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News Item1/9/14 9:07 AM
CAB  Find all comments by CAB
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John UK wrote:
Oh ROFL......
Oh, one day I'm gonna die larfin.

So true! I wonder what set of books you've been brainwashed by.

Ever since I was a new convert, I've been steered abruptly away from all the words of Jesus in the gospels: "it's in code to the Jews."

What kind of world do we have where a person cannot go to church--Baptist, Reformed, Charismatic--without being programmed into heresies and turned against (and away from) the words of Jesus in the four most important books of the Bible.

You've shown you don't KNOW what the gospels say, have no shame for your wilful ignorance, throw your weight around the forum to silence anyone who wants to bring up Jesus' teachings, other than a few wrested scriptures to prove Calvinist doctrines of fatalism, insisting we can't be good and don't even try, that we owe God NOTHING, and that to try to obey what Jesus told us to do or to consider his teachings is larf, larf just a hoot.

The day you ever beat your breast and pray for mercy to God over your sins will be a new day for sure. You've said all your future sins are forgiven already, and you don't worry about sins or what you are doing or not doing to please God, it's all filthy rags anyway.

News Item1/9/14 7:13 AM
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watch and pray wrote:
Speaking up about Jesus is not really an option for those who want to enter Christ's eternal kingdom and not be denied. Jesus said: "Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven" (Matthew 10:32-33). See also Luke 12:9-10 about Christ confessing or denying men before the angels of God.
Admittedly, there can be a cost to confessing the claims of the kingdom of God among the kingdoms of men. The cost can come as persecution.
Jesus paid a high cost of suffering in order that men and women might be justly pardoned and enter His Kingdom forever.
Thank you for this post. Persecution is part of being a Christian, and may well mean in our own life we can lose everything, our life, our friends, our family, our possessions, to stand for Jesus and not deny him. But if we deny him, he will deny us before the Father. Is it worth it to go to Hell so we can have a few more months or years in this vale of tears known as Earth? Or to be able to join the family picnics if we just will keep quiet about Jesus and go along -- if it means spending an eternity in Hell and missing Heaven?

News Item1/9/14 6:30 AM
CAB  Find all comments by CAB
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Lurker wrote:
You have often said it was necessary to harmonize scripture and not wrest it. I agree so I trust you will be extremely specific as to where my argument went astray since it comes to exactly the opposite conclusion that your
armonizing does. I'll await your response.
I didn't see any difference in your scriptures than mine. It's all the same Bible, and it all supports itself. When you ask what we must do to be saved to the end, you'd need to print out the whole Bible to cover its instructions in righteousness--and then you'd still leave stuff out that only God will tell you.

I disagree with your statement that God requires NOTHING from us, but that is a given. You are a fatalist Calvinist and I am a Christian, and it's obvious the Bible says God requires EVERYTHING from us, as I have said repeatedly and given scripture to prove, and even your scripture you gave yourself said the same, and you were contradicting your own philosophy.

The Bible promises power, love and a sound mind to those who submit to God and to God's Word. It's very hard to reason with unreasonable people, you know, who are programmed by a set of books known as Institutes that take precedence over a Bible they don't even read.

News Item1/9/14 6:21 AM
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GsTexas wrote:
I read all accounts of Judas, all negative with nothing to imply he was ever saved. The only reason Jesus chose him, was so he would betray him.
Hey, Judas was an apostle, who lived with Jesus, ate with Jesus, went everywhere with Jesus, was taught by Jesus 3 1/2 years. Judas was chosen by Jesus to be an apostle, the highest office in God's church, and it is outrageous, sick heresy to say Jesus picked Judas to be an apostle because he was a thief and a devil. Judas was not a thief or a devil when Jesus picked him, and Judas gave up all he had and owned to follow Jesus, 100 percent. Would you do that?

Further, Jesus sent Judas out to heal the sick, to preach the gospel, and cast out demons. And Judas did so.

Judas was the treasurer, Satan worked on his mind, like he works on all of us and the Bible tells us Satan is our enemy always tempting and telling filthy lies and trying to drive us crazy and manipulate us to do what Satan wants us to do. And Satan was able to convince Judas that Jesus was bad, and the Bible says Satan entered into Judas.

Jesus did not have to plot how to orchestrate his own crucifixion, to pick a devil to be his disciple and to name him an apostle and send him out to preach.

