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News Item9/4/10 12:18 PM
Cezar | Midwest  Find all comments by Cezar
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Creation Museum is evolving...

Dun! Dun! Dun!

News Item9/2/10 2:39 PM
Cezar | Midwest  Find all comments by Cezar
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Wait what?

"Reverend" Rachel Mann!
I guess she hasn't received the memo she is not allowed to be behind the pulpit.

ā€œliberative theology of darknessā€

She has to be joking...

It's called rebellion.

"She says that by contrast, churchgoers can appear too sincere and take themselves too seriously."

Too sincere?

What's wrong with being serious about God?
The way Rachel Mann "thinks" is one reason God told females to be subject to their husbands.

News Item9/2/10 2:31 PM
Cezar | Midwest  Find all comments by Cezar
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Of course.

But, the environmental nut that took hostages at the Discovery Channel wasn't called a terrorist.

Environmentalist are terrorist.

We can't build churches in Muslim countries, they shouldn't be able to build their Mosques here.
They need to get the hint they are not welcomed in America and go home.

If someone wants to argue that they have "rights" lets talk about the Branch Davidians and all the lies that were told about them and then they were murdered. They should have been left alone.

News Item9/2/10 2:25 PM
Cezar | Midwest  Find all comments by Cezar
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John UK wrote:
Except for me, of course.

He's a pseudo-doctor and that is dangerous.

News Item9/2/10 2:22 PM
Cezar | Midwest  Find all comments by Cezar
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They all know it works.

They are filthy reprobates and God needs to judge them soon.

While the rest of the country suffers the Obamas take vacations and redecorate the Oval office.

But...according to Obama this is still all the fault of Bush.
Anyone who believes that needs to start thinking. People like Obama need to be taken out of politics.
Term limits are a must.

News Item9/2/10 2:17 PM
Cezar | Midwest  Find all comments by Cezar
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"The mentally and morally ā€œunfitā€ should be sterilized, Professor David Marsland"

A heathen cannot make the decision on whom is morally or mentally unfit.
David Marsland is a heathen.

For suggesting this he should be sterilized and sent to a distant island for the remainder of his life.

Sterilization and euthanasia are morally wrong and anyone who suggests them is mentally ill.

News Item9/1/10 5:25 PM
Cezar | Midwest  Find all comments by Cezar
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Dufus wrote:
Leave the cameras. Take down the Traffic Lights. That will keep people from slamming on their breaks.
No, take down the cameras.

News Item9/1/10 2:04 PM
Cezar | Midwest  Find all comments by Cezar
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"It can not be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians, not on religions, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ!"
Patrick Henry

News Item9/1/10 12:05 AM
Cezar | Midwest  Find all comments by Cezar
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They are the cause of too many accidents.

People slam on their brakes because of them or speed up.
All they are is a money grab.
Also, they are a violation of our rights.

News Item8/31/10 11:56 PM
Cezar | Midwest  Find all comments by Cezar
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I wouldn't work on it either.
It doesn't matter where they build.

Christains can't build churches in their countries.
So, they shouldn't be building here.

Smear pig fat on their buildings and they will leave.

News Item8/31/10 4:54 PM
Cezar | Midwest  Find all comments by Cezar
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Do people even use dictionaries? Not too many.

There are too many illiterate and functionally illiterate people walking around.
Thanks to state schools and parents who can't read above a third grade level, if they can even read that well.

Texting, 24-7 cell phone use, state schools, and so many other problems have attributed to this problem.

New dictionaries twist words and add to definitions.
Use older dictionaries.

News Item8/31/10 4:49 PM
Cezar | Midwest  Find all comments by Cezar
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The reason...

State schools do not teach, they indoctrinate.

Homeschooled children are far more intelligent than any child that attends an unconstitutional state school.

News Item8/7/10 4:09 PM
Cezar | Midwest  Find all comments by Cezar
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"despite evidence from Elena Kagan's Judiciary Committee hearing that she falsified evidence used in a Supreme Court case and committed what might be perjury before that committee."

She isn't against bending the rlaw to her own will, and she will do what she is told.

I pray to God her nomination is appealed, or God takes her out.
Anyway He sees fit.

