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News Item5/24/18 12:24 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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the anti defamaiton league has some counseling here to correct the bigoted Christians who force gender conformity on children....

Title: Discussing Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Identity and Issues

thankfully their lobby is extremely powerful and the antibullying campaign brought into the schools across america.

News Item5/24/18 12:14 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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Watcher, what you see there is a contrast between the suffering Christian and those who have their ears tickled by the state. I believe the underground church of China would know exactly what I am talking about and we would have sweet fellowship.

News Item5/24/18 12:02 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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even the toothpaste label warns us.

documentation warns us.

its an interesting thing to watch. media will play dumbed down story about the safety of this or that with no claims other than, I'm a doctor so do what I say...

then when you read their actual literature, you find a different world, things they just don't bring to public attention.

with the internet, we have been available for some time to go to government sites, and research sites, and court documents and learn what the formal information shows.

but evangelicals do not like the world of reality, even if it says on the toothpaste label that they should call poison control if they ingest it.

cannot make a mental connection to the flouride they ingest through water or the amount they ingest...

let alone comparing the amount of mercury in a tuna can (banned for pregnant women, ingested through the stomach with hopes of it leaving the body) v. a flu vaccine which goes directly into the blood and into organs or brain.

its a form of authoritarianism.

like the 80s song said

"tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies, tell me lies, tell me tell me lies"

News Item5/24/18 11:43 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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somewhere in a gated community in China is a woman who goes to a state church every week and hears of the blessings of her privileged society.

meanwhile down the road...

Title: Report: Chinese 'training' camps now use 'forced medication'

"Chinese “training camps” to which the government sends people with beliefs not tolerated by the communist regime are using “forced medication” on inmates, both Christian and Muslim, reveals a new report in Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin."

News Item5/23/18 9:33 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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Just a Guy wrote:
Dr. Tim from Land of Cotton writes:
Sho' do, JAG. Wife and I are fixin' to hop in the goat cart and head into town for Wednesday night prayer meeting. But first we stop off at the local possum buffet, aka Planet Fatness. We are privileged to live where the Bible Belt is a size 48.
I need to get the address for that thar planet fatness. I usually eat at Big'ole Steak House (if mc-oppossum isn't open). Eating there, I might be able to bring my waist from a 63 down to a 48.
(Probably need to stop eating all them chocolate oppossum custards).
wonder if the Syrian Christians these years destroyed by ISIS made comments like this....

News Item5/23/18 9:30 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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Watcher wrote:
I'm surprised to see how the world deems white people now. Who would have seen this coming?
It won't be long before we are sold for slaves and have to stand up in buses and drink from our own fountains, etc. It's scary.
it truly is.

would sure like to see them given refuge here, where we could use them to help us redevlop our farmlands. with lowered taxes for primary homes, we could reverse the economic destruction of the middle class, instead of giving the land to china and forcing our people into big cities with a eugenics culture.

bring the farmers here, give land reparations to any american who wants it, and encourage large families.

News Item5/22/18 10:16 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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cut the school week. bring moms home. put boys outside to play in the mud and get sunshine.

problem solved.

open land for people to get cheap. primary abode no taxes so family can self sustain.

then mom can stay home.

kids can be let out of prison, oops, I mean public school 7 hours a day...

News Item5/22/18 10:02 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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Connor7 wrote:
Dr. Tim, can you, in a scholarly way, defend your position?
@J4J, The interpretations you offered still leaves you in the same dilemma, if Christ for all of Israel, then none of Israel is in Hell. I highly encourage you to take a look at John Owen's Double Jeopardy Argument.

see how false teaching on who the assembly/congregation/elect/chosen can fundamentally confuse the gospel message?

I'm glad you brought this up, for one poster to not see the powerful grace of God at the cross because they've made Israel their stumbling block.

here we see the cart put before the horse.

"before I open the bible, I believe there are two people of God"

is a problem for many.

how we see True Israel (the precious bride bought solely by the Savior's work)... will affect the greatness of the gospel.

for, if we must diminish the true Israel in order to inflate a racially/politically charged Israel as the "true kingdom to be bought at all cost"..... then do we not also lose the gospel?

and so this is my motivation, Christ said, "you will be known for the love of the brethren"

News Item5/22/18 9:41 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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here I"ll take a guess at one....

they were told that their birthdate (ie around 1948) was the center of world history and that they would be raptured before armageddon they would create through the military industrial complex.

News Item5/22/18 9:38 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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they are cultural marxists.

the philosophy exists through the leeching of others.

News Item5/22/18 9:37 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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he has to be, his city is run by a moslem, his country run by globalists who have ignored brexit vote. he's in the EU globalist agenda and must represent it full orbed....

its his job....

what the west needs is a reality check of what this globalist agenda is doing and has done to accomplish the goals of bringing down the prosperous west, opening borders and breaking apart culture, language, family life, connection to land, move them into cities, transpose private land to public reserve and have them on abortifacients to keep the population low.

