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News Item6/27/18 9:02 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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communists erase culture. they are carrying this out, marxizing the generations. they will not know their heritage so that they can be controlled.

they have the women thinking that being white means being evil. sad thing. they will voluntarily take away their children's heritage.

see south africa and their pronouncement of genocide against the white south africaaners who control the farms.

people would rather burn a book than see this reality.

News Item6/27/18 8:54 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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the progressive policies of the last 50 years are decimating every pocket of society.

agenda 21 wilded our lands, keeping younger generations from doing non gmo, sustainable farming, BLM has become a mil arm in the west with ranchers, as the land has resources for globlists, the gmos themselves have had devastating effects, add to that high taxes so that farms cannot be passed down through family.

the solutions are found in scripture.

how can we expect good fruit when we are a nation of gm corn and soy?

we are reaping what we have sown!

at this point in today's depression, there should be cries for local farming, neighborhood farming -- instead of pitbulls and HOA's there should be neighborhood baby chicken trading and carpenters to sell coops.

see Jim's comments, the left does not want the indigenous to escape the reservations they have made.

News Item6/26/18 3:26 PM
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"Once upon a time in the late 1980s, the Left devised a behavioral modification scheme aimed at one thing: Future control of as much of the population as possible."

News Item6/26/18 3:03 PM
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John Yurich USA wrote:
Why would scientists want to recreate dangerous viruses from scratch, make harmful bacteria more deadly and modify common microbes so that they can churn out lethal toxins once they enter the body? Only a scientist who is off of their rocker and totally psychotic would want to do that.
they do all sorts of stuff like that and it is madness.

your reaction is a normal one.

in addition to testing all sorts of macabre germs on lab animals who are then infested (supposedly the labs are sealed) they mix human dna into animals, plant dna into animals, etc

course there's the human dna in the shots too, no big deal right? after all, the babies were going to be aborted anyway.

"ho hum. who cares?"

News Item6/26/18 2:56 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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being conservative is quickly becoming a cr!me...

Title: Rep. Maxine Waters Could Face Five Years in Prison for Inciting a Riot

sounds like an invasion

Title: HUNDREDS OF MUSLIM MIGRANTS Storm Croatian Border Screaming “ALLAHU AKBAR!” (VIDEO)

News Item6/26/18 2:50 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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mexico collapsing?

engineered collapse of us border?

cartels running everything?

News Item6/26/18 9:47 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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time to go back to the old ways. lots of poisons. there are methods to detox. everyone's running around with neurologicla disorders and "anxiety" but do doctors dare to do heavy metal analysis such as hair samples? course not.

the chemical model is over.

News Item6/26/18 9:45 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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any thoughtful pharmacist already knows the third mechanism of the bcp is abortifacient. this is yet another means to purge the system of the "no" men.

News Item6/25/18 9:33 AM
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Wayfarer Pilgrim wrote:
A democratic strategist said recently that to win mid term elections, the dnc would go after trump voters. He said we will label them Nazis, deny them debate and depress them to not ever vote in any election. If that works, then they’ll use that strategy towards Christians.
its a cultural marxist sweep

they sure got nervous when trump got into office

they had their commst plans, which were nearly complete and now our church conventions continue on their agendas.

why did trump insist that hillary or obama created ISIS? why did the rino-demo class insist on railroading flynn, a respected official before he could ever set foot?

Title: Ben Rhodes Admits Obama Armed Jihadists In Syria In Bombshell Interview

were not CHristians massacred by these same jihadists?

News Item6/25/18 9:21 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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there are plenty of heretics to go around.

Title: How The US, Under Obama, Created Europe's Refugee Crisis

News Item6/25/18 9:11 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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MasterDummy wrote:
Here a link of what Mr. Littleton said about his adventure at the convention
thank you for this link! there is good information on that site.

News Item6/25/18 9:03 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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if an individual has never grappled with their own sin and sin nature and come to terms through the opening of their eyes by the Holy Spirit of their pathetic condition without His intervention, then they are not born again, but "playing" church like a child "plays" cooking and "plays" riding a horse.

they often look down on the lowly case of the sinner, who genuflects on their terrible and impossible condition, never realizing that the man in his lowest time is brought up by the Lord but the man who holds Himself high before the Living God is brought down low.

"the pride of man" is a powerful thing. how does one overcome their own greatness to get to the cross?

how can one know the love of the Savior if they do not know what they have been pulled from.

indeed, it is the love of the Savior they cannot know, something artificial like, "I love this candy".

those who are in the Shepherd's care will never be lost.

