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News Item6/12/18 9:01 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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church, thou shall not be a bigot

thou shall accept the collective good

thou shall not offend any race by saying all are evil sinners

thou shall accept islmc mosques at every corner

thou shall accept the transgendering of your children

ADL position: build zionism and end bigotry

this is now the mantra of Christianity for the west

you now know your directives, now go complete them....

Title: LGBTQ Pride Month

"In schools and classrooms, LGBT Pride Month is an excellent time to talk with students about LGBT people and their struggles to achieve equal rights and treatment in all aspects of their lives"

News Item6/12/18 8:45 AM
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News Item6/12/18 8:41 AM
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evangelicals should be praying for men like nunes who are under constant pressure, and the many who are trying to reveal the pedophile rings..

scalise has returned after nearly murdere

just look at how angry and nervous deniro was this week swearing and all...

....weinstein has already been charged.

there is a battle between good and evil, truth and lies..... so why is liberation theology being promoted by the SBC through David Platt?

is the SBC that ignorant of government poliicies for the last 50 years that have destroyed the black family by separating the father from the children in payouts??? the welfare system has obliterated families and caused the children to be dependent to the system... which leads to hopelessness.

are those running the SBC that insulated from reality that after 50 years of failure, when the nation itself is moving on that this is what they would drag the church through? pushing more progressive policies as a means to building a "collective kingdom"?

who is going to throw away this false post millenial collective nonsense and who is going to throw away the false physical kingdom built on the military...

...and start teaching a biblical kingdom ethic that begins with individual salvation and an imputed new heart? (for the heart o

News Item6/11/18 4:44 PM
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Wayfarer Pilgrim wrote:
So Albert Mohler is saying the SBC has been judged by God and must seek repentance.
you know what Wayfarer, if there are individuals like this bearing such guilt for something, whatever it is, perhaps it is they that need to step down.

there are an awful lot of well off white rich men genuflecting at the top, flirting with cultural marxism, a microcosm of what is happening to the west.

Tommy Robinson is in prison for trying to cover the case of the 29 muslem pedophile case. Before being locked up he would often be viciously pressured by the richer class in their "gated communities" while his own family was getting assualted by muslems.

lots of genuflecting from the higher classes. I'd say cut their salaries to what we all make an hour, and the pontificating would stop. let them live in our neighborhoods and deal with our job insecurity.

I am not one for classism, such as is among the cultural marxists, but it is something to have rich men try to draw your family into genuflecting when they are so well off and so many of your friends are a paycheck from the streets.

there couldn't be a leadership team more separated from reality.

welcome to the world of the deplorables.

News Item6/11/18 11:55 AM
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good job vienna!

News Item6/10/18 6:16 PM
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to contnue... Wayfarer, I agree with you about Patterson and if these accusations are false, he should be reinstated and all those who falsely accused let go.

Why not reclaim the foundational faith of the SBC? I am in full support of those advancing biblical values.

News Item6/10/18 5:46 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
I was baptized not only by being dunked, .... but most importantly publicly identifying my faith in Christ👍
interesting. so when did you first make a confession for Christ, or is that what your dunking was?

News Item6/10/18 3:33 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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Wayfarer, Richard Land and his zionism correlated with bush, and then Russell Moore was there with Obama's cultural marxism.

I would not call either biblical.

Its politically charged and corrupted theology.

so both sides can square off while the ADL continues their lgbt campaigs and the media smear the SBC.... I have quoted their agenda, between your two sides, you've been pegged.

"build zionism and end bigotry"

"thou shalt not be a bigot"

let's hear both sides call each other bigots, one because they won't take up whole heartedly the military industrial complex for kingdom building and the other for not being willing to bash the white male and take up critical race theory for the kingdom.

if neocalvinism (ie cultural marxism which has nothing to do with calvin) or fundamental dispensationalism (ie zionism, which has nothing to do with true Israel) are the only choices on the ballot, I'd have to vote, "none of the above"

News Item6/10/18 1:19 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
John MacArthur does an excellent job of explaining why Believers baptism is the only actual baptism that counts❗👍
so tell us about your baptism Jim!

News Item6/10/18 1:03 PM
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Adriel wrote:
What happened to the good old days when churches preached to sinners and God did the converting?
excellent point

that's exactly what we need.

but the problem is that straight talk out of scripture is now deemed h@te speech in Canada... and our pastors are paid through their corporations, ie evangelical churches, so if they preached directly, they may be sued for violating "the common good" as is purpose of nonprofit corporation under the headship of the collective. .... therefore in order for their churches to survive in this new form of statism, they subconsciously know that they have to synergize the morals of the day with scripture.

therefore, we can never make anyone feel bad

cuz if they feel bad

they are offended

and look what happened to phillips when they made someone feel bad about not making a cake

we've got to do some growing up here, future generations are watching us.

News Item6/10/18 12:57 PM
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Dr. Tim wrote:
Well keep trying. I'm sure you'll come up with something.
I was kind of expecting this response to an opportunity given to you to explain Romans 11 verse by verse...

the last time I heard a pretrib rapture sermon he presented it as "verse by verse"

but skipped any verse that contradicted his teaching

out of matt24, especially the verse

"AFTER the tribulation"

the sermon was not allowing the text speak for itself.

so it has been my experience under that kind of teaching

News Item6/10/18 12:36 PM
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the cultural marxists are movin in.

in sweden, look how they allowed this child marriage....

