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News Item1/8/14 11:57 AM
CAB  Find all comments by CAB
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1517 wrote:
So Peter was made alive, died, resurrected himself, died again, resurrected himself nick of time before he died. John UK is right, you really do reveal your ignorance of Christ's finished work and atonement...completely man centered, not a mention of GRACE.. damning. We are really without hope according to that theology..a man would have to lock himself up in a room and be in perpetual repentance..classic case of " DAISY" faith" He loves me, he loves me not.."
You speak of irresistable grace here? What if we just stick to the Bible? What did Jesus warn his own (saved) disciples Matt 1925:, that they could go to Hell if they did not humble themselves as a little child, get off their high horse of pride for arguing over who would be the greatest of them in the Kingdom of Heaven? "Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven."

Bible says we're in a race, with a prize at the end for those who actually do run their race, and even some of THOSE will miss the prize! But those who aren't even running, who dropped out and think they've already won the prize, are DECEIVED. The Bible warns a LOT, DO NOT BE DECEIVED.

Read the gospels, what Jesus taught, with an op

News Item1/8/14 11:29 AM
CAB  Find all comments by CAB
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1517 wrote:
Get real,
Your paranoid history lessons are more suitable for some late night, fringe AM radio call in show. So go back to bed in your Mom's basement and wait until the show starts, then call in with your treasure trove of Reformation scandals and deceptions.
This reply is unChristian, qualifies as sin of reviling, which the Bible warns all revilers will NOT inherit the kingdom of God (1 Cor. 6:10). When we write we have time to consider our words, so it's even more serious to revile in print than in the spoken word, and to do so publicly on a Christian forum.

These are the kind of things that CAN and WILL cause us to die spiritually, to grieve, quench and insult the Holy Spirit away. God forbid we die in that condition and find ourselves like 5 of the 10 betrothed virgins who went dry and weren't ready to meet Jesus.

But, Luther was right on the mark Biblically and historically in what he said about the Jews, but not correct in his gnostic Fatalist beliefs and doctrines offered to oppose Catholic heresies, one extreme set of damnable heretical doctrines opposing another extreme set of damnable heresies.

News Item1/8/14 11:17 AM
CAB  Find all comments by CAB
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1517 wrote:
CAB,.. UNBELIEF is THE sin that started it all. It is the devil who asks true believers HATH GOD SAID that no one can pluck you out of His hand? ..that it is by grace alone, and not of works, that saves you? ..that salvation is permanent and doesn't require effort on your part to maintain it?
Actually, Satan said, "Hath God said? You shall NOT surely die." So they sinned, and yes they DID DIE SPIRITUALLY. They LOST THEIR ETERNAL LIFE they ONCE HAD. So did Satan and the rest of the rebellious angels--also LOST THEIR ETERNAL LIFE they ONCE HAD.

The Bible repeatedly teaches IT IS POSSIBLE to die spiritually; to be alive spiritually and THEN TO DIE -- per the prodigal son, per Peter (who denied Jesus 3 times), per David who sinned, and others. In fact all Jesus' disciples fell away, Judas permanently; the rest repented and came back. Peter sinned again later, was into the Judaizing stuff; Paul rebuked him. Peter repented and died saved: a zealous, devoted and obedient servant.

Life is a race to run, a TEST not a lottery; THOSE WHO OVERCOME shall inherit all things. If we die in our sins, we die dry per parable of 10 virgins. We're warned not to grieve, quench, insult the HS.

Read the Bible with an open and submissive mind?

News Item1/8/14 10:53 AM
CAB  Find all comments by CAB
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SF fron TX wrote:
Penny and CAB, do you have a list of resources/recommendations on the kind.of stuff y'all are talking about?
Weston A Price, Kayla Daniels stuff. Google it.

Gary Null, AIDS, lots of documentaries, Google.

House of Numbers, an excellent documentary. Google it.

