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News Item4/17/12 12:55 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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When I was a kid in the 1960s and 1970s, there seemed to be a much greater expectation that girls would be good while boys would be "boys". Not sure why this was the case.

I'm tempted to believe the ramping-up of the womens' movement at that time significantly altered the normal flow of nurturing resources allotted to developing boys and girls (Title IX, etc.). The girls got more attention--presumably to redress past social grievances--while the boys fell thru the cracks, as it were, and thus became "less moral".

In my middle school (back in 1974) the "advanced" students even had the opportunity to swap gender roles (boys could take home economics while girls could take industrial arts).

Sigh! When judgment day finally comes I hope our Lord will grill those lost educators for treating our schools like some weird laboratory for their own personal social experiments instead of just TEACHING us as they should have.

News Item4/17/12 12:38 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Is he saying that he's "amazed" that Christ has the strength to keep him from being snatched out of His hand? (John 10:28,29)

If I know Piper, probably not, but reading only the title makes it sound like he's having doubts.

Thanks for the clarification, P of V.

News Item4/17/12 12:34 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Darlyle wrote:
I don't think the Republicans have any do they??
Not so much any more.

Whatever moral capital they built-up or inherited over the years sure seems to be fast dissipating.

News Item4/17/12 12:30 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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R. K. Borill wrote:
Who says he is not a communist when he makes a move like this? This is a token of good will between commrades and another betrayal to the American people whom he hates.
I tend to agree with you more than the others on this thread, especially when I consider Obama's cancellation of the missile shield in Europe, appointment of Van Jones and the lady that praised Mao, and the open-mike comments Obama made to Medvidev a few weeks ago about being able to do more after he's elected to a 2nd term. Even if Obama isn't communist out right he sure seems to be awfully sympathetic to them.

News Item4/16/12 6:15 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Mike wrote:
I should have read the article. I now vote for Grant and Lee over any foreign military leader (in response to SJ John's post)
The Civil War actually did cross my mind but I settled on a foreign leader.

Still, your observation does fit the template that we are often our own worst enemy when it comes to implementing public policy

News Item4/16/12 11:41 AM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Venerable Bill wrote:
How can you tell?
Isolate the kids from their folks for 6-7 hours a day and they form their own culture of sorts--like filling a vacuum, which I don't see much if any evidence of in the home-schooled kids at the churches I've attended. They seem remarkably more mature and independent than I and my public-educated peers were when we were their age. Makes me feel quite jealous whenever I see them.

News Item4/16/12 11:25 AM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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I wonder if there has been a poll taken of who people think America's worst ever foe was.

I would probably have to vote for Fidel Castro for his longevity even though Tojo's forces killed more of our fighting men than any other world leader I can think of.

Bin Laden would probably win the poll since he is our most recent greatest adversary.

News Item4/13/12 11:48 AM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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There really hasn't been any need for tongues or apostles since the church was established and the Bible was completed back in the 1st century.

I tend to see miracles, sign-gifts, and apostolic leadership as scaffolding on a building under construction. Once the building is complete the scaffolding is no longer needed, and greatly interferes with the beauty of the completed building until it is removed.

News Item4/13/12 11:38 AM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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I wasn't home-schooled but I can see from those who have been that they have the blessing of having had one less subculture to have to deal with. The one made up of social casts and classes with names like "jocks", "nerds", "sluts", "burnouts", "preppies", etc.; which from everything I can tell is a totally manufactured subculture (byproduct) of our current mass-education system (or "assembly-line education system, as my college English teacher--and modern society critic-- used to call it).

News Item4/12/12 11:05 AM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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I guess this is what happens when you vote for someone who tells you what you want to hear, whether it's true or not.

Before long they will also tell you what THEY want you to hear, whether it's true or not.

I sure hope enough of America has learned by now that they need to be more diligent when it comes researching a candidate's true background before pulling the lever in November, and not just letting themselves get carried-away by over-generalized fine-sounding platitudes like "hope" and "change".

News Item4/11/12 5:00 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
No, Neil, something almost as bad; He (Bush 43) killed my interest rates and stock values, leaving me in a not very good position!
You sound just like my dad, describing Bush 41, who he continues to this day to refer to as a "turkey", because he (Bush 41) eliminated COLAs in my dad's pensions and raised his taxes, after promising not to.

