that it was the LORD Himself Who said those words, "Behold the Man!" This is a radical idea, probably because it is true. You mentioned that the word, "Pilate" is italized, meaning that it was written in by the translators. Can't wait to hear your preaching on John 19:26 and 27, when the LORD says two more "beholds" - (v.26) "Woman, behold thy son!" and (v.27)"Behold thy mother!". Can't wait.

News Item6/12/11 10:02 AM
Arthur and Kathleen Vick | Columbus, Ohio  Protected NameContact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Arthur and Kathleen Vick
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Recall the awesome miracle in Luke 1:22, that Zacharius was struck dumb and was unable to speak until an appointed hour. In the hour of restoration, He agreed with God, testifying of the truth - in this case, that the child's name would be "John", even though all friends and relatives could not understand it. When Zecharias spoke the truth, his tongue was loosed and he spake and he praised God. (Luke 1:64) We will be praying for Mr. Camping, that God would have mercy on him, grant a spirit of repentance and give him grace to tell the truth, if indeed it is the LORD's will that his speech would ever be restored.

Sermon6/5/11 7:51 PM
Arthur and Kathleen Vick | Columbus, Ohio  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Arthur and Kathleen Vick
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Clay Curtis
“ God Chose Christ! ”
Pastor Curtis, Thank you so much for this wonderful sermon. Yes, God chose Christ first, and in Him, are all the sons of Jacob who comprise His glorious Body! We will recommend your entire Isaiah series to others and were amazed that we needed to hear "The Trial of Plenty". May the LORD continue to bless you in preaching His Word throughout the whole world.

Sermon6/5/11 7:34 PM
Arthur and Kathleen Vick | Columbus, Ohio  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Arthur and Kathleen Vick
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“ Such An Encouragement! ”
Thank you, Pastor Fisher, for pointing out the prevalence of damning "traditions" in our day. One looms large, the "Christ died for everybody, now you have to do your part and accept Him" lie has become a tradition that shouts down the truth of God's Word and defines Christianity in the minds of the whole world. It is so deeply ingrained, that anyone who teaches the truth of God's Free Sovereign Grace is looked upon as dangerous, even demonic, to be feared and scorned. We must not fear, for they hated our LORD first. He is Faithful to seek and to find the lost sheep of Israel, praise His Holy Name! Thank you so much for this message.

Sermon5/18/11 4:52 AM
Arthur and Kathleen Vick | Columbus, Ohio  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Arthur and Kathleen Vick
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Useless Religion
Don Fortner
“ Another wonderful word! ”
Brother Don, when that local preacher asked you, "What's the difference between your religion and my religion", you could have said, "We don't sell insurance." Another wonderful Gospel word. Thank you, Don.

Sermon5/15/11 4:40 PM
Arthur and Kathleen Vick | Columbus, Ohio  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Arthur and Kathleen Vick
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“ Ouch! ”
That hurts in all the right places, Brother Don.

Sermon4/20/11 7:33 AM
Arthur and Kathleen Vick | Columbus, Ohio  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Arthur and Kathleen Vick
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The Mystery of Babylon
Don Fortner
“ Who can hear such a message? ”
Here we are - April 20, 2011. A number of years have passed since you gave us this word, Pastor Don, and we marvel at the LORD's gracious provision to each waiting heart! God's redeemed children need to hear this message - He has given us His Word - and each will hear with joy and a grateful heart. How precious, how rare, is the knowledge of such wisdom. He knows that His people must understand according to His Word, not according to the twisted logic of pop culture, the wicked offspring of that great whore (Psalm 137:9). The children of Edom (v.7) are all around us, seething, strutting and menacing. How wonderful to know Babylon's end! And oh, how wonderful to know the great glory that awaits those who love His appearing. Thank you, in our Saviour, thank you so much.

Sermon4/3/11 11:25 PM
Arthur and Kathleen Vick | Columbus, Ohio  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Arthur and Kathleen Vick
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“ What a Word... ”
Thank you. Thank you so much.

