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News Item2/22/18 6:42 PM
Ignominious Emirakan | Ways to speak truth  Find all comments by Ignominious Emirakan
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If you speak at a funeral for someone who YOU Suspect Died Unsaved
( Ray Comfort advice I have used)
1Cite positive things about the person who has died—what they did personally, & their marriage, kids, work ethic, their generation, etc.
2.Quotes from the person of true statements can show an aspect of common grace.
3. Don’t feel pressured to say where the deceased may have gone after death (God is the only One who truly knows).
4. Never insinuate that he went to heaven.
5. Something like “Good friends remind us of things that we don’t want to deal with, but that are very important. Bill,today, reminds us that we all must die.”
6. Use anecdotes that convey eternal truths.
7. Go quickly but thoroughly thru each of 10 Commandments.
8. Warn briefly about sin, death, judgment& eternity.
9. Give a clear gospel presentation.

10. Appeal to the audience to repent today.

“When anyone dies, I ask myself, ‘Was I faithful?’ Did I speak all the truth? And did I speak it from my very soul every time I preached?” Spurgeon
Ecc12:1Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them;..
7b"and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it."

News Item2/22/18 7:30 AM
Ignominious Emirakan | Gonna fall  Find all comments by Ignominious Emirakan
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John UK wrote:
Phew, heady stuff!
"America has been chosen as a scapegoat, a blood sacrifice of 300 million souls who will be slain to usher in the rising of the New World Order, and from that destiny she cannot escape. Once this truth is understood, the obvious will be perceived, and truth will never be able to hide in plain sight again. The death of America in World War III was planned long ago as the opening ceremony for the dawn of a New Age."
As I've been reviewing Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Daniel lately, the quick downfall of a walled city by Providential planned destruction gets more plausible. The speculations on enemies destroying a wicked system (especially when the keep saying they want to kill us) does seem plausible.

"And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all."
"Because the LORD hath spoiled Babylon, and destroyed out of her the great voice; when her waves do roar like great waters, a noise of their voice is uttered:"

News Item2/22/18 6:20 AM
Ignominious Emirakan | Not everyone is insane  Find all comments by Ignominious Emirakan
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comments Etc

Common sense
Will Facebook censor them? Hope not

[M]any have sought to normalize transgenderism and define gender according to one’s self-perception apart from biological anatomy,” the resolution states. “[S]ome Kansas schools are encouraging parents and teachers to affirm the feelings of children experiencing gender dysphoria.”

It says that some states are even taking steps to stop counselors from helping children who have gender dysphoria to accept themselves the way were created.

“[T]hese cultural currents run counter to God’s created order and violate the dignity and every human being,” the resolution notes. “Therefore, be it resolved that the Kansas Republican Party recognizes the dignity of every human being, including those who identify as LGBT; that we affirm God’s design for gender as determined by biological sex and not by self-perception; that we oppose efforts to surgically or hormonally alter one’s bodily identity to conform with one’s perceived gender identity; that we oppose all efforts to validate transgender identity…”

It also states that parents should have the right to control their parent’s education, and that schools should not undermine parents who don’t agree with transgenderism.

News Item2/22/18 5:52 AM
Ignominious Emirakan | God speaks in words  Find all comments by Ignominious Emirakan
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John UK wrote:
They won't be an Army of Beauties if America returns nukes by ten to one. Maybe they didn't think of that.
Alliances might be a force multiplier for Babylon the Great to fall in a day.
Graham's wife pointed to abortion guilt & Sodom destruction.

"Russia & China are now holding huge civil defense drills, while educating their own people on the protective measures required to survive a nuclear war. Our nation takes no such precautions, we have no such training. The majority of the American people are blissfully ignorant of the true threats we face. The public has been tragically deceived &is now hopelessly misinformed; having chosen to believe lies, they close their eyes to the truth"

"As Han Seo-Hee mentions, these women likely see South Korea as a wonderful fantasy world, basing their view on TV dramas. To ensure against the lure of this exciting new place, these women were “vetted and trained” before the trip to make sure they would not escape during their time in the south.

Letting in spies when under threat of nukes might not be a great idea

World War Is Coming In The Fall Of 2018

News Item2/22/18 5:44 AM
Ignominious Emirakan | God speaks in words  Find all comments by Ignominious Emirakan
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"Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,"1Cor6:9
NASB began confusion w/ “effeminate nor homosexuals”. Homosexual is a neutralword. There is no sense of wrong doing with modern definition of a homosexual. But "abusers of themselves with mankind" shows that this is an unnatural&destructive activity.
NKJV has “homosexuals (with a footnote saying, That is, catamites). Do you know what a catamite is?!? Then the NKJV continues with "sodomites".
ESV gives us a complete paraphrase, saying: "Do not be deceived: neither the SEXUALLY IMMORAL (YOU get to define what is "immoral" or not), nor adulterers, nor MEN WHO PRACTICE HOMOSEXUALITY."  
[Note: How many times can you do it before it becomes a "practice"?]  Then footnotes: "The two Greek terms translated by this phrase refer to the passive and active partners in consensual homosexual acts."

