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News Item12/16/2020 8:22 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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"Russian intelligence hit squad poisoned opposition leader Alexey Navalny: Report"

It's a long, interesting article. He was poisoned with the same drug that the Scripals were.

News Item12/16/2020 5:14 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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US Constitution wrote:
Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.


Chris GP, there won't be any problem for them to assemble as long as the Proud Boys and other neo-fascists don't decide to join in and bring in violence đź‘Ž

News Item12/16/2020 4:59 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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[Removed by Moderator Alpha]

News Item12/16/2020 4:51 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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[Removed by Moderator Alpha]

News Item12/15/2020 6:37 PM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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Bart Jansen & John Fritze wrote:
Fauci, the head of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told ABC’s “Good Morning America” that it’s important to vaccinate Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris for “security reasons.”

It is important for Biden to be “fully protected as he enters the presidency in January,” Fauci said. “So that would be my strong recommendation.”

Fauci also recommended that Trump and Vice President Mike Pence be vaccinated soon.

“You still want to protect people who are very important to our country right now,” he said....

excerpt from,"Biden says Fauci urged him to get COVID-19 vaccine, as White House mulls who should get it and when"

I'm --almost-- looking forward to getting to the shot, can't say I've been a big fan of needles or the after-effects of some of the vaccinations I've had.

News Item12/15/2020 6:18 PM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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Interesting comment John Lee.

Mike, the only problem was the huge number of people that the Republicans will certainly Republicans wanted to disenfranchise, so they falsely could win in an election. đź‘Ž

I think most of us are going to be hoping that Joe Biden is going to stay quite healthyâť—đź‘Ť

I also doubt that Christians are having a very good time in Turkey. We shall see what the future brings for them.

News Item12/15/2020 5:19 PM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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I condone homosexuality? I think and everyone of my messages about the topic you see and I have condemned it. But Trump sure hasn't âť—

I see President Trump isn't going to let Biden beat him on this âť—đź‘Ž

"Trump names the first openly gay person to a cabinet-level position"

Perhaps Trump is going to run as a Democrat the next time he takes a stab at the presidency?

News Item12/15/2020 3:19 PM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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LB, I believe the article just right after this one has a more complete commentary on repentance. You can see the summary for Gil Rugh's sermon on repentance or just go to the sermon and see it there.

Godly Sorrow Leads to Repentance

No repentance no salvation, people do not recognize that aren't Christians âť—đź‘Ž

News Item12/15/2020 2:39 PM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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Herbalmama, read the article, which comes from a "good" Catholic source quoting a "good" scientist. The article itself is rather detailed on the issue of using what, where

News Item12/15/2020 2:34 PM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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Wow, you two should have liked my article that I suggested. She is more liberal than I thought. She isn't right wing nut anyway.

I should point out, lb, that a person who doesn't believe in repentance isn't a Christian.

Well in four years you'll be able to have a chance to change your out for a new choice. Just like the voters did this time around. she wasn't my first choice for vice-President that's for certain.

Hey, everything's all right in the world Joe Biden got elected president.

News Item12/15/2020 1:10 PM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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"5 Faith-facts about VP-elect Kamala Harris, a Black Baptist with a Hindu family"

The sky is falling! the sky is falling âť—

Not quite yet, LB

News Item12/15/2020 12:57 PM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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Neil wrote:
John Birch Society (via New American), like most other conservative critics of the pope, don't understand that this is just another variation on longstanding RCC hostility to free markets and private enterprise, starting with Thomas Aquinas.
And worse, here they treat the RCC as if it's a legitimate church only with misguided leadership, rather than the enemy of the Gospel and the true church. The implication is, clean up their economics and they'd be on the "right side."
How times have changed! Puritans wasted no opportunity to denounce popery in their writings, unlike most modern preachers, even those identifying with Reformation doctrines, who don't want to be too offensive.
Neil, good points, but both Drs. Rugh and MacArthur can be very explicit about the Romish Church

Popes being the leaders of an authoritarian organization never do hit a happy medium when it comes to capitalism or socialism

"Is a Catholic Christian an Oxymoron?"

"Is the One True Church Roman Catholic?"

News Item12/15/2020 12:36 PM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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BBC wrote:
What did McConnell say?

Speaking on the Senate floor, Mr McConnell said: "Today I want to congratulate President-elect Joe Biden."

