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Sermon4/12/15 8:39 AM
Arthur and Kathleen Vick | Columbus, Ohio  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Arthur and Kathleen Vick
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Heart Burn
Allan Jellett
“ Such a blessing! ”
A message fashioned just for us from our LORD. He turns all our troubles into gladness. I will sing! Isaiah 9:2

Sermon2/27/15 6:57 AM
Arthur and Kathleen Vick | Columbus, Ohio  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Arthur and Kathleen Vick
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“ Dear Angus and our brothers and sisters in Nowra, ”
We have been so happy in our LORD Jesus, hearing these sermons through the incredible Word of God to the church in Thessalonica. How wonderful to know He wrote it to all of us, too. Our God has told us everything we must know, and we are continually astonished to see a little of His great love, power, mercy, strength, wisdom and righteousness by the revelation to our hearts in His Word. Soon, we shall see Him Face-to-face. We are praying for you all. Love in Christ, Arthur and Kathleen

Sermon1/22/15 6:17 AM
Arthur and Kathleen Vick | Columbus, Ohio  Protected NameFind all comments by Arthur and Kathleen Vick
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Justification Illustrated
Bruce Crabtree
“ Dead to the Law, free to love God! ”
Oh, what a great message! My happiest hours with my LORD have been during times when I stopped trying to "act like a Christian"! The temptation is so great and the fall into that sin is so damaging! Thank you, LORD, for this message to my heart. FREE INDEED!

Sermon1/11/15 6:29 AM
Arthur and Kathleen Vick | Columbus, Ohio  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Arthur and Kathleen Vick
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He is able
Angus Fisher
“ We woke up this morning saying, 'He is able!' ”
Pastor, Thank you for this sermon and especially for posting it immediately, else we had not known that our LORD was already speaking this message to our hearts at the same time you preached it. We studied 1 Kings 3:5 yesterday "...Ask what I shall give thee", and read the 3 sacred hymn poems Newton had devoted to this verse. In Hymn 32, Newton wrote, "If Solomon for wisdom prayed, the LORD before had made him wise, else he another choice had made, and asked for what the worldings prize. Thus He invites His people still, He first instructs them how to choose, then bids them ask whate'er they will,assured that He will not refuse." And so, our LORD gives us grace to understand that in every circumstance, He proffered the situation and He will bring about the perfect resolution. He is able. May God richly bless you all. He put it in my heart to pray this, and so, He will bring it to pass.

Sermon12/14/14 9:49 AM
Arthur and Kathleen Vick | Columbus, Ohio  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Arthur and Kathleen Vick
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“ When they tel you, 'Man must do HIS part...' ”
Dear Allan and our friends in the UK, The historical parable of Abraham, Sarah, Hagar and Ishmael is one of the most beautiful proofs that man, "doing HIS part" in anything, but especially in this matter of salvation, brings misery, trouble and finally, damnation. We are following your sermons every day and have received blessings abounding. We pray for a great revival in the preaching and hearing of the Gospel of the Free Sovereign Grace of God in the finished work of Jesus Christ our LORD. Thank you so much and we are praying for you all. (P.S. Laughed at the little comment about The Jeremy Kyle Show. We don't have a TV, but we here in the US are constantly bombarded with the politically-correct mind-control venue of the social engineers. We are very aware of the fact that all mainstream media is poised to destroy the truth of God and the truth of His Christ. Did you know that dentists are one of the chief snitch snares? Many dentists get money to fish for personal info and then report back to the thought police. Maybe you should change dentists and go to one that refuses to play The Jeremy Kyle Show in the patient waiting room. Just a head's up for your benefit.)

Sermon9/9/14 8:24 AM
Arthur and Kathleen Vick | Columbus, Ohio  Protected NameFind all comments by Arthur and Kathleen Vick
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Jesus - Friend of Sinners
Henry Mahan
“ What a great Saviour we have! ”
We are so thankful to God for our dear Brother, Christ the LORD. Give us grace, LORD, to "Go and sin no more".

Sermon7/15/14 7:44 AM
Arthur and Kathleen Vick | Columbus, Ohio  Protected NameFind all comments by Arthur and Kathleen Vick
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“ How great is our God. ”
It has occurred to us, concerning the juxtaposition in Scripture of Jairus, the ruler of the synagogue who begged the LORD to heal his dying daughter, and the healing of the woman with the issue of blood: that the woman had been plagued for 12 years with her shameful, debilitating disease and the little girl who died was 12 years old. The woman was sick since the birth of the child. In an appointed hour, both were in equally desperate need and in that same hour, the LORD was present to demonstrate His great power, equally, to both. On the same day, both received complete healing and eternal life, the forgiveness of sins. It's a point to meditate upon, isn't it? Add to this the account that follows in Mark 6 - the LORD Jesus sends out "the twelve". How infinite is the Word of God and how infinite is His grace to needy sinners! "Be not afraid, only believe."