Title: Sweden legalizes child marriage

I really haven't heard Beth Moore talk about what is happening as sharia is brouht to europe.

instead we still have russell moore, the whole new jersey mosque legal scheme...

and now normalizing sodomy.

see the big picture

as the SBC yearly meeting comes up

have not many felt that there is soros money behind many of these things?

do we want the globalist, leftist, communist agenda to dominate our largest evangelical organization while we watch the UK and Sweden collapse to islam?

shall we just go ahead and elect Beth Moore to be President and we can live in lala land?

Title: The Muslim Refugee Rape Epidemic: Coming to America? | Michelle Malkin Investigates

the grandest of delusions in play here....

hey, russell moore, why aren't all of you in your ethics groups talking about the open african slave trade in libya since hillary and her "we came, he saw, he died"..

...softie baptists who cry for every racists inneundo.... are you ready to join us in reality?

libyan slave trade is now.

and YOU

News Item6/9/18 5:46 PM
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Dr. Tim wrote:
all we do is continue to willfully attempt to chop with a dull axe that isn't getting any sharper at all.
I have offered you an opportunity, this time, third try, to explain verse by verse Romans 11 starting at 1-5. Still trying to figure out why you wouldn't want to take that opportunity to explain your position.

News Item6/9/18 5:43 PM
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Title: Danny Akin, SEBTS, Allegedly Threaten Non-Woke Faculty with Sensitivity Training and Firing

"Pulpit & Pen has spoken to three witnesses – two faculty members and one non-faculty staff member – who have spoken on-the-record as confidential sources, claiming that Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS) has threatened them with “sensitivity training” and possible termination for making posts referencing Critical Race Theory or Cultural Marxism"

thou shalt not let thy congregants know you are folding them into cultural marxism.

remember, your job is keep hush, hush. paranoia all around, who will turn who in?

News Item6/9/18 3:59 PM
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John for JESUS wrote:
As I said, the New Covenant still belongs to the Jews.
here I thought it belonged to Christ.

you've got a serious idol.

News Item6/9/18 3:56 PM
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SBC Leaders Float Idea of Beth Moore As Next Denomination President

"thou shalt not be a bigot"

News Item6/9/18 3:17 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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penned wrote:
alright, let us read through Romans 11 together and let's start with verses 1-5 and you get to correct us who believe that a remnant are saved, explain to us what it means. then we can go section by section and you can tell us what it really means.
"I say then, Hath God cast away his people? God forbid. For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin.
"God hath not cast away his people which he foreknew. Wot ye not what the scripture saith of Elias? how he maketh intercession to God against Israel, saying,
"Lord, they have killed thy prophets, and digged down thine altars; and I am left alone, and they seek my life.
"But what saith the answer of God unto him? I have reserved to myself seven thousand men, who have not bowed the knee to the image of Baal.
"Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace."
Dr. Tim, I've come back and do not see you sharing with us a verse by verse understanding of Romans 11. Here's another opportunity for you.

Romans 11:1-5, shall we let the Word of God teach us in context?

News Item6/9/18 3:10 PM
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this is the biggest load of hysterical garbage I've ever heard.

meanwhile tommy robinson in prison for covering the 29 muslem pdophile ring case.

cultural marxism

"thou shalt not be a bigot"

News Item6/7/18 9:38 AM
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Dr. Tim wrote:
Now J4J, you know the Bible doesn't mean what it says! It only means what the elite say it says.
alright, let us read through Romans 11 together and let's start with verses 1-5 and you get to correct us who believe that a remnant are saved, explain to us what it means. then we can go section by section and you can tell us what it really means.


"I say then, Hath God cast away his people? God forbid. For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin.

"God hath not cast away his people which he foreknew. Wot ye not what the scripture saith of Elias? how he maketh intercession to God against Israel, saying,

"Lord, they have killed thy prophets, and digged down thine altars; and I am left alone, and they seek my life.

"But what saith the answer of God unto him? I have reserved to myself seven thousand men, who have not bowed the knee to the image of Baal.

"Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace."

News Item6/7/18 9:26 AM
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Dr. Tim wrote:
Amen, QC. I am one who believes that we should pray for the peace of Jerusalem, and I don't believe that means the New Jerusalem. I pray that God will save many, many Jews prior to the Great Tribulation. I love and pray for the children of Israel (both national and ethnic), and despite the ravings of Bible-denying, antisemitic "Christians," I have no doubt that God has loved them "with an everlasting love" (Jeremiah 31:3), and that Jeshua Himself yearns for their salvation (Matthew 23:37).
the prayer is that we hope many Jews will come to Christ and come out of the talmud so that they can be set free and brought into the Olive Tree.

and we also pray during these unstable times, that many Gentiles will repent and believe!

and we also pray that the church will not be dissuaded by false doctrines such as "endless geneogies" and "racial arguments" that they would see the utter foolishness of joining the left in calling fellow Christians bigots because they have a color blind gospel and that isn't good enogh for them.

and we also pray for the Jewish semites and the Palestinian semites and the arab semites that they will turn to Christ and for Palestinian Christians who suffer difficulties from both Israel and muslems, who are a

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