Sermon3/20/11 1:46 PM
Arthur and Kathleen Vick | Columbus, Ohio  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Arthur and Kathleen Vick
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The Flood Of God's Wrath
David Eddmenson
“ Thank you so much! ”
Dear Pastor David, Like you, we look are the recent earthquake and tsunami with absolute awe. By grace alone, we know that our God has done this thing. And like you, we find an even greater amazement - that still, men refuse to turn from their sin and run to the LORD Jesus Christ. "Regroup and rebuild!" That's man futile cry. He, Who has power to sweep all men out to sea and into eternal hell has had mercy on us!Oh, we bow down before Him, Who gathered us into that great Ark of God, our LORD Jesus Christ. We join you and your congregation in prayer that many will hear and be saved. Thank you for this timely message.

Sermon2/9/11 5:27 PM
Arthur and Kathleen Vick | Columbus, Ohio  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Arthur and Kathleen Vick
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In Christ
Henry Mahan
“ A Faithful Servant ”
Thank you so much for featuring Brother Mahan's sermon, "In Christ", today. Hearing his gentle voice again has flooded my heart with many memories of my first years "in Christ". I was saved in November 1990 and would soon meet Mr. Dan Antolick of Vero Beach, FL at a Bible Conference (he is now with the LORD since December '06). Dan began sending audiotapes of Mr. Mahan’s sermons to me, month after month, year after year. The labels on those little plastic cassettes were lovingly hand-typed by Dan on an old-fashioned typewriter. I listened to each sermon over and over again. Brother Mahan is a marvelous teacher and my newborn soul was hungry to know the things of Christ. He helped me to see that a unique miracle had made me different from the religious folk all around me who fought the doctrines of grace. He made me understand clearly what is the nature of salvation. At last, many of those old tape recordings included a special hymn or song. I will never forget a young woman singing, "No Never Alone", a little off-key, but with spirit-filled confidence that made me blush with joy. Now 20 years later, I still have so much to learn from Brother Mahan. Thank you, LORD, for this, Thy servant.

Sermon12/2/10 4:35 AM
Arthur and Kathleen Vick | Columbus, Ohio  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Arthur and Kathleen Vick
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“ The Sun is The Center of the Universe! ”
Dear Pastor, You have said it so beautifully and we join you in prayer: "Oh God! Help man to see that!" Truly, what we need in our day is "a complete upheaval in our spiritual thinking". O LORD, bring revival and save Thy people. Thank you for this wonderful message!

Sermon8/24/10 11:39 PM
Arthur and Kathleen Vick | Columbus, Ohio  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Arthur and Kathleen Vick
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Doesn't God Care?
Don Fortner
“ Does Jesus Care? I Know He Cares ”
Dear Don, Thank you in our LORD for this message to our weary hearts. We were so refreshed to recall again the wonderful truths you have expounded from the prophet - God cares, His people will never die and all those Babylonians who vex and dismay us now are just so much stubble for the fires of hell. We would love to hear David sing the song you spoke about at the end of the sermon. How precious is a word fitly spoken. Thank you again, dear brother, thank you so much.

Sermon2/22/10 6:44 AM
Arthur and Kathleen Vick | Columbus, Ohio  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Arthur and Kathleen Vick
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“ Great Sermon! ”
"Go to seed!" Brother Don, go to seed on the preaching of Sovereign Grace! Yea, and go to glory, bringing in the sheaves! Jesus Christ is LORD of all and is strong to save His Covenant people! This sermon has been a great encouragement to us here. Truly, we live in a day of the greatest darkness AND the greatest revelation of The Light. "Go forth, saith the LORD, for I AM with you! Be not afraid!" Thank you, Pastor Fortner for your steadfast resolve to tell the Truth of the Gospel. May our God continue to pour out His Spirit in the hearts of chosen sinners as we regard, in awe, the great revival which is now at hand.
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