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News Item5/20/18 6:10 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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In regards to Dr. Michael Brown, he has done great work, he did a debate with Mr. Vines, he defended biblical marriage on Piers Morgan's show, he was invited to speak to a government in regards to homosexuality, etc. etc.

I disagree with his charismatic and synergist view, but he is still my brother, and he listened to the Strange Fire conference and I've heard his response to it, if fact I'm going to get his book, "Authentic Fire" to see what he has to say.

News Item5/20/18 6:09 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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Penned said, "Such silly posts!" So you lie about me, misrepresent me, call Jonathan Edwards an idolater, and then you say to me, "Such Silly Posts!"

Dr. Wayne, I'm not sure about the bogeyman thing, if you've read Dr. White's book, you'll see that he provides 5 types of flavors of KJVonlyist, for instance, Dr. Peter Ruckman is in a different category as Dr. D.A. Waite, and Dr. Gipp (a Ruckmanite) would say that you have to read the English KJV to get the real word of God, Dr. Thomas Strouss would say otherwise and even Dr. Joseph Chambers would disagree with Gipp.

As for as the TR, well I guess I would have to ask, which edition of Erasmus' Greek text do you hold to? Which edition? Is it the one that contains 1John 5:7? Are you arguing for the manuscripts and that the KJV is the best translated version of it? Do you agree with Dr. D.A. Waite's perspective (5 fold superiority argument?)

To be honest, I really didn't get what you were saying, I presume you hold to the traditional text.

Side note:

I defined the types of KJVonlyists, I did not lump every IFB into one category, if it seemed like I did then I will make it clearer: There are various camps of IFB, and in the IFB the majority of the KJVonlyists have various views on the topic, some have the view of Ripl

News Item5/20/18 9:57 AM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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John, I'm not talking about the beliefs, I've said the reasoning. Let's take an example of how someone uses the same reasoning as someone else but do not believe in what the other person believes:

Bart Erhman is a textual critic, he is an apostate, and an agnostic. He believes that if God inspired a text, there would be no textual variants in the preservation of the copies of that inspired text.

KJVonlyists believe that there is only 1 inspired version of the bible, namely the KJV. They assert that God has preserved His word in the KJV Bible. (Gipp, Ruckman, Marrs, J.J. Ray, Fuller, Hovind, Riplinger, etc. would say that there is only 1 true bible)

Erhman and KJVonlyists use the exact same reasoning, but they are diametrically opposite in regards to Christianity.

So when I say that Penned is using the same reasoning, I am not saying that she and the majority of the IFB believe the same things. Do you get what I'm laying down?

News Item5/19/18 5:51 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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She uses the reasoning of many IFB, the reasoning is, "I can tie this, that and the other thing because of what this governmental thing or this theological belief or that action, etc. She ties things that have no connection whatsoever.

I think it was very well illustrated in her post about Jonathan Edwards engaging in "idolatry" she made assertions, could not back up the assertions, and then she no longer posted on that thread, I wonder why.

And the misrepresentation that she gave was classic, she plays the victim card, that was laughable, I'm sorry Penned, I show very little respect for a person who plays that card, and who is willing to accuse a former elder of a church an idolater, and then lie about me.

"Obvious Slam on Fundamentalists" yes, I really don't like it when pastors engage in cultic thinking, in misrepresentation, in lying, in using the sinner's prayer, in denying Lordship Salvation, in teaching that there is a 'Carnal Christian' etc. etc. I

I know of many IFB who have criticized the IFB denomination.

News Item5/19/18 3:57 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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Let me iron this out, just because I ask a question, I am in the wrong? I was raised in the IFB denomination, my education from 1st grade to 12 grade was IFB, I went to the IFB youth camps, I did one year in an IFB college, etc. etc.

And when I see Penned using IFB reasoning and ask her if she's an IFB I am in the wrong? Re-read my comment, I did not accuse her of being an IFB, I simply asked if she was.

Dr. Tim, I've got to ask you, in what way did I offend you? Is it not true that many KJVonlyist hold to many wild ideas such as Gail Riplingers "New Age Bible Version" that the translators of the modern versions (NASB, NKJV, ESV, ect.) were under satanic influence,

or that Calvinists are part of a cult and some go as so far to say they are not saved, and is it not true that many IFB hold to Jack Chick's position that the Catholic Church started Islam?

