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News Item5/31/18 8:38 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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Although I do want clarification from John UK, John you said, "I do believe Connor is one of those well-meaning Christians, a modern Christian who is brought up on a modern diet. In my youth, even non-Christians were aware of many verses from the KJV. That was the Bible of choice then, and still is for many."

Can you address what you mean by 'modern Christian' and 'modern diet' I also ask you, since you know so much about me, what my background is? (Without going through my past posts)

News Item5/31/18 8:29 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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Kieron, I don't give a short answer to important questions, let me address what you said, "Can you prove the KJB isn’t the word of God?" This is actually a logical fallacy, it's called shifting the burden of proof, it's almost like me saying, "Watermelons are blue on the inside until you cut it open, prove I'm wrong."

Also you ask "Where is the word of God TODAY? Where can I get a physical copy to read and study" this again is a false question, there are a number of assumptions:

1. You assume that there are perfect translation(s) this is a false assumption.

2. You assume that the perfect translation is the same, the Oxford KJV and the Cambrige KJV differ from each other, which one is the true KJV?

3. You assume each copy was prefect. There are numerous textual variation within any text family, this is practical because let's say a church receives a copy of the gospel of John, that copy is going to contain mistakes, do they then have the word of God?

News Item5/31/18 1:45 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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@Dr. Tim, can you address the 5 objections that I raised and the question that I asked?

@Penned, yes, they do need more funding, Dan Wallace's ministry can use more funding, we need to equip ourselves to refute the Bart Erhman's, the John Dominic Crossen's, etc. etc.

News Item5/31/18 1:17 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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It's suppose to be "check out CARM"

News Item5/31/18 1:16 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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"what is a white person?" NeedHim is sorta mocking Jim because Jim oft refers to "white people" Jim blames white evangelicals for the lack of supporting black people, it comes down to Jim holding to his racism, and him determining who is 'black enough'

I hold to the position that there is only one race, we all are descendants of Adam and Eve, there is no room for racism, and I reckon NeedHim holds to that position as well.

News Item5/31/18 12:45 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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Dr. Tim, the problem with the argument you used is that:

1. You assume that there is only 1 King James Version, when in point of fact, it has been changed. Furthermore you fail to recognize that the Oxford and Cambridge edition of the KJV differ from each other, which leads to the question, "Which KJV is the perfect word of God?"

2. Your argument is an appeal to tradition, thus it can be likened to a Roman Catholic argument.

3. The KJV was mostly based on Tyndale's version, thus it could rightly be called a revision of Tyndale's Bible.

4. People such as the late R.C. Sproul, did not use the KJV in their preaching and ministry, however the ministry has flourished over America and other places, therefore shall we say that the NASB, ESV, etc. are starting to have a greater influence?

5. It also assumes that a version that is used by God in a great and mighty way must then be the perfect word of God, there's no logical connection between the two.

But I do have to ask you, when the KJV does not agree with the TR, do you hold to the position that the KJV corrects the TR?

News Item5/31/18 12:27 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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Well, since I have been accused of defending the RCC and perhaps even being a RC, let me go on record for saying this:

Jaycobee, I recommend you check our CARM, and I recommend that you go to, it is Dr. James White's ministry, and he has debated 40+ prominent Roman Catholic apologists such as Trent Horn, Patrick Madrid, Peter Stravinskis, and he is scheduled to debate a Roman Catholic in June.

He has also written a book called, "Mary, Another Redeemer?" And I recommend you check that out.

News Item5/31/18 12:18 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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Ladybug, I do have a proper understanding of the deity of Christ, that's why I have and am capable of showing the deity of Christ to Mormons and JWs, that's why on Sunday When I gave a Creation Seminar, I was able to show that Isis, Horus, and Osiris are not similar to Jesus Christ at all. That's why I hold to the 5 Solas, that's why I have gone through the Westminster Larger and shorter Catechism, etc. In fact at this very moment, I am listening to Dr. Michael Kruger going through the gospels

But I wish to direct you to my comment where I said any orthodox Baptist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, etc. would not worship the statute as being Christ.

Where in my comment did I say it was lawful to have the statue that you might worship it?

And your last comment is kinda confusing, because the people* are still not gathering in the church building to worship the visible statue, they are not gathering to worship the statute as a sort of proxy, but they are in the church worshiping God, not directing their attention towards the statute.

*When I say people, I am not referring to the church in the article, rather the position any orthodox Christian would take, namely the rejection of using the statute as a proxy for worshipping God.

News Item5/31/18 11:47 AM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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I am a IFB so I guess I'll contribute to my two IFB brothers here. I can assure people that IFB are still sending out missionaries, plenty of them. But I think there is somewhat of a decline (but I speak for Californian IFB)

The IFB churches I know of preach against sin, and I don't know how much the SBC affects the IFB churches, that would be an interesting study.

I would agree with Wayfarer that the SBC Storm would be on Calvinism, I mean the John 3:16 conference was something else, especially the Q&A, but that is kinda dated I suppose, but if there's a spilt between the SBC, I wonder what would happen.

I wouldn't call Calvinism an attack on IFB, (or any Baptist denomination) but I do think a lot of churches will spilt for the wrong reason.

News Item5/31/18 11:34 AM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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Whether it is sinful or not to have a statue of Christ can be another subject, but I think that having the statue would be confusing to anyone who grew up RC, or knows someone who is RC

Although I wonder where the statue will go, and I would like to see a picture of this statue.

@Former Catholic, I think that those verses apply to God the Father and God the Holy Spirit, I don't know if we can exegetically prove that it applies to the Son,

Furthermore any orthodox baptist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, etc. would not worship the statue as being Jesus.

