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News Item5/9/18 1:34 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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this is the gospel... Christ sits in a seat of power now.... in His rightful place. He returns for judgment (this has nothing to do with building rothchilds land kingdom). He's Lord now. You can't "make Him Lord". He is Lord. And He is Lord of everyone... some for mercy, others for judgment. (the gospel has nothing to do with scaring people about getting out of earthly troubles! in fact, Jesus told them that being in His Kingdom meant lots of trouble in this life. "count the cost")

"Now of the things which we have spoken this is the sum: We have such an high priest, who is set on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens;" Hebrews 8:1

"But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God;" Heb 10:12

"Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God." Hebrews 12:2

"Who is gone into heaven, and is on the right hand of God; angels and authorities and powers being made subject unto him."
1 Peter 3;22

sharing the gospel is simply bringing the truth of the spiritual reality that all mankind exists in...yet they do not understand because they are separated

News Item5/9/18 11:03 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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what would evangelicals do if they ended abortion cuz they have to use the aborted baby organs for their medicines for the next generation....

Title: Stanford Scientist Claims Human Fetal DNA Fragments In Vaccines Cause Autism

who do we blame for a generation's autoimmune disease?

News Item5/9/18 10:59 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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NeedHim and others, what will it take for you to comprehend what it means when one quotes from bnai brith in regards to the morality of abortion?

if someone came here and quoted the koran, y'll wouldn't be confused, would you?

if someone came here and quoted Catholic cannon as to morality of abortion you'd be on it like a chicken on a june bug, no?

blind spots is where the church is weak.

News Item5/9/18 10:56 AM
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Unprofitable Servant wrote:
John UK, I am all too familiar with this teaching. Please don't pulled a penned and blame it on his dispensational theology. I attend a church that is dispensational and we would term such the false gospel of easy believism. Turning what the Bible calls a life changing change of heart wrought by the Spirit to mere intellectual man wroght change of mind that may or may not bring any difference into the life of one who "believes"
indeed there are dispensational churches that have left classical dispensationalism in regards to easy believism.

and we are glad they did so.

however, the gospel is that all have sinned, including the pharisees (big time) and that from the beginning God pulled out a remnant to be saved first looking forward to the perfect atonement of Christ and now us looking back.... making unto Himself one people, Jew and Gentile, that would be witness to the world of His Kingdom.

classical dispensationalism does not fully recognize the Hebrew claim that Christ is already sitting on the throne.

its a weakened message, a weakened Savior.

interestingly, the zionist cults that were created around the same era....such as jehovah witnesses have an even more reduced view of Christ.... He not even

News Item5/8/18 12:00 PM
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Dr. Tim wrote:
The safest place to be during the Apocalypse is in heaven. That's where I plan to be. All of you post- and mid-tribbers can hang around for the fireworks if you want to, but I'm outta here.
yet here you are.

News Item5/8/18 11:53 AM
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Watcher wrote:
When the Holy Spirit saves someone, especially in this day and age, they will know full well the price for being a Christian very quickly. There's no need to add anything to the Gospel message. It can take care of itself.

News Item5/8/18 11:25 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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Frank wrote:
Jim from Lincoln,
Do you think universal healthcare will solve the below?
In L.A. County, syphilis rates among African American women are six times higher than white women and three times higher than Latina women.
You do realize that promiscuity leads to STDs and also leads to getting pregnant.
just read an article about the UK. girl had unequal legs and needed therapy. doctors opted for AMPUTATION, because it would be cheaper....

Bill Gates (who's father was on board of planned parenthood well before he was famous) wants mandatory vaccines and abortion rights to bring down the population using china as a model (at the time of their one child policies)

now that is universal healthcare.

News Item5/8/18 11:20 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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Connor, you all can take your denials to the bema seat. not my problem. I only bring the information here.

my recommendations to get Christians to care:

1) whenever a zionist pastor calls for war in the Middle East, ie Iraq -- enlist his sons to go to war

2) for every village destabilized in the ME, open up the gates of a gated community in Cali.....why should it be only poor americans and arabic Christians that get to experience it?

