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News Item1/15/14 2:44 PM
CAB  Find all comments by CAB
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DJC49 wrote:
Your interpretation of what Penal Atonement is (i.e., a bloodless Atonement) illustrates how profoundly ignorant you are, CAB.
Name calling without examples does not edify.

You have two kinds of atonement--a blood atonement, meaning the remedy is in the blood;

The penal atonement means the remedy (for spiritual death and damnation) is in the punishment, which is what 'penal' means, (the suffering, the punishment).

The suffering of Jesus was off the charts as we know, and I have never seen a crucifixion movie, could not bear to watch it. It's hard to contemplate the horror. But the suffering of Jesus did not equal the punishment of all the sins of the world. Even Hell does not purport to be an equal payment for sins committed in this life, because Hell is forever. The Bible does say there are different degrees of damnation, but still the punishment will be greater than the offense, not less.

There's something else going on here, and it involves our faith, trust and love for Jesus. If we don't love, adore and trust him for who he is, if we see him as just God's punching bag to take his wrath, then that's not really faith, doesn't work, won't save.

That's why Bible says the disciples "preached Jesus," and people were saved.

News Item1/15/14 2:08 PM
CAB  Find all comments by CAB
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Comparing Blood Atonement w/ key TULIP Bloodless Atonement heresy.

Penal (Bloodless) Atonement: Key unbiblical heresy undergirding all 5 points of TULIP and OSAS--says God picked people to be saved and arranged to personally pour out wrath on Jesus on the cross and 3 days in Hell, one by one, for every single "Chosen's" sin, calculated and tabulated beforehand. Is a variation of Catholic heresy that has Jesus still suffering, writhing, atoning on the cross.


Blood Atonement (Key Christian, Biblical Truth): The blood of Jesus cleanses from all sin, creates a new creature in Christ, saves the soul who repents and trusts Jesus. One drop is all-sufficient for the sins of the world, to any sinner who comes to Jesus in sincere repentance for salvation or forgiveness of sins after salvation. On the cross just before He gave up the ghost Jesus said, ‘It is FINISHED’. The job was done.

Jesus did suffer above and beyond his bloody wounds, “in all points like as we,” but it is his wonderful blood that cleanses us from sin, saves our soul. Philosophy/logic not needed to explain this; it's Bible: "The Life is in the Blood," the wonderful amazing blood from our Holy Creator God and Lord, our Savior Jesus Christ. Even one drop is all-sufficient for the sins of the world.

News Item1/15/14 11:17 AM
CAB  Find all comments by CAB
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John UK wrote:
What you have to realise is that the doctrine of double imputation is expressed by all Christians. Yet you don't like it. You don't like calvinium doctrine, okay, a lot of folks also don't like it. But if you're going to harangue against such doctrine, what is your alternative?
I suggest that you've picked up on Corner's faulty argumentation. He likes to poke fun at calvinism, even to the point of irreverence and telling lies about about what calvinists believe. It is a typical cultist method of making his own speech somewhat acceptable. But it don't wash with me. You, on the other hand, have now claimed the best theology is Arminian. And I have produced for your benefit some classic arminian quotes from the man himself. But that throws you, so you say my post was "surreal". This is merely an attempt to get out of the hole you've dug for yourself. Cornerism is out on a limb. It tries to make use of scripture without one word about imputation of Righteousness through faith. What kind of religion is THAT!? The question is, how may a sinner be right with God?
Blowing smoke, discordant posting into a vacuum (to an imaginary friend?), not even on topic. We were talking about your pet bloodless atonement doctrine, remember?

News Item1/15/14 11:14 AM
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Christopher000 wrote:
IOW, if you are confronted with renouncing Jesus and worshipping the antichrist, or lose your head -- what would you do? Why would you do it?
This is an interesting question that I have posed before. One of Satan's minions is about to behead one of us. We know our faith is strong...we know who we believe in, why, and have lived lives that back up our faith in Christ. Considering all of this, would a lie to the executioner to save our life for a while longer, knowing Christ knows our true heart, be a deal breaker? I'm familiar with he who saves his life will lose it, but curious to hear what others think.
If we read history, Revelation describes the martyrs who "loved not their lives so much as to shrink from death," (multitudes of Christian saints). And history records brave martyrs. If it's in a public scenario like the French Revolution or a FEMA camp w/ guillotines for noahide laws, may as well just line up and get it over.

