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News Item10/20/19 1:04 PM
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John UK; John for Jesus; Doesn’t want to allow the Bible to convey to us, the clear picture & condition fallen mankind is in apart from no King but Christ Alone! I have nothing against John for Jesus, but sinners have a Fallen Will, that is bound & conformed to its fallen nature one posses in All, who are outside of Christ!

Jhn 1:12-13!

As in Jhn 11 & prior chapters starting in Jhn 1, we are clearly are told that we are physically alive but ever so inwardly unable to please God in our fallen condition, as our fallen flesh, our mind & thought life, leave us to be dead in our trespasses & sin. Bound in the bondage of moral corruption, as their is none who are Good than the Eternal Godhead or a true Seeker of God!

But John for J; wants to in his own mind & reasoning, doesn’t want to let Christ be the true seeker of the Fallen first; As Eph 1:1-14 is clear on why one has a union with the Eternal Godhead Alone!

Free Willy; 5:39 You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; & it’s they that bear witness about me, 40 yet you refuse to come to me that you may have life.

How the Spirit is a recurring them of Jhn from Ch1 to Jhn 11. To say that the spiritual condition of Lazarus doesn’t apply, then you better take out a key verse in Jhn 1:1

News Item10/19/19 5:45 PM
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My bottom line quote that I posted was cut off;

Spurgeon; I would propose that the subject of the ministry in this house, as long as this platform shall stand, & as long as this house shall be frequented by worshippers, shall be the person of Jesus Christ. I am never ashamed to avow myself a Calvinist; I don’t hesitate to take the name of Baptist; but if I am asked what is my creed, I reply – ‘It is Jesus Christ’.

Lazarus only came forth, because of Christ working through the Godhead. As Lazarus didn’t say Christ let me stay a little bit longer so I can stink some more. Nor did Lazarus say by kicking & screaming, I don’t want to be one of the elect either. So what I said already about Jhn 11 does apply!; Jhn 6:63 It’s the Spirit who gives life; the flesh is no help at all. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit & life.

Without Christ seeking & saving His people their is no coming forth if one is left to the fallen rebellion one is in apart from Christ dragging one out of the spiritual deadness one is in; Eph 21-5!

2 Cor 5:18 All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself & gave us the ministry of reconciliation;

News Item10/19/19 5:11 PM
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John for Jesus; You have to ignore many scriptures from other chapters of the Bible, that go hand in hand with John 11. As you would have to deny scriptures, to say the small simple size in what I said about Lazarus doesn’t apply. That’s on you!

It’s clear you have a issue with grace, as the Doctrines of Grace, don’t puff one up, but it brings great humility into ones own heart & thought process. In what a wrecth, I truly am & what I truly deserve!

That God is & will never be under zero obligations of saving any, & that includes me too. From what I hear from you, you don’t like that notion, about God!

Christ isn’t a potential Savior, He saves His people to the utter most; Jhn 10:25-28

You just don’t like the facts of what scriptures convey to one, that Jesus wasn’t standing & pleading with Lazarus to let Christ into Lazarus heart or any other sinner, who is still in the First Adam. As that doesn’t fit into the narrative box of, what many try to pass off from Rev 3:20 to say & repeat after me. In asking Jesus into ones heart!

As Spurgeon says it well here; I would propose that the subject of the ministry in this house, as long as this platform shall stand, & as long as this house shall be frequented by worshippers, shall be the person of Jesus Christ. I am never ash

News Item10/19/19 3:43 PM
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The cults will say the Word Trinity isn’t found in the Bible either. But that doesn’t mean that the Bible doesn’t teach the Doctrine of Trinity though.

Why I said was, people shouldn’t get hung up on, well a specific word isn’t in the Bible, that doesn’t mean that scripture doesn’t teach on the word that isn’t on the Bible.

Muslims like to say show me the verse in the Bible, that Jesus says He is God. As scripture clearly teaches that Jesus is God, by what only God can do, that only Jesus could do, or His deity clearly reflecting by scriptures He is God, etc.

News Item10/19/19 1:33 PM
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John for Jesus; With all due respect towards you, it’s clear you have a hang up with the Sovereignty of God, because in what you are saying, it’s clearly coming out. Because in the teaching of God’s Sovereignty in dealing with salvation, saving grace, His imputed righteousness to His people, His Sheep, the Elect. You are painting a picture of that you have issues with the doctrine of God’s Sovereignty.

What I said about Lazarus does apply, as Jhn 11, is talking about the rasing of the dead, resurrection power & glory, in which God can only do, through God Jesus. As all are in loins of the First Adam, as Lazarus was too. If Lazarus wasn’t called forth, he would have never had taken one step forward, or even blinked his eyes ever. As Jesus wasn’t knocking on his heart door saying let me in!

