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News Item3/29/18 8:24 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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"Don't tell anyone.....
But I'm a spy for the PEST (Possum Eating Southerner Team). Our goal is to carefully document every instance of oppossum conversation on the internet south of Kentucky. Little do you know, but every time you accept the terms for Google or Apple, you are giving the PEST access to all of your non necessary information. We will use to it create an internet shutdown until the whole nation accepts oppossum as an acceptable form of meat."

Here's some ways to eat possum:

But you should make sure that possum would find its way into the food pyramid. ๐Ÿด

News Item3/28/18 6:13 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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I heard about a feller who had a raccoon as his pet, thought that sounded cool, but I'd like a red fox as a pet, but certain laws preclude me from having such a pet. โ˜น๏ธ

News Item3/27/18 10:43 AM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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Awesome to hear that you have a committee for evangelism, my IFB church can't afford a bus...come to think of it I don't know where we would park it. LOL

Since I was raised on the KJV, I do most of my scripture memorization out of that, the rest are NASB. Although I have heard rumors that there'll be a JOV Bible (Joel Osteen Version)

cv, I'm a Calvinist as well, and sometimes we'll have a Calvinism discussion on SA, but usually if you bring up KJVonlyism or Calvinism, you can see who is who.

If you're looking for a solid Reformed Church (or a solid IFB church) ask the Pastor:

1. If he's a monergist or synergist.
2. What the Trinity is.
3. What the attributes of God are.
4. Who Jesus is and how His work and death apply to the church.
5. What Jesus accomplished in the death of death in the death of Christ.
6. What the Person and work of the Spirit is.
7. What is man's spiritual anthropology.
8. Is the scriptures the word of God?
9. What is the Gospel?
10. How do we evangelize men with the gospel?

Gotta go!

News Item3/27/18 12:11 AM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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A victory for tolerance and free speech!...oh wait, no it isn't, oh well.

News Item3/26/18 11:20 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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...the sinner's prayer affects your understanding of man's anthropology, the carnal Christian affects the doctrine of salvation, the doctrine of the atonement, the doctrine of the Holy Spirit, etc, and the invitation system affects the sinfulness of sin.

Furthermore, the "Non Lordship Salvation" doctrine affects your doctrine of salvation, repentance, the attributes of God and the anthropology of man.

Now, if things are getting better over there in Lubbock, then that's great, I'm glad to hear that, do as much as you possibly can to pass solid doctrine to the next generation.

News Item3/26/18 11:09 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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Let me add more to my comment, I agree with Wayfarer that you ought to listen to the sermons, and I would actually set up a meeting with the pastor, look at their confession of faith, I think it involves a whole lot of prayer, and counsel from your friends (Christian friends and family)

Wayfarer, I am an IFB and I attend an IFB church, I've taught classes and I am involved in it and the IFB church I attend is very fantastic, I love the people there and I love the elders, but I must admit, that the church I attend is in the minority of solid IFB churches,

I have been to numerous youth conferences, and I keep on hearing bad theology, bad argumentation, and a speaker who is trying to keep the teens amused.

There are some speakers who want to show a seriousness of proper Bible study and theology, but they are in the minority.

The majority (at least here in California) of IFB adhere to the sinner's prayer, carnal Christian (I was taught that it was scriptural in my 1 year of Bible College) they do the invitation system, and these things attack doctrines...

News Item3/26/18 8:45 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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In my opinion it would be a Reformed Baptist.

News Item3/26/18 6:44 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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cv, I'm not sure what you're trying to say maybe you could clarify your comment and we could talk about it.

News Item3/26/18 12:29 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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I do believe that a lot of flat earth Christians have a high view of scripture, they believe in a flat earth because they believe the Bible teaches it. But to my flat earth friends, I do want to point something out:

1. You must provide how your theory could be falsifiable.

2. If you can't (or won't) provide us with how your theory could be falsified, then your theory is not scientific.

3. Therefore, you can't try to use science to support your theory, you would be inconsistent in your argumentation, and inconsistency is a sign of a failed argument.

4. I would also suggest that you provide sound exegesis of the texts that you believe teach a flat earth.

5. Email people, like Dr. Jason Lisle or Gary Bates, evidence of your theory. Truth is always open to examination is it not?

