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News Item7/25/07 9:48 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Pro Gun Christian, "The RCC had no problem with the death penalty in the middle ages." Great line! I also want you to know that I agree with you whole-heartedly on this one. This man has been proven guilty and needs to pay the penalty of his crime. No vengeance, no rejoicing, just obedience to the Bible, plain and simple.

Survey7/24/07 9:31 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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No, Bro. Williams, we're trying to find out if JD, the hyper-dispensationalist (and I'm not sure about Mike from NY) believes that.

Survey7/24/07 9:23 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Mike, He was speaking to His Father as the Son, thus signifying submission to the will of a superior (in position, not equality) by a subordinate (in position, not equality).
JD, was Jesus God while He was on the cross or not? You keep stating that He died as a common man, therefore, at the moment of His death, according to what I am understanding you to say, He ceased to be God. I'm not saying that I understand how it works, but I will never say that at any moment did Jesus lose His deity.

Survey7/24/07 9:12 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Rev., sad to say, JD didn't admit it, he repeated it. I didn't accuse him this time, but if he doesn't make it right, I will have to expose him for what he is.

Survey7/24/07 9:06 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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JD, how could Jesus do that for us if He was just a man? Are you saying that Jesus was not God when He was accomplishing the work of salvation on the cross? You can't say that He was God and that He wasn't God at the same time. That is called a C-O-N-T-R-A-D-I-C-T-I-O-N. Colossians 2:9 states that, "in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily." Either God hung on that cross or it was just a man who died which means nothing was accomplished. I am once again close to revoking my revocation. If you want to call that reactionary, go ahead. I call it standing for the truth!!

Survey7/24/07 8:32 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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JD, "Are you trying to learn, CB?" I am always trying to learn, but I have to ask you, have you learned to be a little more careful in how you say things? As Rev. said, you did, in fact, state that Jesus ceased to be God while on the cross. Hopefully you can be humble enough to admit your mistake. For now, I will take back my comments about you being a heretic because you have clarified your position on Jesus death and the price He paid. This does not mean I agree with you on any of the other points we have discussed, but I am satisfied with your explanations on His death.
Now, about your condescending attitude. Do you think you are the only one who knows anything and that you have to straighten the rest of us out for our own sake? You do seem to look down on others with comments like, "Are you trying to learn, CB?" and similar comments you have made to others. The Bible tells us to avoid being high-minded lest we fall. Just a friendly admonition for future use in your discussions

Survey7/24/07 8:01 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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JD, spell it out, did Jesus go to Hell after He died on the cross and suffer the torment that an unsaved man would have suffered? Was He under Satan's dominion and power for those three days that His body was in the grave just as you or I would be if it were us there? Did His suffering in Hell help to complete the work of salvation for the sinner?

Survey7/23/07 10:25 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Rev., my words still stand. Jd still believes that Jesus died just like any unsaved man who dies. He is therefore saying that Jesus was deserving of Hell.
Second, why do a lot of folks on here claim divine inspiration when it comes to THEIR inmterpretation of the Bible? JD just did it, "It was not I who showed it to you but the Spirit that dwells within you. He bears witness to truth", and more than a few Calvinists have done it, along with some of the folks who argue against Calvinism. Is it possible that no one single group has a corner on the truth or complete understanding? I've heard some quote the verse that says, :He (the Spirit) will lead you into all truth". That is refering to the apostles and the inspiration that they would receive in writing the scriptures. It is not a mark of spirituality of a particullar group.

Survey7/23/07 9:50 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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JD, "He did not die on the cross as God, he died as a man." You have just revealed yourself for what you are-a heretic. If Jesus was only a man when He died on the cross then His death meant no more than yours or mine would have. He had to be something more or Hisdeath accomplished nothing. Therefore, hope is not yours! The Bible says not to invite a man into your house nor to wish him Godspeed if he teaches false doctrine, and you, JD, teach false doctrine. I am done with you.
Rev. That sentence isn't the only problem. When JD says that Jesus was just as dead as any unsaved man he is saying that Jesus was deserving of Hell at that time. Some pretty serious doctrinal errors that he really needs to reconsider.

Survey7/23/07 7:52 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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JD, now we revert to playing with words? "I am not ready to concede Nick was an unsaved man. I will say he was an unregenerated man". You cannot be sasved without being regenerated.
"The Spirit regenerates men with Jesus being the first at his resurrection." So are you saying that Jesus had to be born again in the same sense that Nicodemus did? I asked this before and received no answer.
"This is a little deeper theology than you are used to but it is the truth and you should ponder it." You have no idea how "deep" my theology is and you are beginning to sound a lot like the Gnostics that the apostles were battling against in their epistles, especially Paul in Colossians. You know, those individuals who had "higher knowledge" and were more "spiritual" than everyone else. They wanted to be the teachers to "enlighten" everyone else on the "secret things" of God that only they understood. (Oops, maybe I'm getting a little to "deep" here)

Survey7/23/07 7:17 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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JD, I will start from the last and work my way up. " know you say you are not a calv but your only degree of variance as a D.O.G. man is infant baptism and to how much of covenant theology you accept." Quite large differences, don't you think? I don't like tags, therefore, I will not accept the name Calvinist, no matter how much effort you take to pretend it is so.
You make a comment that I find difficult to understand, "his body, soul, and Spirit were separated and his body went to the earth, his soul went to paradise, and the Spirit went to God who gave it", first , where do you find this, and second, why do you capitalize Spirit? Are you talking about the Holy Spirit or the spirit of Jesus as a man? Or do you think they are one and the same?
How do you tie John 3 where Jesus is talking to an unsaved man about being born again with Romans 1:1-5 which is talking about the sinless spotless Son of God? Are you saying Jesus needed to be born again in the same context that Nicodemus did? If not, there is NO comparison!

