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News Item1/14/14 1:55 PM
CAB  Find all comments by CAB
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GsTexas wrote:
That's right John, eternal security is found all throughout the New Testament, and not just ambiguous parables like cults resort to. Also consider this text:
John 14:2 "In my fathers house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you."
So if you can lose your salvation, does Jesus commission the angelic demolition team to tear down your mansion, then rebuild it if you confess and repent again?
Oh, this is a new one I'd not heard before, that you have eternal security because Jesus can't tear down your mansion he's already built. That's almost as good as saying you can't get unborn if you're born.

Myths, fables, old wives tales. What does the Bible teach. The way you sneer at the teachings of Jesus to call them "ambiguous parables that cults refer to" -- is wicked. There's no other word for it.

The problem is that you need to submit to the Bible. You are just a created being, okay? God makes the rules, not you. Jesus is Truth incarnate. Okay? You need to trash all your Pink books, turn off the TV, radio and Internet or whatever, and go read those parables and teachings of Jesus in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John with an open and submissive mind.

News Item1/14/14 1:44 PM
CAB  Find all comments by CAB
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John UK wrote:
Ah yes, the peace of God, and peace with God.
How can anyone who believes that the God they serve might one day damn them for some small fault have peace at all is beyond me. I would be fretting all day long, and every five minutes saying sorry Lord.
It is great to have arrived at doctrine by a multitude of texts throughout the new testament on this subject. They are not isolated texts, like the cults use, but everywhere found in the Bible. It is this that convinces me, brother. Line upon line, precept upon precept, stacking up into a solid wall of truth, which cannot be gainsaid.
What you are really saying is that you are glad you have found a religion that has enabled you to shut off your conscience and your fear of God.

You admit you care not for your "small faults." You are supposed to care, and Jesus told his own disciples that they were all going to go to Hell if they didn't get over their pride because they were arguing over who was the greatest. Attitudes. God does see everything and we don't have a KKK sheet over us to protect us from God's eyes. Ever. He knows all our motives, and we will give an account for every idle word.

Fear of God is the BEGINNING of wisdom.

Remember Annanias and Sophira.

News Item1/14/14 1:38 PM
CAB  Find all comments by CAB
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John UK wrote:
But then, until she believes the gospel, she will hate and persecute the saints.
Saints? I thought you said you were chief of sinners, a nobody. Who wants to bother with somebody like you? Chief of sinners are people who belong in prison or hiding in a closet. Saints are representatives of Jesus, dead to self and alive to God, which is what the real church in the Bible was.

Not Calvinists preaching a logical system of license to sin guaranteed to kill the conscience and quell any fear of God, to drive out the Holy Spirit from any new believer they can corrupt with their heresies, or to get talked into reading a Pink book or whatever.

Your Gospel of TULIP and the bloodless atonement that covers people's sins over so "God can't see them" (a lie), and pays for all sins in advance so there's no way to miss out on Heaven (another lie), no matter what you do.

Nice deal for a gangsta or a thief or a cheat or a Freemason or a Joel Osteen or a Joyce Meyer.

It's another Jesus, another gospel, and it means Hell for preaching it, Hell for believing it, and to the new believers who fall for it and lose their soul the Bible says whoever brings that message would be better to have a millstone tied around their neck and thrown into the s

News Item1/14/14 12:58 PM
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John UK wrote:
That is another lie. Man alive, you're sure stacking them up. No wonder you're beginning to doubt your salvation. You yourself are a big sinner, and you don't know it yet. But when the Spirit is come upon you, he will convict you of sin, and righteousness and judgment to come. Until then, carry on lying like the unregenerate person you are.
Me, I don't have any such doubts of salvation, because the Lord Jesus has done all things well. They called him Jesus, "because he SHALL save his people FROM THEIR SINS."
When you type in all caps I AM A BIG NOBODY AND A SINNER SAVED BY GRACE --

that sounds like bragging to me. As in those bumper stickers, saying "I'm a Christian, not different, just forgiven."

This is rot gut. This is not Biblical, not in any possible way.

If you are chief of sinners, you need to shut your mouth and go read your Bible and pray and ask God to please help you. Don't tell anybody you are a Christian, God forbid. Don't wear a cross or have any bumper stickers. Don't embarrass God, okay?

You surely don't act like a Christian on this forum, slandering and name-calling. You have called me a liar, many times. Meantime you claim you're not a Calvinist while professing all 5 points 24/7 for years.

