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News Item1/6/14 7:31 AM
CAB  Find all comments by CAB
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John UK wrote:
You say it is obvious my faith is in Calvin's theology? Hey, tell you what, shall we do a Bible Study about imputation? From the scriptures only? Cool!
I would prefer instead a study from the Gospels as to what Jesus said about Hell, who is going there and why. Have you ever considered the words and teachings of Jesus when he walked among us -- as recorded in the four gospels? If so, what are your conclusions about what Jesus said about Hell, as to who goes to Hell and who does not, and for what reasons. And who the warnings were directed to -- were they directed to lost or to saved people, those warnings by Jesus of Hell?

Or are you one of those people who say Christians should stay away from the gospels, stick to a few passages by St. Paul, that Jesus spoke in code to the Jews and that we non-Jews can't understand what Jesus was saying.

When was the last time you read the Bible with an open mind, specifically Matthew, Mark, Luke and John?

I'm not Calvinist, and I don't debate Calvinists using their special terminologies which have their own secret and cultic meanings: words like "double imputation" or "real regeneration" versus "false regeneration" and other such terms that come from the Institutes and not from the Bibl

News Item1/6/14 7:15 AM
CAB  Find all comments by CAB
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TeenChristian wrote:
Jim I agree, morality isn't going to save America, but I'd sure like to see some morality! I walk into my local grocery store and I have to keep my head down! Now you are older than me so this probably isn't a problem for you, but for me, seeing all those abominable ads and all the girls my age with immodest clothing, I can't look at that without being tempted! (I'd appreciate prayer) So I keep my head down & I sing my favorite praise & worship songs. My point being, I'd really LOVE some morality.
I'm with you. Morality would save America. Plus, America is corrupting and taking the world down with it. Jeremiah 50 says about America: We would have healed her but she would not.

America is self-destructing. The churches that preach easy believism and license to sin, fatalism and lack of responsibility for choices and behavior -- are a huge part of what's wrong with America.

Some people say Babylon of Rev. 16-18 and of Jeremiah 50 and 51 is the Roman Catholic Church -- but the shoe doesn't fit. Anybody who reads those scriptures can easily see they are describing end-time America.

I am personally making plans to permanently leave the country, not ignoring the many urgent Biblical commands to flee Babylon.

News Item1/6/14 7:02 AM
CAB  Find all comments by CAB
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TeenChristian wrote:
You guys really ought to do some reading and consider a whole foods plant based diet ..
The Bible says in the last days people will be forbidden to eat meat or to marry. Raw fruits and vegetables are good for a cleansing diet, but not for a long-term diet. Dr. Weston A Price traveled the world over to study the diets of healthy people, judging "health" by well-formed jaws and straight teeth without cavities. The traditional diets were different, but none were vegetables only. Innuits eat almost 100 percent animal fat and flesh and are healthy. Modern farming methods produce not only unhealthy meat, but unhealthy vegetables as well, so good diet is not so simple as just being vegetarian. Grass fed, pastured meat is very healthy food. Organic vegetables. Raw milk, traditional foods that have nourished people well for thousands of years.

News Item1/6/14 6:51 AM
CAB  Find all comments by CAB
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John UK wrote:
I always find it most ironic, when folks come on here saying that faith in Christ is insufficient, and that works are required to supplement the work of the Son of God.
Faith in Christ is all sufficient. The Bible tells us to "examine ourselves" to see if we be in the faith. It's obvious your faith is in the theology of Calvin, not in Jesus or His teachings. Double imputations? The Bible says NOT to wrest the scriptures, to turn from the truth to myths and fables. God doesn't care about clever logic that start from wrong assumptions and lead to wrong conclusions. The Bible is where we find our answers to what is true or not true, and we are promised the Holy Spirit to help us discern. You ignore the teachings of Jesus and exalt Calvin's Institutes instead, behave as though you never read any of Jesus' teachings. What hubris to prefer the ramblings of a man like Calvin to the words Jesus spoke when he walked and lived among us. Is Jesus not Truth incarnate? You will stand before Jesus when you die. Calvin has already been judged. How will you explain to Jesus that you ignored his words and preferred Calvin's?

