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News Item6/3/18 5:06 PM
Nona | US  Find all comments by Nona
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I sympathize with you I had the same question.

I think itā€™s about time that Christians step up and wage spiritual war on these forces at work.

We know where this is headed and we in the Christian community should start discussing it and do all we can to circumvent these efforts to capture the minds of our children leading them into gross immorality and greater depravity.

It is an uncomfortable topic but we shouldnā€™t be uncomfortable as Christians. we need to tell these things as they are happening and expose all that we know about itt. We need to talk about how we can win this battle and tear down the strongholds or even prevent them from being erected before itā€™s too late.

We are not ignorant of Satanā€™s devices .
We see the growth of wickedness even in the church and now The perverted are coming after our children with Greater fierceness. we need to discuss these things in the house of God & pray develop strategies and go out and knock on doors and evangelize our neighbors.

News Item6/1/18 11:12 AM
Nona | US  Find all comments by Nona
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I have to agree with Francis.

God has not given us the spirit of fear ā€¦
ā€œSin progresses from tolerance, to acceptance, to contagion, from a dark corner to resort places, from the closet to the department stores, from the city to the nation, to worldwide. The ungodly have become more evangelistic propagating lies than God's people with the truth.ā€ (A. N. Martin)

New arrivals must ā€œknow and respect the laws, the culture and the traditions of the countries that take them in,ā€ ā€¦ Local (CHRISTIAN my insert) communities must ā€œopen themselves without prejudices to their rich diversity, to understand the hopes and potential of the newly arrived as well as their fears and vulnerabilities.ā€

ā€œIt is not easy to enter into another culture, to put oneself in the shoes of people so different from us, to understand their thoughts and their experiences,ā€ Francis said.

ā€œAs a result, we often refuse to encounter the other and raise barriers to defend ourselves. ā€œThese fears are legitimate, based on doubts that are fully comprehensible from a human point of view,ā€ Francis continued in his homily.
. . . instead of seeing it as a ā€˜privileged opportunityā€™ . . . .ā€ (Pope Francis) to see God at work.

The pope is right.

The Mormons seized this opportunity a few months ago.

News Item5/31/18 12:47 PM
Nona | US  Find all comments by Nona
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Connor7 wrote:
@Nona, NeedHim is sort of mocking a person called "Jim" that frequents the SermonAudio news, Jim is a racist and he says universal healthcare would solve lots of problems. I don't know where Jim draws the line between a white person and a black person.
Instead of calling the police, who will they call? I'm pretty sure Ghostbusters don't deal with it. šŸ˜€
The reason for my question, ā€˜what is a white person?ā€™ is because NeedHim wrote:
ā€œIf the White People didnā€™t talk about Unverisal Health Care they must be Racist then.ā€

Are we to believe that Republicans, who donā€™t talk about Universal Health Care, are racist? Or, ā€œwhiteā€ people are Republicans?

Futhermore, Connor7, is this line he is to draw of just a secular source? Or, within the "one new man" in Christ also?

BTW. Did God continue creating people after Adam? Why are lines expected to be drawn BETWEEN "whites" and "blacks" and not BETWEEN other races found in other countries?
Strange to find two races here in America.

News Item5/31/18 12:23 PM
Nona | us  Find all comments by Nona
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MS wrote:
Dead institutions always need props and gimmicks to attract the world.
This is because they don't rely upon the Holy Spirit to teach us the things pertaining to God and his Christ.

Today it's entertaining music, in excess, about the self.

Come December 25th they'll have St Nicholas; at least for a little while. And don't forget the bells jingling for days.

No quiet life led during this season.


News Item5/31/18 11:16 AM
Nona | US  Find all comments by Nona
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" Members are largely lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer; about half are white. Its leaders are mostly women, many of whom work in nonprofits, social work and education. Because thereā€™s no paid pastor, members take turns preaching and make all decisions collectively. It took around two years of planning before announcing the police ban."

Because of the multitude of the whoredoms of the well-favoured harlot, the mistress of witchcrafts, that sells nations through her whoredoms, and families through her witchcrafts [Nah 3:4)
Know ye not that your bodies are the members of Christ? shall I then take the members of Christ, and make them the members of an harlot? God forbid. What? know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body? for two, says he, shall be one flesh
(1Co 6:15-16).

I think it is time for us genuine believers to call ourselves "the called out ones", or "people of the Way."


News Item5/31/18 10:40 AM
Nona | US  Find all comments by Nona
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NeedHim wrote:
If the White People didnā€™t talk about Unverisal Health Care they must be Racist then. A Twetty Bird from Lincoln, said so lol.
What's a "white" person?

News Item5/31/18 10:38 AM
Nona | US  Find all comments by Nona
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Praise God they were offended. May it lead them to repentance towards a just God.

Pray for Greer that she doesn't retract her views.

News Item5/30/18 7:06 PM
Nona | US  Find all comments by Nona
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Chris G P wrote:
Indeed, to be fair, despite his stances on certain issues, particularly regarding support for the Palestinians, which may make him very popular amongst Muslims, in many ways Mr Farrakhan and his Nation of Islam organisation are not popular with many orthodox Muslims, and he is regarded in many Muslim quarters as being heretical.
We can only pray for this man, and more particularly his followers, that they come out of their deception and come to a living knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ as their Lord, Saviour, Mediator and Advocate, and are truly saved from their sin and born again.
After you've prayed then go.
Faith has feet. And the feet of the evangelist are beautiful.

Too often we confront only those who most resemble ourselves. But surprisingly those who don't are softened when they know you care for their souls and that you are not afraid to talk with them. It is amazing to witness this. I know firsthand it works.

Pray for the open door. Then go through it.

