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News Item3/8/16 1:04 PM
Geff  Find all comments by Geff
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You said: "As for twisting scripture, I quoted Jesus verbatim. It's your problem if you choose not to believe it applies to us in this age when His is a kingdom of born again hearts......" That's funny. I quoted Jesus verbatim too! Mat 5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. Now, if YOU choose not to believe it applies to us in this age even though Jesus said it, and the Disciples later defended the same position after Christ's death then that's your choice. But that's kinda off topic anyway. You weren't trying to dodge the real issue at hand here with that jewel, were you? And now I can't comment on something unless it's directed at me? You haven't followed those rules. And you surely don't mind it when US dotes over you, saying how Apollos-like you are! And, yes, I will never go against my concience to vote for an evil man! Psa 1:1 Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. Pro 16:17 The highway of the upright is to depart from evil: he that keepeth his way preserveth his soul.

News Item3/8/16 12:20 PM
Geff  Find all comments by Geff
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So you're trying to blame Bush's actions on Cruz? How does that work? And as John 8:32 has pointed out, Trump is a neocon by definition, not Cruz! If anyone's gonna enslave anybody, it's going to be Trump: the racist bigot who embraces David Duke, who's son seeks an interview with the top white nationalist radio show in the country, and who threatens to impose penalties on people who say anything critical of him. And should I mention he supports killing the innocent families of terrorists?! It's very abvious you are stumping for Trump, and you're willing to throw caution and reason to the wind in order to do so! And you keep calling Trump "Balaam's donkey". If any of you guys read the KJV, then I think the word used to describe the donkey there is a very fitting description of Donald Trump. For those who don't read the KJV, it begins with an A.

News Item3/7/16 11:01 PM
Geff  Find all comments by Geff
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(So there can be no confussion, I am not supporting listening to her).

News Item3/7/16 11:00 PM
Geff  Find all comments by Geff
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Just wondering wrote:
"However, if you are talking about dictating to people's conscious then maybe your thoughts should have been directed to Geff who has told anyone supporting Trump they are out of the will of God. Or maybe to John 8:32 who has called anyone who votes for Trump a compromiser. Nothing wrong with pointing out Trump has problems, being judgmental because others don't see things your way is quite different." Since when did I ever say everyone supporting Trump is outside of God's will? I didn't know I said that, but that's the value of having someone like you around: you can tell me what I said even though I never said it! And what's the deal with attacking John 8:32? Did his pointing out the fact that people who say they believe one thing, and then vote for a candidate who believes the opposite are compromising get under your skin? Are you feeling convicted? Christians who claim to be pro-life should not vote for a man who's pro-choice. How can we criticize other people for listening to the likes of Miley Cyrus if we are going to vote for a man like Donald Trump?! You're willing to vote for the evil man who is running for a leadership position, yet you aren't willing to listen to the evil woman who just wants to make money off her albums? (So there ca

News Item3/7/16 10:40 PM
Geff  Find all comments by Geff
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P.S. That is a terrible twisting of Scripture! Why don't you read other parts of Scripture in their context? Deu 25:1 If there be a controversy between men, and they come unto judgment, that the judges may judge them; then they shall justify the righteous, and condemn the wicked.

News Item3/7/16 10:36 PM
Geff  Find all comments by Geff
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Lurker wrote:
"Preaching the gospel is what Jesus commanded His people......not social engineering with a Christian bent.
Rev 22:11
He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still."

None of us are saying people must be involved in political activism, or "social engineering" as you wrongly put it to be Christian. I know I at least am only saying it's RIGHT for Christians to be involved in political activism. Under your anti-political action idea, was Esther wrong for saving the Jewish people from Haman by political means? Christians CAN be political activists for what's right, rather than yeilding to wrong out of fear, or apathy. People who are to lazy to choose Godly men in the primary are to blame for us being stuck with un-Godly men in the general.

News Item3/7/16 1:54 PM
Geff  Find all comments by Geff
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Pennelope wrote:
"balaam's donkey has said what evangelicals are too afraid to say because they've bound themselves to 501c3."

It's amusing to watch you, a Trump supporter, reffer to him as a donkey too! He has been a Democrat his whole life, and I believe he's a Republican in name only now, so you hit the nail on its head! He even looks like a donkey with that long, wavy, comb-overed mane!