NIV 1984 was,"Neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor male prostitutes, nor homosexual OFFENDERS”.
Was cleared up a bit with late$t a bit better
2011NIV"nor adulterers NOR Men WhO HAve sex Men"(paraphrase)

Authorised Bible word clarity

News Item2/21/18 9:03 PM
Ignominious Emirakan | Word replacer  Find all comments by Ignominious Emirakan
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Fornication nation

Something very serious is taking place in the modern translations of the Bible, and most people are either unaware or unconcerned about it. The unchanging standards of God’s holy words are subtly and purposely being altered to fit the modern lifestyle. No longer are certain sins clearly condemned in God’s holy Book, and we can see the absence of absolutes both in society and in the church.
Some words are powerful and very descriptive. Others are mushy and vague, and have little impact on our conscience. Take the 1Cor6:9
Webster’s 1999 defines this word as “voluntary sexual intercourse between two unmarried persons, or two persons not married to each other.”
It is not an archaic word, and though many may not know its meaning, you still see and hear the term in newspapers and movies. The world will not name this as a sin, because they do not consider it to be a sin.
Only the Bible teaches that fornication is a sin. The word “fornication” is found in the King James Bible 44 times.
NIV, ESV, ISV, the Holman Standard, the 2012 Common English Bible, the NET version&the Catholic New Jerusalem of 1985 the word is found ZERO Times! Nada. Zip. Not at all.

News Item2/21/18 8:51 PM
Ignominious Emirakan | Magic eraser  Find all comments by Ignominious Emirakan
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Just a guy wrote:
What else should we expect from a company in the "top ten" most liberal corporations.
Christians would restrict many things if they owed YouTube. YouTube just restricts the wrong things​ because they are not Christian.

Those with experience know which scriptures can NEVER be quoted on this site.
And ecclectic readers of , oh, say Luther , may note a father of the Reformation had a looooong list of " never a chance" of gettin' past Miss Grundy.
And that's Miss Grundy, not Solomon Grundy for the comic book confused.
World views matter.
penned wrote:
social media has become the stasi book burners of our day.
everyone afraid to say anything, think anything that might offend
a society filled with pavlovian dogs.
Send the Pavlovian dogs to Olympic Games
They will salivate in anticipation🌭
"stasi Web sites" are PC , no messy Farenheit 451 to burn the postcards , mail, or posts on Wittenburg door.

Our CIA has a bigger file on everyone than the Stasi ever dreamed of having.

News Item2/21/18 7:57 PM
Ignominious Emirakan | Jehudi's repost  Find all comments by Ignominious Emirakan
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Rom8:"1 There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.
2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.
3 For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh:
4 That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.
5 For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit.
6 For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.
7 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.
8 So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God."
The fleshly mind judges the words of God
And will excise words
But those "which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit"
"It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God."Lk4:4b
"Effeminate" men think they are OK if they don't "practice" what's on their carnal mind.
1Cor6 in the Bible begs to differ

News Item2/21/18 7:42 PM
Ignominious Emirakan | Not brain surgeons  Find all comments by Ignominious Emirakan
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Dave wrote:
IE, yes benzos can be very dangerous
And the media reports the autopsy with a ho-hum, with the goofy concept that , well , they weren't in his blood when he died.
So at the moment of shooting the drug wasn't "active" --
looney thots & devilish influence that led up to shooting??? No curiosity over causitive influence of benzo poison leading to the planning over months.

Can't add 1+1 if typical urinalism major grad.

News Item2/21/18 7:32 PM
Ignominious Emirakan | 4 2day  Find all comments by Ignominious Emirakan
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Things Billy Said (with which, I agree )
❝Mass crusades, to which I have committed my life, will never finish the job; but one to one will "
Billy Graham
Nothing surpasses a tract for sowing the seed of the Good News.” Billy Graham
"The evangelistic harvest is always urgent. The destiny of men and of nations is always being decided. Every generation is strategic. We are not responsible for the past generation, and we cannot bear the full responsibility for the next one; but we do have our generation. God will hold us responsible as to how well we fulfill our responsibilities to this age and take advantage of our opportunities.” Billy Graham
“The Holy Spirit convicts us...He shows us the Ten Commandments; the Law is the schoolmaster that leads us to Christ. We look in the mirror of the Ten Commandments, and we see ourselves in that mirror.” Billy Graham
"If your sorrow is because of certain consequences which have come on your family because of your sin, this is remorse, not true repentance. If, on the other hand, you are grieved because you also sinned against God and His holy laws, then you are on the right road.” BG
If you have not repented, you will not see the inside of the kingdom of God.”
Billy Graham

