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News Item5/22/18 12:51 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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@John Uk, "Connor, I do not see logic as my friend, rather an enemy. It is just man trying to be clever, trying to work things out with his puny mind."

I need further clarification, because the above statement disturbed me:

1. Do you think philosophy and logic are our enemies?

2. Do you believe there is logic in Heaven?

3. Do you think apologetics is a good thing?

@J4J, I'll address John 3:16 later, but as far as your second point, I never brought up that argument, the argument I raised is that, in your view, Christ did not die for a specific people, he makes salvation possible towards all men (meaning everyone has the ability to accept it) but not all men accept it.

Regarding your third point, the definition you gave is quite clear, man needs to: want to search for God, to have faith, to repent, etc. it is of man and of God, whereas monogerism says that faith and repentance are given by God alone.

It is dependent on man to want to love God, to search for God, to have faith, to have repentance, etc.

News Item5/22/18 11:53 AM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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Now, to the point of Romans 8:9, Paul seems to be comparing the nature of an unsaved man, and the nature of a saved man, Calvinists has no problem with Romans 8:9 for it agrees with scripture.

But I would like to draw your attention to Romans 8:8, it says that those who are in the flesh (referring to the unsaved individual) cannot please God. Is faith pleasing to God?

News Item5/22/18 11:47 AM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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@J4J Calvinism does not say that the elect are eternally saved, nor does it say that the work of Christ was immediately applied to His elect (for the curse is brought unto all men) but rather that the atonement is to all the elect, all the elect must be born under Adam (for what does atonement profit a sinless man?) the elect are born in sin, are spiritually dead, children of wrath.

When God so pleases, He shall grant them faith and repentance and the atonement of Christ is fulfills its purpose. What then is the purpose of the atonement? It is that the elect of God shall be saved, neither devil, demon, or man can overturn the will of God, and His will is that all the elect shall come to His Son, and He shall not lose any of them.

If Jesus bore the wrath of God for all men and if one man is in Hell, Jesus bore the wrath of God for Henry in vain.

News Item5/22/18 11:34 AM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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@John, where does logic come from? Did not God make man in His own image? Did not God command us to love God with all our mind? Did not Jesus give logical refutations in addressing the Pharisees, scribes, Sadducees, etc.?

Logic is not a foe of Christianity, it is a friend. True, there are sundry times where things appear to be illogical, but if we take, by faith, that there is only one true Creator God, and believe His attributes, then it is perfectly logical to trust in God. The greater of these two is faith (if we may say such a thing), but we are commanded to give a reason of the hope that is in within us. Just as we are disputing the truth of Synergism -or- monogerism, we attempt to give logical arguments for/against it.

News Item5/22/18 10:44 AM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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@J4J, so you are saying that Jesus did not die for specific people? That He died to make salvation possible for men? I'll address Romans 8 later. And J4J, you are a synergist. Look up the term.

News Item5/22/18 10:37 AM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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John UK said, "Connor, if you keep trying to apply logic to Christianity, you will never arrive at the truth. "

Are you saying that logic is not compatible with Christianity? Are you saying that worshiping in spirit and truth is not logical? I'm going to need you to clarify what you meant.

@Dr. Tim, may you please answer my question regarding that KJV translators and that, according to your standards, they did not believe the scriptures?

Furthermore, can you address the flawed argumentation that I pointed our concerning your false analogy?

News Item5/22/18 12:07 AM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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@JAG, thanks for the clarification, I see what you're saying, but would you say that Christ bore the wrath of God for Henry?

As far as the term 'limited atonement' let me go ahead and address that, the way in which limited is used, it is not to say that 'God couldn't do this' nor 'God's power was restricted somehow' rather it is conveying the idea that Christ's atonement was for x amount of people,

To say "Christ's atonement was universal' or 'Christ's atonement is unlimited' leads to universalism, thus the atoning work of Christ is limited to x amount of people, but His atonement fulfills the Father's will,

for Christ died for the elect, and all the elect will be justified, and all the elect are the sheep of Christ (once justified) and He will lose none of them, the atonement is not wasted in any way shape nor form,

Jesus bore the wrath of God for the elect and the elect alone.

News Item5/21/18 11:53 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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8. Your offer does not demand repentance or anything of the like.

9. Your plan can be overthrown.

But Dr. Tim, I would like you to address the fact that you basically said that Calvinist don't believe the scriptures, however the KJV translators were comprised of Calvinists, so would you say the KJV translators did not believe in the scriptures?

News Item5/21/18 11:48 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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Dr. Tim said, "If I paid for a possum dinner for every inhabitant of Mississippi, but only half of them showed up, would it be because my payment was insufficient or because half the people in Mississippi didn't know a good deal when they saw one?"

There's quite a few flaws in your false analogy:

1. You have to use finances to buy x to provide for such and such people, you are limited in your finances.

2. You compare God's sovereignty to human ability.

3. You compare the gospel to a possum

4. It is an objective fact that man, by his nature, hates God and does not want his gospel. People may want your possum because they may like it.

5. Ironically, you chose only the people of Mississippi and did not choose Arizona, Canada, etc. it was your choice to buy possum for a specific people.