Google Roger Morgan,, to get started on info on pot. A fat soluble hallucinogen that eats DNA and sits in the brain and reproductive organs and fat cells -- is the worst possible thing for our temple of God. A slow release of the 2000 toxic chemicals in cannibus, so a person is perpetually in a stupor, yet always looking for a "real" high so he keeps sucking more and more of the weed into his body -- addiction much? ER rooms are full of pot smokers having panic attacks because the pot doubles the heart rate and produces anxiety and paranoia and panic. People smoke this a few times and some people lose their minds into schizophrenia and NEVER come back to sanity. Check it out. There's a reason why the Bible says "Love not the world," and yes Satan is the god of this world, and yes most of what this world offers is lies and illusions and DEATH. Jesus said not to fear man who can only kill the body, but rather to fear God who can throw us into Hell.

News Item1/8/14 9:28 AM
CAB  Find all comments by CAB
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1517 wrote:
CAB wrote:
"Sanctification? What about damnation?"
There is the difference between those who know the GRACE of God (John UK) and those who feel they must earn it (CAB).
"...blind leaders make works a power FOR salvation and a stronghold for faith. Thereby man loses his unmixed and purehearted concern for his neighbor. Everything is aimed at man's own salvation, to profit himself; it is twisted up toward God and heaven."
Martin Luther (Luther on vocation).
If you are trying to say that God does not care about sin, and that being saved means you have a license to sin, that you are no different than unsaved people other than "forgiven" -- that's a blasphemy, and read the book of Jude and find out what God thinks about this kind of thinking and those who promote it.

Jesus came to defeat and take sins away, not to put a cover over them, so God can't see the sins, as though God were stupid and blind. God sees everything, nothing is hidden, and we will give an account for every word. Remember the judgment scene Jesus describes a few times in the gospels where Christians are standing shocked to find out they are being thrown into Hell. But Lord, didn't we, didn't we? Dumbfounded. Jesus said, depart you WORKERS OF INIQUITY (sin).


News Item1/8/14 1:00 AM
CAB  Find all comments by CAB
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John UK wrote:
Sure, if your eye offend, pluck it out. Is this what you're saying? We must take steps, having responsibility for our sanctification? Well I don't know anyone who has not been taught that the world, flesh and the devil are three opponents to be fought against. We are in a spiritual war against enemies, and must fight. What's your beef? Are you claiming hose who are arminians understand these things, and the rest don't? Besides, your theory that the first three hearers were saved and subsequently lost just does not hold water.
Sanctification? How about damnation? That's what Jesus said. He didn't say it would be better to lose an eye than not to be able to "fight enemies." He said it's better than being cast into Hell. Jesus said FEAR GOD. I do. You obviously do not.

And the first three examples of the Parable of the Sower were indeed saved. The first example is open to debate since the word was stolen by heresies before it could take root, but the other two examples the seed took root and grew up into a real plant, the third example even bore some fruit.

Your mind is too programmed to honestly reason. If you cared about Truth, you'd have eyes to see and ears to hear, like the first example in the Parable of the Sower at least had

News Item1/8/14 12:25 AM
CAB  Find all comments by CAB
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This is fairy tales. Nobody catches HIV. Nobody has ever even seen an HIV virus. Tests for HIV-AIDS are testing for antibodies that are common to lots of diseases. The subjective questionaire is what gets people the diagnosis of AIDS--if people say they have had sex with someone who has AIDS, then they are diagnosed as having AIDS themselves if they test positive for antibodies that may or may not mean AIDS.

AIDS means the immune system is overwhelmed. One of the best ways to get an overwhelmed immune system is to submit to a test that will get you an HIV diagosis and then be foolish enough to take the high priced drugs (that the taxpayer will foot the bill for). Those very drugs will put you in an early grave.

There's lots of information online, Gary Null's documentaries. The documentary House of Numbers is excellent. I was dumbfounded to learn there is no HIV virus that is "catching." It's all a big lie, a big money-making RACKET.

Modern medicine is all harmful, other than trauma surgery to repair birth defects and injuries, set bones. The rest is murder by medicine, death by a thousand cuts.

The biggest threat to health is doctors, hospitals, pharma companies, and health insurance.

Catch Dr. Jennifer Daniels' broadcasts online, get savvy about murder by med

News Item1/8/14 12:03 AM
CAB  Find all comments by CAB
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Smoking pot causes infertility, and birth defects.

Eating soy causes infertility, babies fed soymilk will not develop properly -- boys may have undeveloped testicles and girls may develop too fast, too early.