News Item1/8/14 11:06 PM
CAB  Find all comments by CAB
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1517 wrote:
Solomon did do evil in the sight of God, he did have 700 wives and 300 concubines, but the Scriptures DO NOT say he was damned. The judgment from God, in 1 Kings, is that he would tear the Kingdom from him. Your preposterous notion that beloved saints are spiritually, then made alive, then die again is no where in the Bible.
Solomon apostatized, and according to scripture he was in rebellion to God up to the time of his death, nothing to indicate he repented. So sacrificing your children to Molech and building pagan alters to Satanic deities is not the mark of a believer. Scripture shows these temples of Solomon's were still in existence centuries later.

Judas also started out great, one of Jesus' disciples, who gave up all he had to come and follow Jesus. How many people do you know who would do that? And he fell and betrayed Jesus, and rather than repent he committed self-murder, died in his sins.

David was confronted with his sin and he repented. David's psalms reveal he was in a lost and grieving state until he repented.

These are examples to us, that if it can happen to these, it can happen to us. Their stories are not included so we would worship them, but learn from them.

News Item1/8/14 10:16 PM
CAB  Find all comments by CAB
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1517: We should not read ecclesiastes because Solomon "shook his hand at God".

CAB: Who said not to read it? The expression of Solomon shaking his fist at God means Solomon had the hubris to defy God to his face. Stupid.

1517: Likewise, if Solomon sinned, he died in his sins.

CAB: Not if. Solomon DID die in his sins: 1 Kings 11:1 on through and note 11:40 Solomon opposing God. Hubris, like Lucifer's hubris. It's common knowledge Solomon apostatized, knew Jeroboam was going to be given his kingdom because God told him, but still fought God, tried to kill Jeroboam. Stupid much?

1517: That also meant that Peter is in hell, as well as Moses, and Paul.

CAB: Slander Godly saints much?

1517: David had Uriah murdered after committing adultery with Bathsheba.

CAB: David repented, like the Prodigal. Or he WOULD be in Hell. And he DID die spiritually when he sinned. Calvinists love to pick examples like David to excuse their own sins.

1517: We cannot read the first 5 books of the Bible, nor most of the psalms, ecclesiastes, and a good portion of the NT.

CAB:?? Solomon wrote scripture, but apostatized.

1517: You are bringing "another gospel" different from the one presented in the Bible.

CAB: Different than Calvin's Institutes for sure. Same Bible gos

News Item1/8/14 9:26 PM
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Lurker wrote:
As a professed Arminian, what must you do to keep your salvation?
1. Forgive others, or God will not forgive you, and whatever you were forgiven will be put back on your account ten-fold.
2. Love God with all your heart, soul and mind and your neighbor as yourself.
3. Die to self and live to God. (ie put God first)
4. Trust in Jesus no matter what happens, offer your patient suffering in trust to his glory.
5. Guard your heart and mind, praying always, because Satan seeks to destroy.
6. Run your race with patience, keeping your eyes on the prize.
7. Strive to enter the strait gate.
8. Stay hot and abide in the vine.
9. If we be dead with him, we shall also live with him: if we suffer, we shall also reign with him,: if we deny him, he also will deny us:
10 Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.
11 Flee youthful lusts, follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart.
12 All that live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.
13 Do not take the Mark or worship the Beast.
14 Study the scriptures which are able to make you wise unto salvation through faith in Jesus.
15 Don't wilt under persecution, or become distracted by life's cares and riches.

News Item1/8/14 8:27 PM
CAB  Find all comments by CAB
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Mike wrote:
You seem to miss the point of Ecclesiastes. Solomon is saying life without in vain. Read the last two verses, and see if these are words from a man who opposes God to his death, or from one who recognizes the vanity of life without God..: Ecclesiastes 12:13,14 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.
The problem is Solomon speaks from first-hand experience about all that vanity. He disobeyed God's commands, lived for all the things he describes in Ecclesiastes, and in the end was empty and looking forward to Hell. It does not matter if he acknowledged what truth is, because Solomon himself disobeyed God and died in his sins. That is the point I made and am not budging on that point. Solomon died shaking his fist at God, resisting God's intent to install Jeroboam. Stupid. By this time, Solomon had completely lost it, but with 1000 wives and concubines, sacrificing his children to Molech, any claim to power, love and a sound mind was gone forever. Solomon's life shows God is looking for a PURE HEART above wisdom or EVEN AUTHORING SCRIPTURE!!