Title: Netherlands: 1,400 Underage Dutch Girls Forced into Sex Slavery Each Year by ‘Migrant Background’ Males

"He told the newspaper that selling XXX with schoolgirls is a “lucrative trade” that can earn “up to 800 euros a day on a girl” for ‘loverXX’, most of whom are part of larger networks that are also involved in trafficking illegal drugs and weapons."

but if a dutchman were to speak out against the migrants and their free money... it would be they charged with h@te crimes.

and so that is how the west is divided to be conquered.

the rich do not want to believe it behind their gated communities, the poor afraid to speak.

News Item5/20/18 9:20 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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"The first thing, then, which the Lord will do will be to purify His land (the land which belongs to the Jews) of the Tyrians, the Philistines, the Sidonians; of Edom and Moab, and Ammon - of all the wicked, in short from the Nile to the Euphrates. [[41]]" J. N. Darby, 'The Character of Office in The Present Dispensation' Collected Writings., Eccl. I, Vol. I, p. 94.

purify the land of these ethnicities?

isn't there another word for that?

hmm, have we sent a memo yet to all those nations from the Nile to the Euphrates?

News Item5/20/18 1:52 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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thank you dispensationalists for building the kingdom....

Title: Netanyahu voices support for gay rights on Knesset LGBT Day

"the place where your Lord was crucified"

News Item5/20/18 1:28 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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we are talking of spiritual sodom here.

the bible is not lying to us.

Revelation 11:8

"Evangelical Christians donate hundreds of millions of dollars towards Israeli causes each year."

"a large portion of which is donated towards Jewish entities which advance various forms of humanitarian activity, and/or the general advancement of Zionism, and/or even towards the advancement of settlements in Judea and Samaria."

advancement of "the kingdom", that is displacing a Christian or Arab from a home and putting in an Israeli.

THis is what dispensationalists call "building the kingdom"

because they must acquire land.

thank you dispensationalists for building the kingdom

News Item5/20/18 1:14 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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if you are an evangelical you must love spiritual sodom (rev 11:8, the place where our Lord was crucified). this is the earthly kingdom they have built with their millions upon millions of dollars....

Title: Israel Evacuates Surrogate Babies From Nepal but Leaves the Mothers Behind

"Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son:

"In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins" Colossians 1:13-14

What has our Lord told us? "Come out of her my people"...

News Item5/20/18 1:01 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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Ladybug and dispensationalists would separate from born again Christians?

and one would wonder why instead they do not separte from spiritual sodom?

dispensationalists then, might want to mark this day on their calendar...

Title: Tel Aviv Gay Pride Parade | June 8, 2018

"Tel Aviv Gay Pride has become one of the biggest events of the year in Tel Aviv with the city’s gay community coming out in force to ensure that they, and the many visitors who come from overseas have a great time and firm up the city’s reputation as the Gay Capital of the Middle East, and perhaps, one of the Gay Capitals of the World."

News Item5/20/18 12:44 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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are these books abominations that are brought by the ADL into the american classroom?

Ladybug does not know that classical dispensationalism is an hermeneutic!

Ladybug does not know that their famous pastor says that BEFORE he even reads the bible (before hermeneutic) he says there are two people of GOd! (foundations, kingdom ethic, gospel, people of God, EVERYTHING)

Ladybug does not listen to our own commentators who say that up to obama admin, this was the philosphy of the military industrial complex!

Ladybug has not done her homework!


thank you cultural marxists for saving our nation unto the lgbt nation...

brought to you here by the Anti Defamation League....

"Julian is a Mermaid" -- boy dressing as girl

"When Kayla was Kyle"

"Daddy, Papa and Me"

"Mommy, Mama and Me"

"In Our Mothers' House"

"Uncle Bobby's Wedding"

thank you dispensationalists!

News Item5/20/18 12:19 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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we can thank dispensationalists for spiritual sodom....

rev 11:8 "spiritual sodom"

anti-defamation league:

"Pride: The Story of Harvey Milk and the Rainbow Flag"

"Sparkle Boy" - a boy loves to put on dresses

"Rad Woman Worldwild" - radical feminism for the whole world

"Beyond Magenta: Transgender Teens Speak Out"

after giving over their children, I hope they are also prepared to give over the new testament as "h@tespeech"

serve your masters well and with your whole heart.

Galatians 1:9 "As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed."

News Item5/20/18 12:05 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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the SBC is being overtaken by cultural marxism.

compromise becomes the means for survival in the pulpit.

a great falling away.

for years now there has been a great divide in reality itself, the pulpits have become places of oversimplification and pacification and that now they become the liberals.

and these PC views rule the internet now, through the dictates of social media.

as an example, islam is bringing down many western nations. rape cases are rampant, in iceland they are forcing landlords to take on migrants into their properties (subsequent trashing)... but social media prosecutes those who speak out against sharia law and the violence they are seeing in their neighborhoods.

Tommy Lee Robinson, UK, speaks a lot of this.

As a poor Brit he's endured assaults on his own female family members while the rich Brits in their gated communities publicly denigrate him.

and so...

their love for one another has grown cold.

that is what cultural marxism aims to do.

and the mighty Christian message is blended with apostasy.

the remnant will remain faithful, and Christ's message will remain... not necessarily our institutions.

News Item5/20/18 11:55 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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Connor! such silly posts!

Brother John UK, Lord bless your ministry and provide your daily needs!

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