News Item2/21/18 5:59 AM
Ignominious Emirakan | we all go somewhere  Find all comments by Ignominious Emirakan
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[Removed by Moderator Beta]

News Item2/21/18 5:45 AM
Ignominious Emirakan | Devils diss Decent dissent  Find all comments by Ignominious Emirakan
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In a later tweet, PragerU stated that there are over 528,000 videos on YouTube on the subject of Planned Parenthood that aren't restricted.

YouTube has classified at least 40 other PragerU videos as "restricted." Such videos include, "How Iraq War Was Won and Lost," "Gender Identity: Why All the Confusion?," "Radical Islam: The Most Dangerous Ideology," and "Israel's Legal Founding."

PragerU launched an online petition calling on YouTube to remove its videos from the "restricted" category.

"Conservative ideas are under attack," the petition argues. "YouTube does not want young people to hear conservative ideas as they currently list over 40 PragerU videos — over 15 percent of our entire collection — under 'restricted mode' making it difficult for many young people to access our videos. Many families enable restricted mode in order to keep inappropriate and objectionable adult and sexual content away from their children, not to prevent them from watching animated, age-appropriate, educational videos."

The PragerU petition has been supported by over 452,000 people. Last year, PragerU filed a lawsuit against Google and YouTube claiming censorship and discrimination.
YouTube has used its advertising policy to demonize Christian conservatives...devilish devices.

News Item2/20/18 9:50 PM
Ignominious Emirakan | Stay dumb  Find all comments by Ignominious Emirakan
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But... Dummies may impersonate masterfully
MasterDummy wrote:
you're plagiarising, I found this in

Proof of Training
Spell Trace
Mana Crystal
Basic Spell Essence
Fine Spell Essence
Grand Spell Essence
Crusader Coins

That may even be a copyrighted name!!
Horrors & vapours.
Use of a spell casting name. 🦃

--stop plagiarizing your name-
( a warlock name )
And blaspheming is bad too as previously noted...

Mt23:"10Neither be ye called
for one is your Master,
even Christ."

Shorten it to dummy &
no more guilt 4 u.

Then y'all kin impress us with flawless ability to use google!!
A dummie skill par excellence.

News Item2/20/18 9:12 PM
Ignominious Emirakan | Stay hungry  Find all comments by Ignominious Emirakan
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Christopher000 wrote:
Bitcoin was quite the wealth maker. I wish I had bought up some stock in the early 2000's. What was is up to before it began taking a 15k/share or something just in December? Made a lot of almost instant million, and billionaires for those who stuck out the nosedive it took in the mid 2000's. One of those super risky investments, based on nothing, really...nothing backing it up except for public hype.
Truth is that I've always been glad that I'm not wealthy because too much money is too risky. I'd rather be where I'm at, and without the love of money, than risk my eternal soul.
Pr30:"8Remove far from me vanity and lies:
give me neither poverty nor riches;
feed me with food convenient for me:
9Lest I be full,
and deny thee,
and say,
Who is the LORD?
or lest I be poor,
and steal,
and take the name of my God in vain. "

News Item2/20/18 9:07 PM
Ignominious Emirakan | No reform  Find all comments by Ignominious Emirakan
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Answers to Romanists

Catholic Sacraments: A Ruthless Trafficking in Human Souls
Rebuke to
"brazen claim of the Pope: “The Sacraments express and realize an effective and profound communion among us.”

The truth is that “effective and profound communion” comes only through Jesus Christ alone. Communion with Christ does not come through any ritual or Sacrament! Scripture states, “By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.” True believers believe on Jesus Christ alone; “the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.”True believers “of his fullness have all we received, and grace for grace.” Such fullness of grace derives from Jesus Christ alone, not from any Church or any mechanical ceremony of any Church!