People must take responsibility for their own health, stop listening to authorities working for the Illuminati.

Take initiative to get clean water (no fluoride). Avoid food: soaked in weedkiller, GMO food, processed food with mystery ingredients. Aspartame, MSG, all poisons including OTC drugs and pharma drugs prescribed by American idiot doctors (allopaths). Doctors murder over a million U.S. citizens a year.

Our body is our temple. Avoid fake food, poison Pharma meds which they all are (even if you're not paying for it and Obama forces somebody else to buy it for you)...also fluoridated water, govt. subsidized nasty GMO corn, soy, canola, all the fake cheap vegetable oils in the grocery store, fake butter, fake anything. Eat real food you fix yourself from scratch. Milk, butter, vegetables, bone broths. Check out WAP Foundation.

Pot causes permanent short term memory damage, birth defects and infertility. Schizophrenia. Makes people stupid and lazy, also delusional..which is why it's called wacky tobaccy and loco weed.

Best advice, flee the U.S. ASAP.

News Item1/6/14 8:42 PM
CAB  Find all comments by CAB
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Unprofitable Servant wrote:
I agree all things need to be tested against the absolute truth of the Word of God, but I think it not good to disdain books. Paul used them and they are very useful tool to the saints.
People who do not know their Bibles are easy marks for every heresy and old wives tale that comes along from books, tv, megachurches. Every believer must at least familiarize himself with the Bible, take the time to do that. I am a KJB person, believe the Bible is perfect and the most accurate. However, when I was a new Christian I read Good News for Modern Man, the Living Bible, NASB -- and I just buzzed through these Bibles like I was reading a novel. I read them over and over, and then went from the paraphrases to the NASB, and then on to the KJB. I noticed a huge difference in crucial scriptures on the divinity of Jesus, but other than that those paraphrases allowed me to familiarize myself with the Bible so that I was not putty in somebody's hands, easily led into any old wives tale or current popular heresy. A new convert full of enthusiasm will swallow a lot of stuff if he doesn't know better. I still ended up swallowing a lot of heresies, in spite of being familiar with the Bible. Peer pressure? You know the drill.

News Item1/6/14 2:28 PM
CAB  Find all comments by CAB
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GsTexas wrote:
CAB, I have to go to work so I don't have time to refute your poor interpretation of the verses I posted. Ill leave you to the others. I pray our Lord and saviour opens your eyes to the truth.
You put up a bunch of verses. So did I, and nobody bothered to comment on any of mine. I'm trying to answer all of yours, so why don't you try that with 1000 characters, and most of them already used up by your stuff?

You could use some manners.

My answers to your verses are short, but they make the point, and I'd appreciate an answer and consideration to what I said. If you want to talk to me, then don't just blow me off without even addressing any points I've made.

News Item1/6/14 2:18 PM
CAB  Find all comments by CAB
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GsTexas: CAB believes the satanic lie one can lose their salvation, but what saith the Scriptures? Romans 8:1 "Therefore there is now no CONDEMNATION to them that are in Christ Jesus....

CAB: The word "are" is present tense. It is possible to be in Christ Jesus today and not so next month. I've listed many such examples, all ignored.

GS: Ephesians 1:13-14 "In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the Gospel of your salvation: in whom also after ye believed, ye were SEALED with that Holy Spirit of promise:
14Which is the earnest of our inheritance UNTIL THE REDEMPTION OF THE PURCHASED POSSESSION, unto the praise of his glory."

CAB: The Holy Spirit is our seal, for sure. But it's easy to go dry; check my former postings.

GS: John 6:39 "And this is the father's will which hath sent me, that ALL which he hath given me I should LOSE NOTHING, but raise it up again at the last day."

CAB: Everything that's God's will does not happen, and vice versa. It's not God's will that "any should perish" but that "all should have everlasting life." But that is not going to happen.

