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News Item9/24/2020 9:36 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Here public and private schools are now operating. The law does exempt primary school children from wearing masks, (under 11 in England, Scotland however, only up to 4 years old), but secondary school children must wear them in the main corridors and on public transport, although not generally required in the classroom. Some school heads are more severe than even the government guidelines, and some are completely authoritarian over COVID 19 measures.. In most schools, one way systems, closed areas, social bubble rules, staggered arrival, departure and lunchtimes separating different years, and so on are usually enforced. Parents are not allowed to enter schools at all, children are supposed to travel in special school buses, or in normal bus routes, with other passengers discouraged from using that bus, and things like concerts, sports events, etc, will be banned totally, or modified, apparently Christmas performances might be permitted under strict regulations, without a live audience,(parents watching at home on their computers). Any child exhibiting even a common cold or flu symptoms, let alone COVID 19, and usually the whole class and teacher will be sent home, and have to self isolate, (family as well) for 14 days!! What terrible fear!!!

News Item9/24/2020 9:20 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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As the countries in the Northern hemisphere head for winter, and as the globalists are determined to keep the COVID 19 restrictions in place well into next year, outdoor services are not going to be a viable option. Here, in Britain, we can now have indoor services, but with very severe restrictions, including a total ban on congregational singing, compulsory mask wearing, and interference with or even a virtual ban in the Lord’s Supper, holy communion, baptism by immersion, (infant baptisms by sprinkling can take place, but only with 6 people present including the baby, but excluding the minister!!), and of course, no social fellowship at all is permitted. At least we are better off than California and Nrw York City, where I think all inside services are banned, and Melbourne Australia which is now a complete police state, and no church services are allowed at all.

News Item9/24/2020 7:20 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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The position officially is that barring any major illegality it totally atrocious conduct, Prince Harry cannot be stripped of his HRH title; but he and his wife have basically been told that they should not use it, and to that they have agreed. They do keep the title Duke and Duchess if Sussex, which they can use for official purposes, but it does not voter any particularly official status. It also means that they can use their own income, and are not so much under the restraints that for example, Prince Charles or Prince William would be under. Besides, now Prince Charles is next in line to the throne, then Prince William, then there are 3 children, so Harry, Meghan and little Archie are pushed right out.

News Item9/24/2020 1:00 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Sadly, this Royal marriage was bad news from day one. Harry fell head over heals with his leftist Hollywood starlet wife. He cannot vote in this forthcoming US election, but his wife, who of course is now a dual US / UK citizen, will vote for the wicked pro-abortion, pro-LGBTQI+, pro-environmentalist, pro-UN, pro-globalist, pro-persecution of Christians, Harris-Biden ticket, (Harris being the real President, Biden merely being the bumbling mouthpiece, the figurehead). Ahab and Jezebel come to mind here in this Presidential duo!! Harry resigned his position as a member of the British Royal Family, and does everything his wife Meghan tells him to. Son Archie will be brought up as a leftist clone in this set up. Sadly, though estranged from them, Harry picked up a lot of nonsense, not only from his wife to whom he is totally devoted, but tragically to his own father, Prince Charles, a dedicated interfaith environmentalist, and even his own dutiful brother, Prince William, who is following a more traditional royal course, as well as his late mother, Princess Diana.Their guest preacher at the wedding was the ultra liberal US lead Episcopalian Bishop Curry. When the present Queen Elizabeth II dies, that is the end of our Royal family as we know it!!

News Item9/23/2020 3:49 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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The whole “Project Fear” , I believe, is being geared up to force us all to take the globalists Bill Gates vaccine, which will no doubt be made mandatory; we will not be allowed to travel, or even go into a store without it. These vaccines contain 2, and very likely 3, objectionable things. There are aborted baby tissues, and also the most popular vaccines have a DNA changing agent. It is also very likely that the globalists will use this as an opportunity to insert some kind of an ID chip, or permanent scannable internal dye, (one they have been working on with dissolvable needles is called “Luciferase”).