News Item1/14/14 12:50 PM
CAB  Find all comments by CAB
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GsTexas wrote:
CAB, I'm not getting into it with you today. I did look into what Dan Corner teaches, and its clear you just parrot what he believes. You believe in works righteousness, which the RCC also teaches, so that is why I made the comparison.
Romans 4:4-5 "Now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt.
5 But to him that worketh not, but believeth on that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness."
Works righteousness. Read your Bible, and you will find the Christians in the Bible were called Saints, Servants, Soldiers. Not sinners.

Yes, actually real righteousness is what a Christian should have. Real, not imagined, not some imputed sheet that you put over your head like KKK to cover up your face and the evil person underneath, like God can't see under the sheet?

I know that's what Calvinism teaches, that God goes blind and can't see those sins once he pounds on Jesus on your behalf. Such stupid and unscriptural lies.

I'm not blaming people here for believing this stuff -- because it's what the churches are teaching. I'm trying to wake you up. It's lies.

Jesus said, The truth will set you free.

Love not the world.

News Item1/14/14 12:45 PM
CAB  Find all comments by CAB
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John UK wrote:
Yes I am a big nobody sinner WHO HAS BEEN SAVED BY THE GRACE OF GOD, and God now worketh in me to will and to do according to his good pleasure.
Your problem is that you CANNOT understand the very basics of the Christian life. You want to blow your trumpet and tell everyone you've given everything to God and so you're saved by that. Yet Jesus says NOT to blow your big trumpet. And that even if you do everything commanded by God perfectly, you should say, "I am an unprofitable servant, I have done merely that which I was ordered to do."
You make me angry. You are bragging that you are a sinner. That's disgusting, does not glorify God. You brag you are a helpless robot, and that's also disgusting and not glorifying God.

Being a helpless sinner and robot is not what Christianity is about. At all. You are the one blowing a big trumpet and bragging you are a helpless blob of a sinner, greatest sinner of all, blah blah.


So is your bloodless atonement doctrine. So is your dodging and weaving,changing your colors faster than Fox News background scenery. What a hoot, always saying you are not a Calvinist when you are a rabid 5-pointer who believes in bloodless atonement on top.

Do you have a conscience?

News Item1/14/14 12:33 PM
CAB  Find all comments by CAB
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GsTexas wrote:
Figures CAB would defend John Y and the Catholic church, seeing as..cultic Dan Corner beliefs are basically the same as the works righteousness garbage the RCC teaches.
You don't know what Dan Corner teaches. As to what I've stated on this board, it is nothing whatsoever what the RCC teaches. Slander much? How do you live with yourself? Would you like to name me one thing I've said here that matches anything the RCs say -- other than that abortion is a sin?

Even JYurich says the RCC is off the mark doctrinally. He's not defending Catholic doctrine, and neither am I.

I'm not saying I agree that he should go to RC church, but then I don't agree people on here should be going to the Calvinist church or listening to Calvinist teachings either, or reading Institutes, or Pink, all that heretical damnable stuff that is going to take people straight into Hell.

I just said that I respect John Y for being honest about his beliefs, compared to UK John who claims he's not a Calvinist, when he's a 5 pointer who believes in a bloodless atonement on top of it.

So maybe read the postings before you post. I find it suspicious that these posts are slanderous seem to be written out of a vacuum, as tho to confuse drop in visitors.

News Item1/14/14 12:24 PM
CAB  Find all comments by CAB
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Lurker wrote:
.. the blood of Christ cleanses of all past sin upon conversion (justification) but from that point forward (sanctification) he is responsible to resist sin and remain spotless..... the blood of Christ is of no more help after justification.
Is that it, CAB? If so, is there any remedy for post conversion sin? Or is hell the only remedy?
The Bible teaches the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin -- we must repent. When we repent to God, to Jesus, the BLOOD is automatically sufficient. If we don't repent, we will die spiritually. Life is a test, not a lottery.

Our sins are not all paid in advance, and even past sins can be put back, such as Jesus taught if we do not forgive others when we were forgiven so much then all sins we were formerly forgiven will get put back to our account ten-fold.

I've said this before. Do people not want to hear because these are hard sayings, and they prefer sweet lies instead?

Once we end up in the same boat as the 5 foolish virgins who got locked out of the marriage supper, we won't be thinking those lies are so sweet.

