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News Item12/12/09 7:24 PM
wake up | aust  Find all comments by wake up
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Who is running your country addictive gamblers or real wise 'American'people. sounds like they want you guys to go broke! Dont you love freemasonary not!

News Item11/6/09 3:53 AM
wake up | australai  Find all comments by wake up
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San Jose John wrote:
Nice to hear some GOOD news for a change.
Amen to that too.

Some how I think the opinion poll is stacked. What do you think?

News Item8/30/09 5:45 AM
wake up | aust  Find all comments by wake up
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Scott McMahan wrote:
More politicians who don't know anything about the Internet and want central control over it.
Yes they do scott. But your right about they want control over it.

News Item8/7/09 8:58 AM
wake up | aust  Find all comments by wake up
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Scaffie wrote:
Jer 7:16 Therefore pray not thou for this people, neither lift up cry nor prayer for them, neither make intercession to me: for I will not hear thee."
Jer 14:11 Then said the LORD unto me, Pray not for this people for their good."
Question. If, as here, the Lord would not listen to His Prophet Jeremiah, will He listen to Obama?
If any sinner assumes that God will automatically listen to their prayers, then they do not know God.
Only God may "grant" prayer!
watch it scaffie uk john will come after you and tell you need to still pray...

News Item8/7/09 8:52 AM
wake up | aust  Find all comments by wake up
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You still dont get it John.

I answered the question but you wont. Whats the passage about! what did paul say what he said.
Dont just jump around the place and rant.thinking your making sence.

News Item8/2/09 3:04 AM
wake up | aust  Find all comments by wake up
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John UK wrote:
It is called a 'very good question', and one which you are desperately trying to avoid answering.
a Christian - period.
Very good question ha?self proclaim one. I aswered it did you get it or are you avoiding it? as you have the others as usual. Get in case you didn,t get it my answer is the same if its your mother or my mother are pauls mother or davids mother. in the same situation as Paul encountered it would be the same answer. Why would the answer change.
Point two Why didn,t paul pray for those in the galation passage but said somthing instead. Why didn,t Jesus Pray when he said ye are your father the devil he didn,t pray for souls their either..
Wait 4 your answers.

Fedrick.You need Christ the real Christ.
He says to you and me if thy eye offend thee pluck it out , if thy other eye offend thee pluck it out. if thy mind offend thee by Christ bring your every thought under the captivity of Christ. I can do all thing through Christ!

News Item8/1/09 4:00 AM
wake up | aust  Find all comments by wake up
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Uk John said..But I also have a question for you. If your parents were wicked and ungodly, would you pray David's OT imprecatory prayer against them, as in "Destroy thou them, O God.." or would you honour them in keeping with the commandments of God?

Now what sort of question is that, you dont get it do you why would the scriptures change in Paul Spirit or David’s if it were my mother or your or anyone’s your not roman catholic are you? Are you Roman catholic dispensationist? you also said I follow Christ not the old tes... saint Abraham was a Christ follower. you getting deeper in error uk John.

And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and

ye shall keep
my judgments, and do them

That the new testy saint to me - that will do for me too!!

News Item8/1/09 3:23 AM
wake up | aust  Find all comments by wake up
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Angela Wittman wrote:
Apparently these folks have way too much time on their hands...
and our money!

Use there own money on this or evilution as see if any money is given them .

News Item7/31/09 8:33 AM
wake up | aust  Find all comments by wake up
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John UK wrote:
You post them up and explain your position, and then I will put my points up.
I thought I ask you?

News Item7/30/09 6:35 AM
wake up | aust  Find all comments by wake up
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Well done to those involved.
Not to protest but Stand for the truth of Christ!

News Item7/30/09 6:23 AM
wake up | aust  Find all comments by wake up
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And that was worth working out. Ill sleep better tonight now, Thx.

News Item7/30/09 6:12 AM
Wake up | Aust  Find all comments by Wake up
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John UK wrote:
I see you dont want to deal with the great A. Pauls Spirit in Galations? I wonder why. Hmm which is my point in some case not all as you assume.
you Jump somewhere else?
There are difference in Judgement upon the wicked.When men want to take people to sin is different to those who sin in themselves that is why the Lord says sin may come but woe by whom they come! To lead people to sin is different to those who are ignorant of their sin and sin inthemselves. Do you see? I am not sayng this spirit is always to everyone.At times as
Davids Spirit..Lead me, O LORD, in thy righteousness because of mine enemies; make thy way straight before my face.
9 For there is no faithfulness in their mouth; their inward part is very wickedness; their throat is an open sepulchre; they flatter with their tongue.
10 Destroy thou them, O God; let them fall by their own counsels; cast them out in the multitude of their transgressions; for they have rebelled against thee.
11 But let all those that put their trust in thee rejoice: let them ever shout for joy, because thou defendest them: let them also that love thy name be joyful in thee.
12 For thou, LORD, wilt bless the righteous; with favour wilt thou compass him as with a shield.

