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News Item6/5/2020 1:23 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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Segregationist Al Sharpton is welcoming a national invasion, of DC. Folks , our nation my be at great peril. Trump needs to activate the federal troops, if not, this invading army with destroy the nation capital.
Follow the money- who’s paying the the mob, Soros? Amazon, Apple, Chicoms, Russia’s , DNC,
Our nation is in peril. .

News Item6/5/2020 1:09 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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Dr Tim, you are precisely right. JD Greer ( pop culture , coy and closet Calvinist and a promoter of Metoo# political corruption , er, political correctness), is by design to end the cooperative.
Secondly, the academic mugging of Southwestern Theological Seminary by firing Paige Patterson and goose stepping acolytes of Southeastern Seminary has brought much consternation, But it is Greer’s open support of Beth Moore and the handing over of the convention to social justice fascist that for all practical purposes should close down the convention. And to quote Martha Stewart “ it’s a good thing “.

News Item6/4/2020 7:07 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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I had an uncle was fishing in a pond. Dividing the pond was a old wire fence, As my uncle moved his boat to the fence to paddle over it he saw a bunch of water moccasins in a cluster atop the fence, it scared him so badly he fell out the boat, the boat hit the fence and my uncle stop fishing for trouble that day.

News Item6/4/2020 2:05 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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Thank you for the clarity QC. Anytime Jim of Lincoln gets his commentary removed is a great start to the morning. Good day everyone. Trump may not be the end all, but he didn’t put a knee to George Floyd, and bad policeman did. Anymore than he killed, shot, stabbed and injured multiple policemen or set afire to stores, killed store owners. during this mess. Yes, you don’t need to bring in the 101st air borne , but if the riots persist in Washington DC, then he can do what is needed to restore order and security.
If Biden beats Trump, look for a very ill man to stumble into a situation and make it worse.
This Sunday, Go to church.

News Item6/3/2020 10:55 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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In the late forties through sixties, the communists were active in the federal government through the state department. Later the radicals moved into higher education and haven’t left. The republicans have had a problem for 45 years. They haven’t elected anyone smart enough to destabilize this problem. The communists have been busily destroying the family, first by encouraging corporations to pay men less, then causing women to seek employment, afterwards, no fault divorce took hold, then birth control was whittled down to being about fornication and guilt by abortion. Whoever survives this horrible central plan put their children in state daycares or government schools. The smart ones homeschool and opt to walk the road less traveled, faith in Christ and the solidarity of marriage is the only way to provide a hope for the home.

News Item6/3/2020 6:46 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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One thing these demonstrations and riots have proven is if the police force can’t stop riots and and destruction then by all means- go to church and if you are fined, determine if it is within your means to pay, but it not , be guided to do as led. If jailed , go , unless you require sanctuary. If you are forcefully arrested, make sure it’s videotaped.

Rioters and looters will be given a free pass, and thus, anyone entering a place of worship , it should be an act as a gracious call of peace and not violence to heal our land.

News Item6/2/2020 1:40 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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My apologies, as you know, in a democratic republic, the majority rules. If any way I insulted the good people of Wisconsin, I’m sorry, vote out the incompetent.

News Item6/2/2020 10:55 AM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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Amishchristian point is well made. Before we light another fire with self righteous pronouncements, we need to take stock in our own behavior and stay home. With that , I’m taking a break, God bless y’all- remember, we’re still in a pandemic and it’s about to blow up because evil isn’t happy with justice or safety.

News Item6/2/2020 10:45 AM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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Evil relished destruction and is opposed to good. What you have elected represents you.

News Item6/2/2020 9:58 AM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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Truckers need to be armed and loaded for bear. All is forgotten. A week ago, first responders were heroes, truckers were hero’s , small businesses were heroes- it looks like Antifa and the Democratic Party handed out vouchers to try to riot , destroy and kill citizens or police officers in response to a bad cop( who should have been charged with capital murder, (that will spook out the bad ones)

News Item6/1/2020 8:58 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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You lock up people for 3 months, remove their jobs, their ability to work, educate successfully and suspend all means of entertainment, personal interaction and all they do is watch television. Then your nation will suffer.
This dumpster fire was lit by 4 idiotic, poorly trained cops, and they were videotaped killing a man in their custody, There is not excuse . If all you have heard is cops will kill you if you balk again and , again, then people with protest and thugs will burn down the nation. There is no justice outside the cross of Christ. But , that said, our president, governors and mayors need to promote safety and justice. But till that happens, we are going to be dealing with this till after November.