There are other ways to deny Jesus also. Going along to get along. We suffer for the name, and lose family and friends if we are "pushy" about Jesus.

News Item1/15/14 11:07 AM
CAB  Find all comments by CAB
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pennnny wrote:
CAB, great info, if the mercury is taken out it needs to be someone with advanced training, it is not an easy procedure.
then the mercury pulled from the body after accumulation of yrs of it sitting in mouth.
interesting when using thermography someone may see a heat signature of lets say a growth on a woman that leads right back into an abscess in the mouth? I agree with your sentiments, the helplessness that is ingrained in them, when there are other ways, no wonder there's such a low view of God's design!
I love meat but I keep hearing more and more how unhealthy it is because of all the GMO corn being fed the animals. The fish is ruined, heard Prof. McCanney say the entire Pacific is destroyed, bottom part of food chain destroyed, and top levels of food chain are coming up unfit for processing. We still have the Atlantic side, but how do you know where the food comes from? Bible says when Jesus comes back he will punish those who "destroy the earth," and the people who "would not repent of their sorceries." I have meat in the freezer, don't dare eat it. Don't eat bread anymore since I found it's all sprayed with RoundUp weedkiller. No thanx. I hate Monsanto. String 'em up.

News Item1/14/14 9:54 PM
CAB  Find all comments by CAB
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GsTexas wrote:
Did you even read the verses? It says "No man is justified by the law (works) in the sight of God" and "The just shall live by faith" and that Christ is made of none effect to those like you who think you are justified by works. There is no harmonizing your beliefs with these verses. Also No one is saying once we get saved that we have a license to sin or we dont have to obey scripture. You just keep using that as a strawman argument. Anyways, I really would rather end our conversation for now, is this fine with you?
If you read Galatians you will see it's talking about the Jewish law does not save people. But you can read that it's not saying we can do whatever we want -- and Paul gives a long list of evil sins that if we do them we won't go to Heaven.

Galatians is talking about living by faith in Jesus, not faith in turtledove sacrifices and holidays, stuff like that, that unfortunately there are a lot of Christians, more and more of them, who are celebrating Jewish holidays. I do not agree.

It's saying that if we are full of the Holy Spirit and we are walking in the Spirit that we will not be doing those evil sins listed: brawling and drinking and carousing and you read them as I posted, and we won't go to Heaven if we do.

News Item1/14/14 9:46 PM
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Concerned wrote:
CAB wrote....avoid dentists?? Why?
My tooth hurts.
Google. Cloves. And you can remineralize your tooth. If you have just a cavity you can clean it with oil of oregano, swish. Salt water. If you have a nasty filling from the evil dentist, you can try to find a holistic dentist and just get all your mercury fillings yanked out, and then never go back to a regular dentist again. If you have root canals, best to get those teeth pulled. If you need a bridge, best to get the clip on kinds, no glued on bridges.

The Internet is the best invention mankind ever got -- just Google up and find natural solutions for your dental problems, also for sure any health issues take care if it yourself and avoid the white coats.

You have to teach yourself how to be healthy, and I'm finding the most exciting thing is learning how to make great soil, organic soil to grow food that can counteract the chemtrails and poisoned water and the fake food we've been buying so trustingly from the grocery stores. But since everybody's getting sicker, more people are waking up that it's time to take things into our own hands when it comes to our health.

I can help you research your teeth problems if you need help.

News Item1/14/14 9:27 PM
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TeenChristian wrote:
I'm currently a naturopath in training. I've been listening to "Nutritional Wisdom" hosted by Joel Fuhrman M.D. What I've learned is that nutritional supplements CAN be useful, BUT, they cannot serve as a substitute for EATING your vitamins. Only one way to eat your vitamins, you gotta eat veggies! That's right dark, green, leafy vegetables! Eat plant strong!
Oh, I didn't know you were training to be a naturopath. I think you picked yourself about the best profession you could have chosen. Anything alternative is great, because it's got to be better than what's established.

Weston A Price has the scoop on diet. Mercola is great, Green Med too. Patrick Timpone online has a great radio show on health and wellness. Dr. Daniels is amazing, and she's got a big website, and her truth files have over a year's worth of broadcasts.