If God doesn’t seek by raising up the Spiritualy dead, who aren’t seeking out God on their own, as the Spiritual dead like Lazarus have to be called forth; Jhn 11:44 is clear on that, that only God seeks, & has too seek us, as salvation is of His glory & praise Alone!; Jhn 5:28, Eph 2:5.

As; Eph 2:5, makes it ever so clear in reading it! One is only made alive in Christ, as He has to raise one up, there is no union with Christ if He doesn’t seek; Eph 1:3!

News Item10/18/19 10:51 PM
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John, you clearly have painted with broad strokes clearly in what Calvinism doesn’t teach one or tell one.

Faith clearly does & has to come by the hearing of God’s Word, as the Elect, don’t have a Big E on their Foreheads or a Bright Yellow Strip running down the Middle of their Backs!

As one willn’t have saving Faith, unless the Inward Calling of the sinners rebellion is opened uped & in able.

As the sinner will willingly come to Christ like Lazarus had to be made willing to come forth too Christ!

As when sinners freely choose to seek the Lord, turn from sin, & receive Christ, they have been enabled to do so by a prior work of God in their souls (John 1:12-13; 6:44-45).

Without the enabling their is no hearing of His Word, so please go study what Reformed theology actually teaches one on the doctrine of salvation. As I share in a spirit of love & humility!

News Item10/18/19 10:32 PM
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Basically your mindset of reasoning, I am hearing from you, is this; Since Scripture teaches that people are responsible to believe & repent, they must be able to do so.

But you clearly are dismissing in how the inward aspects of mankind is in rebellion against their creator,. As one willn’t & can’t be changed just by the outward calling of the gospel alone. As the inward calling of the gospel has to be apart of the regenerating power that only Christ can & has to do for one. Through salvation being of the Lord alone amen.

As Sinners are unable:
to see (Jhn 3:3; 2 Cor 4:3-4),
to hear & understand (Jhn 8:43; Psa 58:4-5),
to come to Christ (Jhn 6:44),
to feel proper emotions(Eph 4:19), to receive the things of the Spirit (1 Cor 2:14), to submit to God's law (Rom 8:7).
to change (Jer 13:23).

News Item10/18/19 10:12 PM
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John for Jesus; You clearly misrepresent in what Calvinism teaches on the doctrine of salvation. I hear you loud & clear in what you are saying to me. That a person who is saved, was just a little wiser & smater than their unsaved friend or family member, etc.

But you are clearly are neclting how the fall affects all aspects of the inward of aspects of the fallen apart from Christ.

As the inward calling on a fallen sinnner is ever so important, as what a fallen sinner willn’t & can’t do apart from the inward calling of the Godhead working in ones life, to bring them to saving faith.

So your works messages you claim of Calvinism is utterly false & n’t supported, Biblical supported!

Jhn 1:12-13 But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God, who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.

News Item10/18/19 5:01 PM
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John For Jesus; Thanks for your response back. How are Sinners reconciled back to God? As scripture clearly tells & teaches one of their own fallen spiritual condition. They are in, as their is One True seeker, & how amazing that makes His Grace, utterly amazing. As their is none seeking after God on their own! Roms 3:10-12!

John their is None who are Good or will be Good enough period outside of the perfect sinless righteousness of Christ Alone!

The Bible does teach that man has a choice & that he acts freely in the exercise of that choice. The issue concerns whether a person, controlled by a sinful nature, will ever make the proper choice. The Bible teaches that man's will is bound & controlled by his sinful nature; so that he
can’t & willn’t choose Christ, believe the gospel, or forsake sin unless God, in sovereign grace, changes his nature (Jhn 3:19-21; 6:44; 6:65; I Cor. 1:18; 2:14; Rom. 3:11).

News Item10/18/19 1:10 PM
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John for Jesus; Let me guess you like the heretical teachings of people like, Charles Finny. When you study who he said who Christ was, it clearly changes, who the glorious eternal co-equal, co-existing, Godhead is accordingly from Scripture, n’t good!

As Finny had another Jesus, through another gospel message. As asking Jesus into ones heart, came from the false teacher, Charles Finny!

Are you influenced by the false teachers, like Steven Anderson, or the heretical Street Preacher, Jesse Morrel?!

News Item10/18/19 12:59 PM
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John for Jesus; Said in a spirit of love, towards You. As you clearly don’t know what you are talking about, in saying that those who hold to Calvinism, believe in salvation is by works! No Reformed Believer, who knows, that Christ is the only true seeker of the fallen first! Would ever say that works saves one! Or salvation is in John Calvin or in any other outside of no King but Christ Alone! Before you start painting with Broad strokes, at least go educate your
own-self in what Reformed faith teaches ones, from actual Reformed, teachers. Who are defenders of the Faith, that was once delivered to the Saints!