Although lest anyone think that I am defending the 'practice' I would say that to have a statue in/in front of a church building would cause uneasiness and confusion among the church, visitors and onlookers,(and I think it's a waste of money) that having it is sinful.

News Item5/31/18 11:20 AM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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@Nona, NeedHim is sort of mocking a person called "Jim" that frequents the Sermon Audio news, Jim is a racist and he says universal healthcare would solve lots of problems. I don't know where Jim draws the line between a white person and a black person.

Instead of calling the police, who will they call? I'm pretty sure Ghostbusters don't deal with it. 😀

News Item5/31/18 11:13 AM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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@ Moses and Kagielu, can you provide evidence that the KJV is the perfect word of God?

News Item5/28/18 10:34 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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MS, are you accusing me of being a Roman Catholic?

News Item5/28/18 9:03 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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Once someone can accurately represent me, and show me where I have erred, then I will respond to that person. Because I'm not sure how much clearer I can be when I say, "I affirm that the RCC is not the bride of Christ."

Here is my original comment, show me where I'm wrong:

Adriel, I would argue that that the RRC does has and teach morals. I would also assert that they teach theology, they certainly affirm the doctrine of the Trinity.

Patrick Madrid, Peter Stravinsakas, Trent Horn, Jerry Matatics, etc. etc. all teach theology, all affirm the Trinity, all affirm Monotheism, they reject polytheism, atheism, agnosticism, dualism, etc. etc.

Do they teach sound theology? In some aspects yes but they teach false doctrines such as the Marian doctrines, purgatory, sola ecclesia, papal infallibility, etc.

I affirm that the RCC is not the bride of Christ, but Christians are not to falsely represent people. So I encourage you to accurately represent the RCC,

because if you told Patrick Madrid what you posted, he would show that your statement is silly.

News Item5/28/18 6:23 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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Ladybug said,

"Having good morals does not get one into heaven, nor does teaching good morals."

I never said it does.

"Now, IF the RCC had good morals, then why is their priesthood filled with homosexuals and pedophiles?"

The RCC has morals, but you have to distinguish between good morals and bad morals. I am willing to make the distinction, are you willing to?

"There is not one thing the RCC teaches that can be labeled as 'good'."

How about the Trinity? They affirm the Trinity. How about monotheism?

"The fact that they lead souls down the broad road is an abomination to the most high God, regardless of whatever 'good' anyone thinks they represent."

Hmm, so the Trinity is not good?

"They do not teach correct biblical theology Connor, be careful sticking your neck out to defend the great harlot. You should know better."

Prove that I was sticking my neck out for the RCC, all I called for was fairness in representing them, I would think every Christian should fairly represent any cult, religion, etc.

MS said, "Discernment is sorely lacking in Christendom when it comes to this satanic cult." Show me where I was not discerning.

@Adriel, will you recant your statement that the RCC does not teach morality and theology?

@Chris, I'll send you an e

News Item5/28/18 4:04 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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Revelation 23:14-17

[14] And I saw a great mystery, and an angelic watcher came unto me and said, "Look thou into the north, what seest thou?" So I looked and behold, out of the north and then said I, "I see a slave owner, dressed in fine linen, having much possessions. And he sold one of his slaves to another, and received many more riches.

[15] The said the angelic watcher, "Thou seest well, look thou into the south." Then said I, "I see a man, having nothing, yet he goeth into the marketplace, and selleth his crafts."

[16] Then saith he, "Thou hast well seen, for he shall make for himself a mansion on earth, and many evils shall he make, his evils will wax worse and worse, and the world shall be given to his descendants.

[17] Then the Angel showed me a wonder, for I saw a man who added to the words of the word of God, and his words shall entice many to make war with the tribes of Israel.

News Item5/28/18 3:46 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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Adriel, I would argue that that the RRC does has and teach morals. I would also assert that they teach theology, they certainly affirm the doctrine of the Trinity.

Patrick Madrid, Peter Stravinsakas, Trent Horn, Jerry Matatics, etc. etc. all teach theology, all affirm the Trinity, all affirm Monotheism, they reject polytheism, atheism, agnosticism, dualism, etc. etc.

Do they teach sound theology? In some aspects yes but they teach false doctrines such as the Marian doctrines, purgatory, sola ecclesia, papal infallibility, etc.

I affirm that the RCC is not the bride of Christ, but Christians are not to falsely represent people. So I encourage you to accurately represent the RCC,

because if you told Patrick Madrid what you posted, he would show that your statement is silly.

News Item5/28/18 1:39 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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A couple things:

1. Jim, you're a flaming hypocrite, many people on here have documented, yes documented that you are indeed a racist.

2. Penned, what is the point you're trying to make? You present conspiracy theories a lot but have very few, if any, documentation of these theories.

"rothchild created Israel with the Balfour Declaration out of England, same year as the Scofield Bible release out of Oxford Press, 1917"

You know what this reminded me of? Gail Riplinger trying to make a connection between the new versions and the sinking of the Titanic.

@Mike, I know you said something about people rejecting the KJV and problems within the church. If you are a KJVonlyist would you mind having an intelligent discussion on the KJVonly topic?

News Item5/28/18 1:29 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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Okay, thanks for the clarification, because I was a bit worried. Yeah their 'rights' aught to be removed. I've talked with homosexuals before, and knew some homosexuals, and I was grieved of their rebellion against God, we must needs pray for these people.

News Item5/28/18 1:24 PM
Connor7  Find all comments by Connor7
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Before you make allegations against SA in the removal of Dr. Tim's comment, perhaps you can ask SA for the reason of taking it down.
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