Congratulations. You say you're a teen and you're studying naturopathy? Where are you going? Will this be a long program? I don't know how I missed this, that you're studying to be what I call a "real" doctor.

I'm impressed and happy for you.

News Item1/14/14 9:06 PM
CAB  Find all comments by CAB
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TeenChristian wrote:
Penny: with all due respect (and I have a LOT of respect towards you) I have to disagree with you. You said "eating meat is more Scripturally aligned". Is it? In the beginning what did Adam & Eve eat? Fruits & vegetables right? It wasn't until the flood that God said it was OK to eat meat, and He only said it was OK because all the plants had been wiped out! What's my point? We were designed to eat plants! We were never specifically designed to eat meat!
Look.....I know I sound like a pharisee. And if I'm bashing you over the head, if I've offended you in any way, I'm sorry. Like I said I'm a naturopath (you know what that is right?) in training, this is what I've devoted my life to!
Tell you what just give me a chance, throw EVERY question you've got at me, about eating a plant strong lifestyle. I'll do my absolute best to answer them, sound OK?
Hey, Teen- I am so glad to see you interested in organic food, nutrition. We are the only ones who can take care of our health, and as a young person you show more responsibility and maturity than all these adults wringing their hands, "Woe is me, I got no health insurance! I'm gonna die. Uncle Sam, help, help!"

Avoid doctors, meds, hypos, dentists and vets. Live longer!

News Item1/14/14 8:30 PM
CAB  Find all comments by CAB
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John UK wrote:
What about imputed righteousness from the arminian camp? Note,
"Christ's righteousness is imputed to the believer: Justification is sola fide (faith only). When individuals repent and believe in Christ (saving faith), they are regenerated and brought into union with Christ, whereby the death and righteousness of Christ are imputed to them for their justification before God." Jacob Arminius
Here is double imputation, just like the caviniums believe.
You may notice the reversal of the order, but let's not go there today, chaps.
Well Cheryl, you may wonder why I am showing you these things. I am hoping that you will see that you have got hooked up to a false teacher who has NO historic fathers in the faith. He is a cultist without a doubt.
Now if you want to learn some better stuff, please go to [URL=]]]ALL OF GRACE[/URL] by Spurgeon, which is an excellent little article. That one article will convince you that Corner has misrepresented calviniums and their doctrine, and show you the glory of "so great salvation" of the glorious God.
What does this have to do with anything? You just start talking about some subject out of the blue, with no tie-in to anything? Discordant. Surreal.

News Item1/14/14 6:58 PM
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John UK wrote:
Yes it is quite true to say that "we are washed in the blood of the Lamb."
And yet some people who say that are not washed in the blood. They misunderstand what it means.
So what DOES it mean? Are we washed in the blood of the lamb, or are we paid off by the Father whupping Jesus on the cross and on into Hell?

Could you not evade my question? The way I see it, it's not both. It's one or the other. Being saved by the blood is not penal atonement the way the Calvinists and your brand of Limited Atonement (which I truly don't see any difference that matters)describe it all. They want an actual literal punishment of every elect person's sins one by one imposed on Jesus by the Father, a bloodless atonement that supercedes the saving blood of Jesus that cleanses us from sin. Which is it? Really, this is key. Are you sure you're on the right road with this stuff? I honestly think those theologians back in Luther's and Calvin's day, I think those guys were a bit messed up, were not all so familiar with scripture maybe, were under a lot of pressure to conform to all kinds of traditional theologies that had been inserted over the centuries by Satan. Especially this one doctrine seems convoluted to the max.

News Item1/14/14 5:03 PM
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John UK wrote:
"Jesus's death satisfies God's justice: The penalty for sins of elect is PAID IN FULL through Jesus's work on the cross." Jacob Arminius.
Conditional Perseverance.
"Salvation is conditioned on faith, therefore perseverance is also conditioned. Apostasy (turning from Christ)is only committed through a deliberate, willful rejection of Jesus and renunciation of saving faith. Such apostasy is irremediable." Jacob Arminius
Works perseverance? Or faith?
I checked Wikipedia, buzzed through Amyraltism and Penal Atonement. Crazy stuff.