Sermon7/13/14 10:21 AM
Arthur and Kathleen Vick | Columbus, Ohio  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Arthur and Kathleen Vick
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“ Answered Prayer ”
Dear Allen, We awoke early this morning and our thoughts centered around trusting the LORD to speak to the many questions we have had in our hearts through the preaching of His Word by His men, the preachers of Sovereign Grace whom we follow on SermonAudio. You are the first sermon each Sunday morning, as we here in Ohio usually can find your Sunday sermon already posted when we arise. You spoke about the unity we have as a whole congregation throughout the whole world, even though there may be many here and there who have no local congregation. We are among that scattered fold. But God...(oh! I always have to stop and rejoice at those two words!), Who is rich in mercy has made it very clear to us that He has provided pastors and teachers for us, and He will answer when we cry. And furthermore, that He is enabling us to be teachers ourselves to others! We have given your name to friends in West London. OH! We hope that they find your ministry and find our great God. You have comforted us again, as you do each time we hear your messages. Please, we are praying for your continued enlightenment in the things of Christ and for more and more grace to tell the wonders of the Gospel He has put in your heart.

Sermon3/20/14 6:42 AM
Arthur and Kathleen Vick | Columbus, Ohio  Protected NameFind all comments by Arthur and Kathleen Vick
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Song of Songs 26
Angus Fisher
“ They say, 'A man is as good as his word...' ”
How great then, is our God! Oh, the sweet jewels that flow from His lips, bestowing a constant stream of riches to His poor and needy children. Pastor Angus, we have followed along with you through the Song of Solomon and have received of these great riches: Christ, the Word. Thank you for your labors in Him and we are praying for you and all our dear family in Australia. "LORD, bring a great revival of the preaching and the hearing of Thy Word. Amen."

Sermon2/27/14 8:17 AM
Arthur and Kathleen Vick | Columbus, Ohio  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Arthur and Kathleen Vick
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God Now Accepteth Thy Works
Don Fortner
“ O Bread of Life! ”
Such an important message! So important! Praise God for His wonderful works, all of them...mine! Thank you, Brother Don. Truly, we are annointed with the oil of gladness above our fellows, by His grace!

Sermon2/6/14 7:34 AM
Arthur and Kathleen Vick | Columbus, Ohio  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Arthur and Kathleen Vick
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I Will Save My Flock
Allan Jellett
“ A Gospel Witness in the UK! ”
Thank you again, Allan, for this comforting message. Everything you have said rings true in our hearts and has encouraged us so much. The figure you mentioned of the dog lying in the manger, keeping the hungry cattle from feeding, reminded me of a Bible study we had to endure as members of a "reformed" church many years ago. One of the elders began the study with a question he thought would engage us for at least an hour. He said, "Who can give us an example of something Jesus did to prove His faithfulness?" After a brief silence, a wise old woman in the back row said, "Let's save some time and mention the things He did that would prove His unfaithfulness." Needless to say, the elder was unsettled at having been cut to the quick in such a manner! I was a new believer then, and the LORD brought that incident to our remembrance many times, helping us to detect and eschew dogs as He was leading us, again and again, to His true shepherds, men who know and love the Gospel of His Sovereign Grace. O! May He grow and grow that Gospel to feed His hungry people! God bless you all. Thank you again for your labors in the LORD. We are praying for you all. And by the way, that faithful woman, Ruth Jarvis of Columbus, Ohio, is with the LORD Jesus in heaven now - because He is Faithful.

Sermon1/28/14 6:56 AM
Arthur and Kathleen Vick | Columbus, Ohio  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Arthur and Kathleen Vick
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Missing Gospel Signs
Allan Jellett
“ Praise God for this message! ”
Brother Allan, We have been so deeply touched by this message from our LORD. You have helped us to see again, with more clarity than is sometimes afforded us, that we live in the day of the greater glory of the Second Temple, which is our LORD Jesus Christ.The Ark, the Mercy Seat, the Blood of the Sacrificial Lamb sprinkled for the sin of the people, the Manna, the rod that budded. Oh what glory to meditate on all these signs as shadows of our great God and King, Jesus Christ the LORD! We pray for you, the people you minister there in your small village and we pray that the Gospel you preach will be heard throughout the whole world, running by the Spirit of God, as Elijiah ran before Ahab to Jezreel. 1 Kings 18:46

Sermon1/8/14 11:30 AM
Arthur and Kathleen Vick | Columbus, Ohio  Protected NameFind all comments by Arthur and Kathleen Vick
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None Can Come
Pastor Michael Pickett
“ Thank you for this timely message! ”
Whatever prompts the soul to pride, Or gives us room to boast, Except in Jesus crucified, Is not the Holy Ghost. That blessed Spirit omits to speak Of what himself has done, And bids the enlightened sinner seek Salvation in the Son. He never moves a man to say, "Thank God, I'm made so good," But turns his eye another way, To Jesus and His blood. Great are the graces he confers, But all in Jesus' Name; He gladly dictates, gladly hears, "Salvation to the Lamb". J. Hart, Gadsby's Hymns 32

News Item3/27/13 8:41 AM
Arthur and Kathleen Vick | Columbus, Ohio  Protected NameGo to homepageFind all comments by Arthur and Kathleen Vick
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There once was a preacher named Bell, whose doctrine of love was from hell.
Though hell he denied, he tried and he tried many grievous deceptions to tell.