News Item6/24/18 3:42 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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"the world population needs to be brought down to as near zero as possible"

Bill Gates had brought these new ideas to us, to save the planet from "global warming", and by instituting vaccine programs and reproductive services like china

Title: New vaccines will permanently alter your DNA

Here is the punchline: “The viruses invade human cells with their DNA payloads, and the synthetic gene is incorporated into the recipient’s own DNA. If all goes well, the new genes instruct the cells to begin manufacturing powerful antibodies.”

"Two scientists discover that vaccines are contaminated, in the manufacturing process, with many small particles of metals that are toxic to humans when injected. Alarming."

"The published research is ignored. Then the scientists are raided by police."

News Item6/24/18 3:36 PM
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Christopher000 wrote:
Penny Wrote:
"if one was to listen to the footage of Melania at the border, which the mainstream media will keep from Christians eyes, you will hear her asking the staff about the situation these children are in."
I listened and watched as a conservative talking head played the footage and discussed it. All the the non-conservatives could seem to focus on was what it said on the back of her jacket, and the poor, crying child, whose own father said she was only crying because she was put down for a moment. Astonishing hatred and hipocrisy.
thanks Christopher!

News Item6/24/18 3:00 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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just end the education department. it is in the state charters to oversee and finance the schools. quit using poor schools as guinea pigs! let states sort it out as is the separation of powers.

beware of charters as "freedom of choice" that ends school boards and redress, where through beaurocracy any new common core idea can be instituted... outsourced money in charge, such as our outsourced prisons where they make money by the more they incarcerate.

limited government is the answer, Christians can then homeschool and fund local schools.

however, they cannot compete when globalist money takes over the system and spreads its tentacles.

News Item6/24/18 2:42 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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interesting. was not Mr. Littleton escorted out of the convention by police before the ERLC session?

Mr Mohler is going to have to decide which side of the fence he's on.

can globalism and george soros money save the convention?

News Item6/23/18 10:56 AM
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Still Watching wrote:
Y'know Christopher, I get so tired of all this white bashing. For the record there's just as much racism in the black/Mexican/Chinese/Arab communities as there are in white communities. I think everyone needs to get off their high horses and drop the immaturity. Imagine a white only heaven? Gimme a break.
cultural marxism teaches bloodlust. the revenge of one "tribe" over another. the perceived sins of others placed on those who remain. its a form of guerilla warfare that plagues superstitious societies of old.

cultural marxists want to make people paranoid and superstitious and they want them to turn on one another. the elites know that this is the most generous nation on earth for diversity and welcoming people in and they use shaming techniques to capture them.

Review for show below: The Church As a Social Service Center (Part 2) Topic: Why are protestant churches turning against baby-boomers in favor of liberal millennials when the baby boomers are funding the churches at a larger level?

how are certain millenials funding the take down of the "patriarchy" when the baby boomers are the only ones left that have the money?

where is the money coming from?

News Item6/23/18 10:47 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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set the truth tellers free, its the pedophiles who need to be arrested.

News Item6/23/18 10:45 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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they are using the EXACT SAME TECHNIQUE in China as the US.

the 501c3 corporation is incorporated to the state system and agrees to do all "for the public good"

abortion is for the public good. if you are prolife you automatically reject the good of some in the community. add sodomy to that. a sodomite wants to get married, who are you to step into "their good"?

another phrasing for this is "human flourishing", which seems to be being used synonymously with "public good" or "greater good"

the Chinese state churches are "free" because they can preach about "anything they want" as long as they "stay out of politics".

this statement is identical to what has been preached by many right here on SA, they often quote John Macarthur strangely enough.

"politics don't belong at the pulpit", they say as they bow to the state's "common good"

my friends, "the common good" is already political is antiChrist.

at this point I see little difference between the evangelical churches and the Chinese state churches.

The Chinese have gotten smart. THey see our mega church 501c3 model with all the "my best life now" happy faces.

"why didn't we think of that?", they say, "go figure, we never needed boots, just give them a little incentive and social pressure"

News Item6/22/18 10:18 AM
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I"m glad they posted this! one thing the media does is demoralize constantly. they don't want the public to see the successes or people's heroic efforts.

here's an example...

melania goes to the border and finds a clean, orderly facility taking care of the children, here is her interacting with them....

Title: Breaking: First Lady Melania Makes Suprise Visit to Texas Immigration Facilities (Video)

"I want to thank you for your hard work, your compassion, and your kindness you're giving them in these difficult times."

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