If you want to make voters like Jim and my dad angry, "hit" them in their money-belts. If you want to make them happy, find a way to channel money (whether theirs or someone else's) in their direction.

On a more serious note, we all have to be ware of the fine line between merely being concerned about money and loving or becoming obsessed with money. Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference.

News Item4/9/12 12:58 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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It's OK to pray for God to convict and discipline someone who looks like they need it, but care must be taken to always regard the individual in question as if it were YOU. I wouldn't expect any sane person to ever want to curse themselves but most Christians I know want God's guidance in their lives--and that as gentle, suffering-free, and merciful as possible. According to His will.

News Item4/9/12 12:49 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Interesting take.

Evidently "newspaper-theology/prophecy" is not limited to just radical conservative "Christians" but radical liberal ones as well.

Years ago I remember Jackson making similar class-warfare eisegesis regarding Herod and the Innkeeper's lack of ability or willingness to help Mary and Joseph.

News Item4/9/12 12:26 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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It really isn't practical to curse anyone (which scripture prohibits anyway in Romans 12:14) because we ultimately don't know who God will save (bless by convicting them and drawing them to himself) or not save (curse by leaving them in their sin). So we HAVE to love and pray for EVERYONE seeking God's grace to do so.

News Item4/6/12 7:18 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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jpw wrote:
San Jose, how do you know that oil revenues aren't always secured by those who intended to secure them in the first place?
That, apparently, is the usual practice; but according to Trump we didn't do this. Most other nations in our place evidently would've, but we didn't.

Mike, you're probably right, but I think Trump was interested in earmarking the oil-tribute money to a fund to compensate the sacrifice made by the troops...and perhaps by this get a few re-election votes, were he prez.

Jim's hero is Truman? Interesting, Jim did refer to the "do-nothing" Republicans in a recent post, just as Truman himself used to rail about "that do-nothing 80th congress", which was dominated by Republicans.

News Item4/6/12 7:07 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Mike wrote:
...the Volt, the car no one wants (and would be dead if it were not subsidized) could be promoted in order to save the planet from the Ford F150, which people do want and are willing to pay for.
Funny thing about the Volt (as well as the Nissan Leaf) is that it is touted as a "zero-emissions" vehicle--even sporting stickers that say so--even though the owner most likely charges it from an electrical outlet at home or elsewhere that is supplied by coal-burning electricity plants (!).

News Item4/6/12 7:00 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Neil wrote:
See "Stupid in America," hosted by John Stossel. It might be found on YouTube.
It is. At least a number of 5-10 minute installments can be viewed on YouTube, along with other Stossel programs. One of the things I really like about Stossel is he plays a great Devil's advocate--whether he supports the interviewee's position or not. I don't get Fox Business channel so I have to settle for YouTube or weekend re-runs on his show on FNC.

News Item4/6/12 6:53 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Mike of NY, the do-nothing attitude other Republicans would only make the recession worse
Depends on what you mean by "worse". Sometimes things need to get "worse" before they can get better. Sometimes allowing businesses to fail rather than bailing them out forces them to restructure themselves (via bankruptcy) so they can become better in the long run. You sound like you want to avoid pain, which is noble, but not if pain is inevitable (either now or later).

Read some Thomas Sowell. I've found he does a fantastic job of explaining stuff like this that you and I are now trying to get our heads around.

News Item4/5/12 7:07 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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If I remember right, Obama also said he wanted the price of oil to "skyrocket" in hopes of improving the relative economic viability of the green alternative energy efforts of his constituents.

If Obama really wants to be a nuke-power hero in my book, first thing he should do is try to fast track Yucca Mountain and/or undo Carter-administration policies prohibiting recycling of nuke material. He won't because doing so would alienate a significant portion of his environmentalist voting base.

News Item4/5/12 7:01 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Shock and Awe would been a policy he would have approved of, not having using the Iraq oil to pay for our adventure in Iraq, I don't think Sun Tzu would have approved of.
I actually heard Donald Trump say in an interview that if he were in charge he would've at least tried to secure at least some of the oil revenues as war tribute to finance our operations over there (supposedly) as part of a DEAL with the "friendly" leadership of the countries involved. Though it makes sense up to a point I don't see how he could have pulled it off without making the USA look bad. We're supposedly "above" such practices and as such our moral superiority (both real and perceived) would surely be compromised.
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