News Item5/30/18 4:43 PM
Nona | US  Find all comments by Nona
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When is enough enough.

This blog is simply nothing more than a tabloid full of gossip about things weā€™ve been delivered from. Christians are told not to do this. However, we seem to have gone from comparing ourselves to others, which is not wise, to sitting in the seat of Moses.

Now I think it is about time to put this away because it is weakening our faith. I have found many who donā€™t fellowship with the saints anymore because the preacher does the same thing that is being done here. Gossiping about the fallen.

Strength is being given to the enemy. Strategies are developed because we give cause for them to arm themselves against Godā€™s holy seed.

Just as Russia intruded into our democratic process, some like-minded individuals post things contrary to sound doctrine. This is the devilā€™s tactical way of blinding us to the real enemy.

STOP IT! PUT IT AWAY FROM YOU! Let this not characterize the church or the people of light any more.

There is a greater judgment to come.

Who wants to follow in our footsteps? Who can boast of following after Christ?

News Item5/30/18 11:16 AM
Nona | US  Find all comments by Nona
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Dr. Tim wrote:
Christians are so stupid...
Sadly, this is all too often true. In fact, their stupidity is exceeded only by the stupidity of non-Christians.
What makes them Christians? Or, even the televangelist?

Just saying the name of Jesus Christ means nothing to them or the RC.

News Item5/26/18 9:39 PM
Nona | US  Find all comments by Nona
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Jessup wrote:
And you don't think they're after your children?!
From the article: "It further stipulates that, at any time during participation in 4-H, both youth members and adult leaders may 'assert a gender identity that differs from previous representation.' In other words, a biological male may claim heā€™s female and vice versa. Such assertion neednā€™t be supported by 'medical diagnosis' or legal 'identification documents.' Nevertheless, once the assertion is made, accommodation ā€“ from overnight housing to pronoun usage ā€“ must be met."
Already taught in all the government sponsored worship centers, er, public schools. I guess the grooming grounds are producing! Oh, Lord protect your faithful children as we reap what's been sown.
Great win for Iowa 4-H

News Item5/26/18 9:28 PM
nONA | us  Find all comments by nONA
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Considering the corruption of Christianity by the Republicans,
--[URL=]]] (Jeff Flake: "Our presidency has been debased")[/URL] and also see, [URL=]]] (The G.O.P. Is Rotting)[/URL]
...why shouldn't the Democrats try it out?ā—
Let them all have a go at it just like the Republicans, the ACLU, etc.

News Item5/26/18 9:23 PM
Nona | us  Find all comments by Nona
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
... why they might even go back to their home churches, where they might not even be recognized because they are out politicking so much, and preach a sermon from the Bible that purposely excludes all politics from itā— I bet they can't do itā—
ā€˜. . . pastors also receive briefings on ways to mobilize their congregations on the political, cultural and moral issues of the day, along with tours that detail Americaā€™s Judeo-Christian heritage.ā€

Jesus, our Lord and Saviour, was rejected by that Judeo religious sector many identify with today. The Christians heritage is not of Judeo origin. Why doesnā€™t Pat Robertson get it?

Also, if Pence understood the Gospel he would not be in bondage to whorish Roman Catholicism. He looks good on the outside. But inside he is full of dead menā€™s bones. Hypocrite. Heā€™s is Catholic to the core.

Whoā€™s gonna buy this Bogus Speech?

Sermon5/23/18 5:43 PM
Nona | US  Find all comments by Nona
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Dispensationalism - Message 0026
David E. Thompson
“ Great Sermon! ”
Beneficial teaching.Clarity on issues that have divided the church.

News Item5/22/18 2:55 PM
Nona | US  Find all comments by Nona
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Adriel wrote:
Satan works hardest where the Bible is most respected.
I hope that this will not be written off again as some quote "mental health" unquote, problem again.
America has a unique problem with mass murders. Isn't it time to take serious action?
I hope this comment finds its way under the proper topic. Puzzled as to why some get misplaced; others go without any outside input; which prevents me from posting further thoughts.


We seem to be coming to the same place again and again hearing about lives being aborted for whatever reason.

Ten lives ABORTED! Were they future


ministers of righteousness,





Sunday school teachers,

lovers of God and lovers of fallen man,


Bullied, marginalized, dehumanized, hated without cause, made to feel insignificant and useless.

News Item5/20/18 12:48 PM
Nona | US  Find all comments by Nona
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Well put.

The major reason why many donā€™t believe that Jesus is the only way of salvation is division in the Body of Christ based on things other than sin. Our sins have separated us from God. Hence, from our brethren.

Once one has been reconciled to God by the blood of Jesus, there are no longer divisions in the Body of Christ other than the flesh which against the spirit.

Pseudo believers are still attracted to appearances. The flesh profits nothing. Many prefer what Hollywood presents as the standard. Not the standard set in scripture. Hollywood tantalizes inherent baseness. The flesh and the spirit are not compatible.

Can someone explain how it is that the former Ms. Markle is black. Isnā€™t her father white? Is she being disowned by whites, like Obama? No oneness with whites here. No indication that Jesus has made us one (John 17). No understanding of Galatians about the flesh/natural man.

And so it is within Christianity. No indication that Jesus has made us one (John 17). No understanding of Galatians about the flesh/natural man. No matter how spiritual a person of the ā€œblackā€ race may be, some people will cross the street. Or, not go directly into Samaria. No equal yoking here.

News Item5/20/18 12:45 PM
Nona | US  Find all comments by Nona
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G. Bird wrote:
Love was nowhere to be seen at this farce of a wedding. It was merely an expensive celebration of Cultural Marxism. Ms Markle just turned a prince into an adulterer.

Do you know the grounds of her divorce?

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