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News Item6/22/18 10:08 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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indeed it is a sick bunch, fonda's comments are sick.

there should be follow up into hollywood as to if all the pedophile rings are taken care of there.

I encourage people who are low information readers to seek out the facts on the immigration situation before making decisions.

For instance, the "crying child" posted all over fake news, separated from her mother...... was never actually separated from her mother.

or the pictures of "people in cages" was not from this admin, but during obama adminstration. and alternative news was concerned about child trafficking then, when liberals didn't care.

liberals only seem to care when the tv tells them to, so we can be better than that and get the facts right.

and here's melania visiting at the border and encouraging all those involved...

News Item6/22/18 9:59 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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why are you all railing on Jim?

the goal of ADL is to build zionism and end bigotry

the Christian patriarcy is an impediment to the better kingdom being built

News Item6/22/18 9:41 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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apparently sanctuary cities (ie lawlessness) was not enough...

now check out freedom cities

if it is perceived that some groups are arrested more than others, then maybe do not arrest for those crimes

then see ted cruz and the school shootings in florida and the programs enacted there to keep young criminals off the books...

I'm wondering if evangelicals would notice if their nation was methodically taken over by mrxsm.

News Item6/20/18 6:08 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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Christopher000 wrote:
What opinion? I don't like your nasty tone, which is surprising, by the way. I'll pass.
Hey Christopher, I must have read it wrong. I apologize.

News Item6/20/18 5:25 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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isn't that something? while the pedophiles go free and make their move?

-see Tommy Robinson, who tried to alert the public to the 29 moslem pedophile case was swiftly put into prison

-see the Peter Fonda story, as Melania had to notify secret service due to tweet saying her son should be caged with pedophiles

-see recent TEDx talk titled, "Pedophilia is a natural sexual orientation", Mirjam Heine, University of Wurzburg

there's always a regulation to lock up the honest man, always one on the books, and always an accusation of "r@cist" if there's no red tape. why was Flynn never allowed to have position in the Trump Admin? Was he the moral compass who knew too much?

News Item6/19/18 1:36 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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consider this example. they never place anything like this shock video....

Italy: Luigi Fogli tries to protect his hotel confiscated to host asylum seekers

News Item6/19/18 1:34 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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good job President Trump!

News Item6/19/18 1:33 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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since it is inserted into the gm corn, what safety can any expect?

see the rat studies.

they know what the gm corn does to the rats.

they know!

News Item6/19/18 11:29 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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let me guess... then big pharma will regulate it into the worst forms and control the outcomes.

what is needed is medical freedom

for many parents have found medicinal forms to stop seizures in their kids, autistic issues... and this even if vaccine induced.

so pharma has a multi billion dollar indsutry

and big farma has their gm crop industries

and they don't want a decentralized system

funny thing is, the plant grows naturally in many places

and was considered a major industrial plant for the success of WWII

it was illegalized and marginalized for oil companies, etc

no, they don't want people to have access to choice or natural remedies

see the articles this week about how their computers will be able to predict your death

death panels based on computer algorithms

this system needs to be decentralized so that the innovations of the last 50 years can finally be allowed, but this innovations show causation

and just as our friends here cannot bear to accept that Jonathan Edwards, the great american pastor also bought into the persuasions of the day, that many towns fell to small pox due to the innoculations

as we have seen in the other article, most stay at an emotional level

facts untampered with are a powerful thing

News Item6/19/18 11:17 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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in addition, military units could be brought from places they don't need to be and put on our borders....

Mexico is misbehaving very badly

these groups coming through "on asylum" should be stopped at their southern border... they are letting them in on the condition that they go through

this is a national security issue between nations

course the news will just play emotional stories becuase they are there to keep the people FROM thinking

this problem could be solved instantly

Mexico has control of their southern border otherwise, they do not have open borders, anyone know if that marine who accidenatlly crossed into tijuana, mexico side, by driving down the road, is still languishing in a mexican prison?

News Item6/19/18 11:12 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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indeed. post modernistic thinking is fueled by emotional responses... this way of life validated by a consumer based commercialized system that appeals to the senses and lusts for persuasion

and so it is that most are choosing the narrative that helps them to fit in or belong or which makes them feel less fearful

to say that the prez by saying in a private conversation 10 years ago that women are less moral around rich men... is a "mysoginist" is a much easier reality

than to look up podesta art and spirit cooking rituals or the pedohile pakistani rings.

denial undergirded by an inability to face head on a fearful reality is a mighty tool in the pocket of the elite

they are finding that IQs are going down as well

but this is logical when you see what these forms of flouride, aluminum and mercuyr do to the brain

or the formaldehyde effect. research aspartame

things go locically as one would expect

as scripture says, you reap what you sow.

not you reap what you would wish to.

video game virtual reality safe

original resource news "conspiracy"

and so discourse is shut down and the people are sheep being led...

