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News Item7/15/13 11:49 AM
FG | USA  Contact via emailFind all comments by FG
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Some time ago, Daniel Fuller (who was the guru of John Piper)introduced a doctrine of biblical inerrancy that declared the Bible to be inerrant only in areas of spiritual information and not in science, history or the origin of the universe. This doctrine became orthodoxy at Fuller and ultimately undermined the authority of the Bible at Fuller. From there on in it was downhill for that seminary. Apostasy does not stand still, it has motion. So it should not be surprising to see such a departure from sound doctrine and practice and more departures to come in the future from this institution.

News Item7/6/13 9:50 AM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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Articles in Christianity Today should be taken with the same grain of salt that you would take from reading the New York Times. Just like there will be a slant towards socialism, sodomites and Obama in the New York Times, there will be a more liberalized slant in Christianity Today regarding issues in the church. This has always been the case since its founding and continues to be so.

News Item5/15/13 7:50 AM
fg | gghgg  Contact via emailFind all comments by fg
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News Item5/4/13 9:00 PM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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After reading about an openly lesbian Army General, this is extremely refreshing!

News Item5/4/13 8:56 PM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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THAT'S what we need! Lord give us more prayer meetings where we CAN'T stop praying!

Sermon4/27/13 2:42 AM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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“ Thank You ”
Billy Graham sold out the Gospel in order to preach the Gospel, by bringing together the holy and the profane, eventually even proclaiming that a man can be saved without ever having heard of Christ or the Bible. (I guess we can call all our missionaries home now)Popularity does not make a preacher a true man of God. But calling the enemies of Christ servants of Christ will definitely make him popular (as Graham has done). Franklin is just following in his father's footsteps. Instead of getting our feathers ruffled whenever an individual like Billy Graham is exposed, why don't we pray that God would revive His church? I guess that'sa asking too much.

News Item4/6/13 5:39 PM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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Mike wrote:
Sorry for butting in...oh well, not really. Wouldn't it be more edifying if Steve and Observer could back off the name calling? No matter how solid you think you may be, it isn't about you. And if you actually care about the truth, it isn't personal, so give the personal attacks a rest.
Ahhhh! Thank You!

News Item3/21/13 11:46 PM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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No Rob, YOU repent!

Blog3/16/13 3:48 PM
FG | USA  Contact via emailFind all comments by FG
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A comment by Maurice Roberts is in order here.
"Let it be stated emphatically however, that the worst course of actions possible among Christians would be to sink all our differences under a misguided belief that unity is the most important thing of all. Unity without truth is a unity under the headship of Satan, not of Christ.....Truth is sacred. It is more precious than life. Its claims are greater than all other claims. A man must die, if necessary, in defense of the truth. But it would hardly be his duty to die for unity."
Amen, Dr. Roberts!!
Overemphasis on unity is becoming an infectious disease in the reform camp. And it apparently it is spreading. I strongly believe that revival will be the remedy to stop this disease in its tracks. May we be found worthy to bring such a large petition before Him, for the sake of His beloved church.
Thank you Pastor Hamilton for your faithfulness.

Blog3/16/13 3:24 PM
FG | USA  Contact via emailFind all comments by FG
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I don't know if mentioning this minister's name will keep this comment from being posted, but no matter. I find the fact that this minister would hold to this position of Jesus being an "ecumenical separatist" soul plumetting. I learned much regarding study and preaching from the very series that he has posted on SermonAudio. As was well stated by Rev. Hamilton, Jesus did not work alongside the unconverted that He ate and drank with or the Pharisees whom he constantly contended with. Christ's use of their synagogues does in no way constitute or imply any form of ecumenism. Unscriptural ecumenism within evangelicalism (reformed and non-reformed) has made me sad in that it has unnecessarily stirred up a hornet's nest and has badly divided the Lord's people over the past eighty years or so. It is very disappionting to see him legitimize this kind of an ecumenism by giving it a roll in the church. In case he hasn't noticed, true separatists do get out in the open and preach the Gospel. It seems now that the priority has become unity at a pastoral level, and not faithfulness to truth.

