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News Item6/6/18 5:51 PM
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The Quiet Christian wrote:
Amen, Dr Tim.
Some Christians get the idea that Jews are responsible for the death of Jesus Christ and build up a hatred. They are wrong. The Jews didn't kill Jesus. He gave Himself up willingly for sinners, including me.
Jerusalem is known in scripture as the place where the prophets were martyred.

"Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole." Acts 4:10

the problem is when you allow assertions such as dispensationalism in the churches, then you have replaced a racially blind gospel with a racially charged gospel.

and then you are left having to put out the scales and measure which people group is better than the other.

if one doesn't quite get the futility of this, see the victimization debates on mainstream news

course we know that all men have sinned and in their unregenerate position are met with eternal judgment, this being the great equalizer, "no one comes to the Father except through the Son"

as each individual must be called out of darkness into the light, called from many tribes...

"what the Lord has joined, let no man divid

News Item6/6/18 5:21 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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its important the other side be heard on this. Evangelicals may well learn the tactics of screaming bigotry to bring men or groups down...too late....

"Sharayah Colter, once a student at SWBTS and “most recently as wife to” Paige Patterson’s “chief of staff, Scott Colter” has written an amazing and eye-opening article for SBC Issues (see linked article below)."

purges have only begun because evangelicals still do not understand their tactics and are easily manipulated.

News Item6/6/18 5:15 PM
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John for JESUS wrote:
I never said the olive tree was about the millennial reign. The Millennium can be a different subject for another day. I don't understand why you are so hung up on it.
And they also, if they do not continue in unbelief, will be grafted in, for God is able to graft them in again.
Romans 11:23
why am I "hung up" on Romans 11? because it is an explanation of who the people of God are (the chosen people) and the eternal covenant they have with their Messiah!

one people not two

News Item6/6/18 12:52 PM
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Be like the apathetic being wrote:
More proof every day that God has only very rarely in all of human history had any part to do with anything, for everyone else and for all the other time we are forsaken and abandoned by an apathetic being who only offers something after this life, not for this life. He left a wife and children behind no doubt who will suffer for decades until they die, all for a Crocodile, who the pastor did not die to save from his sins, pff.
when my beloved passed away, I grieved and He took good care of me and restored my life in many other ways. Plus, I will see the beloved once again and the Beloved eternally. Momentary sadness for eternal gain is blessing. Bitterness is a heavy load to carry everyday. Nothing can separate us from the love of God and this life is temporary. This life is not forever. It is short and not to be held too closely.

News Item6/6/18 12:46 PM
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John for JESUS wrote:
I brought up the millennial reign
its not there.

the olive tree is about what?

read the chapter, read the whole book!

romans 11

"I am left alone, and they seek my life"

Who's hunting down Paul????

"who have not bowed the knee to the image of Baal."

Some worshipped God, others worshipped the occult.

"there is a remnant according to the election of grace."

the ones who worshipped God are called the remnant and this remnant that is in olive tree is there not because of race but because of grace.

so far this has nothing to do with millenium AT ALL and only about what happened at the cross.... some physical descendents of abraham are saved and are called the believing remnant, the others are part of the occult and cut off.

the olive tree is about the eternal kingdom.

those are the natural branches. some remain, others are cut off.

let's let the text repeat the point...

"Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for; but the election hath obtained it, and the rest were blinded"

not all physical descendents are saved.

News Item6/6/18 9:07 AM
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John for JESUS wrote:
Therefore consider the goodness and severity of God: on those who fell, severity; but toward you, goodness, if you continue in His goodness. Otherwise you also will be cut off.
Romans 11:22
Being cut off is the terminology used. So what about that doesn't make sense to you?
cut off means going to h@ll, the branches cut off in pruning are thrown in the fire.

it is not about having millenial reign.

its about eternal d@mnation.

there is only one hope, one salvation, one road, one tree, one people, one way to the Father, one Kingdom, one gospel

what God has joined together, let no man divide.

