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News Item5/19/18 12:02 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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in 1950s there were about 7 shots given to children now upwards of 36 or more.

give em more and more and more!

a higher rate than any other country.

autism: 1950s, 1 in 10,000 kids, NOW 1 in 59, in ten years will be 1 in 3

fertility numbers are not an accident. People like BGates have been saying for years that we must bring down fertility and population. This has been openly taught in our universities.

Title: Report: Elderly woman 'eaten alive' by scabies in nursing home

News Item5/19/18 11:12 AM
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NeedHim wrote:
Penned; Jim uses quotes from pastor MacArthur, that myself & others on here, have graciously have pointed out to him in love, that clearly speak against his agendas of promoting death & speaking out on others. Who are sharing the true gospel, n’t the insufficient Jesus of Romes gospel.
Penned; What does one have to do to go too Hell?
I'd encourage you to pray for awhile about why he quotes John MacArthur. I mean set your mind on it for awhile, think on it.

I'd also encourage you to think of what the world philosophy might be if one quotes b'nai b'rith for what is the moral standard on abortion, since the first step to witnessing is to understand who you are witnessing too (as Paul spok

now, are we moving on to my salvation? yes, that might be a mental escape from the obvious quandary I bring to you.

so fine, let's play this game after years of me defending scripture and remnant theology.

ok, here goes... all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.

So that means all are judged as unrighteous before a Holy God and stand condemned.

And this is the end point for all whos sins are not covered.

Now your turn....

what religions other than Christ alone impude any kind of righteousness on the sinner?

News Item5/19/18 10:48 AM
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John UK wrote:
Just because you don't fully understand the subtlety of the devil, and the way he propagates unbelief and idolatry into the minds of the unwary, it is no cause to treat Sr Penny the same way the unregenerates treated the Apostle Paul.
no worries, John UK, I'm having to laugh at this one. one calls me a fundamenatalist KJVO as an insult..... you know from my posts that one must not be paying close attention, like calling an alligator at the zoo a polar region mammal. and another uses gemetria on bible verse numbers and the other probably a KJVO onlyist who'd rather insult me than be insulted by the obvious slam on fundamentalists. all, its any insult they can come up with, which tells me, they aren't even thnking, its just emotional outbursts to justify things like....

a pastor coming on tv pushing a war based on propoganda that was already proven false, leading to destruction of a civilizaiton and diaspora of Christians... is really "not a matter to be concerned with " or the pastor is "too busy or too important"

...not really my problem, its theirs, otherwise they wouldn't mock.

I know the information has been transmitted. and some are actively rejecting the truth. this is called God's judgment.

News Item5/19/18 10:33 AM
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NeedHim wrote:
Jim; It’s funny how you use John MacArthur quotes,
its not funny at all. it makes a lot of sense if you understand the agenda.

News Item5/18/18 9:56 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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....and vaccines..... much controversy worldwide on this topic of...


...again, the evangelical mind cannot imagine that his news is censored and that he doesn't hear of the goings on in the world, and so we become an echo chamber, ever blind to the sufferings around us.

the birth control pills, the water, the flouride

fertility in our men is severely dropped, measurably lower testosterone levels...

...rome went through this too with their lead pipes...

..societies tend to continue on their trajectories, and then they just end.

Christians have the opportunity to repent, but I'd say, that when it comes to light that the dna of aborted children is the base for medical procedures that are then bringing an autistic generation, and there is no repentance that the trajectory for that society is set...

...for the church has been ordained to be the salt of the earth and the light to the world...

...and how are they light when they have married into eugenics?

I talked with an abortionist once. he knew of agenda 21 (see other post on global warming) and said the people had to be moved into the cities, and eat gm food. they would be chronically ill and live shorter lives.

THEY KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING and our evangelical watchmen are their h

News Item5/18/18 9:46 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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let's repeat...

the great evangelist died by his own hand, trusting in a procedure that today also includes human dna of aborted children.

all this emotional reaction..

because our modernist Christians still "believe" in it.... know what is amazing, is watching an autistic child return....

much more encouraging than gambling with one's own life...

and so jonathan edwards preached of an angry God among sinners who then turned to the pox pushers... the oozing sores on the arms for health... and his days were shortened.

this should be a sobering reality that would get the brethren to think a minute, might be why their responses are so emotional.

now George Washington died from over blood letting of leeches.....

News Item5/18/18 9:36 AM
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Title: WINNING! Trump to Cut Funding to Planned Parenthood

News Item5/18/18 9:29 AM
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Jeremiah 23:14 "I have seen also in the prophets of Jerusalem an horrible thing: they commit adultery, and walk in lies: they strengthen also the hands of evildoers, that none doth return from his wickedness: they are all of them unto me as Sodom, and the inhabitants thereof as Gomorrah."

News Item5/18/18 9:24 AM
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where did the covenant community go?

News Item5/18/18 9:23 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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global warming is a hoax created by elite bankers to reorient the world in the same way they did with the industrial revolution, the train system and banker owned properties across the land.

even though nationalism countered their movement through the election process, their plans have continued.

The President just sat down with a panel of brave administrators from California who are helping their citizens with the forced sanctuary cities, where violent criminals are released into their communities... this is part of the global warming hoax...

and so the intent was to end borders, over run and collapse the west, destroy the currency, move people into cities, etc

and so they can do this economically even while the people try to remedy issues politically...

