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News Item4/23/10 8:21 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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Overcomer401965 wrote:
With a lesbian on the translation committee for the NIV, do you think it is Holy Spirit inspired? I dont think so.
Not only a lesbian but a gay man as well. Not to mention their translation philosophy was what is called Dynamic Equivelent. Which simply means, instead of translating Word for Word, they translated Thought for Thought. In other words; as long as the general idea comes across. But Jn. 1:1 did not say: In the begining was the General Idea. But: In the begining was the Word. Word for word translation recognizes that the inspiration extends to the very words of scripture. God did not just give a revelation and leave it up to the authors to frame it the best way they knew how. Bottom line; the NIV is a paraphrase at best, not an accurate transtalion.

News Item4/23/10 2:24 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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scottishguy wrote:
If you are going to legislate Christian morality,then why stop at sexual sin, why not make it illegal to buy and sell on the Sabbath,why not make it a legal responsibility to look after your parents when they become old and frail,(not just bunging them in a home, but taking them in your own home).Why not make it a crime to worship God other than in a prescribed Christian way,ban other religions from having images that they worship(ban other religions),why not make divorce illegal,why not make perjury a capital offence when it involves false evidence that could take someones life.Why not make adultery a crime(there is no other sin, including homosexual practice,that the bible condemns more).
BTW, I am a Christian.
I believe you are a christian, But I did want to mention that many of the things you mentioned were illegal in the US until a few years ago. Adultry, keeping shop on the Lord's day. Divorce could not be granted unless adultry was proven. Homosexuality is still against the law in some states. You may have your opinion, but it has not been historicly researched. It sopunds more like an emotionaly charged reaction.

News Item4/22/10 10:06 PM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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TT wrote:
Wow, Rick, it's a far stretch to go from homosexuality to bashing Christian rock music. Ray Boltz doesn't even do rock music. And remember Michael English who left the Christian music scene for a while due to his problem with adultery? He did southern gospel music with the Gaithers. And mustwatch, as far as the Psalms, they give direction to use instruments of Gath. Gath was Philistine, home of Goliath and company. The point: use everything to praise the Lord. Why don't we pray for these artists whose mininstries lead them to temptations. As for sin, that is a different story...
Just remeber that when your children's generation want to glorify God through homosexuality and pornography. I was a rock musician in the 70s, and I know what people like Bill Gottard were right when they were warning young people to stay away from rock. Now, through the philosohpy that you have espoused, rock and all other forms of the world have taken over the church. At first, I tried what you are talking about, but soon saw the problems with it. Iv'e been on both sides of this issue. So, I'm not some old fundamentalist that is stuck in another era. Thanks for your time.

News Item4/21/10 3:11 PM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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modernverionistsagree wrote:
If any English language story e.g. 'Shakespear' had several different versions, would children be confused if the Teacher read from one and the children each had various versions at the same time?
Thas is one of the best points for continuity in the preaching services.

News Item4/20/10 11:36 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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I'm wondering if GMs commitment to Minority Cuses extends to All minority groups. Such as Conservative fundamental reformed christians that read the King James Bible and sing hymns. You know, us old stick in the mud folks that have not gone Emergent or Circus driven. Us relics from another century that still believe Isaiah saw the angels saying "Holy Holy Holy" instead of "Fun Fun Fun". Cause, I think we are the fastest growing minority group in the country. If Gm covers us, then sign me uo for a car.

News Item4/20/10 11:28 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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The activity is most likely precipitated by alcohol, WHAT?
As if there was no hooking up at AA meetings. No, this activity of Hooking Up, i.e fornication and adultry, is precipitated by the World, the Flesh and the devil.
But it is interesting that even secular groups are seeing, not only the physical dangers of this activity, but the emotional dangers as well.

News Item4/19/10 8:59 PM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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It's very possible that we are really no longer a soverign nation anyway.

News Item4/19/10 8:43 PM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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I think we need to step back and look at the bigger picture, and ask the question "Is there even such a thing as Christian Rock music?" The spirit of Rock Music is Rebellion and Self Indulgence. It is a terrible mistake to think that as christians, we can somehow take an invention of the world, flesh and the devil, and add christian words to it, and now it is christian. It should be no surprize that when we use satans tools we get satans grease on us.
What is even worse, is that within 10yrs.most of the people who call themselves christians, will stand up for Jennifer Knapp, and Ray Boltz homosexuality, and will stand against people who say that being gay is wrong.

News Item4/16/10 10:36 PM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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It doesn't sound like they are forgiving the Beatles as much as they are endorsding them. True biblical forgiveness does not mean that the offending person in now somehow right, but that the offender, though their actions are wrong, is now no longer liable fo punishment. I guess forgiveness is being re defined along with everything else.

News Item4/16/10 1:08 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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Judicial Activism is what is unconstitutional.

News Item4/15/10 11:24 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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This is great to hear some good news. Sometimes it seems as if we have lost the whole culture and that everyone has lost their minds. This just goes to show that there is still some common grace operating. However; I'm sure that some liberal group wil try to challenge this groups findings.