News Item3/26/18 11:22 AM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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I have a typewriter, so mine's better than all of y'alls

News Item3/26/18 11:20 AM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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Hopefully you're referring to the "International House of Pancakes" because IHOP also stands for the "International House of Prayer" ๐Ÿ™

News Item3/26/18 11:12 AM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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Hold the phone! Is Jim an Independent Fundamental Baptist? ๐Ÿ™€ Because, I don't know about you, but I don't think I've ever heard a non IFB recommend an IFB church.

And what's similar to an IFB church? In general, the IFB churches are lead by people who are KJVonly, and who really don't like Calvinism, and that hold to 'the carnal Christian' idea, sinner's prayer, and...well...let's just say theologically challenged.

I was listening to an IFB preacher the other day and he said that the Trinity is the easiest thing, then he started to teach long rejected heresies such as modalism, and partialism. (now not every IFB church is like this, there are some solid IFB churches)

But, I'm trying to think of what would be similar to a IFB church, Presbyterians, Methodists, Anglicans, Reformed Baptists, Calvary Chapel, Lutherans, non-denominational, church, etc, are nothing like an IFB church,

So Jim, what denomination would be like an IFB church?

News Item3/26/18 10:54 AM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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PNG, you make me suspicious because your comment matches word for word with what Backwoods Duck Farmer said.

But I'll tell you what I told him, it helps you memorize things, and if I may add to my previous comment, it qualifies you to have a life-long job at McDonalds. ๐ŸŸ๐Ÿ•น

News Item3/26/18 10:41 AM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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Pretty cool and impressive, well done Mr. Hughes.

News Item3/25/18 11:56 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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Jim, I would like you to answer my question, here's what you said:

Jim wrote, "I'm against abortion but I don't take the official Catholic position which all too many Protestants have done to become a slave to the Romish Church"

With that reasoning Jim, I assume that you don't hold to the teaching of monotheism, and the Trinity, because I'm pretty sure that Protostants and Catholics would give a very similar answer regarding the issues, and who wants to be a slave of Rome?

And Jim, I don't think you're a Calvinist, you're a synergist, so using you're own reasoning, you yourself are a slave of Rome because the Catholic Church holds to a synergistic view of salvation.

If you lived in Luther's day, you would be on Rome's side during the Reformation.

News Item3/25/18 10:53 AM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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Jim wrote, "I'm against abortion but I don't take the official Catholic position which all too many Protestants have done to become a slave to the Romish Church"

With that reasoning Jim, I assume that you don't hold to the teaching of monotheism, and the Trinity, because I'm pretty sure that Protostants and Catholics would give a very similar answer regarding the issues, and who wants to be a slave of Rome?

And Jim, I don't think you're a Calvinist, you're a synergist, so using you're own reasoning, you yourself are a slave of Rome because the Catholic Church holds to a synergistic view of salvation.

If you lived in Luther's day, you would be on Rome's side during the Reformation.

News Item3/24/18 3:13 AM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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Oh it's productive, playing those games all your childhood helps you is like exercise for the fingers, and just think about it, you have to memorize a lot of things, you have to memorize the controller you have, let's face it, the PlayStation controller has gone through an evolution,

you just can't play Crash Bandicoot one the PlayStation 2 like you would on the PlayStation 4, it's impossible, you have to memorize where the buttons are, and what they do...I'm not sure how it helps with the real world, and just think about the inspiring stories in these games...well actually there are some really interesting story lines, and if you're a master expositor, you can preach a sermon on how Sly Cooper is a type of Martin Luther.

News Item3/23/18 10:08 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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Backwoods Duck Farmer wrote:
Youth in Asia from Asia writes:
Comic books and video games for me ๐Ÿ˜Š
I played some video games as a kid. Huge waste of time mental energy.
What are you talking about? MegaMan, StartFox 64, Mario Cart Double Dash, Super Smash Brothers, etc. takes a lot of mental energy.

News Item3/23/18 12:28 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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I would say I like ribs more than steak. Ribs with corn on the cob, and some mash potatoes, and for dessert have come cheesecake!

But going to Denny's and getting all you can eat pancakes is probably cheaper. $6

News Item3/23/18 12:19 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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Good point, iPads have become the baby sitters, there have been studies done...probably in the 90's or 2000's, that if a child watches too much TV, it affects them in an unusual way,

the studies showed that the kids didn't have a good imagination, and pediatricians know that having an imagination is important in childhood.

I remember when I was growing up, I would play with Legos for hours, I remember that on Saturdays I would play with Legos for 3+ hours.

I guess that's just boring to most kids now.

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