News Item7/30/09 5:51 AM
wake up | Aust  Find all comments by wake up
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Steamroller wrote:
Now isn't this nice. Promoting perverted lifestyle in school. Or have we forgotten the definition of perversion: defn. to change to what is unnatural, abnormal, and wrong.
God did not make men to have sex with other men nor women with other women; the parts don't fit and often disease results, also it has no natural biologic function. Its only function is fulfilling perverted and selfish lust.
Homosexuals are not born as homosexual. Having mapped the human genome, scientists have not found a gene that makes a person homosexual.
In his book "The Brain That Changes Itself" Dr. Norman Doidge M.D. says all human sexual tastes and perversions are learned (chapter 4).
Thx for that info. Interesting..

News Item7/26/09 2:12 AM
wake up | aust  Find all comments by wake up
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John UK wrote:
wake up
It is most important to pray 'in the Spirit', which means praying according to the will of God. Otherwise prayers will not be answered, and you will be found wanting concerning stewardship of the time God has allocated you.
It is time you woke up to the fact that your spirit is not right with God, who 'died for the ungodly'.
Let me give you a clue. The only folk that Jesus saves are sinners. 'He was bruised for our iniquities'.
Try praying for the salvation of souls, and then go out armed with tracts and gospels of John, to speak with fellow-sinners about how gracious God is to those who repent and put their trust in him.
'Look unto me, and be ye saved.....' saith the Lord.
John where is what I am praying for not in the yoour spirit??
There is more to The Spirit that what you John the pharasse thinks? Try to quench "not" the Spirit. Let the Lord lead your life John be not high minded. I wonder what the great Paul would say to u when he said in galatians that they would be self mutilated, no praying for souls their and many other passages!!
Try looking in your own heart first and trusting the Lord in ALL things you dont know anything about yet!
God is angry with the wicked every day! Learn that!

News Item7/25/09 4:32 AM
wake up | aust  Find all comments by wake up
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Lord we have sinned and done evil in thy site. Turn us again unto thyself and act upon and distroy all those who are are bent on wickedness. In Jesus name Amen.

News Item7/25/09 4:26 AM
wake up | aust  Find all comments by wake up
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when will it ever been seen in a "positive light" Only in a debased society Its time to wage war on the enemy, God , smash these demons who follow reprobation.
Only in america then the rest of the world.....

News Item7/22/09 10:51 PM
wake up | aust  Find all comments by wake up
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Wayne wrote:
The Pope is the Antichrist...
'It would seem that ..., to organize and act invented for the purpose...
(read that last part again!)
"The common enemy of humanity is man... ahead...In searching for a new enemy to unite us, ... that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine etc., would fit the bill." -- from "The First Global Revolution" published by the Club of Rome. What is the Club of Rome?
Taken from W. J. Mencarow a Pasor o.
I agree the the pope is THE anti christ but "he" give power to other to do his dirty work we need to expose the other better than we are presently are. I.e the Litteral demonic masonic connection that all your presedents are into and secret society they are involved into the demonic symbols that cover your land invoking God. The sorcery your government uses to dull the people. Be not "ignorant" of satans divices satan the prince of the air. digital air ways is his tool. Beware of smoke screen of global warming I still carn,t see how this Idea will work for their main thrust but am willing to hear more. Ive heard that preacher but not convinced he has it right in some areas, it might be me though.

News Item7/22/09 10:17 PM
wake up | aust  Find all comments by wake up
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Only in America!
the whore who influences all others by there sorcery.
The satanic music industry.That christians dabble seperate!

The satanic Movie industry.That christian dabble seperate!

The puppet Masonic Demon worship government you have over their is where you should be aware of. Be not ignorant of satan devices That christian voted for republican = a tick for demons, democrat, tick for = satan.

Why do you think government all round the world want unlimited access to our children and teenagers and distract then away from real reading and real knowlege of God. "Lovers of pleasure" is great key the devil uses to rid the people of a real relationship with God. Remember the parable of the siols. why is your government giving free coupon on set top boxes when money is hard to come by? Worldlyness destroys the good seed! The above artical is only about spitting on God. Christ is coming not as a lamb anymore but as a LION! Be prepared "Really". This is just my own conviction about where we are at. WE need real revivial badly we are all in bad shape including me.

News Item7/22/09 9:32 AM
wake up | aust  Find all comments by wake up
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Chris Perver wrote:
Looks like it is also becoming inapropriate to place Bible-believing Christians in any position of authority in this permissive society. Stop the planet, I want off!
I want off 2.. to depart is better..

our country,s are run by satanists,
america, and england esspecialy. the sorcery they use is blinding!
Who with half a brain would think that any child would grow well in a sodomite home. How sick is society!come Lord Jesus!

News Item7/22/09 9:12 AM
wake up | aust  Find all comments by wake up
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John Yurich USA wrote:
That question is so insane and psychotic. The two scenarios are at opposite ends of the spectrum. One involves the meeting of two insane and psychotic lunatics while the other involves attendance at the Mass, which is not entirely False because there are scriptural aspects to the Mass. When I attend the Mass I only participate in the scriptural parts to the Mass. During the unscriptural parts to the Mass I just tune out the unscriptural parts to the Mass.
why dont you be biblical again and repent and leave the beast church for good..

Morman church = 4 me another occult freemason church under another name, which they dont care . look how many churches starting in 1830+ = demons

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