News Item4/15/10 11:16 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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if the hat fits wrote:
"My daughter read her first words at 20 months old and was reading the Authorized Version at three years old. It is NOT, NOT, NOT too hard to read. Who is reading this that is under three years old? When my daughter was nine, she that said her favorite book was Leviticus! She is ten now and still reads the Authorized Version unprompted by me. She was reared without the world and under a Biblical Scholarship.
We must remember that the Bible is a spiritual book and is understandable to those who are led by God's Spirit. It is not possible for the natural man to understand it [I Corinthians 2:14], hence paraphrasing or simplifying it will do no good. The Bible is not supposed to read like a fairy tale!
BUT JIM CAN'T READ WHAT any 10 year old can read
[URL=]]]if the hat fits![/URL]
Thank you for the truth illusrtated by your daughters experience. I am going to be dealing with the subject of translations this Sun. night in church, and I'd like to use your story to make the point.

News Item4/13/10 8:46 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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Nonsense; the exact opposite has proven to be true. Not spanking your kids is what has lead to violent behavior. Why? Because kids have not learned the basic law of cause and effect. i.e. you hurt someone and you get hurt. Therefore kids grow up thinking that they can get away with anything. Young children cannot reason through why they should not do something, but they can realize that certain actions get painful results. Of course this applies to spanking as a proper discipline, not abuse.

News Item4/7/10 5:31 PM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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We as Christians need to respond Biblicly to this problem. Not with surprise; because yes christians, pastors, and even women can be, and are caught up in it. Not with denial; by sweeping it under the rug and pretending it doesn't exist. Not with disdain; through treating people like lepers. And not with false tolerence; by thinking it's not that big a deal.
It is a big deal. Poeple who were exposeed to pornography in the 60s and 70s still deal with the effects of it. Young people who get exposed to it now are going to be even worse off. Through love, prayer, wisdom and couseling, people need help. There are recourses.

News Item4/4/10 9:41 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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The strength of the KJV is not that King James translated it (he did no actual translation, but rather appointed schoolars to the task). Nor is is in the spiritual life of King James (which is a highly suspect life). The strenght is also not in the antiquated language (which some KJV only people act as if this is the language Jesus and the apostles spoke). Rather the strength of the KJV is in the Textus Receptus, that is the manuscript it is translated from.
Those who state that the new versions have taken verses out of the bible, don't realize that those verses were not in the text that those versions were translated from. So, the question is not "Which is a more accurate traslation" but, "Which manuscript is the one we should translate from". The debate continues in academic circles, but I am sold on the manuscirpt that has more fullness, i.e. the Textus Receptus, i.e the KJV and the NKJV.And if another is translated from th T.R. I'll check it out as well.

News Item4/4/10 9:27 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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This is another version of what some evangalist in the 70s tried. Namely, having people like Johnny Cash, and B.J. Thomas to come sing, with the hope that the evangalist would be able to sneak the gospel in. They did draw a crowd, but many left after the singing was over. People will no doubt pack the place out for the Jonah brothers. But Warren and his crowd are decieved if they think that the interest manifested by this pop group will translate into interest in Christ. The reason people are interested in Worldliness, and the reason people are interested in Christ are irreconcilable.
People used to be confronted with the valid question "Culture or Christ?" Now because of the approach that Warren has fostered people believe they can have the culture (worldliness) and Christ.

News Item4/3/10 10:20 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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Oh God; I know your Spirit must be so greived. On this time of Holy Remembrance. What is supposed to be your Church, is making a mockery of everything sacred. We have traded the Bible for BudgetS, Eternity for Entertainment, Faith for Fun, and Holliness for Happiness. Your people are being destroyed for lack of knowlege. The prophets are prophesying to them falsly and people love to have it so. While the lost are going to a Christless eternity in Hell, and the sheep are starving, we are having theme parks, rock concerts, clowns and gimmicks.
O God, bring back a sense of holliness. A sense of conviction that would make us fall down and say "Woe is me for I am undone" God your remnant is crying out to you to raise up true spiritual churches, to throw down the false church of entertainment, and show that you are still able to revive as in former days. We aknowledge that we have grieved you, and that you have justly withdrawn your presence. Pleas return and Save Now. In Jesus Name Amen!

News Item4/2/10 8:53 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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When are people going to realize that the church should not be in the Entertainment business, or the Marketing buisiness. We are supposed to be in the Soul winning and disciplship buisiness. Last year, there were preachers dressing up as the easter bunny, and giving chocolate eggs to kids as they hopped down the aisle. One preacher popped a wheelee on a motorcycle as he drove up to the church dressed in a maniacal looking rabbit suite. All this in the name of outreach. The problem is; this is not Evangalism, it is worldly marketing. Churches are not trying to get people in to win them to Christ anymore (though many say that's why they are doing this)they are attempting to get people in for the same reason buisiness are trying to get people in. So we can have bodies and bucks. All of this is an Abomination. In my small church people are alarmed (which is a good thing)that we are loosing young people. But their solution is to try these things that the big budget entertainment churches are doing. Time after time, I have to tell them that we don't have the budget to compete with these churches. Even if we did, that is not what God wants us to do. People claim they want to reach people but they will not do what God has commanded; pray, and wittness.

News Item3/30/10 1:16 PM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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jordan wrote:
Rick: Dr Piper realizes that, but he also has to make sure that the fame that he has been blessed with doesn't go to his head. Taking a step back from it to tend to his family and his own soul is a move that seems to be a very wise thing to do.
I hope this event also helps his congregation in that it reminds them that they are where they are because of the Lord, not John Piper.
Point taken.

News Item3/30/10 11:29 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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Granted; there are things that can disqualify someone from public minsitry, at least until they get it dealt with. But if everyone of us resigned because we were not living up to the light we had, only the most arrogant and self decived people would be in the ministry. If we only preached what we have down pad, most of us would only be preaching a few verses.
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