News Item1/6/14 12:20 AM
CAB  Find all comments by CAB
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Chad727 wrote:
God did everything required for my salvation:
He drew me to Him when i was living in the filth of my own self righteousness. He gave me the gift of repentance with eyes to see the sin within me and the sin around me, He made me sensitive to it. It was and IS God's grace that empowers me to go down the tracks He has laid for me. He gave me to Christ Jesus my Savoir, when all i was deserving of was hell. God has done it all, everything i am or ever will be is because of Him. Im in bondage to Him, and im so grateful to be.
Mark 8:34
Read your Bible -- read it over and over. Get a paraphrase maybe, something you can skim through, and just familiarize yourself with the Bible.

The words of Jesus in the 4 gospels are especially important. Be sure to focus in on them.

Watch out who you listen to for Bible teaching. Remember the parable of the sower -- the first example lost his salvation by believing Satan's heretical lies. The Bible says if you believe another gospel than the one you first received, you will lose your soul.

Many, many people start out on fire, with a burning first love for Jesus. Most people do not stay that way, and by the time you get down the road a ways in your race you notice so many have dropped off.

News Item1/5/14 11:32 PM
CAB  Find all comments by CAB
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Unprofitable Servant wrote:
The Scripture say that EVERLASTING LIFE is a present possession(John 3:36; 5:24) of the believer. So, how long is EVERLASTING?
Everlasting life is a present tense possession of the BELIEVER. If you were a believer 10 years ago but now you are dry as a bone and have no relationship with God, you do whatever you want and have no fear of God -- well, the Bible says to examine yourself to see if you are in the faith. Was your faith "in vain?"

Jesus spoke to the churches in Revelation, warned them about being lukewarm, and said they COULD lose their salvation. That was a warning to the churches plural. It was about losing salvation. What does that tell you? Jesus told all the churches that they must be OVERCOMERS or they would lose what they had (salvation). They all had areas where they were falling down and drifting away from God. Jesus warned them, get a grip, or get blotted out of the book of life.

Rev. 3:5 "He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels."

Jesus told us what a believer is, one of his sheep. He said, "My sheep hear my voice and they follow me."

News Item1/5/14 11:08 PM
CAB  Find all comments by CAB
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1517 wrote:
You say I am reading into scripture, how so? I posted scripture as it is written. Besides, how do you understand John 10: 26-29? Isn't that a wonderful reality, that NONE can pluck us out of His hand?! Christ is our all in all, we must rest in Him and not in our "filthy rags" righteousness.
Yes, I agree. But "resting in Jesus" does not mean trusting in a moment of faith we had years ago. That's not trusting in Jesus, you know?

And it is indeed reading into the scriptures to assume "No man can pluck us out of his hand," means that we are not free to choose to run off in another direction from faith and obedience and service to him. Jesus taught about it, gave examples of people who were once believers and ended up in Hell. He taught us these things so we could be warned, and take heed and not end up in Hell ourselves. That's why all those teachings on Hell are in the Bible -- most people who read hte Bible are Christians, and those warnings are for Christians. The Bible is written for believers. We owe it to ourselves to harmonize the scriptures, and not skip over scriptures that don't fit the theology we've bought into, try to keep an open mind. Jesus promised us the Holy Spirit to lead us into all truth.

News Item1/5/14 10:30 PM
CAB  Find all comments by CAB
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1517 wrote:
So it really comes out...we can lose our salvation. How in the world do we keep it?
"But ye believe not; because ye are not of my sheep, as I said unto you. MY sheep hear my voice, and I KNOW them, and they follow me: And I GIVE them eternal life: and they shall NEVER perish, NEITHER shall ANY man pluck them out of my hand. My Father, which GAVE them me, is greater than ALL; no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand." John 10:26-29. The Devil would want us to believe that it is up to US and not God who must maintain our salvation.
You are reading into the scriptures. It does not say we cannot leave God, if we want to leave him, or if we just wander off.

Eternal life is definitely eternal, but possessing eternal life is another matter. Nobody says that eternal life is not eternal. Hell is also eternal. If we die in our sins, die without the Holy Spirit, like 5 of the 10 virgins, or like Judas or Solomon or Annanias and Sophira and others named in scripture, we will find ourselves in Hell.

