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News Item10/29/19 3:15 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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The Quiet Christian wrote:
... every child has been exposed in those regions...
Yet I think parents are the ultimate influence. My own were not credibly Christian, but passed on their contempt for Las Vegas etc. to me.

News Item10/29/19 9:39 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Youth in Asia wrote:
I'm from the tribe of Levi... but I can't prove it, and neither can anyone else,
Excellent remark! They are fantasizing; the straw the "Temple 3.0" crowd likely cling to is the Cohen gene, which is clever but opposes Neh. 7:64.

News Item10/28/19 12:55 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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"More work needs to be done ... to understand how young people’s exposure to gambling can be reduced."

One of the biggest punchline clichés is this euphemism for "give us researchers more money." And I doubt much will be forthcoming since politicians with their lotteries and Santa Claus promises, and businesses screaming "buy now, pay later" and "indulge yourself" have no incentive to tell people to be more frugal.

News Item10/27/19 11:50 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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I once experienced random blackouts while vacationing in Mexico (back before the Cartels of course).

News Item10/25/19 5:31 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Mike wrote:
And I don't particularly see road benefits that are better here than in other States I've traveled.
No doubt, but I am speaking theoretically, not of the present world of fiscally irresponsible politicians and voters who support them. I think in Tucson, road funds have been misdirected to symbolic projects (beloved of Democrats) like attempts to revitalize Downtown.

I suppose the alternative is private turnpikes, but that brings up another problem of their being a kind of utility monopoly.

News Item10/25/19 5:26 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Catholic churches perhaps run a close second to Hindu temples for idol density. And then there's the pornographic Sistine Chapel.

News Item10/24/19 6:20 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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The Fed tax has remained at 18¢/G for a long time despite all the "Warming" panic from MSM parrots. Why haven't they raised it? Probably because being regressive, it would hit their fixed-income "Plebian" voting bloc hard. Thus, the CAFE standards.

Gas taxes by state:
Now this is old 2012 data, but you can bet the rates haven't decreased since then.

I endorse State fuel taxes, so long as they're a "user fee" to finance roads, which benefit even folks who don't drive.

News Item10/24/19 2:41 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Neil, for modern controversies about Pontius Pilate read the article,..
Definition of controversy: "A dispute, especially a public one, between sides holding opposing views." So what are the opposing views from experts *today* about Pilate? I see none in your paste.

I'm sure the Jews were conflicted about him back then, but that's not what I'm asking.

News Item10/23/19 10:50 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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What's controversial about Pilate? I've never heard a historian argue he was a nice, principled guy.

Fortunately for Christians, as it turned out, Cato the Younger didn't govern Judea instead, for he was famously incorruptible and hated tyranny. Jesus would've been exonerated, and we would all be without hope!

News Item10/22/19 2:25 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Frank wrote:
Do you believe there is a group(s) referred to as the Illuminati?
The original Bavarian Illuminati was suppressed by rulers and the RCC, hence the need for secrecy. So do they exist still today? Possibly, but then a secret society is supposed to be a *secret*. I believe there is no need for modern, anti-Christian NGOs, foundations, and such like to keep their goals secret anymore given the weakness of the modern church and the increasing public tolerance of the blatant falsehoods they peddle.

I can't imagine a worse conspiracy than to destroy Christianity and the civilized society it made possible, yet "Progressives," globalists, and environmentalists have make it clear that's exactly what they want.

News Item10/22/19 12:01 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Old news: Edward Bernays undermined the American taboo against women smoking by getting some "Women's Rights" marchers to flaunt their "torches of freedom" in NYC's 1929 Easter Day Parade. Virginia Slims later played this "Women's Lib" card by showing "strawman" ads insinuating that home-making was demeaning in the "bad old days."

Recent events have vindicated his evil genius; media think the public will believe *anything* they're fed by authority figures, no matter how absurd. And I fear they're right, and people who think they're educated and wise are not immune.