I'm not going to go to seminary to learn that stuff, and I'm not impressed. We have our Bible and the Holy Spirit; and, hey, my Bible says plain as day the BLOOD of Jesus cleanses us from sin. Well, I read through the Wikipedia articles put together by Calvinists/Reformed, and there was not ONE WORD ABOUT THE BLOOD. You can go check it out yourself and see.

I also didn't see Arminius' name there, but re his quotes above I don't disagree that the PENALTY for sins was paid in full.

But penal atonement means the Father personally whupped Jesus for specific sins of elect; that Jesus' blood, his suffering and shameful death on the cross is NOT SUFFICIENT atonement, not FINISHED.

It is fini

News Item1/14/14 4:20 PM
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John UK wrote:
There is a huge diference between "paid in advance" and "forgiven in advance". You must get the wording right. I can tell you when I was forgiven, and I can tell you when the sins were paid for - 2,000 years ago.
When Jesus died, he paid for sins of God's elect through the OT, and the sins of God's elect from the NT onwards. of course he paid in advance for us. There was only one crucifixion. And it is past. Yes, Arminius believed in penal substitution. You need to study this doctrine very carefully. And, like Spurgeon and Jim Lincoln's church, I am an Amyraldian not a Calvinium. An unlimited atonement specifically for the purpose of saving God's elect.
What is the big concern about forgiven and "paid for?" One does not cancel out the other, and it's not relevant.

The point is, you admit you believe that all your sins were punished, penal atonement as you call it, in advance, every one of the sins individually, 2000 years ago as you say, that God knew every one of the sins you would commit and he personally saw to it that he blasted Jesus really good for all your sins. They are all paid for.

What incentive to be an overcomer and not sin, if everything is "paid" in advance? Is this not license to sin? Will check Amyraldian.

News Item1/14/14 3:45 PM
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CAB wrote: If all our sins are forgiven in advance, as UK John and some others here insist...

John UK wrote:
Well there flies another lie, Cheryl. You really ought to stop doing that.
And why avoid ***vicarious*** atonement? Did not arminius even believe in that? And you put him as the epitomy of Christian teaching.
Oh, if I'm mistaken about your former postings on limited atonement and having all your sins paid for in advance, please explain. I would love to apologize and say I'm wrong -- if I am indeed wrong, and I hope I am wrong.

So let's hear it. You do not believe that all our sins are paid in advance? Or you have some new angle you're going to present now that Arminius is the one teaching our sins being forgiven in advance?

We know you believe in Limited Atonement, so how can you say you don't believe sins are paid for, in advance? You do say the father poured out wrath on Jesus on the cross and in Hell to punish sins of the chosen in advance, so that means you can't "lose it" because you don't have to pay twice for the same crime, double jeopardy, some kind of worldly philosophy you use to justify this ungodly and unbiblical doctrine.

News Item1/14/14 3:28 PM
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Frank wrote:
CAB, concerning your post at 12:24PM
[14] For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: [15] But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. (Mat 6:14-15 KJV) Jesus said God is still the Father of those He is not forgiving.
[32] But when we are judged, we are chastened of the Lord, that we should not be condemned with the world. (1Cr 11:32 KJV) ..Also see Hebrews 12:6-8. Same thought. He chastens those He loves - He does not condemn them.
If all our sins are forgiven in advance, as UK John and some others insist, and if it is impossible to become "unborn" as the Calvinists say, then how does this jibe with Jesus' plain teaching that a person forgiven by the master (representing God) of his huge debt gets all FORMERLY FORGIVEN sins put back to his charge, thrown in prison, never to get out until he's paid every penny TEN TIMES OVER?

This demonstrates God is not a pushover, that our sins are not all forgiven in advance, and a person will pay for (at least) the sin of unforgiveness the REST OF HIS LIFE and in the next as well if he does not repent (ie Hell).

Sin is a big, huge deal, not to larf, larf about. Life is a test, not a lottery.

News Item1/14/14 3:06 PM
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GsTexas wrote:
Ill leave you with these verses:

Galatians 3:11 "But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, The just shall live by faith."
Galatians 5:4 "Christ is become no effect unto you, whosoever of you is justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace."