Or Ruckman's view that if the greek text differs from the KJV that you are to reject the Greek text?

Wouldn't you say those are some zany beliefs and conspiracy theories?

News Item5/19/18 1:15 AM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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That's right, good point Dr. Tim, I'm thinking of zany names for churches, "Bible Believing Born again Baptist Believers Church"

Or Purposefully Pardoned Poor Peasants Presbyterian Pheniox Church

Lively Life living Loyal Lutheran church


Sermon5/18/18 11:12 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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“ Great Debate ”
This debate was something else, Dr. Stravinskas simply got owned, there's no two ways about it, he's a smart man no doubt, but he didn't really present a good case for purgatory, but this debate went far more than purgatory, it went to scripture alone, church government, Luther, Calvin, etc. and various popes, Augustine, etc. The nature of God, the anthropology of man, and the very gospel itself must be considered in the topic of purgatory.

News Item5/18/18 7:28 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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News Item5/18/18 3:44 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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Penned can't and she knows she can't, she's dodging questions and doesn't seem to care if she slanders people. Penned, I want you to answer the simple question: am I engaging in idolatry by taking pills, having a device put in me, etc?

We know the answer, well, if you're consistent you'll say, "Yes Connor, you are engaging in idolatry." In fact, I think anyone who gets shots would also be engaging in idolatry if you are consistent.

I like it when penne said, "emotional response" because, that just shows that she continues to make assertions but simply can not back up those assertions. Penned, I don't know if you're listening to too much Alex Jones or something, but you are wondering off into zaniness.

News Item5/18/18 2:34 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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@Penned, I meant to say, Where did the gated community go?

News Item5/18/18 1:53 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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@ Penned, where is the gated community go?

News Item5/18/18 1:51 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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And the illuminati has been working their way into every Chick Fil A, Hobby Lobby, and even in Chick Publication!

It's like the USA has become like a mixture of National Treasure, The Matrix, and 1984!
Amazon is controlled by the Papacy, it's goal is to shut every Christian bookstore in every place. Disney's goal is to control all the Star Wars movies and ruin them.

I mean seriously folks, let's try to stop it with the conspiracy theories. Penned, I have to ask you, are you an IFB KJVonlyist? I'm real curious.

News Item5/18/18 1:36 AM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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If it's a public school the student has the right to say "No, it violates my religious devotion" although if she's in 7th grade, that's a good time to learn about other religions, but the calligraphy thing is a bit much.

News Item5/18/18 1:30 AM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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How about creating that dinosaur from Jurassic World? That would be really cool.

News Item5/18/18 1:29 AM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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Well, it looks like penned likes to make a lot of assertions and slander, but she cannot back up her assertions nor justify her slander.

News Item5/18/18 1:22 AM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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"Pff, have you always been a fool, or is this a recent development?" That was pretty good.

News Item5/17/18 9:52 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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I meant to put these verses down:

Rev. 13

3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.

4 And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?

5 And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.

6 And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.

7 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.

8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.

9 If any man have an ear, let him hear.

News Item5/17/18 6:48 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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On a more serious note, say Ulysses is dead and Anthony is dead, the doc does the whole head transplant thing and jolts the corpse with electricity, is it possible that demons will enter into the body to make it look like the transplant succeeded and then dwell in said body for x amount of years?

News Item5/17/18 5:36 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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Pure satire. The main thrust was directed towards 'pff' and anyone who is remotely familiar with the IFB camp knows the illuminati, and Jesuit connection.

Although I must say, I think the satire was pretty good, I should've added something about Alex Jones.

Oh, and if you want to hear bizzare things, listen to Gail Riplinger who claimed God gave her special revelation, that the sinking of the Titanic has to do with something about the modern bible translations, her acrostic algebra, and that the reason she had her initials on her book (New Age Bible Versions) as, "G.A. Riplinger" was that it stood for "God and Riplinger" etc. etc.

News Item5/16/18 11:50 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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Penned, you are not making sense at all, in fact, your reasoning seems like what the Pharisees said regarding diseases and the like, that it was because of their sin (or their parents sin)

Let's try to apply this in a practical matter: I have epilepsy, I have had it for 15+ years and will probably have it for the rest of my life, now because I have epilepsy I have anti-epileptic pills (Banzel, Lamotrigine ER, and Briviact) I also have a VNS in my to help with the epilepsy as well, now would you say I'm making the pills and device an idol?

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