With developments in the Middle East, the USA elections, the Marxist lawlessness, the environmentalist Agenda 2030 with the UN, and all these things, the church is virtually forbidden to meet, or if it is allowed to meet, it has to do so under very strict restrictions. We must seek the Lord and pray and cry out in repentance.

News Item9/23/2020 1:46 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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In Britain, it is not malice, but bad information and propaganda hyped up by the media that keeps churches closed or masked and not singing, and also the complete inability of the churches themselves to question these arbitrary restrictions. In places like California and New York, (both city and state), it is malice, when so many pllaces are allowed to reopen, or are deemed essential like marijuana shops and abortion clinics it is malice. The Democrats there hate and despise faith, and particularly churches which preach the real gospel.

Back here in Britain, new restrictions are coming on Thursday, with a 10 pm closing on pubs and restaurants, further bans on households meeting, and an extension of mask wearing to staff in retail, hospitality and taxis. Local lockdowns are also threatened, and theses restrictions may be for up to 6 months. Only 15 can go to a wedding, but 30 are allowed at a funeral. Otherwise, for churches things are the same, socially distanced services, mask wearing, no fellowship, no singing.

News Item9/22/2020 6:53 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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By the way, one of the leading leftist Cardinals, who pushes environmentalism, unlimited immigration, interfaith, COVID 19 regulations and mandates, support for groups like BLM, support for the UN and EU, permissiveness to the LGBTQI+ and Transgender crowd, and is soft in abortion, as well as modern methods and liturgy in churches, is the former leader of the German Catholic bishops, and guess what, his name (no joke)!! is actually Cardinal Marx. He is a great friend and supporter of Pope Francis and his whole agenda. No, you can’t make this stuff up!!

News Item9/21/2020 11:49 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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This really is ridiculous. In Britain, congregational singing is still banned. After a little bit of an outcry, (very muted), the advice was changed to, a single singer inside can sing before a plexiglas screen, and a socially distanced choir outside. Now a few singers inside are allowed, socially distanced and behind a screen. Few churches are actually doing this, but most having said services, or like mine, (my church is in the strand that only allows congregational singing), still uses recorded hymns played over a (in the case of my church) tinny loudspeaker with people silently reading a paper, or in our case, hymn books, (evening service is online only, so hymn books can be “quarantined” until next Sunday morning!!). The quality of the recordings is better at the great Met Tab services, and thankfully cameras there do not show the masked, yes, masked congregation. What is the purpose of marking the congregation, yet forbidding then to sing!! That is the insult of the leftist globalists to the church!! You wear a compulsory mask, but you still cannot sing!! No, the psalms and the Bible commands otherwise!!!

News Item9/21/2020 11:36 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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In Britain, (and maybe the USA), we used to have a joke, before the reign of the infamous Pope Francis started, “Is the Pope Catholic?” Now, we have to seriously ask this? Is Pope Francis Catholic? The man even denies Catholic doctrine, let alone anything Biblical or Evangelical!! He, and his complicit Left wing Marxist cardinals, bishops and clergy, as well as feminist nuns, are turning the Catholic Church into a clerical slightly ritualised version of the Protestant mainstream liberal denominations. The Traditionalist clergy and lay people are being silenced and set aside. There are now effectively two Catholic Churches, the traditional one that we have to introduce to the Gospel using the 5 solas of the Reformation, and the liberal one that we treat just like the liberal mainline Protestant denominations!!

News Item9/21/2020 3:26 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Worse he sacked his loyalist underground bishops, and instructed the Catholics in China to cooperate with the Communist Party government, and the officially state sanctioned “Catholic Patriotic Association”. Since then, the persecution of both Catholics and Protestants, as well as the Uighyer Muslims, and some Buddhist dissenters, has got much worse, and the officially sanctioned Catholic (as well as Protestant churches), can only exist under the severest of restrictions. These churches are now being stripped of any meaningful Christian appearance, and if not forcibly closed, are now being turned into Communist propaganda centres, with an ultra thin “Christian” veneer. Any dissent or disobedience is severely dealt with. As for the corrupt Vatican, traditionalist Catholic websites have uncovered money that the CCP of China has been siphoning to the Vatican!!!