News Item1/8/14 4:11 PM
CAB  Find all comments by CAB
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Re the Four Gospels: How many people have been told by their pastors or other Christians that the four gospels should not be read or considered? That the words of Jesus were "to the Jews" and are "in code" and gentiles can't understand them? That the things Jesus said in his parables and teachings are really not what they might seem, but there are secret meanings that only Jewish rabbis can decipher or decode.

If you want to know why you've been going to church for maybe 30, 40, 50 years and nobody has gotten around to considering the teachings of Jesus, you might remember this is one excuse you might have heard, whenever you may have brought up any of the teachings of Jesus yourself. Am I the only one who have had the wise ones from seminary try to steer me away from the teachings of Jesus? "Don't read that, don't worry your mind over those teachings of Jesus." "Come back over here instead, to these phrases and portions of scripture wrested from long and complex sentences from the epistles of Paul and we'll tell you what they mean."

I'm not saying I disagree with interpretations of Paul Paul's writings as long as scripture is not wrested out of context and not harmonized with the rest of scripture.

That's the honest way to read God's Word.

News Item1/8/14 3:44 PM
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1517 wrote:
Are you on a casting all into hell campaign? It is also un Christian to disparage brothers in the faith, dead or alive, spreading unfounded accusatory judgments upon them as if YOU sit in the seat reserved for Christ alone. Get real from earth has repeatedly dumped his garbage off here for no good purpose beyond stinking the place up. His frantic surmising is reminiscent of someone who sits in his basement listening to late night fringe radio programs. Ever heard of calling a spade a spade?
I have not disparaged anyone, other than Calvin, and not for living in his grandmother's basement, or for running a country he was not a citizen of with his French friends -- but for imposing his wicked heresies on people and for his murders.

Other than that, I'm objectively discussing what the Bible says and does not say and asking for people to put their trust and interest and knowledge in the Bible, and not in what Calvin has to say, to quote and examine scripture for what it is. This is something I don't see happening on this forum all that much.

My intent is to help people avoid Hell, obtain Heaven, and I believe I speak the truth in love. I'm not here to win a debate. If I am wrong about something, I'm glad to admit and adjust.

News Item1/8/14 3:37 PM
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1517 wrote:
CAB,"I don't know you" means the same thing. Goodness, you miss the forest from the trees.
No, we are talking, if you remember, about if a saved person can become lost. A person who Jesus "never knew" means they were never saved. A person who Jesus says, "I don't know you," means AT THIS MOMENT I don't know you. The parable Jesus told shows clearly that at one time Jesus DID know the foolish virgins. Abiding in the vine means God's Spirit is joined with, in communication with our spirit, that we are spiritually alive, regenerated, alive in Jesus. The opposite as the Bible says is: "Devoid of the Spirit." Romans 8 says those who die with the Spirit will be resurrected at the First Resurrection at the Second Coming. Those who die "devoid of the Spirit" will be resurrected at the Second Resurrection (AKA the Second Death).

If we have died spiritually, that means we are not in communication with Jesus, and he "does not know us." It's an intimate thing, like marriage, that we are One, as Jesus prayed that his followers would be one as he was one with the Father, and as the Bible says marriage is a picture of our relationship with Jesus.

News Item1/8/14 3:24 PM
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CAB wrote:
Yes, Solomon died in his sins. It's how you end your life, not how you start it, that counts.

Ezekiel 18:24 But when the righteous turneth away from his righteousness, and committeth iniquity, and doeth according to all the abominations that the wicked man doeth, shall he live? All his righteousness that he hath done shall not be mentioned: in his trespass that he hath trespassed, and in his sin that he hath sinned, IN THEM SHALL HE DIE.

Solomon died a wicked man in rebellion to God

SteveR wrote:
Prayerfully reconsider your position
I've gone over this a lot already. Solomon started out great, wrote 3 books of the Bible, the wisest man ever lived, built Solomon's temple, but he became corrupted, per the 3rd example of the Parable of the Sower. He had 700 royal wives and 300 concubines First Kings 11:3 in disobedience to God's commands of Deuteronomy 17:14020, and sacrificed his own children to Milcom/Molech 1 Kings 11:7-8. God said he'd tear the kingdom away, give to Jeroboam, and Solomon in his pride opposed God to his death. Ecclesiastes is Solomon's admission that his life was vanity, that he had not lived for God.

Today, Solomon's biggest fans are the Secret Societies, Freemasons and Luciferians.