News Item8/7/10 3:57 PM
Cezar | Midwest  Find all comments by Cezar
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""[Petitioners] are self-described born-again Christians who adhere to a literal interpretation of the Bible and have little sympathy with the secular world," she wrote."

Why should we?

Kagan doesn't have any comsideration for the Constitution or Bill of Rights.
She has to go. I pray God does something to make that happen.

"This burden on religious freedom is slight, and the interest of the state is great."

Slight? The interest of the state should be the interests of the people.

It is "We the people", not "We the politicians."

[URL=]]]Kagan's own notes blasted homeschoolers[/URL]

Kagan advised Powell during the 1980s when a court case developed in Ohio in which a Christian family decided to homeschool their child.

The parents were convicted of not getting the superintendent's permission, and the case was appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court, whose justices refused to intervene.

Where is the law telling us we have to have permission?
Parents are to educate their own children.

News Item8/7/10 3:53 PM
Cezar | Midwest  Find all comments by Cezar
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"automatic citizenship to nearly any child born in the U.S."

That has to stop.
Unless your parents are legal citzens you're not legal.

News Item8/5/10 11:52 AM
Cezar | Midwest  Find all comments by Cezar
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"I quit being a Christian. I'm out. In the name of Christ, I refuse to be anti-gay. I refuse to be anti-feminist. I refuse to be anti-artificial birth control. I refuse to be anti-Democrat. I refuse to be anti-secular humanism. I refuse to be anti-science. I refuse to be anti-life. In the name of ...Christ, I quit Christianity and being Christian. Amen." ...

All of those things are anti-Christian.

Secular humanism is against humanity
It is not a philosophy that espouses reason, ethics, and justice, it is a cult that rejects Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.

It puts mankind in His place.
We are not "gods" and we will never be "gods."

[URL=]]]William Cooper - "The Humanist Police" (1 of 6)[/URL]

Jack McLamb's "Aid & Abet" Newsletter
Jack McLamb is a plant and a secular humanist.

millercl wrote:
Neither is the belief that KJV is the only word of God.
The KJV is the Authorized Word of God for today.
Like it or not.

News Item8/5/10 11:43 AM
Cezar | Midwest  Find all comments by Cezar
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"You know who added FLOURIDE to their water first----Hitler"

Thanks and he sure did.

Tony Lopez-Cisneros

No, Christianity and Judaism are diametrically opposed to one another.
"Judeo-Christian" is a lie.

News Item8/5/10 11:38 AM
Cezar | Midwest  Find all comments by Cezar
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"Chief U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker ruled that the voter-approved ban, known as Proposition 8, violates due process and equal-protection rights under the U.S. Constitution."

No, it doesn't.

Sexual preference is not protected by the Constitution.

All the judge did was tell voters their vote does not count.

News Item8/3/10 3:29 PM
Cezar | Midwest  Find all comments by Cezar
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The American post office needs a series of special stamps commemorating the KJV.

Rejecting the NASB by Dr. Frank Logsdon

"Dr. Frank Logsdon was the co-founder of the New American Standard Bible (NASB). He has since renounced any connection to it

[Quoting Dr. Logsdon]
ā€œI must under God renounce every attachment to the New American Standard Version. Iā€™m afraid Iā€™m in trouble with the Lordā€¦ We laid the groundwork; I wrote the format; I helped interview some of the translators; I sat with the translator; I wrote the prefaceā€¦ Iā€™m in trouble; I canā€™t refute these arguments; its wrong, terribly wrongā€¦ The deletions are absolutely frighteningā€¦ there are so manyā€¦ Are we so naive that we do not suspect Satanic deception in all of this?
Upon investigation, I wrote my dear friend, Mr. Lockman, (editors note: Mr. Lockman was the benefactor through which the NASB was published) explaining that I was forced to renounce all attachment to the NASV (editors note: This is the same as the NASB).
You can say that the Authorized Version (KJV) is absolutely correct. How correct? 100% correctā€¦ā€
[Dr. Frank Logsdon]

News Item8/3/10 3:24 PM
Cezar | Midwest  Find all comments by Cezar
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Focus on job cuts

James Dobson should focus more on being
scriptural and on the KJV.

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