News Item1/14/14 10:31 AM
CAB  Find all comments by CAB
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John UK wrote:
Thank you Brother US. I will tell you who I really am. I am a big nobody sinner who has been saved by the grace of God and whom God is preserving in faith until he chooses to take me home. I am almost the chief of sinners, and I glorify God continually that his grace is all sufficient to save a wretch like me. It is God that worketh in me, to will and to do, according to his good purpose.
If you are a big nobody sinner, you should not be parked on this forum telling everybody what to think. The Bible says that all who name the name of Jesus must depart from iniquity.

You are on here slandering Christians, parked under the bridge, spreading damnable heresies, and you don't glorify God to say claim to be a robot.

But you flatter yourself and so does Penny if you think you invented this bloodless atonement doctrine by yourself -- because it is the logical conclusion for anyone who's told they are OSAS, that all their sins are paid for in advance.

It's a lie. In a manner of speaking our sins are paid in advance, if we repent and turn from them by faith the blood is sufficient. But by repenting, and giving God EVERYTHING, not by a bloodless atonement picking you out of a hat and punishing Jesus for all your future sins.

News Item1/14/14 10:06 AM
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John UK wrote:
And the answer to my question? Thank you.

I assume this is the article you speak of, which is the statement of belief.

As I said, you are the one who promotes the bloodless atonement, you are the heretic. Anybody can go to this website and see Dan Corner is into the blood atonement all the way, as am I.

The Bible teaches blood atonement, not totally depraved helpless blobs of evil getting picked out of a hat, and then Jesus being personally punished by WRATH OF GOD on the cross and later in Hell, to punish Jesus INDIVIDUALLY for EACH and EVERY SIN all "chosen" totally depraved blobs would ever commit in the future or (if before the cross) had already committed in the past.

The fact is that it is the BLOOD, not the WRATH OF GOD, that saves us. The blood of Jesus is all-sufficient, one drop, a FINISHED sacrifice for the sins of the world and beyond.

Why? Because of WHO JESUS IS. Because Jesus is wonderful, HE IS GOD, he holds our atoms together. Because Jesus is holy, he is good, he is perfect. He is the LORD.

We are NOT saved because of God's wrath poured out (lie). We're saved because a perfect, sinless Creator God, Jesus Christ, laid his life down for us. F

News Item1/14/14 9:49 AM
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John UK wrote:
I arrived at TULIP before I'd even heard of it. This was because I'd read the Bible through twice before really attending church. There are no false doctrines in TULIP, it is fully biblically based and proven. Apparently it was formulated by men in response to Jacob Arminius, who turned from God's sovereignty to a man-centred religion. He was in grievous error.
Oh and I haven't read The Institutes BTW, so you can cease telling lies about that, even though you've picked that up off Dan Corner.
But this atonement. What does Dan teach you about the atonement of Christ, from his article The Plan of Salvation? I ask, because I couldn't find anything about the vicarious sacrifice of atonement of Jesus Christ anywhere in the article. Thank you.
That's rich. A 5-pointer who says he's not a Calvinist, and believes in a bloodless atonement on top of it. I hope people will take note that you admit you fully endorse all 5 points of TULIP, that you actually invented them yourself from your own mind before you ever heard of Calvin (you were just a few hundred years too late to take the credit?) ...

So lay off your protestations that you are "not a Calvinist." And stop the sin of reviling posters as "liars" at the drop of a hat.

News Item1/14/14 9:42 AM
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John Yurich USA wrote:
None of you Evangelical Protestants on here will agree with Francis statement about abortion being horrific because a Pope made that statement. And considering you Evangelical Protestants have an irrational pathological hatred for the Catholic Church. You Evangelical Protestants have such a hatred for the Catholic Church that when the Catholic Church states 2+2=4 you guys disagree and state it equals 5 just to avoid agreeing with the Catholic Church on anything. I agree with you guys that there are some unscriptural doctrines in the Catholic Church. But it is illogical for you guys to have such a pathological hatred for the Catholic Church.
The difference with you and UK John is that you are loyal to and defend the Catholic Church for its good but you acknowledge its error--and UK John condemns Calvinism and distances himself from it (because of Servetus?) but agressively pulls out all stops, using dirty tricks and any possible device to promote Calvinist doctrines, all while claiming he's not really a Calvinist.