News Item6/19/18 10:44 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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seems the dems and rinos are going to sit back while media encourages the masses to come and just inundate the system.

that is....what the agenda 21 was always about...

congress could stop this fiasco instantly through proper legislation to get control of our borders

and to make it worse, they play progaganda and the SBC ERLC goes along with it and the slow ones who don't keep up with news buy the narratives they create without independently verifying the information

meanwhile you have massive human trafficking and murder in northern mexico, lots of beheadings, there were articles during obama administration admitting that 80% of women who came across with the coyots were raped, assault trees and dead bodies found on people's ranches.... I guess that's what the left wants....

as the comedian said, he'd rather see america fall apart or go to war than have success with the NK deal. that's what we are dealing with, a segment of the population who just wants it to crumble

News Item6/18/18 12:16 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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its this kind of news that is shaping the minds of evangelicals

meanwhile it has been estimated that 80% of woman who crossover from South America with the "coyotes" are raped.

because of the massive trafficking through these areas, there is massive gangs, beheadings, deaths in northern mexico.

but media is part of the globalist agenda for open borders so they do not want to cover that and instead put up bogus pictures from the obama era

News Item6/18/18 10:51 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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NeedHim wrote:
Another teaching moment here on several levels. 1- Some where between 20-23, service members, veterans off themselves daily.
the veterans of these wars largely supported Ron Paul and then Donald Trump because they wanted to stop fighting for/against/for/against Al Queda (end neocon empire building, destabilizing nations)

and they won't even give them the respect to put the current president's picture on the wall

let us never forget benghazi

see Trump's quotes.... "Obama created ISIS" "Hillary created ISIS"

this is a demoralization process

News Item6/18/18 10:13 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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these communists have stated that they want to murder every white man in south africa

besides that horrific genocide, which we could prevent by giving safe haven...

..the effects would be that the farms will collapse and the people will starve, like what happened in zimbabwe

is this intentional?

well, source the money of these communist groups, that would answer the question

for.... the globalists have stated that they want to reorient the entire world, erase borders and culture, sounds like the things of end times prophecies..... one world governements with an enslaved population that has lost its language, culture, family.... beware of the persuasion of globalists and their fake news, "unless there be a great falling away".... globalist marxism comes to the west adorned in the image of "compassion" and "ending the patriarchy"

is it possible that while the western church scream about "racism" they allow genocides to occur all over the place without a peep?

fake justice warriors who care not for the actual slave, self-made imaginary victims of imaginary crimes while globalist marxism whips off with their neighbor.

tribulation yet they suffer not.

I think I'll be off for a free cup of coffee, surely I"ll find some victim class to belong to for a free ph

News Item6/18/18 9:56 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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never forget benghazi

qaddafi warned, if he was taken out, libya would become the gateway to flooding europe

and so it happened.

and now those who speak up against genocide of their people in UK are languishing in muslem prisons

"we came, he saw, he died" she cackled for the interview.

and now africans openly sold on the auction block in libya to muslem masters

but SBC turns to the globalist marxist agenda for their "morality"

sick stuff.

what is truth?

not what the media says.

Lord have mercy on evangelicals who believe fake news about "kids in cages".

this is the real slave trade going on now....

Shocking video: Libyan rebels cage black Africans, force-feed them flags

why are Christians accepting globalist marxist propoganda except that their teachers have persuaded them to believe fake news on tv that is fundamentally and actively anti-Christ!

I encourage evangelicals to be good bereans. you have the internet and can go to first sources still to find out the heart of a matter. find out what is going on in the world and quit being emotionally and mentally lazy.

pray for discernment and turn off the lying voices!

News Item6/18/18 9:43 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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what a travesty that a working class Brit must be forced to watch girls in his neighborhood taken off to be "groomed" by pakistani migrants and then endure his own family member raped, and then peacefully stands outside the court building recording during the sentencing (which means verdict already given on the first group of 29 muslem pedophile case) is then arrested and whisked off to a secret court.

and then thrown in prison within hours, and is now in a majority muslem prison which is already known for murdering dissidents (ie the judges know that this is where to get dissidents knocked off)

his best hope is to be put in solitary confinement

while rapists go free in europe

and live off the public dole

what a travesty

Christians in Britian have been liberalized and propogandized by their own media, God help them, they are going to need it

their domestic head is muslem and their mayor

they know exactly what they are doing

and the media is with them and globalism, the means by which they take over

and social media is used to record the "h@te crimes" of the "dissidents".

1984 lived out in Britian.

very shameful situation

just as it is shameful here that we allow transgenders to run our schools.

Tommy Robinson is the canary in the coal mi

News Item6/18/18 9:26 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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they won't put up the president's picture either in many of these places.

how demoralizing.

News Item6/15/18 7:45 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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this world order is sick!

isn't it something? Tommy Robinson, 13 months in prison, thrown into the muslem dominated prison instead of protected, for trying to peacefully cover the 29 muslem pedophile case?

while in Germany....

Title: Germany: Pakistani refugee gets 20 months on probation for rape of six-year-old

this is what open borders is doing to indigenous europeans.... will anyone speak for them????

will anyone speak for the american child put into these classrooms?

News Item6/15/18 10:46 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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purging of white males = cultural marxist tactic to erase history, theology, family, society to reinvent in their image.

will our cultural marxist "friends" in leadership of churches come to the side of youth facing down these things in their places of education?....the male student being pressured to room with a transgender female, for instance?

what will the workplace be like for all of them and where can they gain solace when their own churches are funding this?

Title: Harvard Hospital Taking Down Portraits of White Men, Portraits of medical legends moved because they 'reinforce white men are in charge'

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