Do not miss the point: Rome teaches that sacraments are “necessary for salvation”. Francis continues Rome’s historical dogma: Whoever does not partake of Rome’s sacraments in a Catholic Church is damned forever!
Official Catholic Teaching; Rebirth by Baptism
Rome teaches baptism as “the basis of the whole Christian life” and “the door which gives access to the other sacraments

News Item2/20/18 8:53 PM
Ignominious Emirakan | Yowsers  Find all comments by Ignominious Emirakan
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
The attack on The View, probably wasn't about so much Trump's whipping boy, Pence, but a way to attack The View because it's been an effective agent and pointing out Trump's failings. For example, this is a woman we can all support❗
Rachel Maddow wrote:
Rachel Maddow looks at how a new White House rule to remove people who haven't been granted permanent security clearance from White House jobs could snare Jared Kushner and many others. Duration: 20:45
She has been on The View a couple of times. this about the view and not a big supporter of Trump 👍
-- being an educated person naturally ..
Lurker wrote:
Rachel Maddow lesbian
Rachel Maddow is currently living with her girlfriend/partner Susan Mikula in Massachusetts. Susan Mikula is a 52 years old Artist and photographer. Rachel Maddow and Susan Mikula met in 1999 when Maddow was working on odd jobs while finishing her doctoral dissertation. Maddow was hired by Susan to do her yard work on the property in Berkshires.
Liberals support liberals.... you support Maddow. No shame, eh?


News Item2/20/18 8:46 PM
Ignominious Emirakan | Cloud Silver lining  Find all comments by Ignominious Emirakan
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What Rights Will Others Lose When Homosexuals Gain Their Rights?

In a nutshell, the thing that will be illegal when homosexuality is legal is Bible-believing Christianity, but none of this is surprising to the Bible believer. The Lord Jesus Christ likened the last days to that of Sodom and Gomorrah (Luke 17:28-30). And the apostle Paul prophesied:

“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away” (2 Timothy 3:1-5).
We are not surprised at the wickedness that is sweeping across the world, but it is our responsibility to take a stand for God’s Word until Jesus comes.

If we take freedom of speech and religion for granted and do not use it to proclaim God’s Word, we don’t deserve it.

And no matter how evil the hour is, we must not despair. We have all of the glorious promises of a God that cannot lie.

News Item2/20/18 8:41 PM
Ignominious Emirakan | That sleighs me  Find all comments by Ignominious Emirakan
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Christopher000 wrote:
Dr. Tim from Land of Cotton writes:
Christopher000 wrote "I used to snowboard." Why didn't you tell the whole truth and say "I used to cardboard"? You used to sit on a flattened refrigerator box while your older brother towed you behind his rusty Corvair across the grocery store parking lot.
I don't get it...what other way is there?

Well there was MY way of having my sled dog tow my cardboard, ...worked fine until the Korean team ate him. Doggone! Hate when that happens. 🌭🐕
The Koreans are freezing the leftover bosintang for sales later on at the Summer Olympics. Gonna do a spin-off smoothie " slush-puppies" for the Tokyo heat.

You could get a brain freeze from wolfing down a bosintang smoothie.
I'll stick with my veggie mix.

News Item2/20/18 7:06 AM
Ignominious Emirakan | Ketsup with news  Find all comments by Ignominious Emirakan
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Something else introduced at Olympics---
It has been widely reported that South Korean restaurants have been continually selling bosintang, a dog meat soup dish, in the vicinity of the 2018 Winter Olympics that are being hosted by the city of Pyeongchang, South Korea.

American Christians are horrified to learn that South Koreans breed and raise dogs for their dog meat, keeping them cramped in tight cages, and then having them slaughtered and served in restaurants for human consumption.

mainstream American Christian rightly thinks of dogs as man’s best friend, not an animal that is to be slaughtered and eaten. Yet many other people of the world do not share our affection for dogs. Koreans and Muslims do not regard dogs as special creatures. In Korea, it is culturally acceptable to eat dog meat. Who do Americans think they are to dictate what is acceptable to be eaten as meat in another culture?

Koreans love dogs!

They taste great!
Have a hot dog while watching snow board trials.

News Item2/20/18 6:33 AM
Ignominious Emirakan | Manhattan Declaration  Find all comments by Ignominious Emirakan
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Christopher000 wrote:
"I'm a faithful Catholic"

Manhattan Decline

We are like the disciples, “Will you bring in the kingdom now?” they asked, you remember, after Christ’s resurrection. They were not satisfied with the preaching of the gospels, with the assembling of believers at the local level to thank and praise the Lord, to partake of the Lord’s table, to celebrate the Lord’s supper and to go forth and preach the gospel.
No, they wanted to see the establishment of something substantial, something real, something physical, something that they could rest in and rely upon, something to maintain the order and to propel the progress of Christianity as they put it. They wanted to establish an institution of men with assets, with power, with political influence all, of course, in the name of Christ.
But, of course, Christ will not be sitting in the chief seats in these institutions; rather those seats will be taken by men who will claim to act on behalf of and in the name of Christ. And these men and their institutions will assume the representation of Christ, not merely as ambassadors of Christ, as Paul described himself, but taking on more and more real power in the affairs of this world.

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