News Item3/7/16 1:15 PM
Geff  Find all comments by Geff
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Christopher 000 wrote:
"Bottom line is that aside from all the worldly good, she was a spiritist and sought out wisdom and answers from the demonic." But then he said "To be fair, I haven't kept up with anything that has to do with her, so let's hope she was in the end."

If you haven't kept up with anything about her, then maybe you shouldn't make up accusations to hurl at her. You called her a demonist with no evidence, and then you admitted you hadn't read about her! What's the deal with that?

News Item3/6/16 8:13 AM
Geff  Find all comments by Geff
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Just Wondering,
Did I ever say anything about voting for Hillary? To say I did would be a lie. And under the same logic, a vote for Trump is a vote for Hillary, because Trump has no chance according to the numbers of beating Hillary. Hillary beats him by a land slide in conservative numbers! If I'm not pulling a ballot for Hillary, then don't give me this garbage about how I'm voting for Hillary!

P.S. Thanks J. B. Adams!

News Item3/5/16 11:53 PM
Geff  Find all comments by Geff
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P.S. to Just wondering,
If you want me to vote for the Republican nominee, thn make sure Trump isn't the nominee. I can vote for any of the other Republican candidates, just never Trump.

News Item3/5/16 11:49 PM
Geff  Find all comments by Geff
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I don't believe any of us are saying any single man will make everything all great. That's why I believe Trump cannot make America great again! However, I do believe things will be better with Cruz as leader than they would be with Trump as leader, just as you believe things will be better with Trump as leader than with Clinton as leader.

News Item3/5/16 11:45 PM
Geff  Find all comments by Geff
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Just wondering wrote:
what are all you "principled" people going to do if Donald Trump is the Republican nominee?

I'm gonna vote third party, or not vote at all. It is much better than forsaking principle and voting for evil!

News Item3/5/16 9:00 PM
Geff  Find all comments by Geff
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Good post, John 8:32! It's a lot to think about!

News Item3/5/16 4:56 PM
Geff  Find all comments by Geff
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While we don't know God's will, we do know what He has commanded us to do in His Word. He wants us to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God, while Trump fits none of the above. A vote for him is a vote against those things!

News Item3/5/16 3:04 PM
Geff  Find all comments by Geff
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Mike wrote:
"Hi Lurker, We can say God wants someone to be president, but we can't know who that is. How then can any choice by man be out of God's will, since even voting for the one who is not the one God wants, must also be part of the plan? I'm thinking of Joseph and his brothers at the moment."

Great point, Mike! As to Lurkers response to TMC, I don't understand how he's trying to argue we're fighting against God's will, when we don't know what His will is, and our vote against Trump, or our non-vote is included in God's plan! I don't see any inconstitency in TMC's argument! Thumbs up, TMC!

News Item3/5/16 10:58 AM
Geff  Find all comments by Geff
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Glenn Beck was joking with his executive producer Stu Burguire about stabing him for interupting him and raining on his perade, not Donald Trump! If you actualy read the full transcript, or better yet, listen to the audio, this is obvious! Rubio did not go into any excplicit details, and gave parents an out by saying "you can't trust them", shortly after. Also, Trump has sworn on TVs accross America, and at his own rallies! And how do you know who was in the crowd, were you there? I'm not one generaly to use all caps, or "shouting", but as you have still not answered a basic, fundamental question, I will empasize the question again for you: HOW CAN YOU SUPPORT A MAN WHO FUNDS ABORTION WHILE YOU CLAIM TO BE PROLIFE? HOW CAN YOU VOTE FOR A MAN WHO SAYS PLANNED PARENTHOOD DOES "WONDERFUL THINGS"! I have asked you this question about a dozen times at least, and you have yet to respond, so please give your answer this time!

News Item3/4/16 10:31 PM
Geff  Find all comments by Geff
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And you're one to talk about "fanatical posts", Sneaky?

News Item3/4/16 10:13 PM
Geff  Find all comments by Geff
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Unprofitable Servant from TN writes:
"We also need to realize that not only are the candidates sinners, ALL of the voters are also sinners."

I agree, but we cannot use that as an excuse for supporting Trump. Some sinners are more repentant before God than others. Trump is not repentant before God. I don't know if you are using this to support Trump or not, and I'm not directing this at you, I'm just clarifying for the bennefit of others reading this thread.

News Item3/4/16 4:09 PM
Geff  Find all comments by Geff
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It's very fitting that sneaky the clown posted what he did on this thread. We all know what religion's influencing him in this presidential race: Trumpianity!

News Item3/4/16 3:56 PM
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