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News Item5/28/18 12:13 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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Dr. Tim from Land of Cotton wrote,
"There is lots to do on LGBT rights’. There sure is. We could start by eliminating them."

Dr. Tim, can you clarify your statement, are you suggesting that they should be killed?

News Item5/27/18 6:22 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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I oft entertain the idea that if could go back in time and tell someone like St, Patrick, "Hey, here is what Ireland will look like in the future." Or tell John Wesley, "Here's what Methodism will be in the future"

And I wonder what their reaction would be, can you imagine what their reaction would be? They would no doubt be horrified, but I think the question would be "How?"

It's just interesting to think about.

News Item5/27/18 6:10 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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Penned, are you willing to address why you are willing to slander elders, and why you are accusing me of classifying Christians? Did you look at the link I provided? Did you engage in self reflection about what you say in your statements?

News Item5/27/18 12:10 AM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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@Youth in Asia, the Catholic Church adores him mostly because they misquote him, I encourage you to listen to the debate between Dr. James White and Dr. Peter Stravinskis. It's here on SA, I'll post the link.

News Item5/27/18 12:08 AM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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@Watcher, is the MLJ tapes for sell? If so, what's your offer? I have a typewriter from...I think the 50's or 60's, I need to get it restored, the ink roll is all messed up and I think there's something wrong with one of the keys.

Well, I'm downloading sermons on my Laptop, and will put them in my thumb drive, I think that's something that we all should do, because when the persecution hits, I'll still be able to listen to sermons.

I recommend going to and downloading the zip files of various teachings. I've got lectures by Dr. Daniel Wallace. I've downloaded various sermons, and need to stay on top of that.


News Item5/26/18 11:54 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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That last part is supposed to be, "You don't even know these people, but you're willing to slander them" and I will add, that you don't care who you slander, who you lie about, you don't care if you slander elders, (even though slandering elders is against the scriptures)

News Item5/26/18 10:22 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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@Penned, first of all I thought you were super pro-Israel, so I thought you would enjoy listening to what Dr. Michael Brown says about Israel. Here's some recent stuff concerning him and Israel:

Concerning Pulpit and Pen, I will look into the critiques of Dr. Brown, because I don't believe everything Dr. Brown says or believes, but I know that God is using him, I can see that God has given him wisdom regarding the homosexual revolution, regarding doing apologetics towards Judaism, with engaging the culture, etc.

But the thing that grieved me, is that I thought you'd enjoy some of the stuff that Dr. Brown says about Israel, but you seemed to come back with an offensive attitude towards me,

"Are you not jealous for the brethren, be they Jew or Gentile that they be united, not by classism or racial hierarchies but rather by the Holy Spirit?"

That was highly offensive, I never classified anyone, I don't treat the church like that, if you read Dr. Brown's testimony & ministry you'd find out why it was relevant; you need to recant that statement, & you need to recant your statement regarding Edwards, MacArthur, etc.

You don't even know these people, but you're willing to sland

News Item5/26/18 12:21 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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@Prnned, I don't know how you feel about Charismatics, but I recommend you check out Dr. Michael Brown's ministry, he is a Jew, and is very pro-Israel (obviously) you might like some of the stuff he's been doing.

News Item5/25/18 1:59 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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Jim, this is Jeremiah 5:1 KJV
"Run ye to and fro through the streets of Jerusalem, and see now, and know, and seek in the broad places thereof, if ye can find a man, if there be any that executeth judgment, that seeketh the truth; and I will pardon it."

Did you mean:

Jeremiah 1:5 KJV
"Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations."

Does God have a unique plan for everyone? Pharaoh and Nebuchadnezzar have a unique plan by God.

News Item5/25/18 1:07 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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" agenda 21." Is that like Order 66 ? It sure sounds like it.
"just remember his voice when you pour that salad dressing, "they'll be chronically sick with a lower life span"

You know, I wonder if persecuted Christians ever think of that, I think they couldn't care less, I think the Christians in North Korea would not mind having a baconator, or McNuggets, or a foot-long sub, and maybe some avacodo lime ranch dressing for their grilled cool wrap.

"Biblical constructs" I can't afford this 'Biblical Construct' and a great majority of Christians like myself cannot, I guess that means we're outside of biblical constructs.

I really don't have a cool ending for my sarcasm, so here's an emoji of a crab 🦀

News Item5/24/18 11:01 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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@John, stop trusting in tradition and trust in God, repent of your false ideas and your lies, and ask God to forgive you. Hope that helps.

News Item5/24/18 10:59 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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Jim, Muhammad and Hitler were created in the image of God, I have no right to kill either of them while they were in the womb.

A simple reading of Genesis will show you that man is created in the image of God, that he who murders a man he should be put to death. If I only had Deut. 6:4,5 in my possession, I could prove that murder is wrong, and that abortion is murder. That's not arrogance, it's the power of scripture.

News Item5/24/18 2:06 AM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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I heard about an account that F.F. Bruce was on a translation committee and a progressive person said, "Maybe we can call God a she."