News Item9/20/2020 4:44 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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I do not take too much notice of the protests of the folks from Bethel, who are heretical, basically a New Age church with a very thin “Christian” veneer.

I am far more impressed by the stand of Pastor John MacArthur and Grace Community Church, in Sun Valley and the IFB pastor Dr Jack Trieber of North Vale Baptist Church in Santa Clara.

News Item9/20/2020 5:00 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Sorry, Dave from Oz, I have just seen a news item about your Premier, Daniel Andrews , (I assume from your previous entry that you live in Victoria, and obviously agree totally with his policies), that he is trying now to push through your local Parliament, that authorised indefinite detention, presumably without trial, and that any designated official, as well as the police, can arrest anyone, and authorise this indefinite detention. His night curfew has already been proclaimed unlawful, as it was not done under medical advice. This, Dave, is a Communist state. I assume, of course that in person church services are totally illegal there under this second lockdown, which by the way, was caused by the government’s own mishandling of the “hotel quarantine” system, so the Premier took it out on his own people. Your Federal Government has been absolutely spineless, and this unconstitutional behaviour had but been effectively challenged.

News Item9/20/2020 2:54 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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I have been following the news reports from Australia, and the level of heartlessness and cruelty exhibited by the state Premiers there, particularly Daniel Andrews of Victoria and Annastasia Palaszczuk of Queensland have been terrible. I am so surprised dear Dave from Oz, and Watcher from the USA, that you have accepted without question the narrative of this globalist plot that was being hatched from many years, but finally proclaimed at a coronavirus conference in New York in October 2019, attended by many leading globalists, which is well documented. The pregnant woman who was arrested, the elderly ladies on benches, the leading doctors who have pleaded in vain for the disastrous lockdowns to end, and the Swedish epidemiologist who saved his country from this policy are not idiots, Dave. Nor are godly pastors like Dr John MacArthur and Dr Jack Trieber.

News Item9/20/2020 2:31 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Yes, dear Watcher, if you wish to go outside or inside wearing a mask, that is your right, just as it is your right to wash your vegetables. You have a perfect right to believe the media and the narrative lies that you have been told by the globalists, the non-expert epidemiologist functionaries of the government, (when many much better qualified doctors have questioned this, and promptly been silenced by big tech and sacked by their employers), various presidents, prime ministers, governors, mayors and other authorities, and like most churches and pastors here in Britain, to meekly roll over and submit. No doubt, like Mr Lincoln, you will be first in line for the coming compulsory Bill Gates vaccine, with all its dodgy and morally objectionable contents. However, in 16th, 17th and 18th century Europe the true evangelicals did not meekly submit, nor did the Christians in pagan Rome. And by the way, Paul the apostle did appeal to the Roman constitution, as he was a Roman citizen, when he was beaten illegally by the magistrates of Philippi.Was he unspiritual? The Bible doesn’t seem to think so. If the churches yield to this supinely, they will be kept shut permanently, and the state will happily take that as a precedent.

News Item9/19/2020 10:37 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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As for quoting the terrible experience of the state of Victoria in Australia, Mr Lincoln, the Communist (officially Labour) Premier of that state has terrorised his people with a heavy handed police force, arresting pregnant woman at home for daring to place a Facebook post for opposing his lockdown, elderly women in benches being harassed, (I actually saw this type of thing happening here in England at the beginning of the lockdown in March), a funeral where a grieving dad, wearing his mask was forced with 9 other chosen relatives, to sit on his own in a church funeral for his dead wife, all masked and sitting apart, no comfort, no hugs, or any comfort, and a constitutionally illegal night curfew, which finally the Premier had to admit was nothing to do with medical advice at all, but his own dictatorial whim. Here, in Britain, churches still cannot meet properly, all masked, no singing, no communion, (Anglican and Catholic Churches just take bread only from a masked clergyman), no baptism by immersion, no fellowship, this is disgraceful.