News Item6/6/18 8:59 AM
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Dr. Tim wrote:
I suppose some people on here will applaud this attack on a "fake" Jew. No doubt they regret that Uncle Adolph isn't around to settle the Jewish question once and for all. The gall of this kid understanding Hebrew! He must think he's a "real" Jew.
this is what your crazy dispensationalism does to the mind! how many years have I been warning about this globalism? yet, now you say we are against the Jews???

come out of that stuff!

the zionists like rothchild are orchestrating this globalism and then Jews get attacked by muslems and then forced to deport to Middle East where they will have to depose semites to settle.

its a mess!

those of us who do not have a racial gospel would return to nationalism and a Christian base and then the Jews would not be forced into this armageddon quagmire.

the chess players of the world seem to want the Jews all in that very hot spot while Christian Europeans have nowhere to go and face genocide.

we have been warning with every zionistic expansion that this was leading to instability... in fact you can find qaddafi before his death saying this very thing was going to happen... and look where they are coming through...libya, also open slav

we've been warning the dispensational

News Item6/5/18 9:10 AM
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John for JESUS wrote:
B. McCausland...
What position would that be?
Nonetheless, it is Israel's tree. To them belong the covenants. Gentiles are grafted in, but will one day be cut off just like Israel and Israel will be grafted back in.
Maybe not in the new earth, but definitely during the millennial reign of Christ.
whatever philosophies you take must be grounded in our real lives.

for instance you say the gentiles will be cut off.

that makes no sense.

any Christian who is saved is not cut off.

they spend eternity with Christ.

but any Jew in the last thousands of years who died in their sins is cut off.

but any gentile not in Christ who dies was cut off and never will be brought in.

and any Jew who believes is not cut off but part of the eternal kingdom and death cannot cut this off.

in other words, the crux point of cut off or not is not your faux teachers millenium

but rather, grace is extended until a man passes away. it is his mortality that ends the grace... the next life does not offer grace..

it seems the millenium has become a protestant pergatory where the unsaved are saved and the saved are less saved...

get back to your roots of the gospel and the tree analogy won't be so odd.

its this life th

News Item6/5/18 9:05 AM
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in the last three decades the middle class has been eviscerated and the younger generatios are seeping in debt and high rental and mortgage costs.

yet our rich pulpits will tell us how rich we are because riches to them is the fiat dollar. cuz it made them rich.

in reality we have a slowly collapsing petrodollar being replaced...and would they even know it?

what are riches in scripture?

land and children are inheritance from the Lord

no need for degenerating currency.... the trade can be in the fruit of thy labor.

and in that case a young man who owns a little plot in the country with no property taxes or HOA restrictions that can tend to his small animals and gardens everyday and trade with his neighbor freely.... can be far richer

than the debt slave model of the american west as things are.

in fact, one could argue that the original "americans" lived more closely to the man above and would not recognize the working man today forced to buy cars, computers, cell phones and faux degrees, changing jobs, health insurance constantly to keep up (while illegal immigrants receive free services, foods, degrees, etc on their tax dollar) --- and this is not wealth, when a man would just like to live as the man above but is not allowed.

for no man would be allo

News Item6/5/18 8:47 AM
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Dr. Tim wrote:
If the only church in a thousand miles had only people like you in it, I would prefer to go to synagogue. Good day, and goodbye. I want nothing more to do with you.
indeed, if there are two people of God, both in covenant, then their religion, the talmud is equal to the bible

and this would be a cult.

because we now have a new holy book that teaches that Jesus is in h@des and a bunch of other things, depending on which group you go to.

you have revealed much to yourself.

I was admonished the other day not to leave my first love...

well, I haven't, for it is Christ and from that I must love His people, the brethren.


"If so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious.

"To whom coming, as unto a living stone, disallowed indeed of men, but chosen of God, and precious,

"Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.

"Wherefore also it is contained in the scripture, Behold, I lay in Sion a chief corner stone, elect, precious: and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded."

I must love the brethren because we have entered into the True Israel, where we worineship in spirit and truth as t

News Item6/4/18 12:01 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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church = true israel = redeemed jew and gentile = remnant

physical jerusalem in rev 11:8 is spiritual sodom

new jerusalem is brought down from heaven, pure and undefiled at the end of the age

dispensationalists have our sons and daughters in battles fighting over esau's pot of porridge

young millenials should be warned to stay away from them and the cultural marxists

News Item6/4/18 11:18 AM
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Dr. Tim wrote:
Yes, penned, the whole camel is now in the tent. If Hellery or Burnt-up Bernie had won the election, the U.S. would be in the same boat. As it is we aren't far behind.
speaking of hillary...