Also congratulating Mr Biden's running-mate, Kamala Harris, he added: "All Americans can take pride that our nation has a female vice president-elect for the very first time."

excerpt from,"US election: Top Trump ally breaks silence to congratulate Biden"

It is over ladies and gentlemen âť—đź‘Ť

News Item12/15/2020 7:02 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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Allison Donahue wrote:
If Roe v. Wade is overturned in the Supreme Court, the power to decide whether or not abortion is legal will be in the hands of state lawmakers. In Michigan, the state would fall back to its last abortion law from 1931, which made any abortion a felony unless the woman’s life was at risk.

Nationally, 61% of Americans support legal abortions in all or most cases according to the Pew Research Center study.

There are only seven states — West Virginia, Kentucky, Virginia, Alabama, Missouri, Arkansas and Louisiana — where the majority of people say abortion should be illegal.

excerpt from,"Pew study: Majority of Michiganders support legal abortion"

It would look like Michigan would pass a more liberal abortion law, if it came to that?

Romans 8:7 because the mind of the flesh is hostile towards God; for it is not subject to God’s law, neither indeed can it be. 8 Those who are in the flesh can’t please God.

In a democracy a majority determines the morality,if you think abortion is immoral or should be made illegal then convert to people to Christianity-and not by force either!

"Should Christians try to force the kingdom on others?"

News Item12/15/2020 6:01 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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Jonah McKeown wrote:
Deacon Robert Lanciotti, a microbiologist and the former chief of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s diagnostic and reference laboratory in Fort Collins, Colorado, told CNA that the manner of production for the Moderna vaccine is ethically uncontroversial — in contrast to several other common vaccines, which are grown in aborted fetal cells....
excerpt from,"What Connection Does Moderna’s Vaccine Have to Aborted Fetal Tissue?"

The same can be said for the Pfizer vaccine as well.

News Item12/15/2020 5:46 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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The Mormons congratulate Biden

Joseph Choi wrote:
The Church released a statement today congratulating United States President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris. The Church also thanks President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence for their public service.

Church Leaders Congratulate President-Elect Joe Biden

The First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles issued a statement of congratulations for President-elect Joseph R. Biden.

4:40 PM · Dec 14, 2020

excerpt from,"Mormon church congratulates Biden after Electoral College vote"

News Item12/15/2020 5:46 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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The Mormons congratulate Biden

Joseph Choi wrote:
The Church released a statement today congratulating United States President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris. The Church also thanks President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence for their public service.

Church Leaders Congratulate President-Elect Joe Biden

The First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles issued a statement of congratulations for President-elect Joseph R. Biden.

4:40 PM · Dec 14, 2020

excerpt from,"Mormon church congratulates Biden after Electoral College vote"

News Item12/14/2020 7:05 PM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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CDC wrote:
Fortunately, the team at NCHS was familiar with reliable methods for calculating excess deaths. Drawing on previous experience working with data on drug overdoses and other causes of death, they created a series of automated dashboards that could meet the growing demand for real-time, actionable data during COVID-19.

More than a dozen dashboards

are now available online, including versions that let people view the data by age group, by select causes of death, and by race and Hispanic origin. All of the dashboards are updated weekly.

“The volume of data we’re putting out is a lot more than what we usually produce,” Lauren says. “Prior to the pandemic, our most frequent updates on any death data were monthly. Now we update every day, every week. We’re putting up as much information as we can, as quickly as possible.”...

excerpt from, '“Excess Death” Data Point to Pandemic’s True Toll'

Interesting âť—đź‘Ť

News Item12/14/2020 6:41 PM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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Somebody mentioned about this little island off New Zealand called Australia in another thread. They're doing quite a good job of keeping track of things. Here they pointed out what a congressman from one of the major states of the United States said âť—
Peter Marsh wrote:
The recognition from Republicans is starting to roll in

Republican Rep. @JeffFortenberry of Nebraska:

"The Electoral College has voted and affirmed Vice President Biden’s victory... I wish President-Elect Biden the best as he assumes the awesome responsibility of governing our great nation."

excerpt from, "US politics live updates: Joe Biden secures 270 votes at electoral college as Donald Trump announces William Barr's departure"

Interesting blog, and generally has less political commentary than many American sites.

News Item12/14/2020 6:01 PM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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"Attorney General William Barr resigns, effective Dec. 23"

I have had mixed feelings about AG Barr. Who will be Trump's next Attorney General? Rudy Giuliani?

By the way,Joe Biden has Enough electoral volts now, 304, So, barring any medical emergency see should be the next president of the United Statesâť—đź‘Ť

Yes Timothy,That little island is the size of the continental United States.

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