News Item5/8/18 11:08 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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when are these atrocities going to be stopped?

News Item5/7/18 8:36 PM
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Unprofitable Servant wrote:
for now more Scripture
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved
For if thou shalt confess with they mouth the Lord Jesus...thou shalt be saved
For whosover shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved
...he hath anointed me to preach the preach the acceptable year of the Lord
in Peter's gospel sermon in Acts 2
Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made that same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ.
speaking of those converted at Lydia it is said, they "turned to the Lord"
Forasmuch then as God gave them the like gift as he did unto us, who believed on the Lord Jesus Christ;
That the residue of men might seek after the Lord, and all the Gentiles, upon whom my name is called,
Paul to the heathen at Mars Hill, That they should seek the Lord,
Testifying both to the Jews, and also to the Greeks, repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ
Preaching the kingdom of God, and teaching those things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ
(skipped references to save characters am sure you can find them)

News Item5/7/18 8:34 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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Connor7 wrote:
his ministry hinders him to do the things you want him to do.

"In any event, he was wrong, and what we have here is yet another example of a pastor speaking about matters where he has limited expertise. The purported Atta-Iraqi link to which M******* is presumably referring was a story created and hyped by William Safire and other assorted hawks. However, the link was disproved early on – in fact, prior to the broadcast on which M****** appeared"

News Item5/7/18 2:51 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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comments is the gospel and the Kingdom...

Christ when He taught, did not differentiate the gospel from the Kingdom.

the Kingdom language for the dispensationalist will be strongly reserved for military industrial complexes and future utopias. (ie withheld from the unbeliever)

on a more personal note, people today are estranged. they are looking for fathers, for family, for something greater than themselves. I think it would be powerful to show the greater picture in the sharing of the gospel. Christ bids you to fellowship with Him into a greater Kingdom right now, a living reality, living hope right now... set free from the burden of sin (many do not have this burden)... also to the community of the saints (true Israel, circumcised of heart)... Christ died for you and for me, and we are to be known for the love of the brethren.

News Item5/7/18 2:30 PM
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John UK wrote:
Hi Penny, so in a typical gospel presentation, what aspect of the gospel is lost, on account of dispensationalism?
the whole thing! was just reading in Luke of the talents... you know, read through that. the 1 talent there is the pharasees. they've been given a little glimpse of the Kingdom and they bury it.


the one with 5 talents is the disciples.

they take the Kingdom and build it and are under the Master's care.

the gospel is not just an individual prayer for one person to "say" to "get right"..

its a universal proclamation of the Lordship of Christ, His Ownership over every human being and even earth itself.

when we share the gospel with someone, we are proclaiming...



and that every human soul is accountable to this God... and who is He?

this is just the beginning...

election has to do with covenant, with His mercy and love... so that has to do with WHO He loves, and what God loves, I must love.

And what God h@tes, so must I.

so misnomering who the people of God is, is not a minor detail.

for if we are entering a covenant with the beloved, bought by His life and the laying down of our own, for each other, then this is the gospel and it is

News Item5/7/18 2:21 PM
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Connor7 wrote:
Penned, I still don't know what your point is....
who are the affluent to lecture the poor as to their sufferings?

why would an iraqi Christian refugee even want a visit from John Macarthur, even if he left the rich hallways to visit a tent in the desert with a cross on top, or to hear of how the takedown of their gov led to the slaughter of their families?

even so, some do visit, a few, such as open doors ministries.

it was, after all, God's will to promote the invasion of Iraq.... no? is that not what he came on Larry King L

rich men who make the policies of others while they suffer....

and never know otherwise.

and never see...

living in their gated communities...

away from the dung of the streets of San Francisco and the violent borders of Texas.

the fleeing californians are bringing up home prices in other parts of the nation

affluent teachers like in the time of Israel. especially rapture teachers who end their long lives well benefited from their novels.