I love Galatians. Your verses are talking about the Judaizers. It's not saying we owe God nothing, that we shouldn't obey God or live for God.
Paul is saying that real Jews, real children of Abraham, are those who believe in Jesus. Read the rest of the chapter: it's short.

Gal. 6:18 But IF, IF, IF ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law.

19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,
20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,
21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness,revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in timei past, that THEY WHICH DO SUCH THINGS SHALL NOT INHERIT THE KINGDOM OF GOD.

24 And they that are Christ's have CRUCIFIED THE FLESH with the affections and lusts.
25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.
26 Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking on

News Item1/14/14 2:49 PM
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Shane wrote:
Cab... can you show me one post were aperson says they can do whatever they want and still be saved?
I've just been posting with John UK, and he loudly proclaims he is chief of sinners and also saved by grace.

I have brought up this week scriptures of things the Bible says we can and can't do if we want to go to Heaven, and I've been accused of advocating a "works religion."

Have you not noticed the abuse I take on this forum?

A couple people here are claiming St. Paul, the holiest saint you can find in the Bible, was Chief of Sinners during his ministry and after he became saved.

Just go check out some of the posts here.

UK John claimed in past posts that the Father poured out wrath on Jesus for every one of the sins a future Chosen One would ever commit, along with all the sins of the past Chosen Ones, so each sin is all paid in advance, so there's no way to lose our salvation since it's all prepaid.

Salvation by the wrath of God poured on Jesus on the cross and then in Hell, a sponge for God's wrath. Not salvation by the all-sufficient blood of the perfect holy Creator God Savior, who gave his life for us and took it up again--

This is a worse heresy than the Catholic doctrine of Jesus still writhing on the cross

News Item1/14/14 2:35 PM
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GsTexas wrote:
CAB, perhaps I'd take you more seriously if you wouldn't ignore all the verses I post that teach we are justified by faith, not works. Also the verse I posted about our mansion is relevant because it shows the absurdity of your position.
Don't tell me to submit to the Bible when you won't even acknowledge the verses that I post, which teach justification by faith.
I'm trying to post to a lot of people at once, and I can only post one at a time, don't have one of those gadgets like you do that allows me to post more in a row (not that I'd do that anyway).

I can't even keep up with all the postings, don't even know what verse you speak of, but maybe I can get to it later.

And you keep the name-calling and reviling also, not exactly speaking in a respectful or Christian way to me.

And you are speaking here of verses dealing with initial salvation, and we're not talking about that. That's another subject. We're talking about, can a saved person become lost?

IOW, if you are confronted with renouncing Jesus and worshipping the antichrist, or lose your head -- what would you do? Why would you do it?

It's not a good idea for people to talk themselves into believing a lie just because it feels good, not if it means Hell

News Item1/14/14 2:28 PM
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GsTexas wrote:
I have to go to work now, I will pray that God will open your eyes to the truth. Ill leave you with these verses:
Galatians 3:11 "But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, The just shall live by faith."
Galatians 5:4 "Christ is become no effect unto you, whosoever of you is justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace."
Great -- so are you going to take the Mark and worship the antichrist? Do you have any fear of God at all, or do you think you can do anything and everything you want and you are going to Heaven no matter what?

Do you have a conscience anymore? Do you even need one?

News Item1/14/14 2:25 PM
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Dorcas wrote:
"Martyrs Mirror" by T.J Van Braght is a book tells the stories of many of our Baptist brethren that suffered so much.
Martyrdom is the story of Christianity. Jesus taught, "If they hate me, they will hate you also. The world will love its own, but you are not of this world."

The Bible says we are entering into a time when the whole world will have to worship Satan and the Antichrist, or get their head chopped off. So what do we do?

Jesus said plainly, if we deny him, he WILL deny us before the Father. There is a REASON why Christians in the Bible and in Foxe's Book of Martyrs endured torture and burning and "loved not their lives so much as to shrink from death" as it says in Revelation --

Don't you find it strange the churches are not preparing people? Have Christianity's rules all changed since TBN, John MacArthur and Calvin came along? Jesus came 2000 years ago, and Calvinism, the harlot's daughter more wicked than her mother, was born just a few centuries ago.

If we listen to the posters here we will not worry about losing our soul, and we will shrivel under persecution like the second example in the parable of the sower, if we have not already done so.

The Bible says, The fear of man brings a snare.

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