“Just live as you please, lust is not a disease!
If it’s true God is love and He speaks from above,
Then what manner of fault could He find in whatever I do?
Can’t I choose to love you, O lover (same sexual kind)?”

Yes, the teachings of Bell are easy to sell to man, in sin’s darkness enflamed.
They never can rest and think they know best.
Who evil adore and goodness abhor, they boldly say, “God must be blamed!”

Rage on, rage on, you sinners who lie!
Soon comes the day, you’ll eventually die.
Then God shall, with equity, deal.
You all will be sent, unless you repent,
To a place where you’ll know hell is real.

Sermon10/17/12 4:52 AM
Arthur and Kathleen Vick | Columbus, Ohio  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Arthur and Kathleen Vick
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It Is I/Lord Save Me
Chris Cunningham
“ We thank our LORD for your sermon ”
Pastor Cunningham, We are listening together this morning before our work day begins, amazed at our LORD and His glorious Gospel, hearing you move from point to point, opening this passage to our hearts. We are praying for you. May our LORD continue to give you insights into Himself and His Word, as well as grace to tell it with power to all His people. Oh, He is bringing showers of blessings in the midst of a great drought in all the land! Praise His Holy Name forever and ever.

Sermon6/27/12 6:07 AM
Arthur and Kathleen Vick | Columbus, Ohio  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Arthur and Kathleen Vick
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Why Wait?
Don Fortner
“ Marvelous, Brother Don... ”
Truly, our God is a marvel to behold. LORD, still my heart to wait and marvel as I behold Your wonders in the heavens and in all the earth.

Sermon5/12/12 4:56 PM
Arthur and Kathleen Vick | Columbus, Ohio  Protected NameFind all comments by Arthur and Kathleen Vick
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Glorying In The Cross
Don Fortner
“ Thank you so much! ”
Pastor Fortner, Thank you so much for this clear, concise delivery of REDEMPTION ACCOMPLISHED in Jesus Christ our LORD. No one could leave, scratching their head, saying, "What did he mean by that?" What a blessing to hear the true Gospel of God's Free Sovereign Grace again and again. Our LORD has sent you to tell the Gospel, and so, we can be sure that there are many who must hear.

Sermon4/29/12 8:02 PM
Arthur and Kathleen Vick | Columbus, Ohio  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Arthur and Kathleen Vick
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Cursed, Redeemed, Blessed
Don Fortner
“ We are mourning with you... ”
Dear Pastor and Shelby, We heard tonight at the sermon outset of your great sorrow and trial. We will share this burden with you, as the LORD allows. Be strong, dear ones. Preach the Word, our brother, our sister, and we will all enter into perfect joy and rest at last when all things are fully accomplished. We suffer in this vail of tears, but oh! what glory awaits us and all those for whom He died! Watch therefore and wait. We love you and are praying for you and all your kin.

Sermon4/27/12 8:59 AM
Arthur and Kathleen Vick | Columbus, Ohio  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Arthur and Kathleen Vick
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Resting in the Storm
Darvin Pruitt
“ Begone unbelief! My Saviour is near... ”
Dear Pastor, You said, "Christ is in the vessel", and this amazing statement filled my eyes with tears. You see, I'm currently working on a new melody for Newton's, "Begone Unbelief", a difficult task, and the words of that hymn have been circling around and around in my head for many weeks. Newton wrote, " prayer let me wrestle and He will perform, with Christ in the vessel, I smile at the storm..." Your sermon has touched a deep place in my heart at this very moment, as I, too, am laboring to enter into His glorious rest. I take your message to be an evident token from my LORD to go on, though the storm is raging. "Go on, my heart, go on! Your Saviour will perform." Thank you in Christ, Pastor Pruitt. We will be praying that you find peace in your storm and we know that eventually, you will.

Sermon4/1/12 1:04 PM
Arthur and Kathleen Vick | Columbus, Ohio  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Arthur and Kathleen Vick
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(This sermon is no longer available)
“ Oh, What A Great Sermon! ”
Thank you, Pastor Byrd, for this wonderful message to my heart concerning the power, glory and dominion of our great God. Let the mighty ones rattle their bows and sabers. Our God has won the battle and, praise His Holy Name, every knee shall bow and confess that JESUS is LORD! The enemy appears to have great power, but he has NO power at all, except the power our LORD gives him for a season. And the power God gives to evildoers is only for the glory of God and the saving of His people. Oh, how great is our God! How great!
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