Title: Update: â€Child Trafficking Camp’ Discovered in Arizona is Located on Clinton Foundation Donor CEMEX Property

what say you SBC??????? Russell Moore of ethics, are you going to study the ethics of all these pedophile cases? Tommy Robinson in prison for covering sentencing of 29 muslems charged in pedophile ring or the children of haiti that disappered or the open borders of tucson with child trafficking? what's happening to you SBC?

News Item6/4/18 9:58 AM
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these abusers shouldn't be allowed to do what they do. we should be jealous for our own children to be born and set up a society that encourages marriage and family. too many spiritual charlatans.

News Item6/4/18 9:48 AM
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that area was also where the Septuagint was created. it was a powerhouse for academics at different times and northern africa heard the gospel, much of that area christianized.. all of that amazingly without English. I've been told that Jesus spoke in Elizabethan English, but still mulling that one over.

News Item6/4/18 9:42 AM
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they bring them in, finance their lives and jail brits who speak out with "h@te speech", a couple thousand last year jailed?

it has already been conquered. mayor muslm, rape gangs -- thousands upon thousands of brit children r@ped with people afraid to report

police standing by and letting them beat on citizens

meanwhile the richer brits in gated communities whittle away at life mocking Tommy Robinson.

denial is such a fun thing till it knocks on your own door.

its hard to see how they haven't already been conquered.

brit is now muslem run.

News Item6/4/18 9:37 AM
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comments well they should. it is their age group set next to be sent to destabilizing the middle east for the IMF. they carry the burden. the aging fiction writers who had multiple divorces and made big money calling for war after war after war in a new book every few years coinciding with some new military campaign, saying rapture was "imminent, imminent!" (as if every other millenial cult hasn't done the same thing through history).... that never actually took up arms...

now isn't that something? men who call for the others to go fight the battles they swear are for the "Kingdom of God"... if Jesus said to "build His Kingdom", shouldn't they be the first to enlist?

ya...I never saw them visiting the Christian refugees either...

...or the fallen soldier at the VA with a missing limb.

2. a representative government represents the people of their district. dual citizens running powerful offices, who have allegiences elsewhere would have been condemned by the founding fathers

if another nation gets representation on our tax dollars then there are some very unnice words for that.... if our tax dollars and our people are used to benefit the sovereignty of another nation above our own, well then, no wonder open borders has been tolerated because that is a nation defea

News Item6/4/18 9:27 AM
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this is disgusting how paige patterson was treated....

per usual, cultural marxists not allowing the other side of the story to get out, so hopefully people will take the time to look at it themselves and how he was treated, getting a call in the middle of the night while overseas.

News Item6/4/18 9:21 AM
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this stuff is sick and a silent church that doesn't address it just as problematic.

News Item6/2/18 1:01 PM
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first it was zionism and then cultural marxism, so let's blame john calvin?

one might call that two sides of the same coin....

one leads to the next...

after all, ADL has two main goals, advance zionism and end bigotry.

it just may be that our elders went fishing for palestinians and instead caught themselves.

what does scripture say about mixing the profound with the profane?

what is the Kingdom of God?

"thou shalt not be a bigot"

News Item6/2/18 10:57 AM
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it had to come to this. how long has the working class been warning those at the top as they brought this movement in, and now this movement comes to fruition? and no, as long as one is driving the ship of a seminary, they are "not too old". if they are "too old" then they should have brought in some physically and spiritually strong men as replacements a loooooong time ago who would've put an end to this lgbt nonsense.

and it has been concerning how they lighten the gospel a little at a time.

why, for instance, did John Macarthur put his notes with the gender neutralizing TNIV?

why are these older pastors in the gospel coalition not calling out the cultural marxists coming into their ranks?

its not like the deplorables haven't been warning them for years, they were kicked out of their offices, told they were too "political", blah blah blah.

they made their choice by turning a blind eye, by remaining politically ignorant.

they pushed out the strong men and now the effeminate demand their day.

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