News Item1/8/14 3:06 PM
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1517 wrote:
Open and honest rebuke is appropriate and biblical. John the Baptist and the Lord referred to pharisees as brood of vipers and Satan's children. Plus, to condemn someone to Hell places that person on the judgment seat of God. The devil desired that seat as well.
There is a difference between mocking and disparaging somebody because you don't agree with him (living in your grandmother's basement) ... and speaking truthful rebuke in love.

I think that's what that teaching Jesus gave about calling people a "fool" was about -- and Jesus said not to do that, that we'd be in danger of Hell. And Scripture lists railing as one of the sins that are a sin unto death, worthy of Hell if one were to die unrepentent in that sin. It's not right to be a railer, mocking people and making sarcastic hurtful remarks just to be clever. That comes from TV, from the world, from Jewish humor. Trying to mock and humiliate somebody by hurling insults that probably aren't even true is not Christian.

It's not open and honest rebuke to accuse somebody of living in their grandmother's basement. It's not seemly, not Christian.

News Item1/8/14 2:31 PM
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1517 wrote:
Matthew 25:11-12 states that Virgins without oil knocked on the door, but the Lord tells them he NEVER knew them. Never unequivocally means never. If Christ never knew them, they were never saved.
No, it doesn't say that. It says the bridegroom tells them, "I don't know you." It doesn't say "never knew you."

Jesus describes the dumbfounded never saved who find they are going to Hell, "Lord, Lord, didn't we do...?" Jesus said, "I never knew you," called them "workers of iniquity." Like these people who want to blow up the planet for Jesus maybe, people like that?

Romans 8 tells WHO will be raised at the resurrection: those who die with the Holy Spirit-- not those who grieved, quenched, ignored, insulted the Spirit away. Yikes.

And to Steve R, yes, Solomon died in his sins. It's how you end your life, not how you start it, that counts.

Ezekiel 18:24 But when the righteous turneth away from his righteousness, and committeth iniquity, and doeth according to all the abominations that the wicked man doeth, shall he live? All his righteousness that he hath done shall not be mentioned: in his trespass that he hath trespassed, and in his sin that he hath sinned, IN THEM SHALL HE DIE.

Solomon died a wicked man in rebellion to Go

News Item1/8/14 2:18 PM
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TeenChristian wrote:
I was going to stay out of the debate here, but let me ask you guys, how is this going to edify anyone?
The Bible says we are edified by the Word of God, by the Holy Spirit, by loving Truth and seeking it as the pearl of great price worthy of selling all we own to get it, and then to never let it go once we find it.

I doubt the people I am discussing these matters with have ever read the words of Jesus as recorded in the four gospels when he walked among us. Their answers to the plain teachings and urgent warnings by Jesus are to come back with Calvinist platitudes and old wives tales.

It's a club of peer pressure--as in you can't belong if you don't agree with us. You will be as Jesus said, Hated, Excluded, Ignored, and Rejected.

But Jesus said that's fear of man, and that we should not fear man who has power to kill our body. Rather, Jesus said to fear God who has power to cast body and soul into Hell.

Why was Jesus warning HIS OWN DISCIPLES in Matt 10:28: And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

I guess Jesus needed to read the Institutes and get his doctrines straight?

News Item1/8/14 2:00 PM
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GsTexas[/AUTHOR. There is still nothing to imply the five were ever saved to begin with, especially in light of so many verses in Scripture that clearly teach those that fall away were never saved to begin with, like I posted earlier.
Never saved to begin with is Calvinist heresy. I posted many examples of people who were once saved but fell away. Many warnings by Jesus of Hell TO HIS OWN DISCIPLES, and one disciple, Judas, DID fall away and is in Hell today. So is Solomon, Saul, Annanias and Sophira, Demas, Alexander the coppersmith, the lazy servant, the backslidden servant, and more.

The Bible plainly says that of the 10 virgins, 5 of them went into meet the Bridegroom FOR THE MARRIAGE. The other 5 went away to get a refill and when they came back they found the door was closed and it was too late for them. (IE HELL)

10: ...and they THAT WERE READY went in with him to the marriage, AND THE DOOR WAS SHUT.

Jesus taught the moral of the story:

Matt 25:13 Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the son of man cometh.