And F.F. Bruce said, "Yes, I suppose we can call God a she, and we can call the Devil a she." The lady got the message and they stuck with calling God "He"

News Item5/24/18 1:11 AM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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Well, this is my last post on this thread & I want to make some closing remarks: I want to say that there some good points on both sides of the issue of Calvinism, I think that the conversation has lead to us thinking about the issues & how it impacts our view of salvation, the death of Christ, our evangelism, our worship, etc. Iron sharpens iron and sometimes a few sparks fly, but hopefully it helps us to 'sharpen each other' without sparks flying or doing it to just win an argument

I do want to address what John UK said, John, I reject your accusations that you made, I addressed what you said & then did a counter argument, I asked a lot of questions regarding you viewing logic as an enemy, because I wanted clarification.

I never went to a university, I did 1 year at a small IFB College. I learned logic primarily by my parents, & apologetic radio & debates.

As a Calvinist, I want to be a sharp tool in the hands of God, that's why I study. My vision is to see a holy and scholastic Christianity that is constantly striving to fulfill Deut. 6:5 & having an informed love of God.

I engage in apologetics, because any attack on the Bible is an attack on our Lord; I want to "earnestly contend for the faith". In the search of truth, we have nothing to fear, for Jesus is truth

News Item5/23/18 10:17 AM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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Dr. Tim, that wasn't my question, please answer my previous question.

But as far as you're hypothetical situation, Henry is smitten and aghast that he has sinned against God because that is the Holy Spirit's work.

As far as practicality, I'll give you two reasons.

1. Our view of God's grace and mercy.

God was in no way shape or form obligated to chose me, but He did, He chose me, He gave me faith and repentance, Jesus personally died for me.

2. Our Evangelism.

Since Calvinism holds to God chose His elect, Jesus died for His elect, and the Spirit seals the elect, Calvinists need not to trust in using gimmicks to save the lost (sinner's prayer, alter calls, watering down the gospel, trying to lure the youth in by entertainment, ect.) and we do not trust in our own eloquence to save the lost, rather it is solely the Spirit who shall convict the elect.

As far as the debating over the reason, it is vital that we have a correct view of God, His plan of salvation, the death of Christ and the work of the Spirit. But I should note that Calvinism does not hinder the gospel, it demands it, for we evangelize for the glory of Christ alone.

News Item5/23/18 12:01 AM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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I'm reading a good book that I think every Calvinist would love, it is called, "A Biblical - Theological Introduction to the Old Testament, the Gospel Promised" it is edited by Miles V. Van Pelt, and it's a fantastic book, it's about 400+ pages.

It affirms the literal interpretation of Genesis, and it deals with the issues regarding, "Did the author of the Pentateuch borrow from pagan religion?"

There's a book for the NT, it's called, "A Biblical - Theological Introduction to the New Testament" it's edited by Michael Kruger, it's about 400+ pages as well.

News Item5/22/18 10:15 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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@Dr. Tim I see a great reason for you to answer it, here's why:

1. You said, "What's the use of discussing scripture with people who don't believe it? No thanks." This was in reference to the discussion of Calvinism.

2. Since you have the view that Calvinists don't believe in scripture, you have made an accusation against thousands of elders.

3. Since you are a KJVonlyist, you have to explain tell us how the translators (who by your reasoning did not believe in the scriptures) perfectly translated the KJV. Especially if you hold to Dr. Gipps position.

News Item5/22/18 7:28 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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@J4J, Only the elect are saved. You are teaching classic synergism, it wasn't God alone, according to you, because man had to search God, he was somehow a little bit more spiritually sensitive, why does Ulysses get saved and Henry not?

According to your own theology, it was because Ulysses was a little bit more sensitive, perhaps he wanted God a little bit more than Henry, he was more...

@Dr. Tim, why won't you answer my questions?

News Item5/22/18 5:08 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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@John UK, do you have a church that you attend? If so, do the elders of your church hold to the same view?

Concerning logic: God is perfectly logical, this is seen by His general revelation (His creation), and by special revelation (His word) His acts are perfectly logical (The punishment of Adam's race, Hell, Heaven, etc.)

Man also has logic because he was made in the image of God, man can reason and uses logic in the discovery of things, the building of things, etc. God created our minds to worship Him and to bring glory to Him, our prayers aught to be logical, for instance, It is illogical to ask God to give you a horse and for Him not to give you a horse. It's not logical, it's ridiculous.

In the church, there is to be a logical church government, it is against reason, logic, and wisdom to have a pastor do everything, he's going to wear out real soon.

I'll say more later, but John I am concerned for you, because if you don't do apologetics, then you are not defending the faith that was given to the saints, this topic will effect the way you interpret scripture, your worship of God, and your opportunity of glorifying God as much as possible.

I'll say more later.

News Item5/22/18 12:52 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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Oh, and you can listen to Bondage of the Will on SA
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