There's a whole lot of serious and scary warnings in the Bible. It's a really good idea to pay attention to them, not to trifle with your most precious possession--your soul. Read the Bible for yourself.

News Item1/5/14 10:11 PM
CAB  Find all comments by CAB
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Frank wrote:
[15] I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil.
[20] Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word; (Jhn 17:2, 9-11, 15, 20 KJV)
Our Lord and Savior is praying to His heavenly Father in the above verses. Note; losing one’s salvation is certainly synonymous with evil. And lastly, He says His prayer is not only for His immediate audience, but for those who would believe through their word (that would be us). Now here is the question; is it possible that God the Father won’t honor His Son’s request.
Jesus told us the world will hate us and persecute us, that the world will "love its own." He taught us to pray "lead us not into temptation and deliver us from evil."

The Bible says all who live godly in Christ Jesus WILL SUFFER PERSECUTION. Persecution is the name of the game to be a Christian.

These scriptures do not mean God is picking people out to "keep" and some to "not keep" or "damn."

"Keep them from the evil" means help them to remain true and pure, in an evil wicked world where we are surrounded with temptation, persecution, spiritual wickedness.

You are wresting, reading into scripture and not harmoni

News Item1/5/14 9:55 PM
CAB  Find all comments by CAB
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1517 wrote:
What about the famous verse of we are MORE than conquerors or no one can takes out of God's hand. The race is certainly not over, but the victory is WON. You are prescribing a works salvation. Christians don't have to "cling" to Christ, we were bought with a place, we are His. He will never leave us nor forsake us. We love Him because He FIRST loved us. He took out our heart of stone and gave us a heart of flesh.
He will never leave us or forsake us -- but we can leave him. Jesus says if we deny him, he WILL deny us before the Father. That's heavy duty, something to ponder, and realize salvation CAN be lost. So many warnings like this thru-out scripture, and too many pastors tell us we're all set for Heaven and just be happy. But that's not at all what the Bible says, it's not the example that was set by the early church, and it's just surreal to look at our Christian faith that way. It's a heresy, sweet lies to make people go to sleep with a big smile on their face, so they can wake up in Hell some day and wonder what went wrong.

Hey, the Bible is full of W-A-R-N-I-N-G-S, says we're in a war for our souls, and we have a ferocious adversary and the world itself pulling at us.

Who is warning Christians about this? It's on every page!

News Item1/5/14 9:10 PM
CAB  Find all comments by CAB
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penny wrote:
CAB- why is it hard to believe even your salvation was a gift from God?.. predestination and election are both written right there in scripture... the branch doesn't just hang on for dear life,..the branch draws life that is given.
This is Institutes, Fatalism, not Bible. We ARE being tested and tried. Adam and Eve weren't kicked out of the Garden for no reason, and a third of the angels weren't thrown out of Heaven on a whim.

Yes, we do hang on to Jesus for dear life.

St. Paul was about as godly a man as you can imagine, and he did not take his salvation for granted, not for one minute. If he did not, then how can we listen to these teachers with their sweet lies telling us we are good to go, not to worry, be happy, the race is over, you won. That's just plain not so.

We didn't get picked out of a hat, and we're not a dream in God's mind. Free will is real, and we will answer to God for our choices, and the sin unto death means spiritual death, as Adam and Eve committed a sin unto death when they disobeyed God and ate the fruit.

It's possible to go dry -- to grieve away, insult away, ignore or quench away God's spirit. When that happens it means we're not saved anymore.

Very scary. Very serious. Our God is holy, a consu

News Item1/5/14 8:25 PM
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ladybug wrote:
CAB - you say 'The bible is full of warnings of Hell to saved people.' "There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." Romans 8:1 1 John 5:13, "I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God that you may know that you have eternal life."
"And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ." Philippians 1:6 "I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand."

there is no hell for the truly regenerate.

These scriptures you offer are not harmonized, but wrested. The Bible doesn't teach "truly regenerate"- that's Institutes not Bible; you are reading into those scriptures more than is there. We are not a dream in God's mind. Life is a test, not a lottery. The Bible plainly says our faith is tried and tested, and the rules of the game are that we love God ahead of ourselves and our neighbor as ourself. The believers in the Bible are described as saints, not sinners. Also: servants, soldiers, ambassadors.