.and if you don't believe me, look up ICLEI and see what they are doing to your city. then look at real estate prices and look at the stack and packs.

why not look at the subsidies that am@zon gets on every package, and so businesses shut down...

they carry out their plans while our churches immerse themselves in cultural marxism..and so what is not inevitable, becomes so, while the churches hear 501c3 approved sermons on sunday, regulated by the head of the church, the elite bankers.

News Item5/16/18 3:34 PM
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ladybug wrote:
It occurs to me that you continually belittle those who do not hold to your eschatological view. I am NOT a dispensationalist, nor do I desire to bash those who are. If you have ears to hear, then do so....and back off.
I"m not in the least bit interested in this bantering.

News Item5/16/18 3:33 PM
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ladybug wrote:
How is Edwards receiving of a smallpox vaccine considered an 'idol'?
We really need to be careful of making such wild accusations. Keep in mind the time in which Edwards lived, and the lack of access to information regarding vaccinations.
it is...

course we should be more concerned about the harm it causes and repenting because God is so very merciful with us when we sin and repent, isn't He?

rather what I see is an avoidance of dealing with sin head on and repenting, therefore causing continual harm upon those we are left to care for.

it comes down to an issue of compassion for the weakest among us, and for the spiritual well being with one another.

and I will be moving on now. Good day to ya.

It really should be plastered on every church in america what caused the great evangelist to die prematurely, at his own hand.

News Item5/16/18 3:29 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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Ladybug, it occurs to me that you haven't a clue what I speak about, nor is it a concern of mine that you do. When you are ready, you will hear.

News Item5/16/18 3:26 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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What caused the death of Jonathan Edwards, "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God?"

"Almost immediately after becoming president, Edwards, a strong supporter of smallpox inoculations, decided to get inoculated himself in order to encourage others to do the same. Unfortunately, never having been in robust health, he died as a result of the inoculation on March 22, 1758."

wonder if he took into account God getting angry with him for cutting his own life short...

News Item5/16/18 3:22 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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the great american preacher, Jonathan Edwards, "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" had his own IDOL...

....oh how the evangelical movement took on modernism and has harmed itself so greatly...

..the norm of children today..... autoimmune/syndromes (ADD, ADHD, Diabetes, Neurological Disorders).. far we fell into the trap because our evangelical teachers did so.. did the great Jonathan Edwards die?

News Item5/16/18 3:13 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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now it will be in "spiritual sodom" (Rev 11:8) ,

just as prophecy says,

there will be a great falling away (2thess 2:3 is claimed by dispensationalists to be their rapture so they are expecting to be the great apostasy)... and then comes the antichrist.

we really couldn't do it without their help, building a kingdom that Christ never spoke of.... except to say, every stone of this will fall, den of vipers, things like that....

too bad all that ISIS stuff had to be done to destabilize syria and all those Christians got beheaded, but after all, we are about fulfilling prophecy here in america, especially greater land deals, and especially rev 20 or other scriptures of the martyrs rolling into heaven.

so great to see prophecy, and what are a few 10,000 Christians in the run of things?

only a parenthesis after all, even though revelations is about their travails..

...indeed their Heavenly Father sees who suffers for the Kingdom and who builds false babylon..

it is "just eschatology" after all.

a few million casualties are nothing when you are talking about the span of eternity.

News Item5/16/18 3:07 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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well, I guess that's good. what are they thinking? so let's say they arrest Christians and then make them share a room/bathroom with someone of the opposite gender dressed like their gender. you can easily see where they were going with this.

News Item5/9/18 1:52 PM
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Phillip Mezzapelle wrote:
Just one more example of how what the U.S. says today, has absolutely no credibility tomorrow. Today's decision will also have repercussions regarding North and South Korea. As I have already stated, if both of those countries are smart, they will try to work out their differences on their own. Without asking Big Brother to get involved.
its monumental that he's got them at the table. just goes to prove previous administrations did not want this.

and it makes sense to reverse obama's policies of bringing nukes to Iran and giving them billions and billions...

why would we do this?

all of you in italy are free to give Iran billions if you think it is the moral thing to do...

Title: 'We've been invaded': Italian mayor slams govt's policy on migrants

but it looks to me from this article that you all are supporting turkey and saudis agenda.

News Item5/9/18 1:47 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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what is the fruit of the SBC?

while everyday people struggle with their bills, they bring in cultural marxists into their seminaries..

...they are being blindsided.

see russell moore and the new jersey mosque project.

News Item5/9/18 1:42 PM
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my family and those around me that I know will never have retirement. many can't get into the housing market because prices keep going up, rent too high.

the effects of NAFTA, etc have taken their toll.

these stats are real and being lived out by generation x and millenials and its just about time that our institutional churches wake up to this new reality or relationships will continue to splinter.

families where both have to work full time and the kids all have autism, etc do not have time for the ignorance of institutions.

I heard one popular pastor on the radio lament that people just aren't serious, they'll go to one church for one program, and another for the other, maybe one church for a service that drive to the other....

..and others lament at the pulpit the tithes going down... they see men with perfectly good incomes not tithing...

hmm.. think deeply, why might that be?

so they then turn to the elderly on fixed incomes and say, well they should tithe too.

there was a time when the in debt, and the jobless and the elderly, widow, orphan were considered charity.

what has come upon the land? fractionalized families and politics have created a new reality among the brethren.

time to get past the denial stage. there is multigenerational

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