Ex. 23:2 "Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil"

News Item10/18/19 5:17 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Mike wrote:
I might suggest Jim isn't concerned with spending blood and money so much as it is being in knee-jerk opposition to what Trump seems to be doing.
Very likely so. I've been wasting time trying to reason with him.

News Item10/18/19 12:58 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Very simply, Neil, we don't have any military alliances with Christians on Mainland China.
We don't have an "alliance" of any sort with Kurdish Christians either, nor would our gov't even consider this.

This brings up another Double Standard: You denounce ecumenical allegiance with Roman Catholics, as with Billy Graham, right? So far as I'm aware, very few avowed Mideast Christians identify with Protestantism; many Kurds are Nestorians. Yet you want to spend American blood and money on behalf of a people you wouldn't worship with.

It's getting hard to find principled Protestants stateside these days, either.

Jericho7, Jim and his Catholic fellow-travelers want all Americans to have the same "free" nationalized health care veterans get.

News Item10/17/19 4:24 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
... Should be pointed out that some of the Kurds are actually Christian.
Special Pleading worthy of a Dominionist, whom you presume like to start wars over religion. Many more Chinese are ostensibly Christian, but I don't hear any of your sort saying we should declare war on China to stop their persecution, which is real enough. If Chinamen don't matter, then neither do Kurds.

A cynical Leftist and CIA scam is to find a sympathetic class of victims to promote as a cause for gov't assistance.

News Item10/17/19 9:14 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
excerpts from, "129 Republicans Rebuke Trump as House Votes to Condemn President's Syria Troop Withdrawal"
Didn't you say elsewhere that we shouldn't reform people by force?

News Item10/16/19 5:27 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Guess what, Neil, I don't care much for a Democrats who play the religious card either
That claim is incredible, given your past history of posts. And you're a Dominionist yourself, only the Israeli/Zionist kind.

If you don't believe in reforming people by force, then prisons should be closed. After all, that was their original purpose (e.g. Jeremy Bentham's Panopticon).

News Item10/16/19 3:33 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Philip, the following article does an excellent job pointing out when the United State was in its Dominionist phase.
Jim, I can find no evidence from your excerpt that Henry Lea knew or cared about any sort of "Protestant supremacy." Alluding to a Biblical parable, as many writers of the day did, proves nothing.

I could come up with more pertinent quotes from Protestants of that era, if I wished. Yet even so, none of this proves anything useful about Pompeo's beliefs. I think you simply don't like Repubs saying they're Christians.

News Item10/16/19 12:30 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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I'm curious if his said values have anything to do with Scriptural church practice. I have yet to see or hear of a modern church, conservative or not, in which Paul's ecclesiastical directions in the Epistles had the same weight as the rest of the Bible.

Instead, leaders do whatever suits their pragmatic whims. And congregations usually like it this way, themselves not really believing Sola Scriptura.

It's not hard for me to suspect God's judgment is being visited not only upon secular society as a whole, but churches as well, even the ostensibly conservative ones, for their hypocrisy in the manner of pre-captivity Judah.

News Item10/15/19 10:40 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Fake story or not, there's nothing new here: in 1983, the book "The Policeman's Beard is Half-Constructed" was ostensibly written by a BASIC program called Racter. There was a ludicrous dialogue recorded between it and ELIZA, a software "psychotherapist" developed at MIT:

"eliza: Why do you need to tell me excuse while you attend to some business?

racter: Is it better to need or to despise? Why is it that I do need to tell you to excuse myself to attend to some business? Because electrons are brave. Braveness is nice, don't you think? And the needers all insist upon it. Do you imagine I am a Communist?"

But beware: A.I. software like this has been "templated" by developers; it's not totally spontaneous like what you see from cinema "robots" etc.

News Item10/14/19 4:27 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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NeedHim wrote:
Yes Quiet Christian, LDS have different meanings of Biblical words.
Thanks! I've been looking for a concise summary of things to bring up the next time those polite young men come to our door pretending they're just another bunch of nice evangelicals, instead of the polytheistic loons they really are, complete with scary clerical hierarchy more controlling than Rome's.
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