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News Item7/5/18 1:37 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Penny, you reminded me to see what some of the famous conservatives think of this meeting.
--[URL=]]] (Does Trump’s awful summit with Kim foretell a catastrophic meeting with Putin?)[/URL]
a psychological analysis of this post is concerning.

Trump was the first one in 60 years to sit down with the leader of North Korea.

This was a psychological shift that undermined their anti-american communist religion, cult of the kims, and juche.

And his meeting with Putin could finish off ISIS, another matter that he was voted in for.

Reminds me of the liberal pundits on tv hoping that america would crash in order for trump to not succeed.

Remember now, we are all the same planet, victory through destruction, isn't really victory, is it?

News Item7/5/18 1:26 PM
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Dolores wrote:
Now that SBC has a new president that is progressive in his beliefs I am very concerned . Thanks for always being there for your help and encouragement.
indeed. hopefully churches quit giving to this convention until they can get saved men in posts again.

News Item7/5/18 1:23 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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Sessions has been working to reverse the obama era discriminatory affirmative action policies of the ivy league schools that were pumping out incapable effeminate social justice warriors.

placing themselves in high positions in lobbies and suing the pants off of Christians, this will be a difficult reversal.

for people to be advanced by their capabilities and hard work instead of "victim classes" getting privileged meaningless degrees is a good thing for society.

who wants to go to a doctor or engineer that got their degree because they kicked out more capable people?

what hope do families have if their children cannot be promoted for their hard work because they have the wrong color skin or aren't homosexual enough?

do we want a world where boys go and get transgender surgery so they can get better jobs or adopt children?

this is what the left has been doing!

no wonder there is an opiode crisis!

News Item7/5/18 1:13 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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"There shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel, nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel." Deuteronomy 23:17

Can this be read in love to a sodomite?


God doesn't want His people prostituting themselves!

Who are His people?

Anyone who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved!

News Item7/4/18 12:58 PM
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thank you Melania for remembering the troops!

News Item7/4/18 12:48 PM
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great that they finally meet despite the lefts efforts to keep it from happening

"russian collusion!"

is code for democratic collusion

one must ask the question why russia is the quintessential enemy of neocons and the media.... obviously for evangelical dispensationalists its the mistranslation of rosh to russia in the OT, and maybe this gives us the clue, for the same year that the bolshevics were rolling into russia for their genocide of the orthodox, scofield was printing his 1917 edition.

coincidence that a century later the attitude is the same?

course to remain on the point, if rosh means russia then rosh hoshanna is a russian holiday... which it isn't. even someone with no hebrew language background can figure that out, if they put the scofield notes away.

all around this is good news.

News Item7/4/18 12:37 PM
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Unprofitable Servant wrote:
The reason that is hard to tell is the only thing you push is the liberal agenda.
the full-orbed ADL of B'nai B'rith agenda with great consistency

"The Anti-Defamation League (ADL; formerly known as the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith) is an international Jewish non-governmental organization based in the United States."

since evangelicals don't consider them liberal, why should we?

no place for hate folks, no place for hate, "thou shall not be a bigot"

someone has to watch over evangelicals and make sure they are complying

imagine a lobby so powerful and noble that it can feed itself into every classroom and job site.

these are the things that are needed to end bigotry

thankfully transgenders are being brought into public libraries across the nation this summer to make up for the loss of time outside of public schools

just the zionist part without the rapture part. zionism plus tribulation for some, zionism plus liberation for humanity.

News Item7/3/18 9:40 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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doesn't sound like this situation was biblically vetted. result of these kinds of things is that young men will not go into pulpit ministry.... if someone can make up any baseless claim and the license of the pastor is revoked, seeing as what just happened to Paige Patterson...

....the false accusations against pastors seems to be effective...

"thou shalt not be a bigot"

News Item7/3/18 9:26 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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while trump family is aiding citizens....

Title: Donald Trump Jr. comes to aid of Arizona motorist

Supreme Court Justice Scalia died under mysterious circumstances

Scalise was targeted at baseball event with all the other republican congressmen, he was nearly killed

Title: EXCLUSIVE: Berkeley Dem Nathanial Luffman Arrested for Threatening Rand Paul – Said He Would Leave His Children’s ‘Bowels Splayed Out Across Floor’

Title: Jane Fonda’s Brother Calls for Barron Trump to Be Locked in Cage With Pedophiles

News Item7/2/18 9:04 PM
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let the peace talks play out. no need to provoke. continue to pray for open doors and for the north to hear the gospel.