News Item5/7/18 11:48 AM
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John UK wrote:
I'm fairly sure that Johnny Mac also believes this doctrine, so what gives?
because of the poisoning of dispensationalism, grace and glory of the gospel are lost.

darby was all about KNOWLEDGE in his translation, not "wisdom"

and so is macarthur with his "right thinking" (see his published book) and anti Holy Spirit teaching (ie experiencing outpouring of Holy Spirit is equal to evil pentacostalism)

why these excesses?

because he begins with the wrong foundation.

the hermeneutic is to say there are two people of God instead of one BEFORE reading the text.

as for me, the singularity of the people of God and the teachings of election and the doctrine of grace are all integrated into one larger picture of God's intent from beginning to end of the bible.

as for him, we have divided God's intent and purposes and the gospel is minimized

a minimized gospel will lead to a weakened presentation of the gospel.

and probably something weighted towards the intellect... as these things are compartmentalized to start with...

interstingly, the gospel is about reintegrating... what was lost... soul saved, body resurrected, etc.

News Item5/7/18 9:38 AM
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because they are global communists.. and this always in their papers.. restructuring the world under one banking order... had to impoverish the west and open its borders (ie collapse and genocide) which is still in process, rise up the third world, make China the new world power under eugenics.

use vaccines and abortion rights to keep the population down.

Bill Gates gave a speech at TEDS about this and the need to bring the world population to as close to zero as possible.

and since ERLC of SBC seems very much aligned with the same goals, shows where we're going

News Item5/7/18 9:33 AM
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displacement is already happening across the country.... especially out of California. massive long-term joblessness, rent and mortgages high as ever with deflating salaries and inflation.

instead of mockery, Christians have had years to plan for how to help their loved ones.... the institutions have failed these younger generations... the great depression the vast majority of americans had connections to farms for growing food...

now they are pushed into smaller agenda 21 dwellings... indeed the housing market is a frenzy with low inventory across the nation.

just look up your city name under ICLEI then see if they are building those apartment high rises in your city.

who will represent this generation? certainly not the SBC's Russell Moore... they are concerned with keeping borders open and sealing the deal...

and such a dystopia the individual no longer has rights....

oh mock Jim Bakker, mock away.

News Item5/6/18 3:04 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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hmmm.... quotes B'nai B'rith for abortion position instead of Torah/New Testament...

News Item5/6/18 11:23 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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he always seemed well beyond the affluent fiction novel writers...

...wanting to connect "the bible" (I say loosely) with not only current events but the most recent secret knowledge of the powers that be.... was , it seemed, a constant source of twisted propoganda, like a natural river that runs under the church property.

the gullible in heart and mind that do not understand that technology is always well beyond what the public knows, or cares to know, its easy for one connected to the inside to give little glimpses in and excite the flesh.

..and make "bible teaching" "exciting"

these are the friends among us who should have been called out for going astray, but these things are done quietly in people's homes where their hearts and minds are changed away from the biblical text.

News Item5/6/18 11:07 AM
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The Quiet Christian wrote:
That's the problem, Jim. Even just rational thought often leads away from some of these "enterprises," as you termed them.
you all willfully, mindfully refuse to even acknowledge the personal religion of the one you try to convert....

how can one be successful when it is mixed with fear?????

imagine going into the bowels of Romanian city life during the Russian communist occupation, meeting young people with their minds filled with atheist statism.... to ignore the elephant called communism in the room....

....or to go to a small town in Mexico basked in spiritual darkness and violence and not understand the doctrines of catholocism and the realities of gang drug trade....

...any missionary who enters a field studies the religion of those they seek to convert, through the example of Paul..

...yet here in the west, when confronted with kabbalism or forms of judaism, its like these religions don't exist in our minds...

...would be like living in Saudi Arabia and avoiding the subject of Islam with the unsaved.

...such is the spiritual condition of the evangelical.

for inspiration, I suggest to readers to go to youtube and see Bernie Sanders berate the nominee for believing the gospel... it was to him

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