News Item7/23/07 6:04 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Grigor, you missed the whole point of my post. I used 1 John 2:15-17 as the scriptural base and then explained why christians should not be reading these books. It has nothing to do with whether or not they are fiction. I tied it in with many occultic items that are used every day by witches and Satanists. I also pointed out that God hates witchcraft. Even fictional stories based in witchcraft are still condonibg the practice that God hates. The issue really boils down to two things: do we believe what the Bible says about witchcraft and will we be obedient to God over our personal preferences? Really quite simple.

Survey7/23/07 5:56 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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JD, do you play dumb on purpose or is it an acquired trait?
"I am wondering if this is a traditional birth you are speaking of"-you didn't complete my thought and you ignore passages like John 3 where Jesus tells us we must be born again. To tie my answer to number 2 in with number 3 is just to play games. You try to dictate the answers to the quiz by supplying YOUR answer and then a bunch of stupid answers. My replies came from the text of Romans 8 and what scripture teaches on the truths pointed out in Romans 8. Your answers came from your own definitions of words (kind of like Yamil's Fanc-iful Land of the Calv-n-st) and expect othwers to abide by them.
For some reason you didn't argue my answer to the final question. Is it because I used THE TEXT to answer the question instead of one of your answers? You have a tendency to create truth out of a single text without comparing it with the greater context of both the individual book as well as the whole of scripture. That is a no-no and you should know better. The grades on your quizzes mean nothing, but how God grades on how we handle His Word is extremely important. I prescribe a heavy dose of Spirt led Bible study without the Scofield Bible. (Sorry, Yamil, I couldn't resist )

News Item7/23/07 4:11 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Grigor, my comment was quite specific and very clear. To ask what problem I have with the Potter books or any other witchcraft related media and paraphenalia is to ignore my post. Read it again and figure it out!!

Survey7/23/07 4:08 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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JD, although I believe in the doctrines of grace, I am not a Calvinist (I don't agree with him on everything). However, I will take your quiz.
1)answer-2-to be conformed to the image of His Son.
2)answer-none of the above. To be conformed into the image of His Son means to be made like Christ in our character. We are to become like Christ through being born again and being "transformed by the renewing of our minds" by the "washing of the water of the Word" and the working of the Spirit of God in our lives.
3) None of the above-first-born means that Jesus is the head, the pre-eminent one, of those who will come after Him.
4)None of the above. Those He foreknew are those who are "the called according to His purpose" in Romans 8:28. This is those called by God Himself to fulfill His great purposes in the earth. Who would this be? It would be the elect of verse 33, against whom no one can bring a charge.
I'm not going to ask if I passed your quiz because I don't give a rip about your answer sheet. My answers are from the text, in the context, without a pretext.

News Item7/23/07 3:35 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Michael H.-"We cannot possibly and that would be honestly and truly love the Lord Jesus Christ if we love and join ourselves with and continue in that which He condemns and is an abomination to Him." AMEN To put that thought biblically: 1 John 2:15-17-"Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth forever." Harry Potter is "of the world". I don't care what kind of spin you put on it, it is "of the world" and christians should not be celebrating it! God hates witchcraft. I don't care if it's the Smurfs or Harry Potter, it is hated by God! Would you recommend seances and horoscopes for christians? How about crystal balls and mediums? They all fall under the same name:witchcraft:and God HATES it!!

News Item7/23/07 3:14 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Pro Gun, yes, I agree with capital punishment. It is biblical and should be carried out. Like I said, my problem was with the way that you displayed your desire to see justice carried out. I see capital punishment in the scriptures. I do not see an attitude of vengeance on the part of individuals (especially believers). I agree with Jon from Kanssas. This family is suffering two losses. One son is already dead and the other one, whether through prison or the death penalty, is as good as dead. That should cause us to be saddened, not to look for vengeance. If I misunderstood your intent, Pro Gun, I apologize, but I do stand by my remarks about how we should respond.

News Item7/22/07 9:35 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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To all who questioned my response, I never said he should not receive justice. My problem was with the vehemence shown by pro gun christian. It should grieve us to see the ending of a life, no matter how it comes about, because, if that person is not saved, they are entering eternity heading for Hell. For folks to be so callous as to rejoice in the death of someone, even a murderer, is to fall short of the compassion of our Savior. My question to those who responded in that way, aren't you glad that God showed you mercy through allowing you to understand His grace than to give you the justice that you deserve? Think about it!

News Item7/18/07 9:40 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Abigail, where is your response to the scriptures? I see no book, chapter, and verse to state that God will heal every person in every situation. I gave you verses proving that God does not heal every time. Even Jesus didn't heal every sick person. At the Pool of Siloam, He chose one person out of a large number. Because of your unbiblical position you are puttong people at risk, which you also chose not to address. Finally, you say you have history on your side. Show me anywhere the facts that God heals EVERY time someone asks Him to. You are tempting God and you are also p[laying a dangerous game with your life and the lives of others. You are tempting God because you are making Him into something His Word doesn't say He is. You are burying your head in the sand because you won't accept the truth of the Bible.

News Item7/17/07 10:12 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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You have to wonder, were the video games they were playing violent? You want to see him hung, Pro Gun, he's a product of our society. I'm not saying he isn't responsible for his actions, but we have violence everywhere in our society. Your response proves it!!
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