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News Item6/10/16 1:22 PM
pennelpe  Find all comments by pennelpe
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oh please, angry old man? you all want men to stand up and say the truth and when one finally does the media calls him angry? who's angry?? the people going to his rally have been violently assaulted over and over again, and even now the RNC is planning on putting his supporters in with the leftists...


I've listened to his speeches, he doesn't sound angry, that's a media soundbite!

his platform is the antithesis to the NWO globalist takeover, God has used a rich man this time to say what the church will not say.... to our shame...

why not see if our ethics people are going to back Judge Moore in Alabama regarding states rights?

they aren't, any states rights issue they have been associating with h@te, are evangelicals just lapdogs for the left now??

Bilderburg is meeting right now, that is where world leaders meet in secret to make their plans, and their discussion seems to be on crashing economies.

IF trump has the fortitude to follow through on his trajectory, the new order is not going to give the middle class back their soverighty.

and yes, things like the mark of the beast are spiritual issues, not just political, I remember an ancient Babylon that God divided and brought languages, does not Rev warn of a time when Satan will deceive the

News Item5/28/16 10:39 AM
pennelpe  Find all comments by pennelpe
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the neocon outlets are pushing libertarian candidates, which is hilarious, being as that they are the most statist among us. libertarian groups have recently been lamenting the elephants in the room. as to gary they felt that last election he would steal o's votes from homosexuals. many have just assumed that it was such a cause for him because he numbered among them, I could be wrong about this, just always assumed.

but that's the deal, the neocons have under their thumb a particular group of pretrib rapture evangelicals and they will always get them to vote for globalism and against their own interests, even selling their children into slavery. it will continue until they "come out of her my people", and I have believed that this is what this election was about.

you have a secular candidate saying, hey, I was in NY that fateful day, lets open up those 28 pages....

its this cohort I mention above that keeps the books closed. no other group has the motive, most secularists are pragmatic. only religious belief would keep a group from inquiring about the one event that changed everyone's lives.

News Item5/24/16 3:00 PM
pennelpe  Find all comments by pennelpe
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Wayfarer Pilgrim wrote:
where kids had to race to dress up a pig
I fail to see how the topic of US involvement in creating ISIS that then brought genocide to Christians to be this funny.....

for the others.... you might want to google about hillrys emails being released where destroying Syria was for Israel, then think upon the beheaded believers and chopped up children throughout Syria and go, thank God, we are building "God's Kingdom"!!

this is what the neocons do, but they are not conservative, not constitutional and certainly not biblical.

see how justified God is to keep our borders open and to bring in ISIS unvetted? why should He stop the fall?

Too bad we've yet to read the New Testament that clears this up!

News Item5/23/16 11:05 AM
pennelpe  Find all comments by pennelpe
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yes, Frank, that is precisely their approach. when Christian denominations fight for their "place at the table", they then participate in their own compromise. R Warren, CFR member and SBC Pastor does well.

News Item5/22/16 10:11 AM
pennelpe  Find all comments by pennelpe
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NWO takeover in full progress.

News Item5/20/16 11:43 PM
pennelpe  Find all comments by pennelpe
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Iris Delgado wrote:
My question to you were all those classical speakers slave owners ? were they have no Black speakers and I wonder why ? what were these groups beliefs regarding blacks etc. ?? were they all lave owners and preaches too ? ?
if you have a suggestion for a sermon, why not share it instead of calling people names?

News Item5/19/16 10:06 AM
pennelpe  Find all comments by pennelpe
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William S. Sutherland wrote:
Trump wasn't my first choice, but he's better than Bernie or Hillary any day of the week!
I've said all along, he has said the things that the church should've been saying for years, instead of bowing to the PC NWO. they have not loved their own and it shows. as to the state of the nation, it is falling. if he could hold his own against this spiritual battle, the entrenched evil of the little city back east, then they would create a false flag. Evang's have been asleep at the wheel. O is now bringing sodomy and trans all into the ranks, even our troops will have to sleep and shower among pervs. 19 trillion in debt, interestingly 19 trillion same figure given for bailouts to bankers. they've cashed it in, and still look like they'd rather provoke Rus and send in our demoralized troops with broken down planes rather than to set things right domestically. that is their offense to America first, americans are there for there disposal, foolheartedly for a longtime with mutual agreement. Praying for the witness of Christ to be there in the midst of the foolishness.

News Item5/18/16 3:20 PM
pennelpe  Find all comments by pennelpe
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as to this forum getting stranger....

....not any stranger than what folks in the workforce face everyday.

Christians can come here aware of the times we are in. I knew there would be shills when I came to it, not sure why people act so dismayed, it means that there is a spiritual battle for the hearts and minds of men.

They do not want the issues of the day discussed in a wholesome way, that is very telling. But I don't think Christians running off and hiding from the world is going to do any good. The Word of God is now an offense, but the love of Christ is a witness.

This is a news section after all.... my theory as to why so few? pastors probably afraid to share their real opinions. many are wanting to lead from the back.

News Item5/18/16 9:58 AM
pennelpe  Find all comments by pennelpe
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Gay Allen wrote:
"My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" wheres their oxytocin?
makes you think ...

News Item5/18/16 9:29 AM
pennelpe  Find all comments by pennelpe
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What say you Christopher? Thanks for your concern, by the way.