GS: Hebrews 10:14,17 "For by one offering, he hath perfected FOR EVER them that are sanctified

CAB: This means that Jesus does not have to keep being crucified, all sufficient

News Item1/6/14 1:40 PM
CAB  Find all comments by CAB
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1517 wrote:
According to CAB's interpretation of the sower and the seed parable, anyone who HEARD the word is saved. That is great everyone! Just grab our Bibles and start reading it out loud and all within earshot will be saved...But, of course the minute they sin....hellfire!
John UK,
I commend your patience and step by step articulation of the parable. You are sowing, others have watered, let's pray God will give an increase to CAB.
Hey, the parable is talking about someone who had ears to hear, who did hear the word, and the seed was indeed planted in their heart because they were listening, and they received the word into their heart. That is not a small thing.

It was lies that came in later that stole the word, replacing the Word, the Truth, with lies.

So let's not split hairs because what we're really looking at is how a person can gain and lose their salvation. That's important stuff to know, which is why Jesus taught this parable and why it is told in three separate gospels in our Bible.

It deserves thoughtful consideration, and with the Holy Spirit's help it can enlighten us in a way that we might be able to steer out of a pitfall or trap that is sucking our spiritual life away, or stopping us from bearing good fruit.

News Item1/6/14 1:30 PM
CAB  Find all comments by CAB
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The Parable of the Sower was taught by Jesus, told by three witnesses in synoptic gospels: Matthew 13, Mark 4, Luke 8.

The point of Jesus' teaching in this parable is that there are different ways where people can lose their salvation. Yes, bearing fruit is a requirement, as Jesus taught about abiding in the vine.

What will cause a person who is on their way to a Christian life to dry up and not bear fruit? Lack of understanding so that they get caught up in another false religion, and will never "get it" -- never understand, or have a chance to understand God's truth, because something else has replaced God's truth. Novices lacking in understanding, or people caught up in a false religion from childhood and knowing nothing else.

Persecution. The Bible says all Christians who live righteously for Jesus will, without a doubt, suffer persecution, and be hated by the world. Many can't bear up under this and fall away. They can't stand to be excluded, insulted, rejected for the name of Jesus.

Riches and cares of this world. So easy to get caught up in "civilian affairs" and not be the soldiers and ambassadors and servants of God we promised God we'd be.

Those are the big three, Jesus taught it, and if we think about this and consider, these words of Jesus can change

News Item1/6/14 1:16 PM
CAB  Find all comments by CAB
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Hey, no slander, okay? That's not Christian.

The point of the Parable of the Sower is that it shows how people come and go into faith in God.

The first example of the Parable of the Sower did not UNDERSTAND enough to believe. But the seed was sown in his heart, and if lies and heresies did not steal it away then it would grow and take root.

The first example we can split hairs over.

But 2nd and 3rd examples were definitely saved, but lost their salvation. Number 2 was a living plant that grew up from the seed, the Word, and it was flourishing until persecution caused it to wither away. But consider: How many Christians do you know who will put up with any inconvenience or persecution for Jesus, who will suffer for his name? Will be like the martyrs in Revelation who "loved not their lives so much as to shrink from death," rather than to deny God.

And the third example was choked out by the deceitfulness of riches and cares of this life, and had at one time born fruit but stopped bearing fruit when thorns choked it out.

The fourth example went on to bear fruit of different amounts, and only these went to Heaven.

Point being, the other three started into the Christian life, fell away from lies and heresies, from persecution, and from riches and worldly dist

News Item1/6/14 1:02 PM
CAB  Find all comments by CAB
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GsTexas wrote:
Only the one who bears fruit is saved, which is harmonious with multiple other verses in scripture like for instance Matthew 7:16-20
Your verses are referring to false and true prophets, how to tell the difference.
Matt 7:
15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: deparat from me, ye that work iniquity.
24 Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine and doeth them, I wi

News Item1/6/14 12:34 PM
CAB  Find all comments by CAB
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John UK wrote:
You say the first example lost his salvation? Where did you get that from?
Luke 8:12 Those by the way side are they that hear; then cometh the devil, and taketh away the word out of their hearts, lest they should believe and be saved.

Mark 4:15 And these are they by the way side, where the word is sown; but when they have heard, Satan cometh immediately, and taketh away the word that was sown in their hearts.

Matt 13:19 When any one heareth the word of the kingdom, and understandeth it not, then cometh the wicked one, and catcheth away that which was sown in his heart. This is he which received seed by the way side.

