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News Item4/4/15 10:37 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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MS wrote:
Don't lecture us
I think there has been lots of lecturing. I respect those who have come out of false religions and had to make sacrifices and walk away. I've done the same thing! But guess what? Mine had nothing to do with the RCC! I've seen people of other nationalities come to Christ and have to leave cultural practices and be "set outside the city", I've seen all SORTS of pagan beliefs and heresies.

Pagans want to own the world and deny God, they changed the year of the Lord, AD to try to forget Christ.

I'm not forgetting Christ, and this is a special time of the year for my family, because we celebrate Christ... you say, but isn't "today" your day of rest? it sure is, but I gather on the Lord's Day too! I love my family all the time, but sometimes I take out different ones for a meal because I want to honor them. It is the same with Christ, I want my calendar based around Him. There is no shadows for me in this.

What I am saying is you can speak the truth about the RCC without slamming Christians who set special days aside. I appreciate diversity in the body of Christ. Those who follow the Hebrew festivals to honor Christ, great! But if they want to force me back into Judaism.... NO! You see?

News Item4/3/15 7:33 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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I can honestly say I've never met a nonbeliever who said they didn't like church because we follow Ishtar. They know its about Jesus Christ, the bible and sin, and that is way too narrow for some (May the Lord bring true repentance and freedom for those bound in sin).

So let me be the first here to say Blessed Resurrection Day, commemorating the covenant with Christ and a special meal, and time of Praise, to pass down to the next generation that if there is ever a day of rest, it is rest in Christ!

the eggs.... they are fun to dye and hide. kids love hide and seek and kicking a soccer ball around. dogs like to hide their bones.

I generally avoid megachurches and easy believism, I'm infinitely more concerned with what is being taught at the pulpit than what games they play on the weekends...

Hope you all have a blessed Lord's Day (you all know that's next on the docket is the Lord's Day)..... let the fireworks begin... I'm outta here!

News Item4/3/15 6:00 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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JayJay wrote:
She worked on a document that was talking about private industry working together.
JayJay, do you happen to know the title or have a link or something? thanks!

News Item4/3/15 11:39 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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yep, CFR should send up red flags.

Rick Warren too.

News Item4/3/15 11:31 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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I'd much rather an awake church than one that sleeps away with the world. prayer leads to action! prayer without action is safe! faith without works is dead, however.

suggest looking up our grand leader's name and Nigeria elections. you will see interesting results. the world is not just standing idly by. the world uses islm for their purposes, which they may think is something like consolidating power, holding onto their markets, etc.... but..... they do not realize their aim at Christians is a spiritual battle that they themselves do not understand and are a part of.

Christians cannot sit idly by and be silent about the truth. I love my family and I wouldn't sit silently if they were harmed, nonchalantly, but would speak on their behalf.

missionaries that came before us did not sit idly by either in the face of injustice. they might have taken their martyrdom, but in the meantime, the brethren spoke on their behalf in the streets, in the courts for the name of Christ. Paul did the same thing. He used the legal system.

Christians suffer for Christ, but unlike the heathens who slash themselves we do not see it as some kind of cathartic experience. If anything the brethren love one another and seek to relieve each other of the burden.

News Item4/2/15 5:43 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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Jim, why do you think that is, that America has LOTS of healthcare of babies with LOTS of cost but has bad results overall? think hard.

News Item4/1/15 12:31 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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what a cheery article! I was going to link and they beat me to it. You know, allopathy doesn't want to admit this, but scientists and naturopaths have been studying natural remedies with great results! Why did we doubt God and His goodness? Yes, there is death, but God is our Provider!

Many use garlic today because its antibacterial components. Not sure about the stomach thing but animal organs are highly useful medicinally.

There is a cycle of life. God made animals and plants. They depend on each other and they benefit mankind.

What a blessing, a decentralized system, where people can keep animals and gardens and share/trade the efforts of their hands produces better results on MRSA than all of the advanced bug receptacles commonly called hospitals!

the age of antibiotics is over. time to open up the books of remedies freely available to mankind without patents or mediators!

News Item3/31/15 11:57 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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Jim, God showed us His plan for the salvation of the Jews, and that is the Great Commission. If you were serious about your burden for them you would be taking the gospel to them and enduring your ensuing persecution. However, that would be the blind leading the blind, seeing as the kingdom you promote is the Rothschild kingdom, not the eternal one.

News Item3/31/15 11:41 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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they want groveling slaves who abhor these perversions to be forced to partake in a piece of their abomination with them? they want the photographer, the pastor, the cake maker, the florist all standing at their reception with horror and disgust?

and what healthy Christian family would force sodomites into their wedding ceremony?

only reflects that this is from the pits. I'm sure there are people out there mixed into this lifestyle who are not cruel like this, I can only hope that this movement wakes them up to what evil is and that they turn to Christ as their Lord and Savior, who forgives His people and gives them a new nature. Glory to God to be saved from the pits! Scripture says there are no shadows with God Almighty.

News Item3/30/15 11:27 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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John UK wrote:
That's okay
well he sure got a humdinger of an interview regarding JFK, course if a confession is made and the interviewer is an atheist, the whole thing is null and void.