Geff wrote:
I used their IP address without their consent or knowledge.
Greetings Brother Dave!

News Item5/16/16 12:51 PM
pennelpe  Find all comments by pennelpe
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"The drys thought it ridiculous that an upstanding, tax-paying woman was kept from the ballot box while male bums could vote"

the nanny state started with prohibition.

News Item5/14/16 10:15 AM
pennelpe  Find all comments by pennelpe
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lets not forget when we wonder how a small, small minority could be so big, that there are large lobbies behind this

consider the anti-defamation league, a major player in the evangelical world....

a little boy wants to wear an orange dress and be an astronaut. and this, they bring into the schools and read to the kids. but wait.... their mission is to stop anti-Semitism.....

News Item5/12/16 9:00 PM
pennelpe  Find all comments by pennelpe
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the church needs to choose between nationalism and globalism.

News Item5/11/16 5:35 PM
pennelpe  Find all comments by pennelpe
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the man won't take a stand on any of the issues and then lamblasts everyone for being immoral. no mention of Benghazi and the laws broken, the computer files and fbi case, no mention of the brethren in the ME and the funding of isis.... like a ship with no sail or a dog with no teeth.

as long as he can say "I'm nice, they aren't", what has he accomplished but religiosity?

where's his offense that Vincent fox flips off a candidate or that people are doing pretend beheadings of a candidate or the people having their teeth busted in? nothing of substance, just generalities that give an appearance of goodness and signify nothing....

where's the offense when many girls die of the hpb vaccine? where is the standing in the gap when a father is ordered to let the exwife give hormone treatment to their little girl to "make him a boy"?

where is the leadership in the trenches instead of behind the skirts of others? men like Coach Dave and others who actually name the issue?

News Item5/10/16 2:56 PM
pennelpe  Find all comments by pennelpe
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Christopher, it is unbelievable, wow, just so painful to think of. That's why I get tired of hearing the Russell Moore's and others trying to guilt Christians into not caring or taking things lightly, no one seems to take into account the innocent children. I am always blessed to see in scripture that the Lord cares very much for the innocent, for the widow and orphan and those who cannot defend themselves.

News Item5/10/16 9:59 AM
pennelpe  Find all comments by pennelpe
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well Wayfarer, you have some wise admonishment there, there's only so long one can hold out with the world before they are just standing in the way of the Holy Spirit. Caution can be admirable at times, but silence is agreement, all they can do now is turn left and berate the brethren with h@te speech language for being horrified that joey next door is getting hormone therapy and wants to read to your kids his favorite ADL book from school "Adam and Steve".

News Item5/9/16 3:06 PM
pennelpe  Find all comments by pennelpe
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of course I would like a clear, boys are boys and girls are girls, but to clarify, this was his position....

"I think that local communities and states should make the decision," he went on to say. "And I feel very strongly about that. The federal government should not be involved."

....which is entirely the issue regarding both abortion and sodomy marriage, besides ocare and common core.... is bringing decisions back under state jurisdiction. abortion was illegal pre roe v wade and marriage being recognized in many states as always was, ocare takes away free market between states and common core has no place as education should be under states.

in other words, its this federalizing/NWO/corporatism bringing us the gay mafia to restructure society and it is by absolving where there is solution.

and as to a man walking into a church that looks like a woman, what are 501c3 pastors going to do but side with the marketplace? anyway, its an impossible dilemma, scripturally they should not be deforming their bodies, and the name is eunichs.

thankfully there is no pit too deep in which Christ can not reach in and save.

News Item5/9/16 2:51 PM
pennelpe  Find all comments by pennelpe
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GSMontana wrote:
.I have shared the gospel with her,
thanks for sharing so we can pray for her.

News Item5/6/16 2:26 PM
pennelpe  Find all comments by pennelpe
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if they must stick to science that only is proven with the senses (creation proves itself as created but is another point) --- then they must remove evolution from their books, because it is an uproven myth, which is being exposed by the creation museum.

they seem unqualified to teach science.

they would also need to move past the Darwinian chemical model of medicine (we are now in post antibiotic age) --- in other words, the bible would lead them back to a good scienctific foundation, otherwise, they are teaching myths. no getting around it, they are religious.

News Item5/5/16 8:07 PM
pennelpe  Find all comments by pennelpe
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the neocons are being voted out momentarily.. and the problem being he is calling for closed borders, legal and careful immigration, bringing jobs back to US and opening up 28 pages!! and not going to neocon empire building wores.

their alliance with agenda 21 and Saudis exposed, the unholy alliance between American evangelicals and Wahhabi.

there is a bit of light shining in the darkness on these issues as rand Paul had attempted to make it illegal for us to fund those genociding Christians.

we have McCain aid on tv rejecting the vote of millions of people, mr "freedom fighters" himself, extraordinaire!

they cannot have these things come to light, and so they will have to turn left now along with hitlery which is also a neocon and has quite the list of legal woes in front.

they will try to drag the Christians into this, they will turn them left and call trump every name in the book, every racial, gender, ethnicity slur imaginable, because that is all they have is namecalling to keep off the issues at hand.

giving evangelcials once again the opportunity to "come clean" about their brethren in the ME, does the scripture not say we will reap what we sow?

get ready folks for the neocons to turn the evangelicals PC, and entrap them in their own net!

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