Theologians who tell us God expects nothing from us are lying: God expects EVERYTHING from us. Heaven is for those who LOVE GOD. God measures our love by our obedience.

News Item1/5/14 7:47 PM
CAB | Arminian  Find all comments by CAB
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1517 wrote:
You state that we are not does one man choose and obey and the next man does not? What is special about the one and deficient in the other? That is the fatal flaw or dilemma of asserting man has the inherent ability to choose or obey. If you say the man who obeys is somehow more spiritual means he can boast, contrary to scripture.
We are saved by faith, not by works, lest any many should boast. But faith MEANS obeying, listening, following. Faith is not a prayer we said 20 years ago and then went on our way doing whatever we wanted to do. Nor is faith learning affirmations and the right words to say that will conjure God or force him to do what we want.

To be a Christian means automatically we are a servant, a soldier, an ambassador, and Jesus says we are not our own, that we are bought with a price.

Paul says we are in a race, and that if an athlete practices and sacrifices and disciplines himself to get a silly trophy, that the prize we are running to obtain in our race is beyond price, and we should make every effort, strive, push forward, get the best over our body and sinful desires. It is a war, a battle, a test, a sifting.

Saying the prayer 20 years ago is just the beginning that may end in Heaven and

News Item1/5/14 7:37 PM
CAB | Arminian  Find all comments by CAB
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abideinthevine wrote:
The saints will be taken up and will judge the nations, for they have already been judged and ransomed by the finished work of our Lord Jesus Christ who paid for sins of His people, every sin; for being God He alone has power to 'while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."
It's true the saints will be taken up, the dead in Christ first will rise and then whose who are alive, those who die with the Holy Spirit in them (per Romans 8) and those who are full of the Spirit when Jesus returns. Those who are dry, like 5 of the 10 betrothed virgins that Jesus taught us about, will miss out. It is our job to stay close to Jesus, to abide in the vine. We are commanded by Jesus to do so, meaning we have the ability to do it, and it is not a given, but something we must choose to do. If we do not do it, then Jesus tells us that we will go to Hell. Doesn't matter if we were once a green branch growing on the vine, maybe even bearing some fruit, as the third example in the parable at one time was bearing fruit until the fruit got choked off by the deceitfulness of riches and the cares of this life.

We have an enemy, Satan, who is always trying to deceive and destroy us. The bible is full of warnings of Hell to saved people.

News Item1/5/14 7:24 PM
CAB | Arminian  Find all comments by CAB
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ladybug wrote:
it would be wise to scripture to back your claim
Limited Atonement is a red herring. Who cares? All 5 points need each other, take away one and the whole house of cards fall down.

Jude 4: "ungodly men, turning the grace of our god into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ."

Wresting scriptures, studying Calvin like the rabbis study the Talmud (ignorant of the Torah). Forbidding to read or consider the words of Jesus, claiming they are "in code to the Jews" ..stay away.

License to sin. Telling same sweet lies Satan told in the Garden: "You shall NOT surely die."

But what about Annanias and Sophira, Demas, Alexander the coppersmith, the foolish widows, Judas, Solomon, Saul? Or the 5 foolish widows who went dry and went to Hell; the lazy servant who went to Hell; 3 of the 4 people in the parable of the sower who went to Hell?

Did Jesus come to give us a license to sin, to blow up the planet for Jesus?

He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son. But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and ALL liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimst

News Item1/5/14 7:15 PM
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penny wrote:
CAB -- its like God preordained a way for us to have healthy soil, predestined in fact His Provision for us. awesome, isn't it?
Totally awesome. Even Dr. Mercola, who has the biggest health and medical website on the Internet says that his real passion now is how to make the best soil to grow the most nutritious food. And his idea of "good soil" is not tilled and bare soil soaked in weedkiller. Rather, it is soil that has a cover of mulch of some kind, a soil that is pliable and full of life, lots of microbes, soil that is alive, where the worms are busy converting the leaves and organic matter to food that comes out as worm castings, and myriads of other microbes contributing to a whole different world.