News Item3/30/15 11:07 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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God is with those who testify to His name, to children beheaded in front of their parents for the name of Christ.

He is not with the maniacs who callously promote these wars from afar, especially those who put Christ's name on it.

The exodus of Christians (millions had to leave) occurred after the fall of saddm, what we are seeing now is their genocide....

this occurring after the initial blessing from west/allies of jihadists in Syria to weaken assd, our own senator posed with them and called them freedom fighters. this magically turned into a new org called ISIS

meanwhile who is backing the sharia candidate running in Nigeria?

.....magically where BHaram is slaughtering Christians.

where's all those pure western Christians who do not compromise in the face of islm?

the American church needs to be purified.

News Item3/30/15 10:15 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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the atheist sodomite religious crusades. no surprise folks, we always knew they were religious too. My religion is Christ and His finished work on the cross. He died for my sins, but apparently some do not think they are sinners. The hope is that through the destruction of society, they will see their sin and that God will open their eyes, as He did me.

News Item3/29/15 10:38 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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Youtube clip: "General Wesley Clark tells of how Middle East destabilization was planned as far back as 1991"

News Item3/29/15 10:21 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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if there was ever a time to talk about this it would be now. Supreme Court ready to make their "ruling" this summer. In one swift blow they could make it illegal for all 501c3 corporations to engage in their non profit business without recognizing this abomination.

The spiritual battle is on two fronts. One is the societal dictates that either stand in a protective manner towards the younger generations and the continuance of society (if they all go "gay" they will be ruled by islm), and the second, the taking of the gospel as individuals to those who are still in their sins. Christ is the Son of God and died for the sins of those who would believe in HIm and confess His name, to give them a new nature, born from above.

News Item3/28/15 3:21 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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Jim, seems to me some very corrupt and selfish men are hiding behind the Jewish people for their own personal gain. But nice try.

News Item3/28/15 1:21 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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well Mike, I don't take you for one with a selective memory.... who sold the NAKED body scams, I mean, scans on the American people? Chertoff? what were his financial ties to the company (were they his clients?). was this not what lead to the invasive, enhanced pat downs inside people's clothes (when they dared to "opt out"?) - these pat downs that if I described them my post would be scrubbed?

now let's look at Chertoff? was he the head of dhs before his media ventures? did he coauthor the patriot act?

who created dhs/tsa and centralized police powers remaking the rep? (hint: it wasn't ob)

you're in a conundrum.

News Item3/28/15 10:20 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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where was the response to the naked body scanners? wasn't that Chertoff's baby? how come the conservatives are only awake when a liberal is in power? this kind of thinking where abuses of power are "good" one minute, when grandpas getting his colonoscopy bag handled or baby is being strip searched, that's ok when a conservative is in office, but suddenly egrarious when a liberal is in office? you can take plans from yrs ago with dhs where those who love the old rep are considered t's.... this is what dhs was created for. but blaming one party or another, ridiculous! who passes this stuff? if they didn't have the conservatives scared as little sheep of men in caves with kidney failure, we might still have our freedoms..... well great, now we're "safe". you know who else is safe? a herd of cows crammed into a barn filled with antibiotics eating gm grain!?! lo and behold a few of those cows remember greener pastures. back in the USSA. we had a generation who felt "safe" being handled, taking shoes off, having their body scanned or physically patted down under the clothes line... "hands up" folks, do you all understand what that means when you are holding your hands up? think about it!

News Item3/27/15 9:23 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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yep, redistribution, or world commsm or world order, whatever you have it. agenda 21, ICLEI, the redistribution of land to a few and the world owned and run by them, while the "useless eaters" are corralled into cities and rationed gm foods. no one wants to believe it yet another story was reading yesterday about a healthy family farm run over and their wealth taken and put in public coffers. but could this happen before our eyes and we wouldn't see it? yes, this can happen before our very eyes while they tell the public sweet nothings.

Did the Rothschilds create the imf and the carbon credit concept where the world owes them a "tax" for their breathe?

what are their deindustrialization goals for America?

if they wanted to save the environment from our huge corporations, instead of forcing us on meat from china and forcing everyone into vegetarianism, why don't they open the land for true land ownership and local trade of goods? why not milk one's own cow and eggs from one's own chickens and use our land for victory gardens, fertilize the ground and rebuild the soil as Salatin has? why did Russians starve under communism when they had vast land wealth as a nation? more questions I ask...

News Item3/27/15 9:04 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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was the FED created by Rothschild and other bankers? When did this creation happen and when did the US Cong voluntarily lose control of its money supply? Is the IRS the arm of the FED? is the FED the gov or is a private run inst that runs the gov?

if the 501 church has a corporate head which is the IRS/FED, then who owns the corporation called the American church?

these are questions I ask myself

News Item3/26/15 6:17 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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John UK wrote:
But they've all been noted,
don't worry, you'll disagree soon enough! but always encouraging to see where the Lord is giving agreement. I'm really perplexed on this story... waiting to see if more comes out, talk about adding fuel to a fire!
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