News Item5/30/2020 9:44 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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Hong Kong has been a import-export city state for nearly 75 years. It has been pro west economically since the end of WW 2. Transferring power back to China was always going to be tumultuous when China gain control. The same can be said of Taiwan, China. The problem is Xi and Li. These boys want to take the world you know away from everyone and reorder everything. Think Covid was an accident. Wait till a purposeful action by their nation sinks the entire 3rd Fleet. When that happens , our navy is no longer able to move freely or safely. Where all of Asia is a no go zone. .

News Item5/29/2020 7:32 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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When you elevate medical professionals as unelected leaders during this pandemic, then elected slavish politicians will emulate a doctors determined decisions and matched it with edicts. The constitution has been suspended in many, many states. We are being led by professionals who do not listen to debate because doctors in their own mind are god’s. You think Covid politics is at place in Minnesota? Wait for the outbreak to come roaring back in that state. The CCCP of Minnesota has made and settled the case against freedom and liberty and the rule of law. Bad cops, a cry baby mayor a bumbling Governor and a civilian population that’s been under house arrest for 8 weeks and counting. A recipe for disaster.

News Item5/29/2020 3:06 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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“Open for business” ultimately rests on how open a congregation wants to be open. If you have an at risk population, be cautious. But if not, come up with rules that allow people to worship. But as a deacon reminded me, the at risk population pays the bills. Keep them safe from Mr and Mrs “ we come to church sick and dirty “ .

News Item5/29/2020 2:02 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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The hapless Minnesota Governor dawdled around and gave unspecified orders to national guard and after a state Senator of Minnesota called the governor’s office to protest and demanded Governor Tim Waltz wake up and come to work, they arrested the police officer who killed a “suspicious man who supposedly passed a counterfeit 20$ bill”- if you wonder why the rioters riot, look no further than what one party rule does to a state. The democratic farmers worker party is a communist front and would love it if more bad cops stayed on the job than be fired or imprisoned.

News Item5/29/2020 9:32 AM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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We’ve had 40 deaths in Lubbock county from Covid, 27 from nursing homes and 13 from community transmission. It is based on underlying issues, but being fat sure won’t help. If folks don’t believe in a warning to care for their body, then now is the time.

News Item5/29/2020 9:27 AM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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Was that the plan after all?

News Item5/29/2020 9:25 AM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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A chick tract was given to a boy in our church in the 1980’s .He scoffed and threw it back to the man who gave it to him. He had just “ come out” and was the most craven person I had ever witnessed. He was involved in many episodes with the homosexual community. Till one morning the men he lived with called his grandmother to come get him to a hospital, he had AIDS and had woke up blind and deaf. The disease had ravaged him so badly that when he died, the city medical examiner recommended cremation. He was our patient zero for Lubbock county. When the Lord leaves you to your own deviant behavior, it can be a harrowing experience.

News Item5/29/2020 9:02 AM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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What I don’t understand is why a civilian can hunt down a man jogging in the south and kill him and get arrested but a northern police officer can stomp the neck of a man and not get arrested. I personally think the democratic farmers party politicians in Minnesota want their state to explode whereby they can blame trump, .

News Item5/28/2020 7:46 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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Popular culture brings about an instant gratification of all things. For all practical purposes in the plastic banana Christian music ( worship, wow) world, it’s really isn’t made for the thoughtful or bright. But what does pose a problem is the elevation of Christian pop stars , who throw guitar picks and sell tee shirts and posters , as representing the whole of Christian thoughtt . I pray the man , stops his new meta narrative and decides the only “ conversation” he needs is with the Lord. Repent and return, son.
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