Growing vegetables in soil that has been tilled, where the organisms are dead and gone, and there is nothing there to let the plants grow but petrochemicals and GMO seeds and weedkiller -- that is not God's way to garden.

Or the state deciding that a certain crop, i.e. soybeans, will get big subsidies and government loans and support to all who grow it -- when it's a food that is not fit to eat, this is not farming. Neither are the CAFOs.

I hate GMO. It's just a gimmick to sell weedkiller, and an offense to God.

News Item1/5/14 7:03 PM
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John UK wrote:
.. the fact that I differ from you causes you a problem... Are you justified by faith alone, or by faith plus merit? Important questions, because hell awaits.
You said I don't believe in grace. So yeah, not your idea of grace, which is license to sin. True grace is God's spirit in us, speaking to us and enabling us to carry out what God wants us to do -- if we obey. And it is our choice. We are not robots. And we WILL be judged for our choices. Jesus taught that very plainly, and he warned very strongly and repeatedly. ie the lazy servant was angrily thrown into Hell.

Jesus jumped on his own disciples because they were arguing over who was the greatest, and told them if they did not humble themselves and get over themselves and become like a little child (a child which Jesus presented to them as an example for THEM to follow) -- Jesus aid THEY WOULD GO TO HELL.

So it's all plainly spelled out in scripture, in many pages and many teachings, by Jesus directly and also by Paul and Peter, James, Jude. It's on every page. We are not a dream in God's mind. This life is a test. We must overcome. We have a race to run and a prize to obtain.

TULIP is 5 letters that stand for 5 heresies that just believing them, teaching them, means Hell

News Item1/5/14 5:49 PM
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HIV is an imaginary virus, nobody has ever seen it, and you do not "catch HIV" like you do a cold.

HIV has nothing whatever to do with AIDS. Watch the documentary online "House of Numbers" and find out the money making racket Organized Medicine has made out of AIDS.

Before it was called "AIDS" it was called GRID (Gay Related Immune Deficiency). I won't describe what the homos were doing, you've probably heard and read, but they were popping a lot of antibiotics and then doing horrific things to their body. When the infections came into their bloodstreams, they had no immunity to fight back--said immunity having been destroyed by popping all the antibiotics and by abuse to the body and its immune system.

AIDS means "Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome." Believe it or not, lots of people are diagnosed with it who do not have it, but once they start taking Organized Medicine's high priced AIDS drugs, they turn into skeletons and are in their coffins shortly. Those who refuse Organized Medicine's protocols, just eat right, get fresh air, sunshine and rest live as long and well as anybody else.

The HIV-AIDS test is based on subjective questions and answers. The antibodies tested for can apply to myriads of diseases.

Can you spell R-A-C-K-E-T? How about Murder by Medic

News Item1/5/14 5:20 PM
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John UK wrote:
Big post CAB. You are clearly anti-grace.
I am interested to know what is your gospel message, and how secure a believer is in Christ Jesus.
As far as security in Jesus, Jesus taught that he is the vine and we are the branches, and Jesus said that if we abide in Him, we will bear much fruit. He said that if we do not abide in Him, that we will dry up on the vine, and get broken off and burned.

Have you not read the 4 gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John? Do you think those words are encryptions or in code? Many of those teachings are repeated 2 or 3 times.

Basic Christianity 101. I'm surprised you are not familiar.

If you want to know if you are or are not a sheep, Jesus said, "My sheep hear my voice and they follow me."

All the answers you are looking for are in the Bible -- not the Institutes or on teevee with the sweet lies that are served up on the World's platform to those who are willing to entice people into license to sin, prosperity, easy peasy believism.

News Item1/5/14 5:15 PM
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Watch the documentary Back to Eden and learn how to grow a garden -- God's way --
with no tilling, no weeding, no fertilizing, no watering, no pesticides, no rotation of crops, no soil compaction.

Who would have thought making fantastic soil that grows delicious healthy food would be such a thrill?

This is one of the best documentaries ever.

To catch the other side, the evil GMO monocrops grown through weedkiller and petrochemicals in sterile, dead soil -- catch some of the documentaries, (there's lots of great ones) on Monsanto's evil deeds. King Corn is one that comes to mind.

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