You don't come posing as an angel of light while inwardly being a ravenous wolf. You might be a Jesuit, but if you are you do a better job posting for the Catholics than UK John does posting for the Calvinists.

News Item1/14/14 9:18 AM
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John UK wrote:
The first prayer you need is, "God be merciful to me, a sinner.

As I said before, the exposition of that prayer is, "God be propitious to me, a sinner."
The only way God can forgive you is through a blood sacrifice, a propitiation for sin. This is the atoning sacrifice which is sadly missing from your "evangelical outreach" website and Cornerism.

You are the one who rejects the blood and believes in a bloodless atonement instead, a double imputation doctrine more excessive and damning than TULIP. Does Calvin's Institutes claim God punished Jesus individually on the cross and then later in Hell for each and every sin of his "Chosen," past and present? I don't know, don't stick my nose in Calvinist books, listen to Calvinist preachers or read the Institutes so I'm not aware of the fine details. I only know the basic doctrines of Calvinism as spelled out in the TULIP, and from my experience in the church being always confronted with Calvinist heresies no matter the denomination -- Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran.

So I'm not sure which point of Calvinism you claim not to believe in (as you protest you aren't a Calvinist) but I know you hold to points 1, 2, 3, and 5, plus a bloodless atonement on top of it.

News Item1/14/14 5:47 AM
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StevenR wrote:
CAB- I was concerned when you posted "...wicked programming devised by (mostly Jewish) programmers bent on distracting and corrupting the goyim."
This is typical neo-Nazi propaganda, and I do not see how someone who is claiming the name of Christ, the Jewish Messiah, can spout. Please correct me if I somehow misunderstood.
You misunderstood. I'm Christian, pacifist, apolitical (meaning my first allegiance is to God, not to the state).

When it comes to religion I rate false religions in this order worst to best: Judaism, Satanism, Freemasonry, Mormonism, Calvinism, Catholicism, Name it/Claim it TBN, Scientology, UFOlogy, Eastern (Confucionism/Buddism/Hinduism), Islam, SDA, Arminian Biblical Christianity.

I put Judaism as hands-down worst because Talmudic Kabalist (Zohar) Judaism is the mother of Satanic religions and secret societies and is the most pointed and militant in its hatred of Jesus and (successful) dedication to blotting out Christians and the name of Jesus from the earth. Adherents and supporters of Zionist Judaism are spearhead of NWO.

Revelation says most of us will lose our heads to the Jews. Imagine the horror of being a Palestinian in Gaza and multiply that worldwide when the Jews achieve their Zionist dreams.

News Item1/13/14 1:56 PM
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Elise wrote:
My Dear Dolores, I hope you don't think I meant you when I mentioned "newbies" in my earlier comment , far from it, I was meaning those with names I haven't seen before storming in not willing to accept others views or willing to learn or debate in a Christian way. You, like Frank, John uk, Dorcas, Anne, and many more have words of wisdom for us all and a blessing to many on SA.
Yeah, and Frank, John UK, Dorcas, Anne and Unprofitable Servant and Rinaldo the Spanish guy (lame) and myriads of others, now posting -- are all John UK. There might be maybe 3 actual posters posting? If that.

If nobody likes you and wants to post with you, then create imaginary friends and just talk to them, and make sure you keep reviling and slinging the word "liar, liar, liar, liar."

Real Christian place here.

I pray God will multiply my efforts here for good, in whatever way he can find to do it.

Check out

News Item1/13/14 11:51 AM
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Neil wrote:
If TV is bad for everyone, then what makes the Internet any different.
I don't mean to be over-posting, but I have an opinion about TV vs the Net. Sorry.

There's a huge difference: TV is a passive, brain massaging tool, with slick ads and wicked programming devised by (mostly Jewish) programmers bent on distracting and corrupting the goyim. TV is Satan's best, most useful tool to brainwash, program, distract, hypnotize (by flicker rate and other hypnotic techniques perfected over the millenia). People slip into a TV trance in a matter of seconds, and all kinds of horrific lies and corrupting ideas are planted in the subconscious, without a sideways glance by the conscious mind. That's brainwashing.

TV is all lies, fake. The talk, dress, story lines, and once you get away from it for awhile, it shows itself for the repulsive medium it is, same with radio.