22 He also that received seed among the thorns is he that heareth the word; and the care of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, choke the word, and he becometh unfruitful.
23 But he that receiveth seed into the good ground is he that heareth the word, and understandeth it; which also beareth fruit, and bringeth forth, some an hundred-fold, some sixty, some thirty.

The word was heard and received in the heart, but not understood, so Satan's lies could steal it away, replace with lies. Like how Mormons come knocking to new Christians and steal them, or JWs, or Calvinists sharing Pink books.

News Item1/6/14 9:50 AM
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Christopher000 wrote:
Thanks US, I'll have to give it all some thought and do my own homework because I know they were big questions which sort of throw the discussion off track and back it up too far.
To say "no man shall snatch them out of my hand" means "including yourself because you are a man" -- so you can't snatch yourself out of God's hand, well that's reading into the scriptures. It's important to harmonize the scriptures. That means we check out everything the Bible says about a subject and there are many, many scriptures that teach a saved person can become lost. In fact, on nearly every page of the Bible this is taught.

I know that people who actually read their Bibles and know what it says and have read with an open mind and let the Holy Spirit enlighten them--will not fall for old wives tales and Fatalism and reading a whole religion into one word, without checking into what the rest of the Bible says.

Harmonizing scripture. It's a lot of work, but Jesus said to search for the Truth, to sell everything you have to get it, and don't sell it once you get it.

News Item1/6/14 8:51 AM
CAB  Find all comments by CAB
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John UK wrote:
Let us then do a study from the gospels.
Mark 10:17-22 KJV
17 And when he was gone forth into the way, there came one running, and kneeled to him, and asked him, Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?

1. Are we saved by keeping the 10 commandments?
2. Are we saved by selling everything that we own and giving the proceeds to the poor, taking up a cross, and following Jesus?

Jesus is saying God wants all of us, as Jesus taught all the commandments are summed up that we love God with all our heart, soul and mind and our neighbor as ourself. This tells us that easy believism, faith in our moment of faith 20 years ago, is not what saves us, nor convoluted logic from the Institutes to convince ourselves we aren't responsible to give God everything, to put God and neighbor ahead of self, to die to self and live to God. Instead, we can delude ourselves with sweet lies that we are just helpless images drifting in some dream in God's mind and are free to do whatever we want, not responsible for our choices.

I said I wanted to discuss what Jesus said about Hell, who goes there and why, and to whom he was speaking. Are you saying you're not willing to do that?

News Item1/6/14 8:22 AM
CAB | Arminian  Find all comments by CAB
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1517 wrote:
Faith in Christ is all sufficient. The Bible tells us to "examine ourselves" to see if we be in the faith.
CAB, You present this statement and then turn and say a man must this, that, and the other. If Christ is sufficient, why are you adding the this, that, and the other?
Who's really promoting this, that and the other? Faith in Christ is ongoing, it is what it is. I'm not the one wresting scriptures to prove a lie -- that if anybody has ever had a moment of faith they are saved forever, that it's impossible for a saved person to ever become lost--when that's obviously not at all what the Bible, what Jesus teaches.

The race is NOT over, we have NOT won the prize, and this is going to be a bumpy and difficult road, and a narrow and strait gate to enter Heaven. Jesus said most people WILL GO TO HELL, even many on the right road won't push hard enough to enter the narrow gate.

People who love the truth don't take a phrase or verse here or there and build a religion to suit themselves. If we really want to go to Heaven and escape Hell, a good place to start would be to read the four gospels with an open mind.

How can anyone call themselves a Christian and put the words and life of Jesus into an off-limit region of the Bible?

News Item1/6/14 7:35 AM
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Barry from KY. wrote:
Your are right John, added to the fact that contraceptives are so convenient. It's a shame really, I'm 55 years old and some of my grandest memories are of my 5 children growing up!
The childlessness is a result also of all the soy we're eating, and it's even in the baby formulas. Marijuana smoking is escalating through the roof, and being fat soluable it collects especially in the brain and gonads, leading to lowered sperm counts and weak and damaged sperm, and general destruction of the DNA. American health is way down at the bottom of the barrel worldwide, due to the evils of organized medicine, the evils of organized farming, and the deliberate poisoning of the water and air by fluoridation and chemtrail spraying.
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