6. The analogy you gave would be for Palagianism.

7. You cannot change man's heart nor will, whereas God changes both.


News Item5/21/18 10:47 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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@JAG, if it is sufficient for the whole world, but not used by all, then would you say that Christ died for people that are in Hell and people who will go to hell?

The reason I ask is because of the following:

1. It seems that if Christ died for Henry, yet Henry goes to Hell, then Christ's blood was in vain for Henry.

2. If Christ bore the wrath of God for all mankind, then God has no right to send anyone to Hell, for if everyone's sin was placed on Christ, then no one should be in Hell.

Therefore it seems that we have a couple options:

1. God already knew who would receive the gospel, thus Christ died only for them.

2. You can accept something like molonism.

3. You can say that God chose people before the foundation of the world, and that Christ died for said people.

4. Etc. etc,

News Item5/21/18 9:23 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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@J4J, Jesus died for all the elect, the elect were chosen before the foundation of the world, God chose for himself a peculiar people, if synergisim is true then God could not have a chosen people.

Let's remember the OT, God chose Noah, God Chose Abraham, He chose Moses, God did not choose the Hitites, Philistines, Babylonians, etc. He purposefully choose Israel, He raised up Pharaoh that the power of God would be known both to Israel and the nations.

God raised up prophets, He chose David to be king, and Solomon, etc. He chose Josiah, He raised up Babylon to destroy Israel, He chose Daniel, remember the words in Daniel 5, MENE MENE TEKEL UPHARSIN, God has numbered your days and finished it, thou art weighed in the balances and art found wanting, thy kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and Persians.

And Jesus chose 12 disciples, Jesus fulfilled the law, Jesus chose a devil (afj, referring to Judas) Jesus healed and raised whom He willed, Jesus rose up prophets, He gave the commission, He appeared to whom He willed, etc. etc. I'll post more later.

News Item5/21/18 8:49 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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@JAG, the subject is on Calvinism, 1Tim 2:2, and 1John 2:2 was brought up, we discussed that if someone takes the position that "the world" means every human being, then that leads to universalism, John Owen's double jeopardy argument was made.

Dr. Tim said, "What's the use of discussing scripture with people who don't believe it? No thanks."

I then gave various men of God who were Calvinists, and since Dr. Tim is a KJVonlyist I reminded him that the KJV translators were Calvinists.

Dr. Tim then started to act like Dr. Ruckman and resorted to mockery rather than refutation.

And J4J and I have been going back and forth going through various scriptures.

News Item5/21/18 5:35 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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Dr. Tim, can you, in a scholarly way, defend your position?

@J4J, The interpretations you offered still leaves you in the same dilemma, if Christ for all of Israel, then none of Israel is in Hell. I highly encourage you to take a look at John Owen's Double Jeopardy Argument.

News Item5/21/18 1:18 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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Dr. Tim from Land of Cotton said
"What's the use of discussing scripture with people who don't believe it? No thanks."

So you don't evangelize atheists? Agnostics? Muslims? JWs? And it's fascinating that Dr. Tim is willing to accuse Calvinists of not believing scripture, if that is true, then Spurgeon, Gill, Knox, Whitefield, Edwards, Carrey, Brainerd, Van Til, Llyode Jones, R.C. Sproul, the KJV translators, etc. did not believe scripture?

You might want to think about what you're saying, because you are a KJVonlyist, and many of the KJV translators were Calvinists, so are you saying that the KJV translators did not believe in scripture?

News Item5/21/18 11:29 AM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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Hmm, I wonder if the pope actually said this, because let's face it, the pope has been accused of saying things that he did not say.

Although I would not put it past him, I think that pope Leo the 10th would have had Francis put to death.

News Item5/21/18 11:25 AM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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By the way, I didn't mean to call Wayne a Dr., it was accidental because there's a lot of Dr's that I mentioned.

News Item5/21/18 11:23 AM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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And let's put 1Timothy 2:2 in context:

1 Timothy 2:1-6 KJV
[1] I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;

[2] For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

[3] For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;

[4] Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.

[5] For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;

[6] Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.

Since it says that all men will be saved, would it make more sense that it is talking about a specific people, or every single person (universalism)

(I just mentioned that because 1Timothy 2:2 was brought up

News Item5/21/18 11:17 AM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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1 John 2:1-2 KJV
[1] My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous:

[2] And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.

If Jesus died for the whole world, does He intercede for the unbelievers? And if He does, is not His intercession and death wasted on those who do not repent? And how is it just that God sends someone to Hell, if Jesus died for that person?

J4J, how would you answer that?

News Item5/20/18 11:19 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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Well said ladybug.

News Item5/20/18 6:28 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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Dr. Tim, the doctrine of limited atonement is that the atonement is limited in the sense that it is only for His elect, the atonement does not apply to all the world, in that respect it is limited.

However if you take the position that Christ died for everyone, why then is anyone in Hell? If the wrath of God was satisfied for all mankind then it would be an injustice for God to send anyone to hell, for their sins have been placed upon another, namely Jesus Christ.

Limited Atonement does not make Christ limited, because Christ died for all of His elect, thus fulfilling the purpose of the whole reason of the atonement.

I believe that, if a synergist were consistent, he/she would be a universalist.

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