IOW, keep your lamps burning, present yourselves a living sacrifice, be full of the Spirit, abide, to stay close to Jesus. We can get distracted by riches, cares of this world, fall away by persecutio

News Item1/8/14 1:46 PM
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GsTexas wrote:
Matthew 25:3 "They that were foolish took their lamps, and took NO OIL with them." The foolish five never had oil to begin with!
Wrong. These are betrothed virgins. Jesus is their bridegroom, and they are engaged to Him. They didn't cheat on him, didn't fornicate, didn't marry another, and they were once full of the Holy Spirit.

8: And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; FOR OUR LAMPS ARE GONE OUT.

We must read the words of Jesus, with an open and submissive attitude, knowing that God promises us the Holy Spirit to help us understand God's Word. But if we hate the Truth, ignore words, hide from what he's telling us -- so we can invent our OWN truth that feels good to us but is NOT what the Bible SAYS ... well, we might end up in Hell by our wilful ignorance and presumptuous invention of "Truth" to suit ourselves.

Honest ignorance and confusion God won't hold against us, but if we are wilfully doing this the Bible says wilfully adding or subtracting from the scriptures means all kinds of horrible curses.

The best thing people can do who care about their souls is to start with a clean slate, read the four gospels with an open mind, and let the Holy Spirit (ie not Calvin, TV, Pink) show you what's true or

News Item1/8/14 1:02 PM
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GsTexas wrote:
Upon receiving salvation, we are imputed the righteousness of Jesus Christ which is how we are justified before God (2Corinthians 5:21).
The righteousness of God in Christ is REAL righteousness, not a legal or philosophical kind of accounting as in "paid in advance." Christians in the Bible were REAL saints, REAL believers, REAL ambassadors, servants, soldiers of Christ, REAL martyrs, who gave EVERYTHING to God. They did not assume a magical covering over sins that God could not see through. The Bible says Jesus came to TAKE AWAY our sins, and that we DIE TO SELF AND LIVE TO GOD, be crucified WITH Christ. Jesus taught plainly and repeatedly that God wants EVERYTHING from us.


A prayer of "acceptance" that gives God nothing back for his atonement, when the Bible says we are "not our own and bought with a price," and to "count the cost" damnable heresy. God wants humble submission to the Word, to seek (not distort) the Truth and to be a "doer of the word and not a forgetful hearer" as Paul taught.

The Bible says, the soul that sinneth, IT SHALL DIE. We do NOT have a license to sin. Sin means SPIRITUAL DEATH.

Jude 4..turning the grace of our god into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God..

News Item1/8/14 12:30 PM
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I urge people to put aside their commentaries and Institutes and Pink and Spurgeon and read the words of Jesus in the four gospels. Or at least how about just reading maybe a few chapters of Matthew, like chapter 25, where Jesus talks about the "wicked and slothful servant" whose master furiously threw him into HELL -- and the dumbfounded goats on the left hand of the King and WHY they were sent to Hell, and why the righteous went into life everlasting. Start there. When is the last time any of you read the Bible, read the words of Jesus? Who are you going to believe -- John Calvin, aka Jean Cauvin, who liked to burn his friends at the stake and then brag about it later? Or will you believe the words of the Creator of the universe who came to earth in the form of a man, walked and lived and spoke among us, and whose words are recorded by "holy men of God who were moved by the Holy Ghost," and specifically 4 witnesses telling the same story, verifying each other's story, filling in details to make a complete picture.

How shameful to ignore the words of Jesus to prefer over the demented writings of wicked men. Truth stands on its own, and our job is to seek it and hold on to it and not sell it--not to think we can invent it to sooth away our fear of God and Judgment.

News Item1/8/14 12:06 PM
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GsTexas wrote:
Cab writes:

There is nothing in the parable of the ten virgins that implies the other five were ever saved. You are adding to Scripture. Cab writes: Remember the judgment scene Jesus describes a few times in the gospels where Christians are standing shocked to find out they are being thrown into Hell. But Lord, didn't we, didn't we? Dumbfounded. Jesus said, depart you WORKERS OF INIQUITY (sin)."
Funny you mentioned that. Jesus said "I NEVER knew you...."(Matthew 7:23). They were never saved to begin with, just like 1John 2:19 makes clear.

Matt 25:10 And while they (the 5 foolish virgins who went dry) went to buy (more oil), the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the DOOR WAS SHUT.

11 Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord,Lord, open to us.
12 But he answered, and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not.
13 Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.


Take heed the plain, unequivocal words of Jesus here. He came down to live among us, taught us these things. His servants faithfully recorded his words. To ignore, add or delete from them i

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