Internet is different. It's worse and better than TV, because there's unbelievable filth and lies and occult stuff on the Net, but also fabulous useful and edifying information. The user is responsible for whatever he chooses to do or learn, can share his own knowledge and experience. The net is a wonderful tool to edify oneself and others, and evangelize.

I love it!

News Item1/13/14 11:18 AM
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Unprofitable Servant wrote:
No one who regularly posts on these boards does not believe one should examine themselves whether they be in faith or make our calling and election sure.

He said I give unto the eternal life and they shall never perish. He said all that the Father gives to Me shall come and he that comes I will in no wise cast out.

Okay, do you say our election and calling is already sure and it's not possible to fall away from the faith? Yes or no? Do these two sets of scriptures contradict, or are you misinterpreting something here?

The Bible has no contradictions and God doesn't change his mind or his doctrines, and Jesus is the same yesterday today and forever -- so that means we harmonize these verses, not pick and choose which ones we like and which ones we don't like.

So how do you propose to harmonize these scriptures?

Also, you are wrong to call me a liar and accuse me of calling Jesus a liar. That is reviling, and the Bible says no revilers will be in Heaven.

News Item1/13/14 10:42 AM
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Mike wrote:
If you believe you can be saved, then not saved, you're illogical, for eternal life by definition cannot be granted temporarily.
Tell that to Adam and Eve -- or Lucifer and his angels.

Our seal is the Holy Spirit, and if we grieve, quench, insult the Spirit away, and we die dry as 5 of the 10 virgins, then we will miss Heaven (aka go to Hell).

The soul that sinneth, it shall die. That's what the Bible is for, so we can read the examples of others and the warnings and teachings, so we can build our house (our life) on the rock, the Word of God, not on shifting sand (wishes and dreams and old wives tales and guesses and the (il)logic of Plato or Calvin). If we build our house on the latest pop Christianity fads, or the old pop Christianity fads, any man-made doctrines as Jesus said "traditions of men" -- our house will come crashing down as Jesus said, and "Great will be the fall of it."

I hate to say these obvious things, as though I'm talking to people from Mars who never read the Bible and are not familiar with basic common truths that are common doctrine and teaching throughout the Bible. How can people ignore the whole Bible and take a few verses and twist them to make them agree with some blather written by Calvin?

News Item1/13/14 10:00 AM
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Anne wrote:
Growing up SDA, who believe as CAB does that you can loose your salvation, I can understand the descent..
If you are walking close with Jesus, you know him, everybody else will know it too, and you are in a wonderful place. But you need to know doctrine, because things CAN change. Jesus preached to the churches and told them if they did not return to their "first love" that they would lose their lampstand, or be vomited out.

We are told to examine ourselves to see if we be in the faith. There are so many warnings and teachings in the Bible, and I don't understand people on here insisting that to take heed, study what God says, try to obey and follow as the wise man who built his house on the Word, that to do so means you're a bad person, not saved, and teaching heresies.

It's all ludicrous. And SDA people don't even believe Hell exists, but if they have a fear of God and of sin then they are more Christian than the Calvinists who think they got picked out of a hat and can never be lost no matter what. (Remember the serial killer BTK or whatever, whose Lutheran pastor insisted he was a "good Christian?")

The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. (Ergo: The lack of fear of God is the beginning of foolishness)

News Item1/13/14 9:17 AM
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GsTexas wrote:
Too bad Miano didn't learn meekness from Ray Comfort.
Maybe because the Bible says we are to be bold in our stand for the truth? And because Ray Comfort is a sniveling Calvinist who passes out tracts that look like money and promises people a Fatalist easy-peasy ride into Heaven if they will just say The Prayer.

He convinces you you are a sinner, and then if you say the prayer now he guarantees you can do the same sins you did before but you're going to Heaven no matter what.

Calvinist rot-gut.

Total depravity means no hope, helpless.
Unconditional election means God picks totally depraved people out of a hat to save.
Limited Atonement means God punishes Jesus for each and every sin the chosen person will ever commit in the future, all paid in advance.
Irresistable Grace - Since we are totally depraved we need to get picked out of a hat, it's the only way, and it means "Chosen."
Perseverence/Preservation of Saints - Means culmination of points 1 through 4, the inevitable culmination. We all know that if punishment has been meted out once, that's all it takes, and Limited Atonement says all sins were paid in advance for the chosen totally depraved blobs picked out of a hat.

Ergo: If you believe in OSAS, you're Calvinist

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