Titus 3:5 he saved us, n’t because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration & renewal of the Holy Spirit,

Jonah 2:9 But I with the voice of thanksgiving will sacrifice to you; what I have vowed I will pay. Salvation belongs to the Lord!â€

News Item10/18/19 12:29 PM
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Just because one Clicks none, that doesn’t change the facts of true reality & true Truth. That one isn’t born into a state of neutrality, or progress into one, either, what a myth & lie, that is!!

PS 19:1-2 The heavens declare the glory of God, & the sky above proclaims his handiwork. Day to day pours out speech, & night to night reveals knowledge.

Rom 1:20-21 For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power & divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. For although they knew God, they didn’t honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, & their foolish hearts were darkened.

News Item10/18/19 12:20 PM
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Thomas Watson;Eternity to the godly is a day that has no sunset; eternity to the wicked is a night that has no sunrise.

Let them fear death who don’t fear sin.

Pro 1:7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom & instruction.

If a wicked man seems to have peace at death, it is not from the knowledge of his happiness, but from the ignorance of his danger.

News Item10/15/19 11:33 AM
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O’ my comrades, in Venezuela we have free health insurance for all, we have abundant amounts of food on the grocery store shelves.

O’ Comrades we have a great Intelligence Officer in Lincoln, o’ my Comrades we are ever so grateful for our fellow Comrade Bro, in Lincoln.

As he does a great job in spreading the Communist agenda on these SA Fourms!

2 Cor 11:13-15 For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds.

News Item10/14/19 6:36 PM
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Good resource here, free Printable Mormon tracts. I like to carry lots of different tracts on me, in my cars, & etc. To give out to others, were one beggar found food, for the only source of eternal life, no King but Christ Alone amen!

This site has Jehovah Witness tracts, you can print out too!

News Item10/14/19 6:24 PM
Needhim  Find all comments by Needhim
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Pleasant greetings directed your way Neil, I live in a area that has a large Mormon population, as I have spent around at least around 17 years now in studying the Mormon faith. When I had more free time & a smaller family, use to do on a regular basis a ton of street preaching & Abortion ministry, etc.

Learning the Mormon language code talk, is helpful, when they play the game of twister, in twisting scriptures!

A greater reminder in dealing with a lost soul, is asking questions to get them too think & n’t win the argument. As the Lord brings down the veil off the heart & mind amen!

1 Cor 1:17-18 For Christ didn’t send me to baptize but to preach the gospel, & n’t with words of eloquent wisdom, lest the cross of Christ be emptied of its power. For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it’s the power of God.

News Item10/14/19 3:33 PM
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Adriel; Amen!

B. B. Warfield, "it is solely from its object that faith derives its value. The saving power of faith resides thus not in itself, but in the almighty savior on whom it rests. It is not, strictly speaking, even faith in Christ that saves, but Christ that saves through faith.

News Item10/14/19 3:19 PM
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As ones only hope is in & through Christ Alone, as All other soil is sinking Sand amen!

O’ Jim, may God breath the saving gift of Godly brokenness, that leads to Godly repentance into your life. As you boast of, that I have tomorrow, a lie from the pit of Hell!; Pro 27:1!

Ben’t self-deceived by being ENTANGLE by your own sin & snares of treating your own sin so lightly, as the god you serve isn’t the true & only God of the Bible alone. As you clearly don’t have a yearning to seek personal holiness in your life, or a reference of God’s holiness either!

Pro 5:22 His own iniquities will capture the wicked,
And he will be held with the cords of his sin.

Heb 12:14 Strive for peace with everyone, and for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord.

News Item10/14/19 3:04 PM
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Jim; Has a telescope from Mars when he looks to his own sin, as he has created & fashioned a god to suite him, that gives him a free pass on his own sins!

Jim fits this verse perfectly as his own doing on many threads on here. That Jim isn’t Born Again from up above alone, who has tasted the sweet saving nectar of being spiritual adopted, from God Alone;John 1:12-13!

May the Lord having mercies on Jim spiritual heart of stone he has, as he is spiritually deceived, in his unregenerate state of never ever of being able to please God, in that fallen condition ever!; Roms 8:5-9!

Pro 14:12 There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death.

News Item10/14/19 2:53 PM
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Their is only two types of people, those in Christ & those outside of Christ. No third options allowed!

But it good reminder to preach to oneself daily, I am what I am, but only by the Grace of God Alone! As one seeks to share truth with others in love amen!

2 Tim 2:24-26 And the Lord's servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, correcting his opponents with gentleness. God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth, and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, after being captured by him to do his will.

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