News Item7/2/18 9:00 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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since when is russell moore's sbc concerned about sound theology?

is this to rebuild the "life..." name?

News Item7/2/18 8:54 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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Yolanda wrote:
Most parents of school age children are working. Retirees should protest on their behalf.
you are correct.

most parents are unable to speak out to protect them and it is our elders who should be speaking out.

instead I am finding the elders in churches remain in positions and are in denial and they hold back the message of what is happening to families. what a waste of resources. this is seen in the SBC where the elder boards are allowing cultural marxism to come right in while younger teachers have been warning them for years and have been maligned.

so who will speak for the least of these as families are carried away?

will we even blink an eye?

News Item7/2/18 8:40 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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and how many kids on psych drugs and how many americans impaired with sleep meds, etc, driving with cell phones.

how many neurological with heavy metal and hormonal impairment, sugar and caffeine dependence without clear thinking

get hemp production back to america as it was the main crop for supporting WWII and clean up the gm mess!

News Item7/2/18 8:35 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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never question the establishment....

"The World Health Organization, in 1980, celebrated the eradication of smallpox on the African continent—but was that what really happened?

"Or was it this? The visible signs of smallpox receded, but people with already-compromised immune systems began dying in large numbers."

if it was good enough for Jonathan Edwards, may he rest in peace, then isn't it all good?

give em more and more and more?

and not once...

did their elders stop and ask a simple question...

what is it you are putting in his blood?

trust the establishment without regard.

faith. trust. hope. loyalty.

and if Jonathan Edwards were to fall by his own foolish loyalties? does His angry God get a say as to how the least of these is treated by openly avowed globalists and depopulationists?

News Item7/2/18 8:16 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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good, now children can be removed from their bigoted Christian parents and given to open minded sodomites.

just as any who speak up about rapeageddon can be put in prison in London for h@te speech... and I'm sure there is a good muslem couple that will take mighty good care of them.

News Item7/2/18 8:12 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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try on for size international communism, come across the border and get your free stuff.

News Item7/2/18 8:02 PM
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Don Tian wrote:
But if these people were 'hoarders' there would be public outrage and demonstrations in the street!
Hoarders are considered mentally ill, according to the American Psychologists' manual of illnesses, while homosexuality was removed from that same manual under pressure from the well-organized, well-financed homosexual lobby.
they demonize "hoarders" with psyop tv programming of wierdos because they want a stigma against those who are self sustaining and plan ahead, in other words the tv programming wants us to be completely dependent on their centralized system for every bite of food we eat!

the lobbies are intentionally demoralizing the public with these categories to separate families as part of the marxizing of the west.

News Item7/2/18 7:56 PM
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Praise the Lord! It is either and/or Christ alone no ands ifs or buts about entering the kingdom through theivery or deception or by blaiming your fellow man through communism!

the buck starts right here when it comes to sin and salvation is through an imputed new heart not through tearing down your fellow man! Praise God for concerned Christians and citizens who come to their streets in peace and reveal to us the aggressive and globalist nature of this antifa!

News Item6/27/18 9:15 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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the chemical model failed already as admitted in article above.

however, there are often already cures for these things and they seem to be withholding from the public common knowledge.

the human biome project is underway, one must wonder why the human genome project was used as an excuse to redefine disease to justify their work... but the intricate details of unique organisms in the human biome are not celebrated within medical circles.

as to the different functions they play in hormone production, digestions, etc and how the antibiotics are destroying that biome, how can one fight a disease when you've destroyed the mechanism Providence created by which one has an immune system?

and what of the power of cultures that the mother of a house can make in a kitchen setting with non gmo, freshly grown plants?

is not the biblical prescription for health in intact families, availability of land and a good work ethic to work the ground?

how does this relate to the pharma ruse that has mesmerized our older generations?

the chemical model is over. will they allow revelations of innovation that have been suppressed or must we continue to suffer articles about these innovative doctors dying mysterious deaths?

News Item6/27/18 9:04 AM
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Swedes welfare state pays their invaders.

they are a "little" late to the table.

sweden is no more.

it is now a rape capital.

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