News Item2/19/13 7:09 PM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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Christopher000 wrote:
Boy, oh boy....I've said it before but I hope to God that a poster here doesn't really have a real world following. I hope to God that this person doesn't Pastor a church or witness to anyone on the street...ever. I knew someone like this in Vegas...very intelligent but very, very wrong, and "off".
I used to listen to Christian rock and eoll as an alternative to my favorites like Judas Priest, Ozzy, Iron Maiden, etc but stopped when I was told that the music, performances, and personal lives of the bands really weren't anything Godly.
I care not to have a following. I care to have revival in the church. And if and when it comes, it will bring with it a serious disinterest in so-called "Christian rock." I wasted away six years of my life playing in a rock and roll band and am familiar enough with its inner workings to know that I don't want it in my church, with or without "Christian" lyrics.

News Item2/18/13 11:52 PM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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Leading Geneticist: Human Intelligence is Slowly Declining
This especially shows itself in the last two presidential election results.

News Item2/18/13 11:26 PM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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Sexual immodesty, at least since the advent of Amy Grant, has been a by-product of CCM. That is no longer the case. Now it's sexual license. This day was inevitable, and it could clearly be seen since the "coming out" of Ray Boltz and Jennifer Knapp. That "God accepts me as I am" attitude which prevailed within the "Jesus Movement" of the 1960's (where CCM was birthed) is now reaching its fullest fruition. Open, shameless sodomy in the church. It's in the music! Like it or not, it's in the music! And through so-called "Christian Rap" and "holy hip-hop", a door has been opened to the neo-Marxist teachings of liberation theology in the reform camp. The attitude of the Christian is that we "hate the works of those who turn aside" (Ps. 101), not give them a fair and charitable hearing in Christ's holy church. If this trend continues then the day will come when in it will be considered outright sin in evangelical circles to speak out against sodomy, and hateful to declare Christ and His Gospel as the ONLY way to God, with no other way in existance at all. While my heart breaks for my children to have to bear up under this ever widening apostasy, I would be lying if I said that I'm not hoping that I'd be called home of the Lord before these things come to pass.

News Item2/12/13 7:22 PM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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There is no way that I am going to cosign for any delayed entry program for my sons. If they want to join the military it will be when they're of age and without my blessings.

News Item2/6/13 12:15 AM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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I wonder if this kind of controversy would take place if this baker was a Muslim and he refused to bake gay wedding cakes.

News Item8/16/12 8:15 PM
FG | USA  Contact via emailFind all comments by FG
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Nothing short of disgusting.

News Item7/28/12 4:24 PM
FG | USA  Contact via emailFind all comments by FG
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Michael Hranek wrote:
The beloved Billy Graham's slide into a kinder, gentler, non-judgmental, inclusive, and even interfaith downgrade (counterfeit) of genuine Biblical Christianity and the Gospel of Christ has certainly been a "stumbling block" to REVIVAL where people might actually be CONFRONTED with the Absolute Holiness of Almighty God, their SIN And APOSTASY, REPENT, confess and forsake their transgression and be genuinely converted and born again into a life that demonstrates a true love for Jesus Christ by obeying Him.

Ran on there as I would love to see Genuine Revival, which might put false teachers like Benny Hinn out of business. And see people who are playing at Christianity because they've said a, can I use the word, "bogus" prayer confess and forsake their sin and hypocrisy and know the joy of being truly saved by God and for God.
Said as if I had said it myself.

Sermon7/21/12 4:24 AM
FG | USA  Contact via emailFind all comments by FG
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Spurgeon once said that "Complicity with error will take from the best of men the power to enter into any successful protest against it." No matter how one rationalizes that this document is not fundamentally a theological statement (something that Chuck Colson himself denies), it loudly proclaims "Christian" brotherhood with those who bring another gospel. I saw Al Mohler making a statement against Romanism on the Larry King show before the unveiling of this document. I wonder how much weight a statement like that coming from him (or any of the signers of the M.D.) now carries. So sad to see how year by year so many are being pulled down into this ecumenical whirlpool. God save us from the ecclesiastical compromise of our day and graciously grant us revival.

News Item7/20/12 8:56 PM
FG | USA  Contact via emailFind all comments by FG
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What should any Christian have to do with this movie or any other like it? Let the psalmist answer this question. Psa 101:3 I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me.

News Item7/20/12 7:36 PM
FG | USA  Contact via emailFind all comments by FG
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Mike wrote:
Unless there is disagreement with what Dolan said, how can there be objection to agreeing with it? If there is disagreement with what he said, specify so he can be called on it.
Sorry for the misunderstanding. What I was making reference to was Alan Dowd's comment lumping in Cardinal Dolan (A Roman Cathlolic Minister) as one of "many other believers" which seems to be an ever increasing trend in the PCA.
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