News Item9/19/2020 10:25 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Not only is compulsory mask wearing, inside, but also increasingly outside, a sign of subjugation and I would even say, slavery, but also it is totally oppressive and unnecessary. The whole effort is to soften up people, and deliver them to such a fear, that they will willingly submit to the coming compulsory vaccine, (no exceptions allowed), which definitely in most cases has aborted baby tissues in it, some of them including the favoured US vaccine (Modesta), has an rNA DNAchanging agent, and most likely will have some kind of permanent internal marking dye or identity marking chip. All vaccines are being rushed through by big pharmaceutical, and governments, skipping some of the required stages of testing, and remember in most countries, vaccine manufacturers are totally immune from criminal prosecution or civil lawsuits if anything goes wrong. Yet people obey the rules like sheep, yet wave after wave hits. Here in Britain, instead of another national lockdown, there are constant local lockdowns, and further restrictions on our freedom, and total confusion.

News Item9/19/2020 3:56 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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This OFSTED has huge powers. It operates in England and Wales. Scotland has its own very politically correct version, and Northern Ireland has an inspection body as well. OFSTED can put a school under special measures, can fail it, order it to be taken out of LEA (local authority) control to be made into a centrally funded academy, and in extreme cases closed, and of course in all these scenarios the headteacher and senior staff are sacked and new staff brought in. They also inspect kindergartens, pre schools, and they do have power to inspect private schools too. They have a long history of harassing church and Christian schools, orthodox Jewish schools, and unusually have even threatened Muslim schools over politically correct LGBTQI, transgender and sexual issues, where these schools do not comply with this agenda.

News Item9/19/2020 2:31 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Mr Lincoln, and even Watcher may be happy to wear masks indoors, and presumably outdoors for the rest of their lives. Watcher did get one thing right, people are like sheep. I have rhinitis, a sinus complaint, and as the weather gets colder I suffer more with it. A mask will make this insufferable. Masks are actually useless to protect infection, and should only be worn if you are spraying your roses, or using chemicals, or a doctor or surgeon should wear a proper medical mask when doing an operation on a patient, or in an ICU or infectious diseases ward. Otherwise, they just mean you are constantly breathing in your own recycled CO2. The media hype over COVID has been nothing short of disgraceful. “Cases, cases, cases”, they screech. Deaths and hospitalisation have actually gone right down to rock bottom, but tyrannical governors, presidents, prime ministers, mayors and others insist on masks, lockdowns, and social distancing over something that is about as bad as flu, which we have had for decades. I see tiny little children, and bowed old people going out with masks in the street and it makes me very angry. It is the ultimate sign of subjection and slavery. Now even to be worn in church without singing!! Disgraceful, and not what God intended for us!! Now the vaccine!!

News Item9/17/2020 11:20 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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I suspect that John UK’s method is used exclusively in North Korea, which is far more advanced even than its huge neighbour China, in outlawing the Christian Church. Only 3 “show” churches are permitted in Pyongyang, the capital of North Korea, and are opened up for special services only when diplomats or foreign visitors are to be impressed. One is Protestant, one Catholic, and one Korean Speaking Russian Eastern Orthodox. All other Christian worship is totally and completely illegal and subject to savage penalties upon discovery, usually very long sentences in harsh concentration camps, or even death. Most North Korean believers, U understand, meet in cellars, basements, forests, fishing boats, or in remote places, in very small groups,(because of spying neighbours, and sometimes even their own children), with handwritten bible passage pages or hymns, and very little noise is made!!

News Item9/17/2020 10:27 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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large crowds there are prohibited. In addition, the whole of North Eastern England has some additional restrictions, to join other parts of Northern England. All this is based on a rise in number of cases. The article showed two very compelling graphs. One is the case graph, which is what all this is based on. This came from from a high in March at the high point of the previous national lockdown, went down very low by June, it then began to increase with more testing. However, the second graph is much more telling. It is the deaths graph, showing a high in March, then going down and down and down, never increasing and is now at dick bottom. Most of these most likely are people with other health conditions, or very frail, elderly people. Yet, all the hype is about “cases, cases, cases”, and deaths are not even mentioned!! This sounds very suspicious to me, and is based on whipping up fear, and removing our freedoms.
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